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1 what Is meant by signalling?

2 define signal.
3 what are the inputs for sip
4 SIP abbrevation.
5 In which tool SIP will be designed.
6 what information does SIP consists
7 define home signal or ( which signal is used to take train in station section.) or FSS.
8 define shunt signal.
9 define advance starter. or ( which signal is used to send the train to next station.) or LSS.
10 define starter and types of starter.
11 what is a calling on signal.
12 conditions to take off calling on signal.
13 Distant signal OR permissive signal. Why p marker board is placed for distant signal.
14 what is meant by station section. And station limit.
15 what is overlap. Why overlap is provided.
16 what is absolute block instrument
17 what is automatic block instrument.
18 why gate signal is provided.
19 what is menat by gradient
20 why points are use. And what is meant by point.
21 axle counter uses. Why it is used.
22 how can we find a normal aspect of a signal.
what is meant by VDU and what is the use of it. How it is designed.

1 what are the inputs for the interface.
2 what is meant by interface circuit.
3 why interface required.
4 what does interface consists.
5 how bit chart is prepared.
6 what are output bits and input bits for 3 aspect signal.
7 type of relay for HR/DR.____________________________QN1 (12f/4b,8f/8b)
8 Types of relay for point control_____________________QBCA1 (2(HD)4f/4b
9 type of relay for ECR______________________________QECX61(4f/4b)
10 type of relay used for track _________________________ QSPA1(8f/8b)
11 what is difference between RE & nonRE area.
12 what are difference in signal circuit for RE and non RE area.
13 what are floor plan. In floor plan what it consists. And why floor plans is required.
14 in which tool mainly interface will be designed.
15 how number of housings or cards is decided.
16 what is meant by vital and non vital bits. For which bits interface will be designed.

1 what is menat by TOC
2 different names of TOC.
3 what does TOC contains.
4 how routes will be decided.
5 how many colums will be there in toc
6 what is approach locking.
7 what is dead approach locking..
8 what is back locking
9 what is route locking.
10 what is meant by conflict signals.
11 what is direct locking and indirect locking
12 what is cascading and types of cascading.
13 what is aspect control chart.

application logic.
1 what is meant by application logic.
2 define ASR
3 define TSR.
4 define LR.
5 define UCR.
6 define WLR.
7 define HR
8 what is meant by boolean logic.
9 what is meant by ladder logic
10 what are the differences in b/w ladder and boolean.
11 what are general conditions proved in LR ckt.
12 what are general conditions proved in ucr ckt.
13 what are general conditions proved in ASR ckt.
14 what are general conditions proved in HR. ckt.
15 what are general conditions proved in WLR ckt.
16 how asr will pick up. List out different possibilities
17 general contion of ASR is pick up or drop
18 one signal one train how it is achived.
19 list out all vital and non vital bits for 3 aspect signal.

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