On Export Rivalry and The Greening of Agriculture-The Role of Eco-Labels

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Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147


On export rivalry and the greening of

agriculture—the role of eco-labels
Arnab K. Basua,1, Nancy H. Chaub,2, Ulrike Grotec,*
Department of Economics, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187, USA
Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn,
Walter-Flex-Str. 3, D-53113, Bonn, Germany


Why do some countries have eco-labelling programs and others do not? In this paper, we provide both theoretical arguments
and empirical evidence suggesting that the answer to this question can shed new light on three questions that have taken center-
stage in the trade and environment debate: (i) does trade exacerbate the exploitation of the environment; (ii) are countries
competing in export markets engaged in a race to the bottom in environmental performance; and (iii) do market-based
environmental instruments benefit the rich and hurt the poor?
# 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

JEL classification: F1; O1; O3

Keywords: Eco-labelling in agriculture; Export rivalry; Strategic complementarity

1. Introduction of eco-labelling is becoming evident in both industrial

and agricultural sectors.3 This paper focuses on the
Eco-labelled products provide consumers with adoption of labelling in the agricultural sector for two
information about the environmental externalities reasons. To begin with, labelling initiatives in the
associated with the production and consumption agricultural sector clearly preceded similar efforts in
processes. The adoption of eco-labels has rapidly the industrial sector.4 Second, and in the context of the
grown worldwide, and the prevalence of the practice
The German Blue Angel label, the Canadian Environmental
* Corresponding author. Choice Program, the EcoMark in Japan, the White Swan label in the
E-mail addresses: akbasu@wm.edu (A.K. Basu), Nordic Countries, and the Green Seal of the United States, are
hyc3@cornell.edu (N.H. Chau), u.grote@uni-bonn.de (U. Grote). examples in industrial production.
1 4
Tel.: +1 757 221 1318. For example, the earliest agricultural labelling initiatives were
Tel.: +1 607 255 4463. established as early as 1924 in Western Europe.

0169-5150/$ – see front matter # 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
136 A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147

development consequences of market-based environ- ing countries via one or more of the following routes:
mental initiatives, eco-labelling in agriculture has (i) the lack of technological know-how and the
become a contentious issue. Indeed, a potential inability to shoulder the costs involved in implement-
conflict of interests between developed and develop- ing eco-labelling programs; and (ii) the inherent
ing countries arises, at least in part, because of the disadvantage that developing countries may be
differential degrees of dependence on agriculture for confronted with when industries in developed and
the purposes of export earnings and job creation in developing countries are faced with different green
these two groups of countries. As such, the argument premia.
goes that the market access consequence of eco- These observations accordingly serve as the
labelling may have a disproportionate impact on motivation of this paper, and our focus on tracing
producers in developing countries. out the adoption pattern of eco-labelling programs.
The debate surrounding eco-labelling in the Our approaches to understand the role of export rivalry
context of international trade can be more succinctly in the adoption of green agricultural production
summarised under three main themes. First, eco- methods in this paper are two-fold. We begin by
labelling represents a potential market-based policy proposing an analytical framework to examine the
response to the threat of environmental exploitation economic incentives to initiate eco-labelling. The
in the face of increasing international trade (OECD, framework entertains export rivalry in a multicountry
1997a, 1997b; WTO–CTE, 1997; Basu and Chau, setting, and yields a set of theoretical implications in a
2001). A question that naturally arises is whether subgame perfect Nash equilibrium, highlighting: (i)
countries and/or producers that practice green the selection criteria of countries that adopt eco-
production methods are indeed favourably selected labelling; and (ii) the endogeneity of labelling
in the set of countries that have adopted eco- incentives and the welfare consequences of observed
labelling. Relatedly, trade competition and the labelling initiatives.
need to cut cost have led to concerns regarding The second approach undertaken in this paper is
the threat of a ‘race to the bottom’ (Basu et al., 2003; closely related to the first, and presents an empirical
Chau and Kanbur, 2000). In this context, eco- investigation of the determinations of the time to
labelling provides a potential market-based alter- adopt eco-labelling. The objectives are to empirically
native to regulatory standards aimed at levelling the verify both the relative importance and significance
playing field. Precisely since the adoption of eco- of non-trade and trade related factors associated
labelling is voluntary, however, an important ques- with the decision to adopt eco-labelling. As the
tion remains as to whether observed adoption analysis unfolds, we will also present the findings of
patterns reveal indication of a ‘race’—in the sense our empirical estimation of whether systematic
that adoption decisions across countries are mutually divergences in the industry-level green premium
dependent—and whether observed adoption time between developed and developing countries may
patterns in fact reveal a move towards vicious be inferred from the time pattern of adoption
interdependence. decisions.
A third theme in the eco-labelling debate involves
the North–South dialogue regarding the threat of
increasing disparities between the rich and the poor 2. The basic model
(Basu and Chau, 1998; Basu et al., 2003). By its very
nature, eco-labelling takes advantage not just of a We consider a setup in which producers in N
country’s cost advantage, but potentially also of its countries are engaged in the production of two goods:5
‘reputational’ comparative advantage in a segmented a homogeneous numeraire Yj, j = 1 . . . N; and an
market where the credibility of labelling programs is agricultural output Xj. The numeraire commodity
key to the determination of the green premium, and employs a composite input, Ljy with Yj = vjLjy , where
hence, the terms of trade. Therefore, the question that
arises here is whether eco-labelling can exacerbate 5
A more detailed description of the model is available from the
income disparities between developed and develop- authors upon request.
A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147 137

