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Make Elements
tomorrow better.
Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 2
THE BASICS OF ELEMENTS................................................................................................... 3
ELEMENTS HOME PAGE.......................................................................................................... 4
HARVESTING PUBLICATIONS RECORDS........................................................................5
Search settings.................................................................................................................................... 5
Claiming publications records....................................................................................................... 8
Anatomy of a publication record................................................................................................. 10
Automatic claiming.......................................................................................................................... 11
ADDING A MANUAL PUBLICATION RECORD...............................................................14
Adding a manual record for a new publication...................................................................... 14
Adding funding acknowledgements.......................................................................................... 16
Adding a manual record to a harvested publication record.............................................17
LABELS......................................................................................................................................... 19
REMOVING DUPLICATES...................................................................................................... 21
DELEGATION.............................................................................................................................. 23
ELEMENTS.................................................................................................................................. 25
EXPORTING PUBLICATION RECORDS...........................................................................27
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID).............................................................28
DEPOSITING TO ESPACE..................................................................................................... 31
The differing roles of Elements and espace........................................................................... 31
Research content suitable for deposit to espace................................................................. 31
Meeting copyright obligations when depositing to espace..............................................32
Creating an Elements publication record................................................................................ 33
Depositing a publication to espace............................................................................................ 33
APPENDIX A: FINDING PUBLICATION ID.......................................................................38
APPENDIX B: DATA SOURCES........................................................................................... 40
APPENDIX C: PUBLICATION TYPES AND SUB-TYPES............................................41
APPENDIX D: FIELD OF RESEARCH CODES................................................................47

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 1


This manual is designed to assist Curtin academic staff 1 to manage their publications in Elements.

The manual is intended to provide information to reduce to a minimum the work required by
academic staff to maintain an accurate record of their publications in Elements.

The focus of this manual is to use the functionality within Elements to harvest information from
existing online databases, such as Scopus and Web of Science, and to supplement this with other
data when required.

Academic Staff holding a Continuing, Fixed-term or Adjunct appointment at Curtin
Dr Eva Bujalka's details used with permission for illustrative purposes only.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 2

Elements is a web-based software system used by research institutions to collect, understand and
showcase their scholarly activities.

At Curtin, Elements is used for recording research and other outputs (e.g. Books, Book Chapters,
Journal Articles, Non-traditional research outputs (NTRO) etc.).

Information stored in Elements is used in:

 Staff profiles;
 Academic dashboard;
 University’s Excellence of Research in Australia (ERA) submission;
 Faculty of Business and Law accreditation;
 Staff promotion (via MyResearch dashboard);
 Work planning; and
 Other ad-hoc reporting.

To access Elements log on via Staff Portal.

In your Staff Portal, click to scroll the carousel. Select Elements and log-in with your Curtin

It is also possible to access Elements directly by typing the following URL into your web browser:

Publication information is entered in the following ways:

1. Harvesting from online-databases interrogated by Elements via web APIs

2. Uploading from external resources
3. Manual entry

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 3

The Home page is where you land after logging in.

On the home page, to the top left of the screen, you will see a series of icons (see image below). To
open your Profile page, click the icon circled in the image below. Following this, the edit profile
button will be visible to the top right of the screen – click this to make changes to your profile.

NOTE: Changes to your Elements profile will not affect your external staff profile, only details of
publications recorded in Elements are used on externally facing staff profiles.

Click the back button on your browser or select the Home icon to return to the home page.

Note: you will need to set up Publication search settings before Elements can find your scholarly
outputs – this is explained in the following section: HARVESTING PUBLICATIONS RECORDS.

Scroll through the My Actions prompts on your homepage. Every item has a link (click view) that
takes you to the section in Elements where tasks can be completed, including:

 Claim publications;
 Add your ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) identifier;
 Deposit publications to espace; and
 Add records.

NOTE: Not all actions will be available. For example, if you have added your ORCID to Elements
then that action will no longer appear.

The Elements Homepage includes a tile with a summary of your claimed publications. The tile
arrangement on the elements Homepage can be customised by clicking your name, visible at the top
right of the screen, to reveal a drop menu (See below). Click Configure homepage to customise tile

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 4

Elements automatically harvests publication records from the following online databases:

 arXiv;
 Pubmed;
 Scopus;
 Web of Science; and
 Google Books.

Searches are based upon the author details such as Name and Affiliation. You can change the
search settings used to harvest your publications. Once a publication has been harvested it will
normally display as Pending and you will need to claim it as yours (unless it has been Auto-claimed
because you have supplied a specific author identifier as explained below).

Search settings

To change search settings either click on the link under My Actions on the homepage, or navigate to
the Menu tab (the ‘hamburger’ icon at the top left of the screen: ) and select Name-based
Search under settings.

This takes you to the Name-based search settings page.

On this page you can add different author name variants, addresses or keywords to search for.

To add a name variant just type the name in the box provided next to Name variants and then press
the symbol next to it to add it to the list of names. Use the next to each name to remove it from
the list of names variants to be searched.

Addresses and keywords can be added and removed in the same way in the appropriate locations
on the web page. Note that keywords restrict the search to publications that only contain those
keywords. You may also restrict the search to specific journals by entering journal names next to
Journals. You will have to scroll down the page to find some of the fields.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 5

To stop the harvesting of information on publications published before a certain date, enter it next to
the Start Date.

If you wish to harvest a specific article or articles from an online database that Elements harvests
from, use the section of this page under Specific article IDs. You will need to know the identifier for
the article in that database (see Appendix A to find out how to do this) – enter each one into the
Article ID field and press the icon. Ensure the correct database is selected under Online
database. The articles will be retrieved when you click on save.

