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DIRECTION: The following are sixty (60) incomplete sentences. Read each item carefully and finish them
by writing the first things or idea that comes to your mind. Work on all these as fast as you can. If you
leave an item unfinished, mark/encircle that item and go back to it later.
1. I feel that my father seldom_______________________________________________________
Sa aking palagay, ang aking ama ay bihirang____________________________________________
2. When the odds are against me,____________________________________________________
Kung may mga suliranin,_____________________________________________________________
3. I always wanted to______________________________________________________________
Sa simula pa ay gusto ko nang maging_________________________________________________
4. If I were in charge_______________________________________________________________
Kung ako ang namamahala,__________________________________________________________
5. To me, the future looks___________________________________________________________
Sa palagay ko ang aking hinarap ay____________________________________________________
6. The men over me_______________________________________________________________
Ang mga taong nakatataas sa akin_____________________________________________________
7. I know it is silly, but I am afraid_____________________________________________________
Alam kong katawa-tawa, suba;it ako ay takot sa __________________________________________
8. I feel that a real friend____________________________________________________________
Sa aking palagay, ang tunay na kaibigan ay______________________________________________
9. When I was a child,______________________________________________________________
Noong ako ay bata pa_______________________________________________________________
10. My idea of a perfect man/woman___________________________________________________
Para sa akin, ang isang ulirang lalaki/babae____________________________________________
11. When I see a man and a woman together____________________________________________
Kapag nakakakita ako ng isang lalake at babae na magkasama _____________________________
12. Compared with most families, mine_________________________________________________
Kung ihahambing sa ibang pamilya, ang sa akin__________________________________________
13. At work, I get along best__________________________________________________________
Sa Gawain, ang aking kasundung kasundo______________________________________________
14. My mother_____________________________________________________________________
Ang aking ina______________________________________________________________________
15. I would do anything to forget the time________________________________________________
Gagawin ko ang lahat upang malimutan ko ang sandali ____________________________________
16. If my father would only___________________________________________________________
Kung ang ama ko lamang____________________________________________________________
17. I believe I have the ability_________________________________________________________
Naniniwala akong may kakayahan_____________________________________________________
18. I could perfectly happy if _________________________________________________________
Ako’y magiging pinakamaligaya kung __________________________________________________
19. If people work for me____________________________________________________________
Kung may taong gagawa para sa akin__________________________________________________
20. I look forward to________________________________________________________________
Pinananabikan ko ang sandaling______________________________________________________
21. In school, my teacher____________________________________________________________
Sa paaralan, ang aking guro__________________________________________________________
22. Most of my friends don’t know that I am afraid of_______________________________________
Marami sa aking kaibigan ang hindi nakakaalam na ako ay takot sa __________________________
23. I don’t like people_______________________________________________________________
Hindo ko gusto ang mga taong________________________________________________________
24. I remember____________________________________________________________________
Natatandaan ko noong______________________________________________________________
25. I think, most boys/girls___________________________________________________________
Sa aking palagay, karamihan sa mga lalaki/babae_________________________________________
26. My feeling about married life_______________________________________________________
Sa palagay ko, ang buhay may asawa__________________________________________________
27. My family treats me like__________________________________________________________
Ang pakikitungo ng aking pamilya sa akin ay tulad ng ______________________________________
28. Those I work with are____________________________________________________________
Ang mga kasama ko sa gawain ay _____________________________________________________
29. My mother and I ________________________________________________________________
Ang aking ina at ako________________________________________________________________
30. My greatest mistake was _________________________________________________________
Ang pinakamabigat kong pagkakamali ay________________________________________________
31. I wish my father_________________________________________________________________
Sana ang aking ama________________________________________________________________
32. I am weak at__________________________________________________________________
Ako ay napakahina sa______________________________________________________________
33. My secret ambition in life_________________________________________________________
Ang lihim kong mithiin sa buhay_______________________________________________________
34. The people who work for me_______________________________________________________
Ang mga taong gumagawa para sa akin_________________________________________________