vj denotes the marginal and average product of input Clearly, for demand to be positive for both labelled
Ljy . and unlabelled products originating from each country
i, it must be the case that:
2.1. Production pi‘ 1 þ gi pi‘
¼ ; ¼ 1 þ gi ; i; k ¼ 1; . . . ; N: (1)
pk‘ 1 þ gk pu
Production of the agricultural output can be
accomplished via either (i) an environmentally sound The green premium as defined in Eq. (1) above
production technology, Xej ; or (ii) a baseline produc- can be used to show that aggregate agricultural
tion technology, Xoj . More specifically, let there be Mj producer revenue in the presence of eco-labelling in
number of competitive agricultural producers in country j depends on the green premium in a
country j. Agricultural production also employs the predictable way:
composite input, Ljx as input; and final agricultural
  a a 1=1 a
outputs produced via the two techniques are given
Qje ¼ pu M j j
by: v
! Z ð1þgj Þ1=a
j a  a j 1=1 a
j Lx
1 þ ð1 þ g Þ
Xe ¼ ; Xoj ¼ Ljx ; 1
a "

1=1 a # !
1 1=1 a 1 j

dF ðaÞ
where a 2 (1, 1) is producer-specific, and parame- a 1 þ gj
terises the cost of adopting the environmentally
friendly production technique. Also, let the cumula- ðpu Þ1=1 a g j ð1 þ Gj Þ:
tive distribution function Fj(a0 ) denote the fraction of
producers in country j with a  a0 , and with a, a0 2 (1, In addition, revenue in the absence of labelling
1). is given by Qjo ðpu Þ ¼ ðpu Þ1=ð1 aÞ g j, where g j
The decision problem of producers is a simple two- M j ða=vj Þa=ð1 aÞ parameterises the production cost
stage problem. In the first-stage, individual producers of country j. On the other hand, puGj is an
decide to employ one of the two production industry-level green premium, and represents the
techniques. Conditional on the choice of production increase in industry-level revenue, holding pu con-
techniques, producers employ inputs to maximise stant, that may be expected subsequent to eco-
profits in the second-stage. labelling. Note, in particular, that the industry-level
green premium Gj depends on a demand-side and a
supply-side effect. On the demand-side, the higher
2.2. Consumption and the green premium the country-specific unit green premium 1 + gj, the
higher will be the revenue gains in the presence of
The utility of a representative consumer in country eco-labelling. Indeed, it can be readily verified
j, Uj(Djx ,dyj ), takes as arguments the consumption of that Gj > 0 if and only if gj > 0. Meanwhile, the
the homogeneous numeraire dyj , along with an index of supply-side response depends directly on the cost
effective units of good x consumed, Djx , with distribution among producers in country j, Fj. Speci-
log U j ðDjx ; dyj Þ ¼ bj log Djx þ ð1 bj Þ log dyj , where fically, countries in which producers are more
bj 2 (0, 1) denotes the share of consumer expenditure concentrated along the lower end of the cost
devoted to the consumption of the agricultural output. distribution are more likely to benefit from eco-
Let deji be the quantity demand for the eco-friendly labelling.
output originating from country i, and doj be the
quantity demand for the baseline output, effective 2.3. General equilibrium and the incentives
consumption Djx is given by: to adopt eco-labelling
Djx ¼ ð1 þ gi Þdeji þ doj : Let I be the set of all countries in which an eco-
i¼1 i¼1 labelling program is in place, and I i be the set of all
138 A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147

