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MARCH 2021


This project report entitled RGB LED color mixer circuit was prepared and

submitted By



has been found satisfactory in terms of scope, quality and presentation as partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the
Diploma Engineering (Electronic Engineering) in Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Checked and Approved by


Project Supervisor
Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technology Universiti Malaysia Perlis

March 2021


First and foremost, I want to thank and appreciate my parents for never-ending
support and inspiration they have given me. They have been a crucial part of my
preparation for this capstone assignment. I might not be able to do my project
effectively and correctly without them.

A special thanks to EN SABRE B ZAKARIA, my final-year project supervisor, who

helped me throughout this semester to manage the project's development by offering
recommendations and criticisms. His earnest advice made a significant contribution to
my senior project, particularly when it came to preparing the final report. In terms of
whether a question is asked or a difficulty arises throughout the assignment, his
patience even made me feel better. I'll never forget the day he gave me cash

In addition, I couldn't have finished my job without the help of my other students.
Their inspiration, passion, and encouragement have propelled and enabled me to
finish this endeavour. They have always been there for me to offer better suggestions
and assist me in finding solutions to some of the biggest issues I had while working
on the project.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere gratitude to all of the
instructors and staff members who helped me throughout my three years of study for
the Diploma in Electronic Engineering. They gave everything they had during lectures
and labs and were always eager to help out, which made for a beautiful trip in my life
filled with the deepest love and care. They taught me what it would take for me to
become a great engineer someday, and I got a lot of useful information and



LED RBG adalah singkatan untuk LED merah, biru dan hijau. Warna ketiga-tiga ini
digabungkan dalam peranti LED RGB untuk menghasilkan kira-kira 16 juta warna
cahaya yang berbeza. Perlu diketahui bahawa tidak semua warna boleh dibayangkan.
Terdapat beberapa warna yang jatuh "di luar" bentuk segi tiga LED RGB. Warna
merah jambu dan pigmen lain seperti coklat adalah sangat mencabar untuk dihasilkan,
jika tidak mustahil. LED RGB pada asasnya boleh mencipta sebarang warna kerana ia
adalah pakej LED. Ia boleh digunakan untuk pelbagai tujuan, termasuk paparan
matriks LED, reka bentuk lampu pentas, lampu hiasan luar dan banyak lagi. LED
Merah, Hijau dan Biru ialah tiga lampu dalaman LED RGB, yang mungkin
bercampur-campur untuk mencipta sebarang warna. Kita mesti melaraskan kecerahan
setiap LED dalaman dan mencampurkan tiga output warna untuk mencipta pelbagai
warna. Rahsia di sini ialah kerana LED terlalu rapat antara satu sama lain di dalam,
mata kita akan melihat campuran warna dan bukannya warna individu apabila kita
menggunakan PWM untuk mengawal keamatan LED merah, hijau dan biru secara
individu. Terdapat banyak kelebihan untuk menggunakan led seperti Ia menduduki
kawasan yang kurang bersaiz kecil, kurang berat, lebih besar, kecekapan, ketoksikan
adalah kurang, kontrak dan kecerahan cahaya adalah lebih baik berbanding dengan
LED lain, penyelenggaraan yang baik.



RBG LEDs are short for red, blue, and green LEDs. These three colours are combined
in RGB LED devices to create approximately 16 million different shades of light. Be
aware that not every hue is conceivable. There are several colours that fall "outside"
of the RGB LEDs' triangular shape. Pink and other pigment hues like brown are as
challenging to produce, if not impossible. A RGB LED can essentially create any hue
because it is an LED package. It may be utilised for a variety of purposes, including
LED matrix displays, stage lighting designs, outdoor decorative lights, and more. Red,
Green, and Blue LEDs are the three internal lights of RGB LEDs, which may be
mixed to create practically any hue. We must adjust the brightness of each internal
LED and mix the three colour outputs to create various hues. The secret here is that
because the LEDs are so close to one another inside, our eyes will perceive the
mixture of the colours rather than the individual colours when we use PWM to
individually control the intensity of the red, green, and blue LEDs. There are many
advantage to use the led such It occupies less area small in size, less weight, greater,
efficiency, toxicity is less, contract and brightness of the light is better compared to
other LED, good maintenance of