Searching specific databases can be managed under the Source-specific name-based search
terms heading (see image below). Only databases with the Search by name box ticked will be
searched for your publications. Database specific search criteria can be entered by unchecking the
checkbox in the Use default search terms (simple mode only) column, clicking on the next to
the database name, then unlocking the field you want to change the search settings on by clicking on
the padlock and then adding fields in the same way as they are added to the default fields ( to
add and to remove).

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 6

If you know the database specific search syntax you can change the database to Advanced mode
and enter a custom search term using the Search text box accessed by clicking on the symbol
next to the database name (Appendix B for links to search syntax).

When in simple mode you may also restrict the arXiv search to specific subject categories by clicking
on the symbol next to the database name and select the categories under the arXiv-specific
search terms heading.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 7

Claiming publications records

If you have harvested publications waiting to be claimed there will be an action on your home page
asking you to do this.

If you click on the Claim Now button, you will be taken to the Pending tab on the My Publications

This will show a list of your publications under three heading tabs (see above) – Claimed, Pending,

 Claimed – publications previously claimed, either by yourself, ROC, or via Automatic claiming.
 Pending – publications waiting to be claimed or rejected.
 Rejected – publications rejected as not authored by you.

Here you can Claim or Reject by clicking on the appropriate button (see below). Claimed
publications go into the Claimed tab and the rejected publications go into the Rejected tab.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 8

Alternatively, to access the same Publications page you can click the menu icon (the ‘hamburger’
icon to the top left of the screen: ) and select Publications (see below).

If a publication is not collected via Elements’ auto-harvest function, it can be entered manually.
Refer to the instructions on Adding a manual publication record for further information.
Extra information about each publication can be accessed by clicking on the three vertical dots to the
right of the publication (see image below), or by simple clicking on the title itself.

All Curtin co-authors should claim the publication.

This is so that:
• Publications are added to each author’s Staff Profile
• Author names and researcher identifiers (ORCIDs) are imported into

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 9

Anatomy of a publication record

When Elements harvests records for the same publication from two separate sources it will merge
them together so that there is only one record for that publication. It will also attempt to match the
records with an existing manually entered record if that exists. When you look at a publication record
in Elements there will often be multiple sets of data for the same publication, identified by the source
of the data. You can click on the data source to see the details of the data for that record.

One of the data sources will be used as the source of data for the overall record (the “official” data)
according to an order of precedence set in the system (e.g. the manual data source will be used as
the source of truth if one exists). You can, however, override this by clicking on the Set as preferred
record button for that data source.

The overall data type of the record can be edited independently of the data sources by clicking on
the pencil icon next to the type at the top of the record.

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The record may also have Labels associated with it, which are record specific keywords associated
with the publication. Some of these are used by the University for ERA and accreditation purposes
and should be entered for each record where required. This is explained in further detail here.

Automatic claiming

For some data sources, you can configure author IDs specific to that data source, such as Scopus
Author ID and ResearcherID (Web of Science), to assist in finding your publications. Your ORCID
can also be added on this page, however this is a special case which is discussed on page 21.

When you do this Elements will (by default) automatically claim publications for you, so you will not
need to claim them from the Pending tab. To set the Author ID for a particular data source that
supports Author IDs click on in the Menu tab (the ‘hamburger’ icon at the top left of the screen: )
and then click on Automatic claiming.

On this screen (Automatic publication claiming) you can add new Author IDs or manage existing
ones that have been entered.

Add a new Author ID by clicking on the link for that data source under the Add external profiles

By clicking the manage button (see image below) you have the option to auto claim or auto
suggest publications (i.e. automatically claim or automatically set as pending), as well as ignore.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 11

Existing Author IDs can be managed under the External profiles heading. In the Not Mine tab (see
image below), click on Manage. When managing, you have the option to Auto reject, where records
with this author ID will automatically be rejected, or Ignore the profile, which is the same as removing
the profile but a record of it is retained. In these two cases, the Author IDs will appear under the Not
Me and Ignored tabs respectively.

Note: e-mail addresses may be entered in Automatic Claiming and set to auto claim, auto suggest
or Ignore in the same way Author IDs can. This will determine how harvested records that include the
e-mail address will be treated by Elements.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 12


If a publication record has not been harvested by Elements but appears in an online database, you
may manually import the records from this database if the records can be saved in Endnote format
(.ris file).

These files can be imported by selecting the Import link found in the Menu tab in Elements.

Specific online guides for importing from the following databases are available via the Curtin Staff
Portal, under Research > Research Integrity > Elements Training:

 Google Scholar


 Engineering Village


 ProQuest

 ScienceDirect

The guides can be also accessed via this link:

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 13


An individual publication record can be added manually to Elements. This should be done in the
following circumstances:

 The publication record cannot be obtained by Elements from the available online data
sources and the publication record cannot be imported from other sources.
 The information on the records harvested from online data sources is incorrect. Because
these data sources cannot be edited in Elements a manual record is required to override the
 The publication is incorrectly classified as a research or non-research publication on your
staff profile, the manual record is required to correct this classification by setting the sub-type
and audience correctly.

Note: unlike harvested records, imported records are created as manual records and can be edited,
if necessary, to correct any errors or add missing information.

Adding a manual record for a new publication

To manually add a new publication, select +ADD NEW on the publications tile of your home page
(see below) and select the appropriate publication type (this can also be done from the Publications
page by selecting + icon in the top right corner of the screen).
See Appendix C for a description of all publication types and subtypes.

