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McIntosh 1

Judy McIntosh

Emily Litle


February 19th 2023

Journal #4

When I hear the phrase “Life is made in moments” I think about how we live. And to live

in the moments means letting go of the past and not anticipating the future, these are both

necessary components of living in the present. It entails leading a conscious life and

appreciating every gift that comes with each breath you take. But life is also about the choices

we make and how they can impact you. Life for instance; Choosing a Nike soccer cleat over an

Adidas one because of how well it fits or because you believe you kick better with Nike or even

skipping class in favor of hanging out with your friends. Not all of them are significant or have

any enduring influence.

My accomplishments have been accompanied by hardships and unpleasant events. Both

kind and vicious people have come across me. Both have impacted my personality and helped

me grow personally and in terms of how I see the world. Love is important, and good

individuals have inspired me all my life and helped me comprehend that. My ability to battle for

my beliefs and existence has been cultivated by cruel people. Most importantly, they have

strengthened my resolve to make my goals come true. Though I have not yet accomplished all

my objectives, I know that I am ultimately responsible for how things turn out. Moments in life

determine how things turn out; one day they might be perfect, but the next they might be
McIntosh 2

difficult. Life is about having experiences. You need goals to motivate yourself, and you need

challenging experiences to reveal more about who you are. You risk losing everything if you

lose confidence in yourself.

It can be difficult to play soccer while attending school abroad. You must be familiar

with the country's culture, language, and regional traditions in order to do this. Set attainable

yet ambitious goals and develop a clear plan. Once you decide to do something and take the

initial step, anything is possible. I have had the honor of playing with incredible teammates

from many cultures, some of whom represent their countries or play for clubs. I also met a

student here who appears in a Netflix series. It can be difficult to get out of bed on some days,

but the first step is to consider whether you should do something. If you do not act to fulfill

your goals, what use is it to you? If you do not have a goal, you are passionate about, you will

choose to live in survival mode rather than choosing to thrive. This will make it difficult to get

motivated to start your day. Only through effort will you learn your limits in terms of both

strength and distance.

In conclusion, If I have learnt anything, it is that happiness is not a destination or a goal.

The journey you take every day to achieve happiness. It calls for a great deal of focus and self-

awareness. In order to make the most of challenging circumstances and turn them into a

strength for you, you must be extremely open-minded and possess the capacity to step back

from them. The definition of success is living the life you want to live, whether it is living in the

moment or making decisions.

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