Table of Contents


1.1 Background study 11
1.2 Problem statement 13
1.3 Project objective 13
1.4 Scope of project 14
1.5 Summary of the Chapter 14
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 Existing Automation System 15
2.2.1 Simple RGB LED Color Mixer Circuit using 15
LM317 IC
2.2.2 3W RGB LED With Low-battery Indicator 16
and Polymorph Diffuser
2.4 Summary of the Chapter 16
3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 Project Methodology 17
3.3 Flow chart 18
3.4 Software Development 19
3.5 PCB schematic design 20
3.6 Model design 20
3.7 PCB board 21
3.8 Voltage regulator 22
3.9 Summary of the chapter 22

4.1 Introduction 23
4.2 Simulation Result 23
4.2.1 Design Result 24
4.3 Hardware Result 25
4.4 Summary of the Chapter 27
5.1 Conclusion of the project 28
5.2 Future Work 28
Reference 29
Appendices 30


Figure 1.1 RGB LED 6 pin 12

Figure 3.1 Flow Chart 18
Figure 3.2 KiCad software 19
Figure 3,3 Schematic design 20
Figure 3.4 Model design 20
Figure 3.5 PCB board 21
Figure 3.6 LM 317 22
Figure 4.1 Schematic editor 23
Figure 4.2 PCB editor 23
Figure 4.3 The design of the circuit 24
Figure 4.4 RGB blue color 25
Figure 4.5 RGB red color 26
Firgure 4.6 RGB green color 26







1.1 Background study

This project's goal is to demonstrate a straightforward RGB 3-watt LED colour

mixer circuit based on the LM317 IC, which can be used to show how red, blue, and
green colours mix as seen in colour swatches. Red, blue, and green LEDs are
referred to as RBG LEDs. In RGB LED devices, these three colours are mixed to
produce more than 16 million distinct light tints. Recognize that not every shade is
attainable. Several colours are "outside" of the triangle shape formed by the RGB
LEDs. Pink and other colour tones, such as brown, are as challenging or impossible
to produce. One of the most well-known and maybe the most widely used colour
schemes in use today is the RGB one. The colours we see on TVs, computer screens,
and smartphones are created by combining red, green, and blue light. Although
widely used in modern technology, RGB colour has been around since the mid-
1800s and was first based on theories created by physicists like Thomas Young,
Hermann Helmholtz, and James Maxwell. Two early uses of RGB colour were
cathode ray tubes and old pictures. Modern LCD panels, plasma displays, and Light
Emitting Diodes can all display RGB colour.

How do the RGB colours function? The components of the human eye that are in
charge of colour vision are called cone cells or photoreceptors. RGB stands for red,
green, and blue. Red, green, and blue light combinations work together to create the
colours that people see by simultaneously activating the various cone kinds of cells.
We will notice different colours when red, green, and blue light are blended. For
example, red and green lights will appear as yellow, whereas blue and green lights
would seem as cyan. Red and blue light will show in magenta, and all three lights
united will appear in white.. The RGB colours are now employed, for instance, in

applications for screens. For on-screen applications like graphic design, RGB colour
works well. The expression of each colour channel ranges from 0 (least saturated) to
255. (most saturated). This means that the RGB colour space may represent a total of
16,777,216 distinct colours. Additionally, almost all popular programmes, including
Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office, are RGB compatible.

Figure 1.1 RGB LED 6 PIN

1.2 Problem statement

The problem that found to run this project is the RBG LED is easily to burn.
Basically, the RGB LED have three standard calour whish is red, blue and green.
Depending on the design, one color could burn out first, but typically, they reduce
in brightness, then extinguish thmselves. Due to its lower voltage than the others,
the red LED will have a larger current flow than the others. It should only be
roughly 10ma, which is far within the values shown on the LED data sheet, even
with a 5V supply. Therefore, either you received a bad batch of LEDs or your
circuit has another problem. Some options that I would think about.

1. The voltage regulator is not actually operating correctly due to missing ground
connection, missing capacitors or some other issue. To solve this problem I will
carefully build the circuit using KiCad software and I will be carefully and
correctly set before connecting them.

2. The resistors values must be accurate. The resistor color codes are all too easy to
misread and I would testing them with a multimeter.