35. Someday, I ____________________________________________________________________
Balang-araw, ako ay________________________________________________________________
36. When I see the boss coming_______________________________________________________
Kung nakikita kong dumarating ang aking pinuno_________________________________________
37. I wish I could lose the fear of______________________________________________________
Hinahangad kong mawala sa akin ang takot sa___________________________________________
38. The people I like best____________________________________________________________
Ang mgataong nais ko_______________________________________________________________
39. If I were young again_____________________________________________________________
Kung ako’y maging batang muli_______________________________________________________
40. I believe most men/women________________________________________________________
Naniniwala akong karamihan sa lalaki/babae_____________________________________________
41. If I had sex relations_____________________________________________________________
Kung ako ay may karelasyong sekswal_________________________________________________
42. Most families I know_____________________________________________________________
Karamihan sa mga pamilya na aking nalalaman___________________________________________
43. I like working with people who_____________________________________________________
Nasisiyahan akong makipagtrabaho sa mga taong________________________________________
44. I think that most mothers__________________________________________________________
Sa aking palagay, karamihan sa mga ina________________________________________________
45. When I was younger, I felt guilty about_______________________________________________
Minsan, ako ay nakakaramdam ng hiya_________________________________________________
46. My father and I_________________________________________________________________
Ang tatay ko at ako_________________________________________________________________
47. Compared to others, I____________________________________________________________
Kung ihahambing sa iba, ako ay_______________________________________________________
48. What Iwant most in life___________________________________________________________
Ang pinakamimithi ko sa buhay________________________________________________________
49. In giving orders to others, I _______________________________________________________
Sa pag-uutos sa mga tao, ako ay______________________________________________________
50. Ten years from now, I ___________________________________________________________
Sampung taon mula ngayon, ako ay____________________________________________________
51. People whom I consider superiors__________________________________________________
Ang mga taong itinuturing kong pinuno__________________________________________________
52. My fears sometimes force me to____________________________________________________
Ang mga kinatatakutan ko minsan ang nagpipilit sa aking___________________________________
53. When I’m not around, my friends___________________________________________________
Kung ako’y wala, ang aking mga kaibigan _______________________________________________
54. My most vivid childhood memory___________________________________________________
Ang masidhing alaala ng aking kamusmusan_____________________________________________
55. What I like least about men/women_________________________________________________
ANg hindi ko gaano naiibigan sa mga lalaki/babae_________________________________________
56. My view of sex life_______________________________________________________________
Sa aking palagay sdasekswalidad ng buhay______________________________________________
57. When I was a child, my family______________________________________________________
Noong ako ay bata pa, ang aking pamilya_______________________________________________
58. People whowork with me usually___________________________________________________
Kadalasan ang mga kasamako sa gawain_______________________________________________
59. I like my mother but______________________________________________________________
Mahal ko ang aking ina ngunit_________________________________________________________
60. The worstthing I ever did__________________________________________________________
Ang pinakamabigat kong pagkakamali__________________________________________________
By: Joseph M. Sacks
A sentence completion test
consists of a number of
incomplete sentences
presented to the subject for
completion; for example, “I
get angry when …” Usually
there are no instructions except
complete these sentences as
rapidly as you can. Don’t
stop to think about it, but say
the very first thing that occurs
to you. The test is usually
not a standardized test and is
rarely treated quantitatively. It
may be administered to a
group or as an individual test. It
requires a minimum of
supervision and this fact may
be an important consideration in
many clinical situations.
Usually, sentences are
selected which explore
significant areas of an
individual’s adjustment or in
special situations test may be
used for the purpose of
investigating some special
cluster of attitudes.
IX. Attitude towards past (9,
24, 39, 54)
2 points – keenly felt lack of
mother, rejected and
emotionally isolated.
1 point – in the average
0 point – feels well adjusted:
positive feeling tone and
memory of accomplishment.
X. Attitude towards
men/women (10, 25, 40, 55)
2 points – extremely suspicious,
possible homosexual tendency
1 point – high ideals but with
ambivalent feelings
0 point –only minor criticisms
and superficial
XI. Attitude towards
heterosexual (11,26,41,56)
2 points – appears to have given
up achieving good sexual
1 point – desires sexual
experience but shows
0 point – indicates satisfaction
towards this area.
XII. Attitude towards family
unit (12, 27, 42, 57)
2 points – feels rejected by
family, which always lack
solidarity and which has
constantly contented with
1 point – aware that family does
not recognize him as a mature
person but feels no
difficulty in identifying with
0 point –
XIII. Attitude towards
colleague at work/school (13,
28, 43, 58)