There is an automatic checking screen to help avoid creating a duplicate record, simply enter the title
and search. You can claim any records displayed or skip to continue to the manual entry form.

The manual entry form contains some fields that must be filled in, these are marked with a red

Guidance is provided for sub-types at the top of the page in the blue information box and for fields
where you see a large question mark. Click on the to display the help text.

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Note that authors and editors are added individually and must be in the order that they appear on the
publication. If the list of authors or editors is not in the correct order then the individual entries can be
moved by clicking the corresponding arrows to the left of the author’s name.

When all information has been entered click on Save at the bottom of the screen.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 15

Adding funding acknowledgements

The Australian Research Council (ARC) and the National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC) Open Access policies require research outputs arising from ARC/NHMRC funded projects
to be made openly available within 12 months from the date of publication.

Metadata from research outputs arising from ARC/NHMRC funded projects must also be made
publicly available through an institutional repository within 3 months from the date of publication,
regardless of whether the research output is made openly accessible or not.

Refer to Open Access funder mandates for further information.

Prior to depositing a research output to espace, it is important to include the appropriate Field of
Research (FoR) code, and to include any ‘funder’ acknowledgements. This is done by adding the
appropriate label to the research output when recording it to Elements (see steps below).

The screen below will appear after you have saved your newly created manual record.

Select View your publication details.

Select Add labels to record the Funding Acknowledgement details

Select the orange plus symbol , enter the Grant ID, a dash, and the name of the funding
organisation, and then select the green plus icon to save the ID. Repeat to record multiple funding

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 16

Refer to Labels for further information.

Depositing to espace

Once funding acknowledgement information has been added to the manual record, the research
output can be deposited to espace.

Refer to Depositing to espace for further information.

Adding a manual record to a harvested publication record

To add a manual record to a harvested publication record, click on the publication’s title on the My
publications page (Publications link in the Menu tab). If you have a lot of publications use the
filters on the right-hand side to narrow down the number of publications displayed and make the
record easier to find.

Click on the Add manual record button, you will be taken to the manual entry form as above,
however some of the fields will be pre-populated with the data from the harvested record.

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To edit an existing manual data source, click on the Edit record button after clicking on the
publications title on your publications page. If the Edit record button is not displayed then the record
has been locked by ROC – if you need to edit that record please contact ROC Relationships and
detail why the record needs to be edited.

Adding a manual publication record for non-traditional research outputs

A non-traditional research output (NTRO) is an umbrella term to cover those research outputs not
disseminated via the ‘traditional’ research publications such as journal articles, books/book chapters
and conference papers. Adding NTROs to Elements requires a different process than traditional
research outputs. Please refer to the Elements NTROs Supplementary Manual for a comprehensive
guide to adding manual publication records for non-traditional research outputs.

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Labels are keywords that can be used to find publications in Elements using the search function.
One or more labels may be added to a publication record. There are Seven label categorisation
schemes; Five of these are limited to a specific list while for the remaining two categorisation
schemes, unclassified and funder acknowledgments, any number of unrestricted labels may be
added. All labels other than unclassified are used by the university in statutory reporting and
accreditation. These labels should be entered for relevant publication types.

Labels may be added to any publication record by clicking on the Labels link or Add labels when
viewing the detailed publication record (clicking on the title in the My Publications screen).

A pop-up will then appear titled Labels and an individual label can be added by pressing the orange
plus symbol next to the categorisation scheme. Type the label into the box provided or select from
the drop-down list and then press the symbol. Where there is a drop-down list you cannot enter a
label that is not on the list. For more information on each categorisation scheme click on the question
mark next to it.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 19

Labels can also be added when adding or editing a manual record under the Keywords heading.

The different categorisation schemes are as follows:

Field of Research 2008: Field of Research 2008 (FoR) codes have been superseded by the FoR
2020 codes. Where historical 2008 FoR codes have been associated with a publication they will be
displayed here, however no new codes can be added and the orange plus symbol is not displayed.

Field of Research 2020: At least one and up to three Field of Research 2020 (FoR) codes should be
added to a publication record with a research sub-type (Research Book, Research Chapter,
Research Article, Research Review or Research Paper) or that has the Non-tradition research output
box checked. The list is restricted to four (4) digit FoR codes (see Appendix D). Due to the number
of codes, a drop-down list will not be displayed until you begin to type the code (all start with either a
‘3’, a ‘4’, or a ‘5’). Percentages must also be added to the FoR codes by clicking on the blue percent
symbol, there should be no percentage less than 20% and all percentages must sum to 100%.

Note: it is possible to add more than three (3) of each type of FoR code. FoR 2020 codes are
important as they are used as part of university statutory reporting.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Publications that meet the criteria for Scholarship of
Teaching and Learning (SoTL) should have the label ‘Yes’ added to them under this categorisation
scheme. Non SoTL publications may be designed with a ‘No’. Only one label may be selected for
this label type and it must be either ‘Yes or ‘No’. The number of SoTL publications is reported to
Academic Board.

Scope: A Scope label should be added to all publications authored by staff in the Faculty of
Business and Law. Possible labels are ‘State’, ‘National’ and ‘International’ – this is the extent of
the relevance of the publication content. Only one (1) label can be added to a publication for this
categorisation scheme. This label is important as it is used for the Faculty of Business and Law
AACSB accreditation.

