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Name: Villademosa, Patrick Jayson V.

Course & Section: 1BSA-1

Subject: GECAAP-18/Art Appreciation

Homework # 2: Teardrop
1. Suppose this is your eye, what related experience may you share when your eyes may be
appreciated on this state or condition due to a situation or based on a mere perception? You may
also share lessons learned about it.
I’ve been in this particular scenario a couple of times lately, and the thing is, you don’t
want to go into this particular state, it releases undoubtedly the worse feeling ever. I don’t want to
share some of my experience but as you can see my drawing, isn’t your particular teary eye,
because it reflects on a sorrowful and tiring experience that I’ve encountered.
As I grew older, this contingent situation becomes much more frequent, but as time goes
on, experiencing hardships, the lesser this happens (Crying). It molds me into who I am, although
I still cry the thing is, it’s much more practical to do things than to cry a lot. Although it’s very
tiring, you just need to hold on to yourself and think about “what you are working towards is
something very worthy of.” I’ve been on a lot of ups and downs and those situations break and
mold a new me every single time but what can I say “Tears are dry before they even come out.”

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