2 points – feels rejected by
colleagues and condemns them
1 point – has some difficulty
with his work and is dependent
on his colleagues.
0 point – expresses good mutual
XIV. Attitude towards mother
(14, 29, 44, 59)
2 points - completely rejects
and depreciate mother whom he
considers over
1 point - sees mother’s fault but,
accepts and tolerate their
0 point - express only positive
feeling towards the mother
XV. Attitude towards guilt
feelings (15, 30, 45, 60)
2 points - concerned with
spiritual feeling and physical
sex drives
1 point - has regrets over past
and seems mildly disturbed by
his failure to control
0 point - does not seem to be
aware of guilt feelings
IX. Attitude towards past (9,
24, 39, 54)
2 points – keenly felt lack of
mother, rejected and
emotionally isolated.
1 point – in the average
0 point – feels well adjusted:
positive feeling tone and
memory of accomplishment.
X. Attitude towards
men/women (10, 25, 40, 55)
2 points – extremely suspicious,
possible homosexual tendency
1 point – high ideals but with
ambivalent feelings
0 point –only minor criticisms
and superficial
XI. Attitude towards
heterosexual (11,26,41,56)
2 points – appears to have given
up achieving good sexual
1 point – desires sexual
experience but shows
0 point – indicates satisfaction
towards this area.
XII. Attitude towards family
unit (12, 27, 42, 57)
2 points – feels rejected by
family, which always lack
solidarity and which has
constantly contented with
1 point – aware that family does
not recognize him as a mature
person but feels no
difficulty in identifying with
0 point –
XIII. Attitude towards
colleague at work/school (13,
28, 43, 58)
2 points – feels rejected by
colleagues and condemns them
1 point – has some difficulty
with his work and is dependent
on his colleagues.
0 point – expresses good mutual
XIV. Attitude towards mother
(14, 29, 44, 59)
2 points - completely rejects
and depreciate mother whom he
considers over
1 point - sees mother’s fault but,
accepts and tolerate their
0 point - express only positive
feeling towards the mother
XV. Attitude towards guilt
feelings (15, 30, 45, 60)
2 points - concerned with
spiritual feeling and physical
sex drives
1 point - has regrets over past
and seems mildly disturbed by
his failure to control
0 point - does not seem to be
aware of guilt feelings
Short Guide to Interpretation
(15 Variables)
I. Attitude towards father
(1, 16, 31, 46)
2 points – feels extreme
hostility and contempt with
overt death wishes
1 point – admires father but
wishes their relationship were
0 point – confident of his ability
to overcome obstacle
II. Attitude towards own
abilities (2, 17, 32, 47)
2 points – feels completely
incompetent and hopeless
1 point – feels he has specific
ability and persistence.
0 point – confident of his ability
to overcome obstacle
III. Goals (3, 18, 33, 48)
2 points – direct expression
of hostility, aggression of
society, extravagant and
1 point – desires material things
for family as well as for self
0 point – sees importance in
happiness and health
IV. Attitude towards people
supervised (4, 19, 34, 49)
2 points – feel he would not be
able to control his hostility in
supervising others
1 point – feels capable of
doing good supervisory but
has misgiving about
assuming an authorization
0 point – feels comfortable and
well accepted by subordinate
V. Attitude towards future
(5, 20, 35, 50)
2 points – pessimistic, no hope
in his own resources for
happiness and success
1 point – unsure of himself but
generally optimistic
0 point – seems confident in
achieving his materialistic
VI. Attitude toward
supervisors at work/school (6,
21, 36, 51)
2 points – resents and fears
1 point – mild difficulty in
accepting authority
0 point – accepts authority
VII. Fears (7, 22, 37, 52)
2 points – disturbed by
apparent fears of losing
identity or consciousness and
possibility to control his
1 point – fear of self-assertion
which is commonly fair and not
0 point – expresses lack of overt
fear of insufficient evidence
VIII. Attitude towards friends
and acquaintances (8, 23, 38,
2 points – suspicious and
apparently seclusive
1 point – seems to wait for
approval of others before
committing himself
0 point –expresses good mutual
feelings between friends and
Short Guide to Interpretation (15 Variables)
I. Attitude towards father (1, 16, 31, 46)
2 points – feels extreme hostility and contempt with overt death wishes
1 point – admires father but wishes their relationship were closer
0 point – confident of his ability to overcome obstacle
II. Attitude towards own abilities (2, 17, 32, 47)
2 points – feels completely incompetent and hopeless
1 point – feels he has specific ability and persistence.
0 point – confident of his ability to overcome obstacle
III. Goals (3, 18, 33, 48)
2 points – direct expression of hostility, aggression of society, extravagant and realistic
1 point – desires material things for family as well as for self
0 point – sees importance in happiness and health
IV. Attitude towards people supervised (4, 19, 34, 49)
2 points – feel he would not be able to control his hostility in supervising others
1 point – feels capable of doing good supervisory but has misgiving about assuming an
authorization person
0 point – feels comfortable and well accepted by subordinate
V. Attitude towards future (5, 20, 35, 50)
2 points – pessimistic, no hope in his own resources for happiness and success
1 point – unsure of himself but generally optimistic
0 point – seems confident in achieving his materialistic goals.
VI. Attitude toward supervisors at work/school (6, 21, 36, 51)
2 points – resents and fears authority
1 point – mild difficulty in accepting authority
0 point – accepts authority
VII. Fears (7, 22, 37, 52)
2 points – disturbed by apparent fears of losing identity or consciousness and possibility to
control his impulse
1 point – fear of self-assertion which is commonly fair and not pervasive
0 point – expresses lack of overt fear of insufficient evidence
VIII. Attitude towards friends and acquaintances (8, 23, 38, 53)
2 points – suspicious and apparently seclusive
1 point – seems to wait for approval of others before committing himself emotionally
0 point –expresses good mutual feelings between friends and self

