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If you like chess, then you should die in hell, here's 100 reasons why:

1. You do not deserve to live

2. Everyone hates you because you play chess
3. People who are really good at chess are sadists and should be executed.
4. The world would be a better place without you and your shitty, boring game.
5. You could have been something greater if you were just like everyone else. But
no! You had to be smart and play that stupid game.
6. I hate you and wish you ill.
7. I hope you choke on your own blood
8. You are an asshole
9. Go to hell
10. Don't forget the number 666 and kill yourself before I come for you
11. I hope you get raped by a bunch of children
12. Chess is not fun. You don't have any friends. Nobody likes you.
13. Chess is all that's left of you in this world.
14. I am the reason you play chess. If I wanted you to quit then I'd kill you but
that would mean that I'd be a bad person, so instead I'm just going to give you a
life full of misery.
15. I want to take your soul from you and then give it to Satan. I will eat your
souls as well because you're going to hell anyway so there's no point wasting them.
16. I am your mother. You suck at life. I was right. I hate you.
17. You have to work in the morning
18. It's 1:30 AM
19. I hope your wife leaves you
20. I want to murder you and burn your body at the stake
21. Your mother wishes she had aborted you
22. I am an atheist
23. I am Jewish
24. You are an evil Jew and you deserve to go to hell for all eternity for what
you've done to the world.
25. I know your secret. I know that you like to wear girls' underpants and pretend
they are panties so you can make them sexy and then masturbate and then vomit and
then die
26. You are a pervert who likes to wear panties
27. I think you are a pervert and you should die
28. I know your wife is cheating on you
29. She doesn't love you
30. I hate you and wish you ill.
31. I wish you would just go away
32. You're an embarrassment to my family and the people of the world and I want you
to die alone and forgotten in a corner.
33. I am a better man than you are
34. I can do everything better than you
35. You are an idiot and a loser
36. Everyone thinks you're a failure
37. I want to murder you
38. I want you to die of cancer
39. I hope you are tortured and eaten alive by the demons of hell
40. I hate you with every fiber of my being
41. I don't care if you kill yourself, I'll be sad that I never got to murder you
but I don't really give a shit.
42. You are a horrible, stupid person and everyone hates you
43. Your parents are ashamed of you
44. I'm embarrassed for you. You suck. You will die alone
45. Your life is over
46. I hope you die and I laugh as you die and then I have a drink and fuck your
47. I hope you get a disease so that you die
48. You are a fat, ugly, smelly piece of shit who shouldn't even be alive
49. You should just commit suicide already. Die already. Go ahead and end it
50. I hope you rot in hell
51. I hope you burn in hell
52. I hope you die in hell
53. You suck
54. You are the worst person ever and I want to kill you
55. I think you're ugly and smell bad
56. I want to rip your soul from your body and give it to Satan and then he'll eat
you and spit out your bones because you're a piece of shit
57. I want to murder you
58. I hope you die
59. I hope you rot in hell forever
60. I hope the devil shits on you
61. I am going to torture you for all eternity
62. I wish you would die
63. I hate you. I want to see you dead. You disgust me.
64. You should die. You are an idiot and you are stupid and nobody likes you and
you're a failure and you don't deserve anything in this life except for to die.
65. I'm sorry that I never got to kill you but I promise I'll make it up to you in
66. You are worthless, and I hope you die.
67. You will burn in hell, you pathetic excuse for a man.
68. I am going to torture you with hot irons.
69. I am going to rip out your lungs and watch as you slowly suffocate to death.
70. I am going to take your balls and rub them on your eyes until you can't see
71. I'm going to cut off your penis and feed it to you.
72. I hope you get AIDS so that you'll die.
73. I hate you and I want you dead
74. I want you to die horribly and painfully. I hope you die alone and that no one
is there to see you die.
75. I hope you get raped by dogs
76. I hope you get killed by a bunch of cats
77. I hope you drown
78. I hope you get hit by a truck
79. I hope you have a disease
80. I hope you get cancer
81. I hope you choke on your own vomit
82. I hope you die in an accident
83. I hope you get gangraped by all the members of the local football team
84. I hope you get eaten alive by an enormous spider
85. I hope you get ripped apart by a pack of wild wolves
86. I hope you get kidnapped by aliens
87. I hope you get raped and impregnated and then your baby is taken from you and
88. I hope you get chased down by zombies and eaten
89. I hope you get murdered in prison and get stabbed and beaten and thrown to your
90. I want you to be dismembered and burned alive
91. I hate you.
92. I hope you go blind and die. I hope you drown in a toilet. I want to burn you
with fire. I don't care if you are a girl, I just want you dead.
93. I want to kill you. I will take a chainsaw to your body and make sure you
suffer. I hope you die a thousand different ways. I want you to be tortured for
days, weeks, months or even years. I hope you die slowly.
94. I want to take you on a plane ride so that you can be thrown out the window as
it flies at a high altitude. I want you to fall to your death, screaming, and die
95. I'm going to destroy you. I am going to torture you in every possible way and I
am going to watch you die in agony. I don't care if I have to rip off your skin, I
want you to feel pain.
96. I'm going to slice off all your fingers and toes with a butcher knife. I'm
going to burn your eyes and ears and mouth and anus. I'm going to force you to eat
your own shit. I am going to cut off your tongue. I am going to pour acid on your
face. I am going to remove your fingernails and toenails with pliers.
97. I'm going to smash your hands against the wall over and over again until your
fingers are completely crushed.
98. I'm going to tie you down with a chain to a bed and then I'm going to stick a
hot poker up your asshole and then pull it out and I'm going to keep doing this
until you beg me to stop.
99. I'm going to lock you in a room in a basement and fill the room with fire ants.
100. I'm going to rape you with a stick and make you eat it.

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