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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 8

I. Objectives

At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:

a. illustrate the idea of congruence and triangle congruence;

b. cite real-life examples of congruence;
c. solve corresponding parts of congruent triangles; and,
d. show leadership and cooperation by actively participating in the group activity.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Triangle Congruence

Reference: Grade 8 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities by Gladys C. Nivera, Ph.


Materials: Quizziz, google docs, whiteboard, eraser, marker, laptop, and powerpoint

Value Integration:

Leadership and cooperation


III. Lesson Proper/ Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary activities
I. Prayer
Good Morning class!
Good morning, Ma’am!
Let us seek the presence and
intercession of our Lord as we
begin our class. Student A, kindly
lead us in prayer.

II. Class Management (Student A will lead the prayer)

Before we start our discussion,
kindly prepare your notebooks for
taking down notes and all the other
needed materials in our subject.
(The learners will prepare their things before
the start of the lesson.)
Are you now ready?
Yes, Ma’am.

III. Checking of Attendance

Student B, do we have absentees
for today? None, Ma’am.

That’s great. I commend you for

your perfect attendance today.
Keep it up!

IV. Review of the Past Lesson

Before we begin our new topic, let
us recall our previous lesson. Can
anyone tell us something about our
previous discussion?
(The learners will share their thoughts about
their previous lesson.)
Yes, that’s right. Last meeting, we
had our discussion about the five
steps of planning a proof.

Do you have any questions
regarding our previous discussion?
None, Ma’am.
Is everything clear now?
Yes, Ma’am.
B. Lesson Proper

1) Motivation
Let’s have an activity called
“Look Around and Grab!” Okay, Ma’am.

(Set the instructions of the activity)

You are tasked to look around your
rooms or houses and find things
that are similar in size and shape.
Grab those things and show it to
me after the timer. You will be
given 1 minute to look around and (The learners will do the “Look Around and
grab. Grab” activity as instructed.)

Alright, the time is up. Let me see

what you’ve got. (The learners will show the things they got.)

Right now, I can see a pair of 1

peso coins, sheets of pad paper,
CDs, spoons and many more. All
of your examples have the same
size and shape.

Good job students!

Did you find the activity fun and

Yes, Ma’am.

That’s great!

2) Discussion

Based from your activity, what

have you observed? Yes, Student
C. Some things have the same size and shape.

Yes, that is a very good

observation! It is true that some
things have the same size and
shape. We call them congruent.

Our lesson for today is all about
the idea of congruence and triangle
congruence. This lesson is actually
the introduction to triangle

Now, based on the activity that we congruent.

had, how can you define
congruence? Yes, Student D.

Definitely, you are correct.

Congruence means having the
same shape and size. It is denoted
by ≅.
- The top part of the
symbol,~, is the sign for
similarity and indicates the
same shape.
- The bottom part,=, is the
sign for equality and
indicates the same size.

Can you site some actual

examples of the use of congruence
in your daily lives? You may type
your answers in the chat box.

Alright. Very good! All of your

examples are substantial.

Did you know that we also have

Triangle Congruence?

How can we consider triangles as


Yes, partly, that is right. I also

want you to keep this in mind:
Two triangles are congruent if
and only if all of their
corresponding parts are

Congruence means having the same shape
and size.

Student E: The paper bills in my wallet are

Student F: The 5-peso coins in my pocket
are congruent.
Student G: The sheets of my pad paper are
also congruent.
Student H: The tiles in our floor are

Triangles are congruent if they are

similar in size.

Do you have an idea about
corresponding parts of
triangles? None, Ma’am.

Okay, remember that

corresponding parts are the
parts of the triangle that are in
the same relative position.

In writing the correspondence

statements, match up the
vertices correctly to make a

To illustrate the congruence of

these two triangles, show that
their corresponding parts are
congruent. Take note that ↔ is
the symbol for congruence.

(The learners answer after the teacher answer

the first correspondence.)


Guided Activity 1: Boardworks

Now, it’s your turn. Kindly get
your whiteboards and write a
statement of correspondence
between these two triangles.
You have 1 minute to
accomplish this activity.
(The learners answer the activity on their

Alright, your time is up. Let us he got his answers? Yes student F?
now answer the activity. Who can
show us their answers? Yes Student

Yes, your answers are correct. Very


Independent Activity 1: Show me

and tell me.