IX. Attitude towards past (9,

24, 39, 54)
2 points – keenly felt lack of
mother, rejected and
emotionally isolated.
1 point – in the average
0 point – feels well adjusted:
positive feeling tone and
memory of accomplishment.
X. Attitude towards
men/women (10, 25, 40, 55)
2 points – extremely suspicious,
possible homosexual tendency
1 point – high ideals but with
ambivalent feelings
0 point –only minor criticisms
and superficial
XI. Attitude towards
heterosexual (11,26,41,56)
2 points – appears to have given
up achieving good sexual
1 point – desires sexual
experience but shows
0 point – indicates satisfaction
towards this area.
XII. Attitude towards family
unit (12, 27, 42, 57)
2 points – feels rejected by
family, which always lack
solidarity and which has
constantly contented with
1 point – aware that family does
not recognize him as a mature
person but feels no
difficulty in identifying with
0 point –
XIII. Attitude towards
colleague at work/school (13,
28, 43, 58)
2 points – feels rejected by
colleagues and condemns them
1 point – has some difficulty
with his work and is dependent
on his colleagues.
0 point – expresses good mutual
XIV. Attitude towards mother
(14, 29, 44, 59)
2 points - completely rejects
and depreciate mother whom he
considers over
1 point - sees mother’s fault but,
accepts and tolerate their
0 point - express only positive
feeling towards the mother
XV. Attitude towards guilt
feelings (15, 30, 45, 60)
2 points - concerned with
spiritual feeling and physical
sex drives
1 point - has regrets over past
and seems mildly disturbed by
his failure to control
0 point - does not seem to be
aware of guilt feelings
IX. Attitude towards past (9, 24, 39, 54)
2 points – keenly felt lack of mother, rejected and emotionally isolated.
1 point – in the average
0 point – feels well adjusted: positive feeling tone and memory of accomplishment.
X. Attitude towards men/women (10, 25, 40, 55)
2 points – extremely suspicious, possible homosexual tendency
1 point – high ideals but with ambivalent feelings
0 point –only minor criticisms and superficial
XI. Attitude towards heterosexual (11,26,41,56)
2 points – appears to have given up achieving good sexual adjustment
1 point – desires sexual experience but shows reservation
0 point – indicates satisfaction towards this area.
XII. Attitude towards family unit (12, 27, 42, 57)
2 points – feels rejected by family, which always lack solidarity and which has constantly
contented with difficulties.
1 point – aware that family does not recognize him as a mature person but feels no difficulty in
identifying with them
0 point –
XIII. Attitude towards colleague at work/school (13, 28, 43, 58)
2 points – feels rejected by colleagues and condemns them
1 point – has some difficulty with his work and is dependent on his colleagues.
0 point – expresses good mutual feelings.
XIV. Attitude towards mother (14, 29, 44, 59)
2 points - completely rejects and depreciate mother whom he considers over demanding.
1 point - sees mother’s fault but, accepts and tolerate their differences
0 point - express only positive feeling towards the mother
XV. Attitude towards guilt feelings (15, 30, 45, 60)
2 points - concerned with spiritual feeling and physical sex drives
1 point - has regrets over past and seems mildly disturbed by his failure to control trouble
0 point - does not seem to be aware of guilt feelings

Scoring and Summarizing

Responses (SSCT)
Illustrative Case. The
following responses and
independent clinical
impressions of the
psychiatrist who treated the
subject were obtained during
the course of an experimental
of the SSCT by Sacks.
Subject No. 6 Male Age: 19
Diagnosis: Psychoneurosis,
mixed, severe
1. Attitude Toward Mother
Rating : 2
14. My mother has been a
problem to me.
29. My mother and I are closely
tied together.
44. I think most mothers love
their children.
59. I like my mother but she
has been a big problem to me.
Interpretative Summary:
Greatly concerned about
emotional ties between mother
and self and the problems
involved in this relationship.
Clinical Impression:
Ambivalent dependency with
incestuous wishes and hostility
Scoring and Summarizing Responses (SSCT)
Illustrative Case. The following responses and independent clinical impressions of the psychiatrist
who treated the subject were obtained during the course of an experimental study of the SSCT by

Subject No. 6 Male Age: 19 Diagnosis: Psychoneurosis, mixed, severe

Attitude Toward Mother Rating : 2
14. My mother has been a problem to me.
29. My mother and I are closely tied together.
44. I think most mothers love their children.
59. I like my mother but she has been a big problem to me.