1.3 Project objective

Based on the problem stetements stated in the previous sections, these are the
objectives that need to be achieved in this work:

1. To design and simulate a circuit using KiCad software perfectly

2. To investigate and identify the resistor value for the RGB LED using this

Rc = 0.6/LED current rating

3. To compare the colour of three RGB LED calour (red,green, and blue)

1.4 Scope of project

The main goal of this project is to focus on how RBG LEDs operate and to
demonstrate the impact of combining the LEDs' primary colours. KiCad software was
utilised for this project. KiCad is a trustworthy and cutting-edge tool for designing
and maintaining electrical circuit boards. It has no limitations on board size and can
accommodate up to four secondary layers, 14 technical layers, and 32 copper layers.
The Schematic Editor in KiCad is capable of handling even the most intricate
hierarchical designs with hundreds Use one of the hundreds of pre-made symbols in
the official KiCad collection or create your own bespoke ones. Utilize the inbuilt
SPICE simulator and electrical rules checker to validate the design. This project uses
this software to create a schematic and PCB layout before creating the actual PCB
board in the lab. The PCB Editor in KiCad is user-friendly enough to make PCB
design simple and capable enough to handle intricate contemporary designs. Layout
jobs are now easier than ever thanks to a potent interactive router and better
visualisation and selection tools.

1.5 Summary of the Chapter

There are five subchapters in this. The background study is the first and foremost
component of this chapter's outline. A brief history of the irrigation systems used in
the past was covered in this section. In order to determine the primary issues that led to
the development of the project, all problem statements were thoroughly explored in
subchapter 2. In the meanwhile, chapter three discussed the project's several primary
goals that must be met. The project scope, or the characteristics that the system
contains, was then discussed in detail in subchapter 3. Finally, subchapter 5 contains a
summary of this chapter as a whole.


2.1 Introduction

This section of the chapter will go into detail about the evaluations and the
necessary data on the project that has been developed. The necessary information was
discovered from a variety of sources, including the internet. The report's conclusion
will also include the references.

2.2 Existing Automation System

2.2.1 Simple RGB LED Color Mixer Circuit using LM317 IC

According to the research, there are certain projects being worked on that use
an RGB LED colour mixer. based on the study "Simple RGB LED Color Mixer
Circuit using LM317 IC" by "SWAGATAM" and released on FEBRUARY 23, 2020.
The goal of this project is to illustrate the effects of red, blue, and green colour mixing
as they are described in conventional colour charts. The technique is the same
regardless of the item or wiring arrangement.

Each module has the ability to modify voltage, and a BC547 transistor and a
resistor Rc regulate each module's current. The 3 watt LED's leads are connected
individually to each of the 3 LM317 circuits' outputs, while the input to all 3 modules
is supplied by a single DC source, which might be an SMPS adaptor with the
necessary RGB lighting handling capacity. Before connecting the LEDs to the 317
outputs, they must be carefully and accurately

2.2.2 3W RGB LED With Low-battery Indicator and Polymorph Diffuser

The following study, "Tiny Color Mixer - a Constant-current, 3W RGB LED With
Low-battery Indicator and Polymorph Diffuser," was published on November 27,
2010, by Mark Moran. This project's goal is to gain knowledge on creating constant-
current drivers. One of the smallest and most basic AVRs, the ATtiny13, is used in
this manner. It needed "high-voltage programming" and utilised a 3W LED. They put
the PCB onto acrylic and added a low-battery indication since it looked like a skill that
would be valuable for later projects. Finally, they turned polymorph into a diffuser.
This is effectively the same circuit repeated three times, one for each color—red,
green, and blue—with the exception of the power regulation. The ATtiny has three
pins: PB0, PB1, and PB2 are configured as outputs and are used to rapidly turn on and
off a transistor using PWM, It then illuminates and extinguishes the red, green, or blue
LED that is connected to it. (In reality, an RGB LED is essentially three LEDs placed
together in one package.) The ATtiny13's other three pins—PB3, PB4, and PB5—are
set up as inputs and route data through the chip's analog-to-digital converter. With a
10K potentiometer acting as a voltage divider, each pin is connected to one.
Depending on whether the knob is moved all the way to the left or right, the voltage
output ranges from 0 to 5 volts. This voltage is changed by the microcontroller into a
number between 0 and 255, which is then used to calculate the percentage of time the
relevant output pin is turned on. This translates the position of the blue knob into the
brightness of the blue LED.