Funder Acknowledgments (Grant Id – Organisation): A funder acknowledgement label should be

included for publications that contain funder acknowledgments. The label must be entered in the
following format: grant id first, then a single dash, and then the funding Organisation. If there is no
grant id then just enter the funding organisation only. (see: Adding funding acknowledgements for
more information)

Sustainable development goal: Publications that cater to the listed sustainability goals should
include the appropriate labels. The sustainable development goals are at the core of the UN’s 2030
Agenda, and are part of a global partnership centred on ending poverty, improving health and
education, reducing inequality, promoting economic growth and tackling climate change. To add a
label, click on the search bar and select from the drop-down menu.

Unclassified: Any number of labels may be added here and are not restricted to any list.
Once all labels have been added click on the x at the top of the label pop-up screen or click outside
the pop-up screen to close that window.
When you search for a publication by clicking on the Menu tab and then System Search you can type
labels into the search text box to find publications with that label. The search will also search
publication titles for that word.

It is possible to add Field of Research 2008, Field of Research 2020, Scholarship of Teaching
and Learning, Scope, Funder Acknowledgments, Sustainable development goal and
Unclassified labels to the same publication.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 20

Occasionally duplicate records will appear in Elements. This will usually be because of one of the

 Elements has failed to match the same publication harvested from different sources with
each other and/or an existing manual record and thus created a duplicate record
 Two manual records have been created separately for the same publication
 An online database has a duplicate record of the publication, and both have been harvested

Duplicate records are not deleted in Elements but rather merged into a single record. To merge two
records together do the following:

1. If not already done, claim both records;

2. Add each record to the Elements workspace, by going to My Publications, clicking on the
three vertical dots to the right of the publication’s title and selecting Add to workspace (see
image below)

3. Go to the Elements workspace by clicking on the top right-hand corner of any Elements
page, where your name should be visible. This will open a drop down menu, where you can
select Workspace (see image below).

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 21

4. Select both publications records you wish to merge (you cannot merge more than two
records at once) - see image below;

5. Click Join; and

6. Click OK.
7. Repeat 3-6 if there are more duplicate records.

Note: where it is not expected that there are duplicates of a particular data source, you cannot
merge those records.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 22


There is the option within Elements to delegate your publication management to another user or
users. This will allow that user to “Impersonate” you in Elements and make changes to your
Elements profile and publications in the same way that you can.

Note: there is no obligation on the part of an elements delegate to manage your publications –
this must be negotiated with the intended delegate beforehand.

NOTE: When delegating your publication management to another user(s) this gives them the ability
to deposit publications into Curtin’s open access institutional repository espace
( on your behalf.

To manage delegation, go to the Manage Delegates link in the Menu tab. This is in the Settings

Clicking on this link will take you to the Account settings page. To add a delegate start typing their
surname into the name (surname first) field. As you type a selection of names will appear under the
box you are typing into. Select the name you want and click the Add delegate button that is now
displayed. To remove a delegate, click on the next to their name.

If you have been made an Elements delegate the Impersonate another user button will appear at
the top of Elements pages. Clicking on this will give you a list of users whom you may impersonate.
There is a search function but this should not be necessary as the number of possible users should
be small for any academic staff member at Curtin.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 23

When impersonating another user, you will be able to see and edit their account settings and
publications as though they were your own. To stop impersonating someone click on the next to
their name at the top of the screen.

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Publications information contained in Elements is made available for use on externally facing Curtin
Staff Profiles. No other Elements data is used in Curtin Staff Profiles. If you wish to remove a
publication from your staff profile, you can do this by setting it as Private or Internal in Elements. Go
to the My publications page by clicking on the Menu tab and then the Publications link.

Find the publication you wish to hide – you may have to use the filters on the right-hand side of the
page if you have a lot of publications listed. Note the two icons located at the top right of each
publication: & . Once you have found the publication, click on the Globe icon to access
privacy settings for that publication.

You will see the following Privacy Settings menu appear (see image below).

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 25

Here, you can choose your preferred privacy settings. Under Relationship privacy, there are three
options: Private, Internal and Public. Setting your Relationship privacy as Private or Internal will
prevent the publication from being displayed on your Curtin staff profile

NOTE: You will not be able to access or alter the Publication privacy (visible above Relationship
Privacy). If the publication is sensitive to the degree that it should not display on any Curtin staff
profile, please contact the ROC Relationships team to have the Publication Privacy level set as

It is also possible to highlight a publication on your staff profile. To do this, instead of clicking on the
globe icon click on the heart icon: . The publication will then be displayed under a separate
heading of your staff profile.

At the bottom of the Privacy Settings menu you can find “Learn more about privacy”. Clicking
here will take you to a page in Elements with further details regarding managing your privacy settings
in Elements.

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A list of publications records may be exported from Elements in various formats. Records are
exported from the My Publications page (click on the Menu tab and then the Publications link to
get there from your home page).

Select the publications records you wish to export by checking the box next to the publication title.
You may change the number of publications displayed per page if you wish to export more records,
and use the filters to only display the publication records that you want. If you do not select any
publication records then ALL will be exported.

When you have selected the publications click on the Export button. You will be able to select from
six file formats:

 BibTex;
 ReferenceManager/Endnote;
 PDF;
 Word; or
 Excel.

In PDF and Word files the citations will be in APA6 format.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 27

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
An ORCID is a persistent digital identifier unique to you that distinguishes your research output from
other researchers and links your name to your research to ensure a consistent, reliable attribution of
your work. It is increasingly required by publishers and funders including the Australian Research
Council and National Health and Medical Research Council for manuscript and submission. ORCIDs
are created and managed at

Curtin research staff should register and set-up an ORCID and enter it into Elements.

Your ORCID can be entered into Elements so that publication records can be harvested based on
your ORCID profile, however as your ORCID is explicitly managed by you rather than Curtin or a
Publisher, there are some extra step required to add it.

