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ASSIGNMENT: ExtemporaneousPresentation

Weight: 5% Marks: /20

For the extemporaneous presentation assignment, you will be required to deliver a short presentation to
demonstrate your understanding of the following course objectives:
 Plan and design a well-organized formal presentation;
 Demonstrate appropriate eye contact, non-verbal communication and voice tone.

“Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate … Being kind often requires
courage and strength” (Hall, 2017 para1). Furthermore, “[m]ost of the breakthrough discoveries and
remarkable inventions throughout history, from flints for starting a fire to self-driving cars, have something in
common: They are the result of curiosity” (Gino, as cited in Harvard Business Review, 2018 para1). 

This assignment will give you the opportunity to reflect on how either kindness or curiosity have appeared in
your life recently, and share your experience with the class.

 Kindness: share an act of kindness you have received, given, or observed recently.
 Curiosity: share something you have become curious about recently, and what you found out about it.

1. Select your presentation topic: kindness or curiosity (see above).
2. Prepare a point-form outline for your presentation that includes an introduction, ‘body’ details, and a
3. Practice your 2-3 minute presentation.
4. Submit your outline to the D2L assignment folder for Extemporaneous Presentation.
5. Delivery your presentation during Week 7 class. Check Course Schedule for the due date.
NOTE: You are not required to create a PPT for this presentation.

For more information on the value of kindness in our lives:

Hall, K. (2017, Dec 4). The importance of kindness. Psychology Today.

For more information on the importance of curiosity from a business perspective:

Gino, F. (2018). The business case for curiosity. Harvard Business Review.

1 Academic Services, COMN 220/1070: Communication and Presentation Skills

© 2021, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
ASSIGNMENT: ExtemporaneousPresentation

Marking Criteria
Introduction 1 2
 Attracts the audience’s attention using an appropriate attention getter/motivator
 Purpose of the presentation is identified

Body 1 2/3 4
 Details are presented clearly and are well explained
 Information is organized logically and content effectively supports the purpose of the
 Transitions are included between each of the sections and each of the main points.

Conclusion 1 2
 Summary of topic is provided
 A final, appropriate concluding statement wraps up the presentation (not “That’s it.”)

Eye Contact 1 2 3

 Eye contact is maintained with audience/camera

 If notes are used, they are not distracting

Voice 1 2 3
 Volume is appropriate
 Pace is not too fast or too slow
 Variety of vocal tones are used
 Pronunciation/enunciation of words is easy to understand
 Grammar is correct

Body Language/Gestures 1 2 3

 Upright posture is evident while seated

 Varied facial expressions are used
 Natural movement/gestures are effective
 No distracting gestures are evident

Professionalism 1 2 3

 Language is appropriate for a formal business presentation

 Looked prepared to present (i.e. practiced, organized, etc.)
 Professional dress (nice shirt, no hats, etc.)
 Presentation met timing guidelines (2-3 mins)
 Outline submitted

TOTAL: /20 marks

2 Academic Services, COMN 220/1070: Communication and Presentation Skills

© 2021, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

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