2.4 Summary of the chaptern

This chapter has learned about certain academic surveys on specific project topics
from chapter 2 and has compared and contrasted the project with other writers' points
of view before coming up with a solution that identifies the project's strengths and
weaknesses. This will enable the project to provide the greatest product possible in the


3.1 Introduction

What is methadology? Methadology is roject management

methodologies are a set of guiding principles and processes used plan, manage,
and execute projects. The project management methodology you choose
determines how work is prioritized and completed.In this part, the analysis of the
data will be carried out in a structured sequence. Technical analyses will be
carried out and will be used for research on analysis and development.

3.2 Project Methodology

The project makes use of 3W RGB LEDs. According to the datasheet for
this LED, the three leads on one side match up with the three leads on the other
side in a straight line, with the two straight ends forming the terminals. The red,
green, and blue LEDs are embedded, respectively, inside the package. According
to the datasheet for this LED, the three leads on one side match up with the three
leads on the other side in a straight line, with the two straight ends forming the
terminals. The red, green, and blue LEDs are embedded, respectively, inside the
package.As a result, the terminals for the blue LED may be represented by the
lowermost left and right end to end leads, the centre left and right leads, and the
cathode and anode of the red LED, respectively, respectively, by the uppermost
left and right end to end leads.

Prior to designing at the PCB board, first create the RGB LED colour
mixer using the LM317 at the KICAD programme. construct the actual circuit,
etc. The three LM317 circuits' outputs are each linked to a single 3 watt LED
separately, while the input to all three modules is supplied by a single DC source,
which might be an SMPS adapter with the

necessary RGB lighting handling capacity. Before connecting the LEDs to the
317 outputs, they must be carefully and accurately configured to the anode and
cathode orientations. After everything is finished and the power is turned on, the
voltage control capability included into the LM317 modules may be used to
discreetly adjust the LEDs' light levels to produce any of the desired colour
effects, from primary RGB through violet, indigo, orange, maroon, etc.The 10K
presets of the 317 circuit can be replaced with 10K pots for enabling an external
control for the intended color mixing effects on the LED.

3.3 Flow chart

Based on the flowchart in Figure 3.1, the literature reviews and

information review of the existing automation sorting system, weight parameter
and fruit sorting technologies have been reviewed.

Figure 3.1 Flow Chart

3.4 Software Development

The software that been used in this project is KiCad software.KiCad software
is a PCB design tool that is free and open-source . When you open a computer,
satellite receiver, or television, PCBs are the electronic cards you see. With the use
of a programme like KiCad, these printed circuit boards are created before being
sent into the manufacturing processes.KiCad is a trustworthy and cutting-edge tool
for designing and maintaining electrical circuit boards. It has no limitations on board
size and can accommodate up to four secondary layers, 14 technical layers, and 32
copper layers. The Schematic Editor in KiCad is capable of handling even the most
intricate hierarchical designs with hundreds of sheets. Use one of the hundreds of
pre-made symbols in the official KiCad collection or create your own bespoke ones.
Utilize the inbuilt SPICE simulator and electrical rules checker to validate the
design. This project uses this software to create a schematic and PCB layout before
creating the actual PCB board in the lab. The PCB Editor in KiCad is user-friendly
enough to make PCB design simple and robust enough for complicated designs.

Figure 3.2: Kicad software

3.5 PCB schematic design

A PCB schematic design can be describe as a functional diagram of an

electrical circuit, or a circuit diagram. Components are represented and electrical
connections between them are shown using symbols. Prior to the real design layout
of the circuit, this graphical depiction of the electrical circuit is produced.

Figure 3.3: Schematic design

3.6 Model Design

The model's design was taken from Kicad (3d viewer). Once the
KiCad PCB is complete, it is possible to view the 3D viewer. You may create
a hardware circuit and verify its accuracy using the 3D design as a guide.

Figure 3.4: model design

3.5 PCB board

PCB is another productionan interface that allows regulated connections

between electronic components in electrical and electronic engineering. It has the
appearance of a laminated sandwich structure with conductive and insulating
layers, with each of the conductive layers having a pattern of traces, planes, and
other features (like wires on a flat surface) etched from one or more copper sheet
layers laminated onto and/or between sheet layers of a non-conductive substrate.
Electrical components can be physically and electrically connected to conductive
pads on the outer layers in the form intended to receive the component's terminals
by soldering them to them. Vias, which are plated-through holes that enable
connectivity between layers, are added during another manufacturing step.