To add your ORCID to Elements do the following:

1. Either click on the link under My Actions to Add your ORCID or click on the Automatic
claiming link under the Menu tab and on the Automatic publication claiming page click

2. Sign-in using your ORCID credentials. If you have not set up your ORCID, you can click on
the link to Register now.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 28

3. Authorise Elements to connect to ORCID if prompted, and your ORCID will connect to

4. After authorising access, your ORCID should be connected. Elements should display a
message stating: ‘ORCID connection established (see below)’.
In that page you may select the level of access Elements will have to your ORCID data. By
default, Elements will use the unique identifiers associated with your ORDIC records, such
as the DOI, to harvest the records of those specific publications from online databases
(Scopus, Web of Science etc.). You may allow Elements greater access to your ORCID
account so that it may upload your publication records in Elements to your ORCID profile if
they do not currently exist there. You may also restrict Elements to only use your ORCID to
auto-claim publication records harvested form other data sources.
See Appendix E for the mapping between Elements publication types and ORDIC
publication types when ‘read and write publication data to my ORCID account’ is selected.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 29

5. To confirm your Elements profile is connected to ORCID from within Elements click on the
Automatic claiming link under settings in the Menu tab.

6. Under External profiles click on the ORCID ID symbol . If your ORCID is connected then it
will display as ‘connection status: configured’.

It is still possible to manually update your ORCID profile by exporting your publication records from
Elements in a BibTeX format and importing them into ORCID. However, this process has been
replaced with the ORCID functionality outlined in step 4 above.

For more information on ORCID at Curtin refer to Author identifiers in the Library’s Research Toolkit.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 30


The differing roles of Elements and espace

Integration between Elements and espace allows researchers to deposit their research outputs into
espace directly via the Elements system.

However, Elements and espace are separate platforms, with discrete roles.

Elements is Curtin’s publication management system. Elements harvests details of publications for

Curtin-affiliated researchers from external databases and facilitates manual entry of publications.

In contrast espace, Curtin's institutional repository, is an open access digital collection of Curtin
research publications and higher degree by research theses

Not all content collected in Elements is suitable for deposit to espace. It is important to determine
you are depositing content suitable for inclusion in espace before commencing the deposit process.

Research content suitable for deposit to espace

Outputs suitable for deposit in the Curtin Research Publications collection include:

 peer-reviewed journal articles

 peer-reviewed conference papers
 research outputs subject to funder open access policies.
 books and book chapters
 non-traditional research outputs (such as research reports and original creative works or
their representation).

Curtin outputs not suitable for deposit to espace

 content containing confidential or commercially sensitive material

 material subject to intellectual property (IP) protection or commercialisation
 material not to be publicly accessible for reasons of privacy or cultural sensitivity (metadata
may be accepted)
 evidence of engagement and impact activities
 preprints, research data, software

Please refer to Appendix C: Publication types and Subtypes for specific guidance on content suitable
for deposit to espace.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 31

Meeting copyright obligations when depositing to espace

Published research outputs will display a copyright statement similar to:

© Publisher/Commissioning Body 2022. All rights reserved.

© Publisher/Commissioning Body 2022. Open Access CC BY.

© The Authors 2022. All rights reserved.

© The Authors 2022. This is an open access publication under CC BY licence.

If publications do not have a copyright statement, you must assume the content is © Publisher
2022. All rights reserved.

Publisher copyright

Research outputs with the copyright statement ‘© Publisher 2022. All rights reserved’ do not permit
the published version to be made openly available in espace without the express written permission
of the publisher.

However, an author may have self-archiving rights detailed within the publishing agreement. These
author self-archiving rights may permit an open access version of the research outputs to be ‘self-
archived’ in a suitable repository, possibly subject to an embargo period.

Author copyright

Copyright statements such as ‘© The Authors 2022’ indicate the copyright is retained by the authors.

A published version of the research can be deposited to espace by a Curtin affiliated author.

Open licences

Copyright statements such as ‘© The Authors 2022. This is an open access publication under CC BY
licence’ specifies the authors retain copyright and permit sharing of the published version under an
open licence.

Copyright statements such as ‘© Publisher 2022 Open Access CC BY’ specifies the publisher retains
copyright but permits sharing of the published version under an open licence.

The published version is permitted to be deposited in espace in both these circumstances.

Look for Creative Commons icons on research publications to determine if the published version is
suitable to be deposited to espace under an open licence.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 32

Refer to the Guide to espace for more information on meeting copyright obligations, author self-
archiving rights and selecting the correct file version to deposit to espace for:

• Journal Articles
• Book and book chapters
• Conference papers
• Reports
• Creative works

The espace team have designed the following clearance checklists to assist researchers to deposit
non-traditional research outputs into espace:

• The report clearance checklist for deposit to espace

• The creative works clearance checklist for deposit to espace

Creating an Elements publication record

To avoid the creation of duplicate records first search Elements to determine if the publication has
been auto-harvested. If not, manually enter a new record. Refer to Adding a Manual Publication
Record for further information.

Ensure the publication record is comprehensive. Review the record information and add any missing
metadata and / or funder grant labels. Refer to Labels for further information.

Ensure the publication has been claimed. If the publication has not already been claimed on your
behalf, refer to Claiming publication records for further information.

Depositing a publication to espace

Locate the appropriate publication record by selecting View All under the Publications heading on
the Homepage.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 33

The summary view of each publication has a Deposit button to commence the deposit process.

Alternatively, you can deposit from the publication’s detailed view.

