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By HYD Hemp India Pvt Ltd

Problem Statement

Every month, 80% of the women all across the globe

suffer from Menstrual cramps.
Menstrual cramps show their effect on a lot of things in
a women’s life. Below are a few

• Mental Health
• Social Interaction
• Productivity
• Education

Its about time we consider this as an serious issue and

take steps to help Women

Menstrual pain can be “almost as bad as a heart attack.”

What are we offering ?
Prink Suppositories are formulated for relief from
the gruelling pain women suffer during their
menstrual cycle. Each Suppository will provide
relief from the menstrual cramps for at least 6

This is not just about relieving women from pain ,

its more about helping them to do what they wish
to do without any physical limitations.

More reasons for women to love Prink

• Full -spectrum oil from sun-grown hemp

• 100% organic & fair-trade cocoa butter

• Free of solvents, heavy metals, and pesticides

• No added chemicals 100% organic

How our Suppositories help
• Prinkwellness products help in reducing inflammation. Any pain or cramps
that is experienced during the menstrual cycle will be affected because of
this characteristic.

• The anti-inflammatory nature of our products makes them ideal for

reducing headaches, nausea, and other normal symptoms of the menstrual

• Our product’s anti-inflammatory benefits come without the gastrointestinal

side effects unlike all the NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs)
which are used for Menstrual pain .

• Menstrual cramps are caused by contractions of the smooth muscle lining in

the uterus — and CBD is widely recognized to relax these smooth muscles.
Market Size & Opportunity
• The target audience for our product are Females in between the age group 18-35.
Approximately 80% of the women globally suffer from Menstrual cramps/pain every month. This is a serious issue for them since it becomes
an major obstacle to perform day to day tasks. To get more insights on this we had a discussion with approximate 30-50 of our female friends .
Most of them told us that the intensity of pain and discomfort they undergo during their periods is very high. Almost all of them have tried out
NSAIDs but they haven’t proven to be effective. Apart from pharmaceutical drugs they have also tried using heating pads and yoga , but the
pain factor never dropped significantly for them. After listening to their ordeals we came to a conclusion that most of the women are happy to
try any product which would help them with pain management.
In this regards we feel that our product will perfectly fit in the market and more women will be interested in trying it once a clinical
trial/research is done.
Coming back to audience size we feel that the market size is quite big enough for us considering the age group we are trying to focus on. As per
2020 statistics the estimated female population in the age of 18-35 is approx. 225.5 Million ( 79.3% literacy rate) .
It is also observed that 89% of the millennial women shop online . So if we are able to utilize platforms like Nykaa and Amazon we will have
much broader audience base to serve.

• Apart from this we also have another product i.e Full spectrum Hemp oil which we are importing from Colorado USA for which we intend to
target people who are looking for natural remedies for Pain management , Mental wellness , Overall wellness .

• Hemp is slowly yet steadily gaining popularity in India as there are new brands coming into the market and spreading the knowledge on
how hemp oil can be added in their day to day life.
• The downside of the current Hemp oil market in India is that it either lacks quality ( most of the local extracted oils have high THC ) or the
prices are too high since most of the oil is imported from other countries . So if we are able to manufacture Good quality oil we will have a
new opportunity to be a wholesaler for the upcoming Hemp Brands in India.
Sales & Marketing
• Online
1. Nykaa claims to get 40 Million monthly user visits from about 15 Mil unique visitors. Adding our product on Nykaa will leave our doors
open to a huge market
2. As per Social toaster 81% of female millennials said social media was the best way for brands to reach them so having Instagram ads
based on demographical targeting will help us increase the reach among millennial users.
3. We also plan to register as a seller on Amazon India which also has a huge female user base.

4. Online consultation with few Ayurvedic doctors via our website in-order to spread awareness and drive sales.

• Offline
1. We intend to onboard few Ayurvedic doctors in our team who will provide consultations and prescribe our product to women.
2. Prink Booths we plan on setting up several booths near IT hubs and women clubs in order to raise awareness about our product. These
booths will also help in driving offline sales.
3. Events such as 2k runs and 5k runs can be conducted to spread awareness about the brand.
4. As per The Times of India L&T Metro serves approximately 2lakh people everyday in each city , so the advertisement screens in the
women compartments can also be useful.
Ratan Tata and Patanjali aiming high with Cannabis

• New Hemp based medicines for Cancer pain management and Epilepsy that will be
manufactured in India are set to be available in next one year with the council for
scientific research (CSIR) in advanced stage of clinical trials to launch two to
breakthrough drugs .
• The two new drugs are expected to be superior than the existing line of treatment.
These two drugs are based on CBD.
• The above projects are funded by Ratan Tata.

• As per the Patanjali’s Chief executive Balakrishna Patanjali Ayurved is stepping up studies
on the plant’s medicinal and industrial properties.

• At its research facility in Haridwar , a team of scientists are looking into the benefits and
use of Cannabis extracts in various medicines and products.
What have we done so far
Sourcing of Raw materials :

Main Ingredients of our product is Full spectrum Hemp oil

• Full spectrum oil is sourced from Indoor Hemp farms in Colorado

• These plants are fed with Alkaline water in-order to give better yield
• In addition to these we have African coca butter and Himalayan Beeswax in our product for
which we have dedicated local vendors.

Product manufacturing/packaging :

As of now we have two products listed on our website

• Prink Vaginal Suppositories : Manufactured inhouse by HYD HEMP India Pvt Ltd
• Full Spectrum Hemp Oil : Imported oil from Colorado repacked and sold in lots of 10ml

• Volunteers who have used our suppository have had visible relief from cramps , but who
weigh above 70 to 75kgs have not had such great results . We are planning to send them
another pack with increased dosage to see the results in their next cycle.

• When it comes to direct use of our oil we have observed that up to 0.5Ml has been an
effective dosage for a proper nights sleep and normal pains/discomforts whereas for
Chronic pain management 1Ml seems to be working well.

• Prink’s primary source of income will be through the sales of suppositories.

• Each suppository will be priced at INR 350.

• We plan on making a sale of 1,000 units per month which shall generate a revenue of 3,50,000

• Our Aim is to get 9,000 unit sales in the first 6 months which will amount to 31,50,000 INR.

• In addition to this we also intend to sell tinctures which are priced at INR 3500 each.

• Aim is to be able to sell at least 50 tinctures a month which should generate 1,75,000 INR.
Expense category Amount
Hemp Oil (2litres) 4,20,000
SEO marketing 1,00,000
Social Media marketing 2,00,000
Raw materials ( Cocoa Butter & Beeswax) 15,000
Manpower 1,65,000
Equipment 45,000
Certifications for Amazon/Nykaa/Flipkart 70,000
Offline Marketing (Booths in malls and other places) 3,00,000
Misc 1,85,000
Total ₹ 15,00,000

• The total investment required is INR 15,00,000 .

• We have excluded costs for packaging and labelling as they have already been paid out by us.

• Delivering Expense is not added here since it will be paid out by the customers.

• The 2litres of Hemp oil which is ought to be bought will have an estimate market value of INR 7,00,000 if only resold as
Tinctures and a value of INR 9,00,000 to 13,00,000 when sold in the form of suppositories.

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