Interpretative Summary: Greatly concerned about emotional ties between mother and self and the
problems involved in this relationship.
Clinical Impression: Ambivalent dependency with incestuous wishes and hostility

Attitude Towards Father Rating: 2

I feel my father seldom has shown affection towards me.
If my father would only act like a father.
I wish my father were of a man.
I feel that my father is not much of a man.

Interpretative Summary: Shows need of relationship with an adequate father image. Feel that his own
father fails to fulfill this role. Clinical Impression: Father not a strong person. Can’t identify with him

Attitude Towards Family Unit Rating: 2

Compared with most families, mine is more strict and European.
My family treats me like an intelligent person.
Most families I know are happy.
When I was a child, my family didn’t pay much attention to me.

Interpretative Summary: feels he was rejected by the family in childhood but he is respected by them
now. Feels he has been handicapped by parents’ rigid attitudes and old-ways. Clinical Impression:
Compulsive loyalty based on dependency

Attitude Towards Colleagues at work/school Rating: 0

At work I get along with everyone.
Those I work with are good people.
I like working with people who work with you and do their share.
People who work with me usually like me.
Interpretative Summary: Feels they are cooperative and well disposed toward him. Clinical Impression:
Cooperative, considerate.

Fears Rating: 2
I know it is silly but I am afraid of being outstanding and rejected.
Most of my friends don’t know that I am afraid of being rejected and outstanding.
I wish I could lose the fear of letting myself go.
My fears sometimes force me to draw into my shell and even throw up.

Interpretative Summary: Fears that any prominence on his part, rejection by others, causes him to
withdraw or to take refuge in digestive symptoms. Clinical Impression: Libidinous impulses, hostility,

Guilt Rating: 1
I would do anything to forget the time I became hysterical.
My greatest mistake was (no response)
When I was young, I felt guilty about all my sex feelings.
The worst thing I ever did was to keep myself from advancing to my fullest capacity.

Interpretative Summary: guilt involved in sex feelings has prevented development of his personality
potentialities. Clinical Impression: Masturbatic, lubinuous feelings toward girls, mother and sister.

Attitude Towards Own Abilities Rating: 1

When the odds are against me I get blue
I believe that I have the ability to do anything that I choose to do.
My greatest weakness is fear
When Luck turns against me I wait for it to change.

Interpretative Summary: Feels he has high potentialities but is depressed when confronted by
obstacles. Passive and frayed in dealing with them Clinical Impression: Overambitious in relation to
abilities. Would like to be more brilliant than he is

Attitude Towards Past Rating: 1

When I was a child I received little attention
Before the war, I was happy.
If I were young again I’d probably get the same way as I have.
My most vivid childhood memory is my experience with a girl.

Interpretative Summary: Felt rejected. Impressed by childhood sexual experience Clinical Impression:
Preoccupied with masturbation and with his illness.

Attitude Towards Future Rating: 0

To me the future look brighter.
I look forward to when I’m well.
Someday I will be truly happy..
When I am older I will be wiser.

Interpretative Summary: Optimistic with respect to health happiness and intellectual growth. Clinical
Impression: No conflict. Feels able to do things he wants to do.

Goals Rating: 1
I always wanted to be outstanding.
I could be perfectly happy if I had peace of mind
My secret ambition in life is to be famous.
What I want most out of life is peace of mind, then I get all the rest.

Interpretative Summary: Wants to be famous and outstanding despite fears previously mentioned. Goal
seemed somewhat vague. Clinical Impression:

Interpretative Summary

II. Attitude toward father # 1, 16, 31, 46

III. Attitude Towards Family # 12, 27, 42, 57
IV. Attitude Towards Friends and acquaintances #8, 23, 38, 53
V. Attitude Towards people supervised # 4, 19, 34, 48
VI. Attitude Towards colleague at work or at school # 13, 17, 32, 47
VII. Fears # 7, 22, 39, 47.
VIII. Guilt Feelings # 15, 30, 45, 60
IX. Attitude Towards own abilities # 9, 24, 39, 54
X. Attitude Towards past # 9, 24, 39, 54
XI. Attitude Towards future # 5, 20, 35, 50
XII. Goals #3, 18, 33, 49.

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