It is now the time for you to work

on your own. I want you to get your
one whole sheet of paper and
answer this activity. You will be
given 2 minutes to solve the
corresponding parts of these two
triangles and think on how are you
going to discuss your answers to the
class. After the timer, random
student will be called to show me
his answers and tell me how he got
his answers. Is the instructions

Okay, you may now begin.

Your time is up! Now I want you to

show me your answers. Very good,
as I can see your answers, you are
all correct. Can anyone tell us how
My answer in the activity is this:

- the corresponding angles are:

- ∠M ↔ ∠P
- ∠L ↔ ∠O
- ∠N ↔ ∠Q
- the corresponding sides are:
- ∠M ↔ ∠P
- ∠L ↔ ∠O
- ∠N ↔ ∠Q

Yes, Ma’am.

(The learners do the activity.)

First, you need to flip one of the triangles so
that they will be in the same position. Then,
identify the corresponding parts. Begin with the
corresponding angles. The corresponding
angles are:

- ∠C ↔ ∠D
- ∠B ↔ ∠E
- ∠A ↔ ∠F

Then, identify the corresponding sides. The

corresponding sides are:

- ̅𝐂̅𝐁̅ ↔ ̅𝐃̅𝐄̅
- ̅𝐁̅𝐀̅ ↔ ̅𝐄̅𝐅̅
- ̅𝐂̅𝐀̅ ↔ ̅𝐃̅𝐅̅
Yes, indeed, you are right. Great
job, everyone! Do you have any
questions or clarifications regarding
triangle congruence? None, Ma’am.
Alright. Good job.

3) Generalization

A. Breakout rooms:
Simultaneous Speaking

I will create 5 breakout rooms

for this activity. You will be
divided into 5 groups and you
will work with your
groupmates. Choose a leader to
facilitate the group. This
activity is called Simultaneous
speaking. You have to
summarize our lesson for today
by speaking simultaneously for
2 minutes about our lesson.
Within those 2 minutes, there
shouldn’t be a dead air, thus,
each member must speak and
participate. The leader will
record the session and send the
recording to me so I can review
your group work.

The breakout rooms will close
after 3 minutes.

Your output will be graded

according to these criteria:
- Clarity of the concepts: 5
- Sequence of the concepts: 5
- Group cooperation: 5
points For a total of 15 points.

Are you now ready?

Yes, Ma’am.
Alright. You will be transferred
into your respective breakout
(The learners do the activity in their
respective breakout rooms.)
Time is up. You are now back in
our main room. Leaders, kindly
send me your recorded videos
via email.

Do you have questions or clarifications

regarding this topic?

None, Ma’am.
If you don’t have any questions let us
have an activity and this will serve as
your evaluation.

Okay, Ma’am.

10 | P a g

TEST I will be facilitated using Quizziz, and TEST II will be facilitated using google docs.
I. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which among the statements is NOT TRUE?

A. Congruence means having the same shape and size.
B. Two triangles are congruent if and only if all of their corresponding parts
are congruent.
C. Congruence is denoted by the symbol =.
D. ~ means

similarity. Answer: D

2. Two triangles are congruent if and only if all of their corresponding parts are .
A. Congruent C. Parallel
B. Adjacent D. Different

Answer: A

3. Corresponding parts are the parts of the triangle that are in the opposite positions.

Answer: B

II. Assume that each triangle pairs are congruent. Identify the corresponding congruent
parts and write the statement of correspondence.
Examples: Corresponding Angles: J ↔ E Corresponding sides: ̅J̅E̅ ↔ ̅M̅Y̅

Corresponding angles: Corresponding sides:

1.  ↔  1. ̅ ↔
2.  ↔  2. ̅ ↔
3.  ↔  3. ̅ ↔

11 | P a g
V. Assignment

Open your Mathematics 8 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities book on page 340. Answer
the Comprehension Check items 1-15. Write your answers in a one whole sheet of paper. Your
assignments will be checked next meeting.

VI. Meaningful Closure

Reflect on this!
Humans now leave in a world where values are incongruous to moral values. In our highly
competitive society, individual achievements and personal wealth and honors are given more
premium than humility, service, generosity and sacrifice.

Can you cite specific examples of incongruities between world values and moral values? Which
set of values do you follow? Think about it.

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