What Is Readers Block

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What is Readers Block?

Readers block is a condition in which a person has difficulty reading. This

can be due to a number of reasons, such as not

A person in the midst a reading slump may have difficulty concentrating and
may not be able to get into a book. They may also read slowly and have to
reread passages multiple times. Some people experience a “block” where
they feel like they can’t read at all.

This can be particularly troublesome for those who enjoy reading or those
who find it therapeutic. It can also be frustrating if you rely on reading for
work or school. In fact, English literature students are prime candidates for
developing reading slumps due to the large amount of reading required in
their coursework.

Symptoms of Readers Block:

 Inability to concentrate
 Trouble choosing a book
 Trouble getting into a book
 Reading slowly
 Re-reading passages multiple times
 Feeling like you can’t read at all
 Not finishing books
 Feeling like you don’t have enough time to read
 Feeling overwhelmed by the number of things you want or need to read
 Not feeling in the mood to read
Causes of Readers Block:

There is no one single cause of reading block. You may have just hit a slump
in your reading and need to take a break for a little while.

Many causes have been proposed, including lack of sleep, anxiety,

depression, boredom, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and reading
What is Reading Burnout
Reading burnout is a type of burnout that can occur when someone feels
overwhelmed by their reading material. This can happen when there is too
much pressure to read, such as for work or school. It can also happen if you
feel like you have to read a certain number of books in a year.

If you usually read a lot, then burnout may be the cause of your reading
block. Reading burnout can lead to feeling stressed, anxious, and frustrated
about reading which can, in turn, lead to a reading slump or block. If you are
experiencing reading burnout, it is important to take a break from reading and
give yourself some time to relax. Do your best to remove or avoid any
pressures that have been placed upon you to read, whether self imposed or

On a positive note, writers and artists often report experiencing a block as

their skills improve. This can be that they’ve reached a point in their journey
where they need to take the next (often more challenging) step, or perhaps
need to let go of old habits or beliefs that have started to hold them back.
Your reading block may be because you have outgrown the books you were
reading and need to try a new author or genre that’s outside of your comfort
zone or that you don’t believe you’ll enjoy.

Reading Journals
Check out our reading journals available in a range of formats to suit your
preferences. Tracking your reading and journalling about books read is a
great way to get more from your reading and remember the plot of books
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