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English Language –Noun & Verb Phrase

Identify noun phrase and verb phrase in the following sentences:

1. The cat chased the mouse.
Noun phrases: "The cat" and "the mouse" Verb phrase: "chased"
2. Sarah ate a delicious apple for breakfast.
Noun phrases: "Sarah" and "a delicious apple" Verb phrase: "ate"
3. The tall, dark-haired man walked briskly down the street.
Noun phrases: "The tall, dark-haired man" and "the street" Verb phrase: "walked briskly"
4. The teacher assigned a difficult project to her students.
Noun phrases: "The teacher," "a difficult project," and "her students" Verb phrase: "assigned"
5. The car slowly made its way up the steep hill.
Noun phrases: "The car" and "the steep hill" Verb phrase: "made its way up"
6. The cat sat on the windowsill.
Noun phrase: The cat Verb phrase: sat on the windowsill
7. John ate a sandwich for lunch.
Noun phrase: a sandwich Verb phrase: ate for lunch
8. The big, red ball bounced down the street.
Noun phrase: The big, red ball Verb phrase: bounced down the street
9. She gave the book to her friend.
Noun phrase: the book Verb phrase: gave to her friend
10. The children played happily in the park.
Noun phrase: The children Verb phrase: played happily in the park

Make sentences from the given phrases:

1. Noun phrase: the blue car Example sentence: I saw the blue car driving down the street.
2. Verb phrase: is running Example sentence: John is running to catch the bus.
3. Noun phrase: a delicious pizza Example sentence: I ordered a delicious pizza from the restaurant.
4. Verb phrase: will be watching Example sentence: We will be watching the game on TV tonight.
5. Noun phrase: my best friend Example sentence: My best friend and I are going to the movies later.
6. Verb phrase: has been studying Example sentence: She has been studying for her exams all week.
7. Noun phrase: the tall building Example sentence: The tall building in the center of town is a famous
8. Verb phrase: can swim Example sentence: I can swim very well because I took lessons as a child.
9. Noun phrase: a new laptop Example sentence: I bought a new laptop for work and it's much faster
than my old one.
10. Verb phrase: was playing Example sentence: The children were playing in the park when it started to

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