countries in I but country i. With consumer income The third term in Eq. (2) denotes the magnitude and
(aggregate earnings of composite input owners) equal the nature of peer effects between the N countries. To
to vjLj in country j, aggregate world demand for the this end, linearise
P this last P termi of Eq. (2),
agricultural output is equal to total producer revenue if log 1 þ g j = i 2 I j g G þ
i i
i 6¼ j g , so we have;
and only if: !
!1 a gj
PN j j j log 1 þ P P
i i i
j¼1 b v L i 2 I j g G þ i 6¼ j g
pu ðIÞ ¼ P PN j : !
j j
j2I g G þ j¼1 g gj
 log 1 þ P i
By inspection, the price of eco-unfriendly products i 6¼ j g
0 !1
is strictly decreasing in the number of countries that
gj @ X i gi A:
have instituted an eco-labelling program, as long as P i
G P i
Gj > 0 for all i 2 1. i 6¼ j g i2I j i 6¼ j g
In addition, let W be the sum total of consumer
expenditure on agriculture in the N countries with It follows, therefore, that the strategic incentive for
W N j¼1 b j vj Lj , and as cj is the fixed cost required country j to adopt an eco-labelling program depends
to put in place a credible eco-labelling program, on the interplay of three effects. In particular, adoption
aggregate producer profits rise with market-based is more likely: (i) the larger the production cost
voluntary green production via eco-labelling, taking as advantage
P of country j in agricultural production
given the adoption decisions of the rest of the N 1 ðg j = i 6¼ j g i Þ; (ii) the higher the cumulative number
countries, if and only if: of countries that have currently adopted a labelling
program I j, so long as Gi > 0, and finally; (iii) the
! higher the industry-level green premium of those
c=ð1 aÞ countries g i Gi that already have a labelling program in
log Gj log
Qjo ðpu ðI j ÞÞ place. Specifically, the higher the industry-level green
! premium, Gi, the larger will be the added incentives
c=ð1 aÞ
log 1 for country j to adopt. In the context of our analysis,
W Qjo ðpu ðI j ÞÞ therefore, Eq. (2) also opens up a way of testing
! whether these allegations apply, by examining
þ log 1 þ P i i
P i
: (2) whether developed and developing countries exert
i 2 I j g G þ i 6¼ j g differential influence on the adoption behaviour of
countries that have yet to adopt eco-labelling.6
As such, the decision to implement an eco-
labelling program reflects a number of factors that are
simultaneously in play. To begin with, the larger the 3. Empirical analysis
industry-level green premium Gj, the more likely
it is that the inequality in Eq. (2) is satisfied. In In this section, we present the empirical approach
addition, aggregate output level of country j, to answer the three questions enumerated at the outset
Qjo ðpu ðI j ÞÞ, also plays a key role in the determina- of this paper. A key issue is how observed incidences
tion of labelling incentives. First, the larger the output of eco-labelling may reveal information on producers’
level in the absence of an eco-labelling program in perception of the size of the industry green premium.
country j, Qjo ðpu ðI j ÞÞ, the more able are producers in
country j in shouldering the fixed cost of labelling. Eq. (2) can be used to determine the Nash equilibrium welfare
However, and contrary to the first effect, a country implications of eco-labelling. These findings are available upon
with market share ðQjo ðpu ðI j ÞÞ=WÞ that is suffi- request and show in particular, that the adoption of eco-labelling
in a Nash equilibrium is a necessary, though not sufficient condition
ciently close to one to begin with may also have little for producer welfare to improve, relative to a regime where eco-
left to gain from market share rivalry via eco- labelling is not a viable option for all countries engaged in export
labelling. rivalry.
A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147 139