PCBs can have a single copper layer, a double copper layer on both sides of
a single substrate layer, or many copper layers (outer and inner layers of copper,
alternating with layers of substrate). Due to the fact that circuit traces on the inner
layers would normally occupy the surface space between components, multi-layer
PCBs enable substantially higher component densities. Concurrent with the
development of surface mount technology, multilayer PCBs with more than two,
and particularly more than four, copper planes, began to gain prominence.
Multilayer PCBs, however, make circuit repair, analysis, and field modification far
more challenging and frequently unfeasible.

Figure 3.5: PCB board

3.7 Voltage Regulator

The volatage regulator that used for this project is LM317. Each of the modules
have the facility of voltage adjustment and are all current controlled through a BC547
transistor and a resistor Rc. The leads of the 3 watt LED are hooked up individually to
the outputs of the 3 LM317 circuits, while the input is fed to all the 3 modules through a
common DC source which could be a SMPS adapter rated appropriately for handling
the RGB illumination

Figure 3.6: LM317

3.8 Summary of the Chapter

The first subchapter of this chapter introduces the chapter approach as a whole. The system's
flowchart, which illustrates how the system functions from beginning to finish, is discussed in
the next chapter. The following chapter explained how the computer's software was created so
that it could be coded correctly for the system to function. Additionally, the subsequent
chapter discusses hardware development, which describes the procedures for connecting the
project's materials and components to create a rgb led colour mixer circuit.


4.1 Introduction
This chapter will detail the project's results after a number of tests have been
conducted. This section of the chapter also includes an overview of the project's system.
The result also focus on aim of the objectives for this project

4.2 Simulation Result

For the simulation result was contributed in several part. For the figure 4.1 below
shows that the simulation for the schematic editor in Kicad. Every component is set up with its
own footprint so that the PCB editor can read it. The simulation for the PCB editor is shown in
picture 4.2 below. The PCB circuit connection, footprint, and ground shown in Figure 4.2 are
all completely accurate and ready for printing to PCB boards at the laboratory.

Figure 4.1: Schematic Editor

Figure 4.2: PCB Editor

4.2.1 Design Result

Figure 4.3 shows that the system is operating effectively after being linked to the proper
connectors. Based on the system's design, the connections were built. Before the project ever
got off the ground, the system was designed. The system's layout was simple and intuitive.

Figure 4.3: The design of the circuit

4.3 Hardware Result 1
The hardware result alsa was contributed in several part. Figure 4.4 shown that
the RGB LED changes to blue colour if potential meter 1 ( R2 based on the schematic
on figure 4.1) increase current. If potential meter 2 (R4 based on the schematic on
figure 4.2) increas and potential meter 1 decrease current the RGB LED was changes to
red colour as shown in the figure 4.5. If potential 1 and 2 dicrease and potential meter 3
( R6 based on the schematic on figure 4.1) was increase current, the RGB LED changes
to green colour as shown in the figure 4.6.

Figure 4.4: RGB LED blue colour

Figure 4.5: RGB LED red colour

Figure 4.6: RGB LED green colour

4.4 Summary of the Chapter

In a nutshell, there are multiple subchapters in this chapter. The chapter's introduction
is included in the first subsection. The simulation outcome, which was the successful
printing of the PCB, was discussed in the next chapter. Not only that, but the
subchapter also discussed the design outcome, which indicated that the system was
designed to function in accordance with the planned result. The hardware result, which
is the outcome received when all hardware components were linked in accordance with
the correct connections, is covered in the third subchapter.


5.1 Conclusion of the project

Although it seems more demanding and difficult, there are a variety of other
options, such as employing more components for an experimental project, but there are
also a number of other experimental and difficult ideas, such as using arduino and many
more. However, regardless of how it built, it was can test color properties such as
indigo, purple, and so on using three basic color. It is not impossible to control the
properties of color using three basic color (red, blue, green). RGB LEDs are really
simple to use. It only takes adjusting the intensity of each of the three LEDs inside them
to change their colour because they only have a shared anode or cathode.

5.2 Future Work

The investigation carried out in this project has laid on how more advantages
and many banefit to use LED. It is because many advantage that can have if use the
LED. From what I see this project can have a better future along with this age of
advanced technology and I hope this work will lead to many exciting avenues of
research in the future.



3. INSTURCTABLE CIRCUIT, © 2022 Autodesk, Inc.,



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