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Meza 1

Tiffany Meza

Mr. Powers

English 1302

!0 Apr 2023

Alcohol use in adolescents

the argument compromised in this essay is the overly argumentized idea as to why

adolescents should be able to buy alcohol and consume at the age of 18, as in other countries

outside of the U.S. the use of alcohol and adolescents might grow overtime due to laws

prohibiting this usage, this gives a motive to adolescents and induces them into getting into

alcohol, almost like a dare. Many questions that can be asked as this argument takes play are,

why should adolescents be able to consume and obtain alcohol, what are the cause and effects to

adolescent alcohol purchasing, and how will adolescent drinking change the lifestyles of these

teens. The goal is to answer these intuitive questions with a sense of understanding as vice versa

the benefits from adolescent alcohol usage. The statement assuming one would think it is right to

consume alcohol is opinionated and varied amongst people, this argument is purely just an

observance and opinion based on evidence.

Teens in school and lifestyle

To start, the consumption of alcohol is distinctly popular amongst teens and late adolescents,

the probability that a grade of high school students being more likely to drink alcohol in their

early academic years is high with a percentage greater over the passing generations. Downshen

from Teenshealth states,

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Just about everyone knows that the legal drinking age throughout the United States is 21.

But according to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, almost 80% of

high school students have tried alcohol.

the lifestyles of these late teens can change from daily frequent drinking to broader events, or

even allow these adolescents to Transend into an older crowd as they grow into adults, there is a

statistical inquiry stating that drinking may cause corruption to adolescent life into adulthood.

Peer influence

There is an obvious inquiry to these predicaments that adolescents are often seen partying and

getting loose with their friends. The dots were connected amongst parents that notice their

children may change in attitude and mindsets when they choose to spend more time around

different crowds and friends. Peer influence is the overall distinction around children acting out

and doing things they are unexpectedly doing, this causes great worry over parents and peers that

notice these changes. Authors Chwedorowicz et al declares,

As early as from the first years of adolescence an increased sensitivity and vulnerability

to the effect of the peer social environment is observed, when there arises the need for

acceptance and group affiliation, associated with simultaneous achievement of autonomy

and distancing from parents and adults. (21)

Laws preventing usage

Fortunately, there are laws stopping this massive spread from becoming worldwide. Legal

laws in the United States declare that beings must be over the age of 21 to obtain and purchase

alcohol (only in the U.S). the argumentative statement that, adolescents should be able to drink
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and purchase alcohol to overthrow law breaking and misbehavior against the laws surrounding

this is unjustifiable. Unless more people demand a change in overall definable laws, prevention

is invariable. This is where other laws come into play as others point out controversial topics

such as Gun control and the age prohibitions on being able to buy a gun at the young age of


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Works cited

Chwedorowicz, R., Skarżyński, H., Pucek, W., & Studziński, T. (2017). Neurophysiological

maturation in adolescence – vulnerability and counteracting addiction to alcohol. Annals

of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 24(1), 19-25.


Downshen, Steven. “Alcohol For teens.” Teenshealth, September 2016

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