To this end, we refer to the right hand side of Eq. (2), Central America including Costa Rica, Ecuador, El
which suggests the inclusion of regressors to capture Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and Peru.
and control for (i) the cost of eco-labelling; (ii) scale Certification is administered collectively by the
effects; (iii) production cost; and (iv) peer effects. Rainforest Alliance. Meanwhile, sub-national label-
The dataset that we assembled accordingly con- ling programs also prevail in countries, such as the
tains macro-economic, environmental, eco-labelling, United States. The Core Values Program for Northeast
output, bilateral and aggregate trade information on Apple Growers, Organic Growers of Michigan, and
the food industry7 of 66 countries between 1976 and the IPM label in New York State are but a few of the
1999. To begin with, the data makes use of the many examples.
implementation year of food industry related eco- Finally, we focus on labelling programs that
labelling programs, if an eco-labelling program has encompass a whole range of agricultural and/or food
been put in place prior to or during 1999 (Table 1). The industry commodities. For example, the Chinese
eco-labelling information is obtained via an internet Greenfood Standard has certified over 1000 different
search and through secondary literature.8 varieties of products to date, ranging from raw meat to
Since our macro-economic and environmental data processed food products and beverages.
are national in scope, and our trade and production Figs. 1 and 2 respectively plot the Kaplan–Meier
data track food industry performance for each country, estimates of the survival likelihood—the likelihood
we pay particular attention to three issues while that a country has not yet adopted eco-labelling as a
collecting the eco-labelling data. First and foremost, function of time elapsed since 1976. As may be
we scrutinize the product coverage of each national expected, developing countries are uniformly more
labelling program. For example, the Hungarian Eco- likely to be late adopters of eco-labelling. Towards the
labelling Program covers a whole range of products end of the sample period, the survival probabilities for
and commodities but specifically excludes food developing and developed countries are respectively
products. Similarly, Ecolabelling Scheme Indonesia about 0.75 and 0.20. Fig. 2 shows that net exporters as
is concerned with the sustainability of tropical timber. a group essentially overtook net importing countries in
Both of these eco-labelling schemes, while national in their likelihood of adoption.9 This is despite the fact
scope, has little to do with agriculture or the food that a significant number of net importing countries
industry and are thus excluded from the data. have already adopted eco-labelling in agriculture at
Second, we focus solely on labelling programs that the beginning of the sample period.
are national in scope, and do not include labelling To capture the fixed (administrative) cost of eco-
programs that are carried out by international or sub- labelling, cj is taken to depend on: (i) the stage of
national organisations. For example, Better Banana development of an economy—real gross domestic
Project label, earlier also known as the Eco-OK label, product per capita, 1976–1999 (World Bank, 2001a);
invites the participation of banana growers throughout (ii) the existing level of food industry environmental
damage—average food industry water pollution
Food industry level output, along with bilateral and aggregate
(share of total BOD emission) (World Bank,
food industry trade follows ISIC 3-digit classification code 311, and 2001a); and/or (iii) the existence of national commit-
includes slaughtering, preparing, and preserving meat; manufacture ments via multilateral environmental agreements,
of dairy products; canning, and preserving of fruits and vegetables; such as the Kyoto protocol and Montreal protocol.
canning, preserving, and processing of fish crustacea and similar To capture the scale effect, our data contain
foods; manufacture of vegetable, and animal oils, and fats, grain
mill products; manufacture of bakery products, sugar factories, and average pre-labelling food industry total output share
refineries; manufacture of cocoa chocolate, and sugar confection- at time t, taken from Trade and Production Database
ery; manufacture of food products not elsewhere classified. (World Bank, 2001b). The comparative cost advan-
This information allows us to ascertain whether each of the 66
countries either initiated their own labelling scheme or certified their
export products by external certification agencies. For the 30 coun- Net exporting (importing) countries are defined as countries
tries with eco-labelling programs, we further identified the year that sustained an annual average of over (less than) 50% of food
indicating when labelling schemes or certification were first adopted industry exports in total food industry trade (imports plus exports)
in the agricultural sector. during the 1976–1999 period.
140 A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147