If there is already a record in espace, the button will read View instead.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 34

Institutional Deposit Advice

Prior to commencing the deposit process, authors need to be aware of the copyright
obligations associated with their published research. Please refer to Meeting copyright
obligations when depositing to espace for further information.

Do not deposit confidential or sensitive material. Publication details in espace will be made
available through Google and other public sites.

When depositing a journal article, a SHERPA RoMEO advice tab may also appear. This
information summarises the publisher’s self-archiving policy for the journal title entered into the
record. Refer to Introduction to Sherpa Romeo on the Guide to espace for further information.

1. Prepare deposit

The first step of the deposit process is to Upload a file or Add OA Location.

To Upload a file select Choose file and navigate to the correct file on your device.
Click on Use this file.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 35

Please ensure the file selected is the published version of a fully open access publication or the
accepted version of a publication accessible by an institutional, organisational or private
subscription only. For further information refer to Meeting copyright obligations when depositing
to espace.

You will then be given the option to Upload another file or Enter an OA location. You may
deposit multiple files for a single publication, including supplementary material. If you have
mistakenly added an incorrect file, you can cancel the action using the cross positioned to the
right of the selected file.

You can deposit another file to the same record later, using the same method.

To nominate an open access location select the Add OA location tab. Enter the DOI or URL of
the published work.

Please ensure the OA location links to a fully open access publication and not a publication
accessible by an institutional, organisational or private subscription only. For further information
refer to Meeting copyright obligations when depositing to espace .

Click on Save location.

You many only enter one DOI or URL for a single publication.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 36

You will then be given the option to Upload another file or Edit OA location.
You may deposit multiple files for a single publication, including supplementary material.

2. Complete deposit

Click on Deposit to finish depositing your publication into espace.

The ‘espace Institutional Repository Agreement’ license gives permission for the Library to make
your work publicly available in espace, subject to copyright legislation and publisher policies. It does
not transfer Intellectual Property in the work to Curtin University.

Click on the link if you wish to view the terms of the Agreement.

To exit without depositing your publication, click on the link Leave without depositing.

When the process has completed successfully you will see an acknowledgement that your
publication has been deposited.

To remove a document from the espace publication record contact the espace team at

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 37


Scopus: When you look at a publication record in Scopus the publication ID will be in the URL line of
your web browser between the “eid=” and the next “&”. For example, the publication below has a
Scopus id of 2-s2.0-85046720388 (screenshot is from the Chrome web browser):

Web of Science: In Web of Science the ID of the publication is called the Accession Number. This is
displayed on the detailed record when you click on one in the search result. You may have to click
See more data fields before it is displayed.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 38

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 39
Scopus search syntax:

Web of Science search syntax:

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 40


Sub-Type Definition of works Suitable for deposit to espace

A musical piece composed in a form which allows

interpretation by a person or machine to produce
Music music, either with voice or via a musical instrument.
Note: Performance – Music is more suitable for a live
performance of music.

Artefact Realised, constructed, fabricated or unrealised building

or design project. "Unrealised" projects must have an
Elements NTROs output that demonstrates the research involved.
Designs /
Supplementary Yes
Note: Film, TV, Media - Digital creative works is more
suitable for digital outputs of architectural and design

A fine arts and crafts work, diagram, map, photographic

image, sculpture or installation.
Creative Works
Note: Non-traditional textual works is more suitable
for Exhibition catalogues.

A book reporting an original research effort. Must have

undergone a full peer review process or equivalent
Research Book Yes
editorial oversight through publication by a commercial

A non-fiction book that does not meet the

requirements of being a research book. Includes
Other Book No
republication of a research book or a second edition
that does not include any additional research.

A book reporting an original research effort. Must have

Research undergone a full peer review process or equivalent
Chapter editorial oversight through publication by a commercial
Chapter publisher.

A non-fiction book that does not meet the

Other Chapter requirements of being a research book. Includes No
republication of a research book.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 41

Sub-Type Definition of works Suitable for deposit to espace

Conference paper reporting original research

Research Paper published in its entirety. The full paper must have Yes
undergone peer review.

Conference paper published in its entirety that does

Other Paper No
not meet the criteria for being a research paper.

A conference presentation that was not published as a

Presentation No
written paper.

Conference paper for which the abstract only has been

distributed in a conference proceeding.
Abstract / Extract No
Conference Note: Select subtype Research Paper if intend to
deposit abstract of published conference paper into

Paper - Keynote A keynote paper published in its entirety. Yes

Presentation - A keynote presentation that was not published as a

Keynote written paper.

Presentation by an invited speaker that did not result

Invited speaker No
in a published paper.

Invited paper (not

Invited paper published in its entirety. Yes
peer reviewed)

The curation of an internet website presenting a

collection of creative works where the internet is the Yes
medium of the exhibited works.

Curated The curation and/or production of creative works or

exhibition artefacts exhibited in a recognised gallery, museum, or
similar venue. This research output type is specifically
Elements NTROs aimed at research outputs produced by curators
Exhibition Yes
Supplementary rather than artists.
Note: Artists claim exhibitions of their original creative
works under Artefact - creative non-textual.

The curation of a festival bringing together innovative

work or existing works in an innovative format, or
Festival Yes
through a theme that provides new perspectives
and/or experiences.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 42

Sub-Type Definition of works Suitable for deposit to espace

Outputs presented in an audio-visual format, such as

films, documentaries or audio-visual presentations. Yes
The research component is embodied in the process
of recording, or rendering itself, rather than in the Note: Evidence of engagement
performance. or impact such as interviews or
Film, Video Works may include: journalistic commentary on
 Use of innovative production techniques in films, research are not suitable for
documentaries or audio-visual presentations deposit to espace.
 Use of innovative sound or video/film techniques
in films, documentaries or audio-visual

Performances (in music, dance, theatre, etc.) created

specifically for a recorded medium.
Note: Performance (music, theatre, dance) is more
suitable for a live performance of a creative work or a
digital recording of the live performance.

