XII Economics Diagrammatic Questions

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1. With the help of the following table state the causes for the limited success of the
planning period.

The graph shows the sectoral changes in India during the planning period which
marks very little success. The Main causes responsible for the little success of
planning in India are:
(i) Inappropriate Development Strategy: India adopted heavy industry centred
development strategy with the hope to accelerate the pace of development.
But neither the rate of development nor employment could increase, as can
be seen in the table the GDP growth rate was in the range of 3.4% to 3.7%.
(ii) Slow Progress of Industrial Sector: Industrial progress was slow as from 6.2%
in 1950-51 to just 6.4% in 1990-91. This is due to power shortage, irregular
and insufficient supply of raw materials, lack of capital and infrastructural
facilities, etc.
(iii) Slow down in Agricultural Sector: In the initial phases the agricultural sectors
growth fell from 2.8% in 1950-51 to 1.9% in 1980-81. This is due to the use of
obsolete technology and weak variety of crops used.
(iv) Traditional Social Structure: It was because of India’s traditional social
structure, fruits of planning could not reach to the weaker sections of the
society because of the caste system, dowry system, etc. Mobility of labour,
inducement to save and invest, work incentives, etc., have been greatly hurt.
Family planning could not succeed because of traditional social outlook.


Workforce Participation in India


Looking at the trend given in the table what can we say about the women workforce
participation in rural and urban areas? Comment on why such a trend is there
prevalent in the country.
33. The percentage of female workforce in the rural areas is nearly 30.9% while it is
only 25.6% in the urban areas in the 2001 census. This depicts that as compared to
the urban women, more rural women accounts for higher share in the female
workforce. While on the one hand, the rural women are less educated, unskilled and
low productive, on the other hand, urban women being more skilled and productive
have higher probability to get employment. Ironically, the urban female accounts for
lesser share in the female workforce as compared to their rural counterparts. [1] The
following are the reasons for low share of urban females in the total female
(i) As in the agricultural and allied activities, high degree of skills and specialisations
are not required. So, rural women engage themselves to support their family on
(ii) As poverty in the rural areas is more widespread than in the urban areas, so, the
rural women engage themselves in low productive jobs just to support the livelihood
of their families.
(iii) As the urban families usually earn comparatively higher income than the rural
families and further poverty in the urban areas is not as widespread as that of in the
rural areas So, there is lesser need for female members to get themselves employed.
(iv) The decision to take up jobs by the female members depends on the family
rather than herself.
(v) Although female literacy in India is improving, yet it has to get much better before
urban female accounts for higher share in the total female workforce.

3. Refer to the trend as shown in the table below:

Comment on the change in the energy pattern over the years in India.
Ans : Commercial energy consumption makes up about 74% of the total energy
consumed in India. This includes coal with the largest share of 54%, followed by oil
at 32%, natural gas at 10% and hydro energy at 2%.

The transport sector was the largest consumer of commercial energy in 1953-54.
However, there has been continuous fall in the share of the transport sector while
the share of agriculture which was the lowest in 1953-54 at just 1% has risen

continuously to become 18% in 2009-10 with progress in irrigation facilities and

mechanisation of agriculture.

The share of household sector in energy consumption has more than doubled since,
1953-54 to 2009- 10. Share of industrial sector, however, has not changed much
since, 1953-54. After rising from 40% in 1953-54 to 50% in 1970-71, again came
down to 45% by 1990-91 and has remained constant since, then. There has been an
overall increase in the use of energy with the rapid rate of economic growth.

4. Read the following Graph and answer the questions that follows:

(a) What can you say about the Economic Development trend of the country?
(b) How are Human Development and Economic Development related to each other?

5. Read the trend as shown in the bar graph and answer the questions that follows:

(a) What can be seen from the graph?

(b) How has the Public Sector played a role in the Investment and marketing of
Agriculture in India?

6. Read the trend as shown in the bar graph and answer the questions that follows:

(a) What can be seen from the graph?

(b) Identify any five factors contributing to land degradation in India?
7. Read the trend as shown in the bar graph and answer the questions that follows:

(a) The trend that you can see in the graph.

(b) Why is investment in education important for economic growth of a country?

8. Read the trend as shown in the pie chart and answer the question that follows:


Explain the trend shown in the pie-chart.

9. Read the trend as shown in the graphs and answer the questions that follows:

Justify the statement with the help of the graphs.

10. Read the trend as shown in the table and answer the questions that follows:

(a) Which health centre is more prevalent in India?

(b) Is there a need to increase the number of health centres in India?
(c) What are the main drawbacks of these health centres in India?

11. Read the trend of unemployment as shown in the bar graph and answer the
questions that follows:

(a) What can you say about the state of unemployment in India?
(b) What type of unemployment is prevalent in India?
(c) Explain any four types of Unemployment.


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