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Top 25 Questions for ML

1. What's the difference between centroid and medoids? Are centroids always data instances
in the dataset? Are medoids always data instances in the dataset? Explain.
2. Naïve Bayes theorem
3. What is ML?
4. What is data science?
5. Derive Gradient Descent Algorithm
6. Neurons and biological motivation
7. Supervised Learning
8. Pruning sums
9. Define true positives and false positives
10. What does ANOVA stand for?
11. Differentiate: Supervised Learning V/S Unsupervised Learning.
12. Unsupervised Learning
13. Game logic
14. Why do we need validation dataset along with training dataset and testing dataset?
15. Explain use of Decision Boundary, Sigmoid, Log Loss function context of logistic
Regression with figure.
16. SVM Kernel Functions
17. What is deep Learning?
18. SVM Algorithm
19. RBM (Restricted Boltzmann Machine)
20. CNN
21. RNN
22. Feed forward neural network.

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