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Run the Employee Onboarding

Sample Scenario
20 min.
SAP Cloud Platform, Tutorial, SAP Web IDE, Beginner

Now that all the components of your workflow are set up and the business rules are
integrated, run your workflow.
You will learn

 How to start the workflow from Monitor Workflow application

 How to track and view workflow progress from Process Visibility Workspace

Step 1: Set up sample events for

First, we will import sample events & data , process these events and view them in
workspace using different process visibility applications. This is mainly done to give
you a demo-ready workspace with pre filled data. Later, you will run the employee
onboarding workflow and see the process workspace being updated automatically in
real time.

1. Download the events EmployeeOnboardingEvents.json file from here.

2. In the SAP Fiori launchpad, open the Event Acquisition application.

You would have gotten the launchpad link in the last step of the setup tutorial. The
link would be like:

3. To import the sample events from the downloaded events file, choose Import.

4. Browse to the downloaded events file location, select the file and click Import

5. Once the events are imported successfully, choose Filter and

enter onboard as Process Definition ID to see all the imported events.
All the sample events are displayed.

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Step 2: Process the Employee

Onboarding events
1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad, choose the Monitor Scenarios tile.

2. Select Employee Onboarding scenario and click Process Data.

3. Refresh to see the processing details.


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Step 3: View the process visibility

1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad, choose the Process Workspace tile.

2. Click Employee Onboarding scenario to open the process workspace.

3. The process visibility workspace for Employee Onboarding scenario is displayed with

sample data.

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Step 4: Execute the workflow

sample application
Now, you will run the workflow and see how the new events and data are
automatically processed and shown in process workspace in real time.

1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad, open the Monitor Workflow - Workflow Definitions tile

to see all deployed workflow definitions.
2. Select the onboard workflow, and choose Start New Instance.

3. The start context is already filled. Choose Start New Instance.

4. Choose Show Instances to see all workflow instances of the onboard workflow

5. Go back to the SAP Fiori launchpad homepage. The My Inbox tile shows one open

6. Open the My Inbox to display the Confirm or Change Equipment workflow task.

o You can add new equipment, by choosing the + button.

o To complete the task, choose Confirm. The task then disappears from the list.

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Step 5: View process visibility

1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad, open Monitor Scenarios application, click Process
Data and Refresh to see the new batch of processed events.
In productive scenarios, you can switch on the Schedule Job so that the events will
be automatically processed at an interval of 5 minutes.
2. Go back to SAP Fiori launchpad, choose the Process Workspace tile and
open Employee Onboarding scenario.

You will notice the Open Instances number has changed which means the workflow
instance has been processed and its progress can be tracked from this process
visibility workspace.

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Step 6: Continue with the workflow

1. Go back to My Inbox application, execute the Approve Equipment task:

o If you do not see the task, refresh the My Inbox tile to see the Approve
Equipment task.

The Approve Equipment task shows the equipment configured by the buddy. As the

manager you can either approve or reject the proposed equipment for the new hire.
To complete the task, choose Approve.

2. Refresh the tasks list and execute the Accept Workplace task:

As the buddy, choose Accept to complete the task. The workflow status is set
to Completed.
3. In the SAP Fiori launchpad, open the Monitor Workflow - Workflow Instances tile,
choose the filter button, add the Completed status.
Now, you see the completed workflow instance. You can choose to see
the Execution Log.
There are some standard actions available on this task. What are they? Show Log
Claim Delete Reject
Submit Answer
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Step 7: View process visibility

workspace for completed workflow
1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad, choose Monitor Scenarios to process the new set of
2. Go back to the homepage, choose Process Workspace tile and open Employee
Onboarding scenario.

You will see that the Completed Instances and Cycle Time numbers have


With this you complete the mission on Automating and Extending Employee
Onboarding process using Intelligent Business Process Management services. In
this mission, you learnt about SAP Cloud Platform Workflow, Business Rules and
Process Visibility and how these services come together to help you automate the
process and decisions, together with providing out-of-box visibility into the workflows.
Which among these applications are used to view process visibility events?
Configure Scenario Event Acquisition Monitor Scenario Process Workspace

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