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My steps how to

improve my



When I was in elementary teaching is not my ideal profession I steak to the

nursing profession since for me I love the uniform and I love to help the people. Actually

When I was in high school I admired all my teachers because the way they
teach they give all the information that they. They provide the quality of
education which is we learn a lot. This time I am also inspired to my brother
because I observed he is energetic every he go to in school. One time we
have activity in school its all about the career that we become in the future. I
choose teacher as my career in the future. In career guidance you need to
explain why you choose that career. So my reason is this “ When I envision
myself as a teacher, it is not an image of me distributing papers or grading
tests. Rather, it is an envisionment of the future lives of the students that will
be sitting in my classroom because that is what a true teacher should always
have in the back of their minds. It is not about the grade at the top of their
test. Teaching is about offering the students the help they need to recognize
their potential through their strengths and weaknesses. As the famous quote
by ChristaMcAuliffe goes, “to teach is to touch lives forever.” It’s true. If
teaching is done most authentically and whole-heartedly, a student will
be impacted by it for the rest of their life. Children and adolescents spend the
majority of the first two decades of their lives in a classroom. The purpose of
education is to offer the gift of knowledge as well as preparation for the next
steps in life. As the leader of the classroom, a teacher holds the power to be
that light, that guidance that gives students a push in the right direction, and
the ability to create an environment that is safe for a student to understand
their strengths and weaknesses. I, personally, dream of this when I think
about why I want to be a teacher. It is the thought that I will have such an
influence on a young child that provokes my passion for teaching. The thought
that I will be able to offer them the knowledge that is going to stick with them
as they push through life struggles.I want to be the educator that motivates
students to recognize their potential and every capability they may be able to
utilize in their life.” After that they clap their hands. My teacher approach me
she said being an educator is stress-able because of the paper works but
what I say to my teacher “yes ma’am I know that but I think this profession is
where I belong because I inspired you. I want also to become like you I want
to impart my knowledge also. I know its not easy to belong this profession
because the obligation of being a teacher is big you are the one who are
responsible to your students future but I think I can handle that.” My teacher
smile at me she said “ I believe you are good educator in the future” the good
things that my teacher say to me it helps me to inspire that I can do it.

Actually NEMCO is not the school that I want to enter in college but I
have no choice because in SNSU I am not pass the entrance exam so I have
no choice to enter in NEMCO. In three years in schooling I have many thing I
learned in teaching as my profession. First in lesson planning so to make an
effective lesson plan you are consider the steps in making a lesson plan. First
is the objective it is important the objective is met on the assessment and of
course those objectives must learn by the students during the lesson and also
it based on revise bloom taxonomy. Second, the materials you need an
instructional materials since it is your support in teaching because there are
subjects that need support materials in order to discuss properly. Third, is
teaching strategy it is very important because as a teacher we have strategy
in order to cater the needs of our learner so our strategy is should base on the
learning style of our students in order to assure that we are cater the needs of
our students in terms of learning. Lastly, assessment it is the most important
parts because through this we can measure if our student learn or not and
also through this you can reflect if your strategy is effective. Through
assessment it help you a lot to grow as a professional since if you observe
that students did not learn it measure through assessment. So you reflect in
your teaching which part you are lack so you need to improve your instruction
in order to achieve mastery to your student. In three years in schooling I have
learn a lot like experiencing teaching a students it gives me happiness
through imparting my knowledge to my students. As what I see they are
willing to learn in my topic it gives me to motivation to teach what I have
learned. Entering college helps me to prepare and improve my professional
development since it is our training ground to become prepare in the field. I
remember during seminars that making lesson plan there are different types
but much better you make a student-centered lesson plan because it helps a
lot to the students since they are the one who explore to learn. Additionally,
according to sir during seminar in lesson planning you cannot use “after the
discussion the students will able to learn” instead you use “during the
discussion the student will able to learn”. I have many things that I learn in my
instructor but I am thankful it helps me a lot in my profession I choose. I know
being a teacher is not an easy job because you have responsibility to your
learners especially the learning they can get it can help them in the future. I
believe there are no other profession without teacher that’s teacher is a noble
profession since you have responsibility and duty to your students. Teaching
is not an easy job but I accept my destiny through this profession I know its
hard to enter this profession but I can do it. Aja!!

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