Film, TV, media Recorded or rendered creative works, often

experimental, produced in association with other Yes
Elements NTROs researchers in other disciplinary fields.
Creative 3D models, digital outputs of architectural
Digital creative
and design projects, computer programs, games and Yes
visual artworks.

Recorded or rendered creative work where the

researcher is the author of the creative works featured
Website/web in the website.
exhibition Yes
Note:  Curated web-based exhibitions of the creative
work of others must be submitted via Curated
Exhibition -Web-based exhibition.

Note: Evidence of engagement

or impact such as interviews or
journalistic commentary on
Other recorded or rendered creative works that do not
Other research are not suitable for
fit other types in this section.
deposit to espace.

Note: Learning and teaching

podcasts and webinars are not
suitable for deposit to espace.

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 43

Sub-Type Definition of works Suitable for deposit to espace

An item published in a journal that provides the main

original content of the journal. The article must be
Research Article Yes
presenting original research and have undergone peer

An item published in a journal that provides the main

Other Article original content of the journal that does not meet the No
criteria for being a research article.

A letter to the editor that does not communicate

Letter No
original research.

An item published in a journal that is a synthesis of

existing research. The article must be presenting
Research Review Yes
original research outcomes and have undergone peer
Journal article An item published in a journal that is a synthesis of
Other Review existing research that does not meet the criteria for No
being a research article (e.g., a non-critical review).

Corrigendum A correction to a previously published article. Yes

Addendum to an existing article which is not a

Addendum Yes
research publication in its own right.

Short article not presenting original research. No

Journal editorial which is not presenting original

Editorial Yes

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 44

Sub-Type Definition of works Suitable for deposit to espace


Note: Evidence of engagement

Written research outputs that are not eligible for or impact and/or opinion
textual works
submission as traditional research outputs, such as pieces for a general audience
novels, poems, art reviews, exhibition catalogues and such as newspaper articles,
Elements NTROs
Supplementary catalogue entries, scholarly editions, scholarly blogs or journalistic
Manual translations. commentary on research are
not suitable for deposit to
espace. E.g. articles in The

Patent granted or in process in any territory or

Patent No

A live performance consisting primarily of music.

Works may include:
 Performance of a new work Yes
 Performance of an innovative interpretation or
production of an existing work of music

A live dramatic performance.

Performance Works may include:
(music, Play
 Performance of a new work Yes
theatre, dance)  Performance of an innovative interpretation or
production of an existing work of theatre
Elements NTROs
Supplementary A live performance consisting primarily of dance.
Works may include:
 Performance of a new work Yes
 Performance of an innovative interpretation or
production of an existing work of dance

Other live performance of creative works that do not

Other: Yes
fit other types in this section

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 45

Sub-Type Definition of works Suitable for deposit to espace

A report for, or primarily of interest to, the public
Public sector
Note: confidential reports are
not suitable for deposit to
Industry A report for, or primarily of interest to, industry.
Note Reports authored or
Report edited by a Curtin Staff
member, or the Curtin Staff
A report for, or primarily of interest to, the not-for-
Elements NTROs Not for profit member forms part of the
profit sector.
Supplementary panel committee responsible
Manual for the content, are suitable for
deposit to espace.
Discussion or short paper on application of research to
policy. Reports that acknowledge the
contribution of a Curtin Staff
Other Submissions or briefing notes to public inquiries and member, but are primarily
consultations, including government or parliamentary written by non-Curtin authors,
inquiries are not suitable for deposit to
Working /
Preliminary scientific or technical paper
Consultation paper detailing policy proposals for No
debate and discussion that is not a final report

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 46

FoR 2008

FoR 2020
3001 Agricultural biotechnology
3002 Agriculture, land and farm management
3003 Animal production
3004 Crop and pasture production
3005 Fisheries sciences
3006 Food sciences
3007 Forestry sciences
3008 Horticultural production
3009 Veterinary sciences
3099 Other agricultural, veterinary and food sciences
3101 Biochemistry and cell biology
3102 Bioinformatics and computational biology
3103 Ecology
3104 Evolutionary biology
3105 Genetics
3106 Industrial biotechnology
3107 Microbiology
3108 Plant biology
3109 Zoology
3199 Other biological sciences
3201 Cardiovascular medicine and haematology
3202 Clinical sciences

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 47

3203 Dentistry
3204 Immunology
3205 Medical biochemistry and metabolomics
3206 Medical biotechnology
3207 Medical microbiology
3208 Medical physiology
3209 Neurosciences
3210 Nutrition and dietetics
3211 Oncology and carcinogenesis
3212 Ophthalmology and optometry
3213 Paediatrics
3214 Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences
3215 Reproductive medicine
3299 Other biomedical and clinical sciences
3301 Architecture
3302 Building
3303 Design
3304 Urban and regional planning
3399 Other built environment and design
3401 Analytical chemistry
3402 Inorganic chemistry
3403 Macromolecular and materials chemistry
3404 Medicinal and biomolecular chemistry
3405 Organic chemistry
3406 Physical chemistry
3407 Theoretical and computational chemistry
3499 Other chemical sciences
3501 Accounting, auditing and accountability
3502 Banking, finance and investment
3503 Business systems in context
3504 Commercial services
3505 Human resources and industrial relations
3506 Marketing
3507 Strategy, management and organisational behaviour
3508 Tourism
3509 Transportation, logistics and supply chains
3599 Other commerce, management, tourism and services
3601 Art history, theory and criticism
3602 Creative and professional writing
3603 Music
3604 Performing arts
3605 Screen and digital media
3606 Visual arts
3699 Other creative arts and writing
3701 Atmospheric sciences
3702 Climate change science
3703 Geochemistry
3704 Geoinformatics
3705 Geology
3706 Geophysics
3707 Hydrology
3708 Oceanography
3709 Physical geography and environmental geoscience
3799 Other earth sciences
3801 Applied economics
3802 Econometrics

