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Nama : Agung Febrian

Nim : 85913338

Pokjar : Wajo

1.a.) Menanyakan kabar pada teman :

Agung : Good morning, Iqbal.

Iqbal : Hi! Agung. How are you?

Agung : I’m Very Well. Thank you. How about your health?, yesterday I heard that you have

a fever.

Iqbal : yeah, but i'm already fine. Thanks.

b.) Menanyakan kabar tentang ayahnya :

Agung : Hi, Rafli. How are you?

Rafli : Fine, Thanks.

Agung : How is your father?

Rafli : He is all right. He lives with my brother in the village. How about your parents?

How are they?

Agung : They are fine. They live in the village too.

c.) Menanyakan kabar tentang ibunya :

Agung : Hi, Aisyah.

Aisyah : Oh! Hi, Gung. How’re you doing?

Agung : I’m doing fine. I just finished my college assignment, and now I'm waiting for the


Aisyah : I hope you get a good grade.

Agung : Thank you Aisyah. How is your Mather?

Aisyah : She’s not very well. She has low blood pressure, and she is under the doctor’s

2. Self introduction

Name : Agung Febrian

Place and date of birth : Kalimantan, February 16, 2003

My current age : 19 years

Address : Jl. Siyo Prosperity, Belawa

My Tribe : Bugis

Postal Code : 90953

Phone Number : 082358666946

My Status : Not Married

3. 1.) Ruth is a chemist in a laboratory there, and Ben works in an advertising agency.
2.) Ben often takes business trips.
3.) Ruth says in Chicago alone, but she in never bored.
4.) He is going to leave on Monday and come home on Friday.
5.) Play volleyball.
6.) She is going to eat in a German restaurant.
7.) Not, because Ben only like jazz.
8.) She is going to see a Japanese film
9.) Ben does not.
10.) In an Indonesian restaurant.

4. 1.) Arham (speak) speaks Spanish. Spanish is his native language; but right now he
(speak) speaks English.
2.) It is 8.00 p.m. susan is at home. She (eat) had dinner. She always (eat)
has dinner with her family, but last night she (eat) was alone.
3.) It (rain, not ) is not raining right now. The sun (shine) is shing brightly now.
4.) Anton (play) played badminton tomorrow afternoon, he (buy) bought
shuttlecock yesterday.
5. Diagram Alir

Mr. Hanafi Mrs. Tri Hanafi

Hanafi.dn;. Hanafi.dn;.

Bambang Tina Tatang Utami Wawan Nila Budi Nila


Ali Andik Anita Dawud Sari Santi

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