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1. No.

1 adalah bagian salam pembuka(greeting part of the letter)

No.2 adalah isi surat (introduction part of the letter)

No.3 adalah Tanda Tangan (the closing part of the letter)
2. 1.the word “thank you” should not be written with the letter u “thank u”. This is incorrect
2. “we hope you will find our prices and term satisfactory”. The word “and” should not be
written in letter “n”.
3.” Thank you for your letterof 4 july inquiry about our latest catalog”. The date should be
written as “4th of july”.
3. Dear Bakery owner,

We thank you for the delivery of the bread ordered on april 27th. but the bread we received
was expired. Your admin can't explain why you can send expired bread and we haven't
received any explanation from you. We still need the bread as ordered, so please arrange
resend or refund.

Thank you,

4. Subject: Thank you for your donation

Dear Mr. Armansyah, I want to thank you because you have served part of your sustenance to
help victims of natural disasters in our village, your donation is very useful for the residents
of our village, I hope you and your family are always healthy and always be blessed with

Shiva Indriani.
head of fundraising

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