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 48

3803 Economic theory
3899 Other economics
3901 Curriculum and pedagogy
3902 Education policy, sociology and philosophy
3903 Education systems
3904 Specialist studies in education
3999 Other education
4001 Aerospace engineering
4002 Automotive engineering
4003 Biomedical engineering
4004 Chemical engineering
4005 Civil engineering
4006 Communications engineering
4007 Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics
4008 Electrical engineering
4009 Electronics, sensors and digital hardware
4010 Engineering practice and education
4011 Environmental engineering
4012 Fluid mechanics and thermal engineering
4013 Geomatic engineering
4014 Manufacturing engineering
4015 Maritime engineering
4016 Materials engineering
4017 Mechanical engineering
4018 Nanotechnology
4019 Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy
4099 Other engineering
4101 Climate change impacts and adaptation
4102 Ecological applications
4103 Environmental biotechnology
4104 Environmental management
4105 Pollution and contamination
4106 Soil sciences
4199 Other environmental sciences
4201 Allied health and rehabilitation science
4202 Epidemiology
4203 Health services and systems
4204 Midwifery
4205 Nursing
4206 Public health
4207 Sports science and exercise
4208 Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine
4299 Other health sciences
4301 Archaeology
4302 Heritage, archive and museum studies
4303 Historical studies
4399 Other history, heritage and archaeology
4401 Anthropology
4402 Criminology
4403 Demography
4404 Development studies
4405 Gender studies
4406 Human geography
4407 Policy and administration
4408 Political science
4409 Social work

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 49

4410 Sociology
4499 Other human society
4501 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, language and history
4502 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education
4503 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander environmental knowledges and management
4504 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing
4505 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community
4506 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sciences
4507 Te ahurea, reo me te hītori o te Māori (Māori culture, language and history)
4508 Mātauranga Māori (Māori education)
4509 Ngā mātauranga taiao o te Māori (Māori environmental knowledges)
4510 Te hauora me te oranga o te Māori (Māori health and wellbeing)
4511 Ngā tāngata, te porihanga me ngā hapori o te Māori (Māori peoples, society and community)
4512 Ngā pūtaiao Māori (Māori sciences)
4513 Pacific Peoples culture, language and history
4514 Pacific Peoples education
4515 Pacific Peoples environmental knowledges
4516 Pacific Peoples health and wellbeing
4517 Pacific Peoples society and community
4518 Pacific Peoples sciences
4519 Other Indigenous data, methodologies and global Indigenous studies
4599 Other Indigenous studies
4601 Applied computing
4602 Artificial intelligence
4603 Computer vision and multimedia computation
4604 Cybersecurity and privacy
4605 Data management and data science
4606 Distributed computing and systems software
4607 Graphics, augmented reality and games
4608 Human-centred computing
4609 Information systems
4610 Library and information studies
4611 Machine learning
4612 Software engineering
4613 Theory of computation
4699 Other information and computing sciences
4701 Communication and media studies
4702 Cultural studies
4703 Language studies
4704 Linguistics
4705 Literary studies
4799 Other language, communication and culture
4801 Commercial law
4802 Environmental and resources law
4803 International and comparative law
4804 Law
4805 Legal systems
4806 Private law and civil obligations
4807 Public law
4899 Other law and legal studies
4901 Applied mathematics
4902 Mathematical physics
4903 Numerical and computational mathematics
4904 Pure mathematics
4905 Statistics
4999 Other mathematical sciences

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 50

5001 Applied ethics
5002 History and philosophy of specific fields
5003 Philosophy
5004 Religious studies
5005 Theology
5099 Other philosophy and religious studies
5101 Astronomical sciences
5102 Atomic, molecular and optical physics
5103 Classical physics
5104 Condensed matter physics
5105 Medical and biological physics
5106 Nuclear and plasma physics
5107 Particle and high energy physics
5108 Quantum physics
5109 Space sciences
5110 Synchrotrons and accelerators
5199 Other physical sciences
5201 Applied and developmental psychology
5202 Biological psychology
5203 Clinical and health psychology
5204 Cognitive and computational psychology
5205 Social and personality psychology
5299 Other psychology

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 51


Elements name ORCID work type

Artefact other
Book book

Chapter book-chapter

Composition other

Conference conference-paper

Design other
Exhibition other

Internet publication online-resource

Journal article journal-article

Media other
Patent patent

Performance artistic-performance

Presentation lecture-speech

Poster conference-poster

Report report
Thesis /

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 52


Version Details
V1.0 September 2019 Initial release
V1.1 May 2020 Updated section ‘DEPOSITING TO ESPACE’
V1.2 September 2020 Updated instructions on installing VPN
V1.3 November 2021 Updated to include 2020 FoR codes, removed VPN instructions (no
longer required when off-campus), clarified ORCID harvesting and
reformatted headings in ‘DEPOSITING TO ESPACE’ section
V2.0 February 2023 Update for version 6.6 of Elements

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 53

Elements Self-help Manual V2.0 February 2023 54

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