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The current government policies of China vs Philippines on population control

Governance is the next issue to tackle on the development path of the People’s Republic

of China. Further adapting institutions and the functioning of the state to an increasingly market-

oriented economy is crucial to maintain economic dynamism. Governance reform is also

fundamental to address emerging strains related to rising inequalities and environmental

deterioration. This report goes beyond the general statement that governance matters. It shows

how, in practice, governance impacts on public action by looking at different policy sectors, such

as agriculture, higher education, labour market and social protection, foreign investment,

environment protection, collection of statistics, protection of intellectual property rights, banking

and tax collection.

The central idea of the program is responsible parenthood.  It is oriented towards the

overall improvement of family well-being; it is not concerned with just fertility reduction.  It

views family welfare, including that of the individual welfare, as the central objective of the

national development program.  Thus, the program promotes family development and

responsible parenting. It believes that parenting and raising a family is a shared responsibility of

the husband and the wife. The program is non-coercive.  It respects the rights of couples to

determine the size of their family and choose voluntarily the means to do so in accordance with
their moral convictions and religious beliefs, and cultural mores and norms.  It believes in

informed choice. The program rejects abortion as a means to control fertility.  Abortion is illegal

and the program will never consider it as a family planning method. The program promotes self-

reliance and multi-sectoral participation.  It gives priority to projects that are self-sustaining and

with community participation.  It encourages coordinative and participative approaches through

the participation of Local Government Units and Non-Government Organizations and other

critical stakeholders. The program adheres to gender equality and equity which is non-

discriminatory in all political, social, and economic development concerns.

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