Table 1
Environmental initiatives, stage of development and regional distribution by export orientation
Net exporters Net importers
Country Eco- Montreal Kyoto Developing Regiona Country Eco- Montreal Kyoto Developing Regiona
name label protocol protocol country name label protocol protocol country
Argentina X X X X lac Armenia – X X X eca
Australia X X X – eap Austria X X X – wena
Bulgaria – X X X eca Bangladesh – X X X sa
Canada X X X – wena Bolivia – X X X lac
Chile X X X X lac Cameroon – X X X ssa
China X X X X eap Cyprus – X X – wena
Colombia – X X X lac Egypt, Arab Rep. X X X X mena
Costa Rica – X X X lac Finland X X X – wena
Denmark X X X – wena France X X X – wena
Ecuador – X X X lac Germany X X X – wena
Ethiopia – – X X ssa Greece X X X – mena
Guatemala – X X X lac Hong Kong, China – – – – eap
Honduras – X X X lac Iran, Islamic Rep. – X X X mena
Hungary – X X X eca Italy X X X – wena
India X X X X sa Japan X X X – eap
Indonesia – X X X eap Jordan – X X X mena
Ireland X X X – wena Korea, Rep. X X X X eap
Kenya – X X X ssa Kuwait – X X – mena
Malawi – X X X ssa Latvia – X X X eca
Malaysia – X X X eap Macao, China – – – – eap
Moldova – X – X eca Mexico – X X X lac
Netherlands X X X – wena Morocco – X X X mena
New Zealand X X X – eap Nepal – X X X sa
Norway X X X – wena Pakistan – X X X sa
Peru – X X X lac Panama – X X X lac
Philippines – X X X eap Poland X X X X eca
South Africa X X X X ssa Portugal X X X – mena
Spain X X X – wena Romania – X X X eca
Sri Lanka X X X X sa Singapore – X X – eap
Thailand X X X X eap Sweden X X X – wena
Turkey X X – X eca Trinidad and Tobago – X X X lac
United States X X X – wena United Kingdom X X X – wena
Uruguay – – X X lac Venezuela, RB – X X X lac
17(33) 31(33) 31(33) 24(33) 13(33) 31(33) 31(33) 18(33)
Sources: Author’s compilation.
Regions: lac, Latin American and the Caribbean; eap, East Asia and Pacific; wena, Western Europe and North America; ssa, Sub-saharan
Africa; sa, South Asia; mena, Middle East and North Africa; and eca, East and Central Asia.

tage of country j is proxied by the export orientation an eco-labelling program during the period (1976–
of the economy—the average share of total exports to 1999) on average enjoy a higher real income per
total food industry trade, 1976–1999 (Trade and capita, and are on average net food industry
Production database, World Bank, 2001b). Tables 2a exporters. Countries that instituted an eco-labelling
and 2b display the summary statistics of the variables program produce an average of about 3% of the total
that capture the stage of development, existing food industry output among all the countries included
pollution levels, the scale effect and the comparative in our data—more than ten times higher than
cost advantage in two groups of countries, pre and countries that do not have an eco-labelling program
post eco-labelling. Consistent with the Kaplan– in place. Despite their export orientation in food
Meier survival curves, countries that have instituted industry, countries that institute a labelling program
A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147 141

Fig. 1. Kaplan–Meier survival estimates, by stage of development.

appear to have an already relatively low level of food TheP weights are taken to be the food industry output
industry share of total water pollution. gj= N i
i¼1 g (Eq. (2)) of country j as a share of the total
Finally, countries are divided into peer groups output of the 66 countries. To compute peer effect
based on a number of criteria. A first peer grouping based on bilateral export competition, the top 10
is defined based on whether a country is (on average) export destinations for each country are identified
a net exporter, or a net importer of food industry based on food industry bilateral trade data. The
output, during the period 1976–1999. A second peer weighted cumulative number of these export destina-
grouping takes into account the extent of trade tions that have an eco-labelling program in place at
competition at the bilateral trade level. Specifically, each time t gives wcexdest at time t. The variable
each country is given a distinct peer group, which wcexdest5 is similarly constructed based only on the
includes the top ten food industry export destinations weighted cumulative number of top 5 export destina-
of the country. To allow for a finer distinction tions that have instituted an eco-labelling program.
between export destinations, we also single out a sub- The variables wcreg and wcexdum respectively denote
peer grouping which includes the top five food peer effects when peer groupings are based on regional
industry export destinations of the country. A final differences, and whether a country is a net importer or
peer grouping addresses regional influences, and each a net exporter.
country falls into one of a number of regional
Estimation results
Based on these peer groupings, the size of the peer In order to uncover the empirical determinants of
effect for country j at time t is constructed by the likelihood of adoption, we work with an empirical
computing the weighted cumulative number of framework that allows us to analyse the data on food
countries in the peer group other than country j, that industry eco-labelling illustrated above. The interest
have adopted eco-labelling since 1976 till time t 1. here is to empirically ascertain the likelihood of eco-
labelling. We take the approach of estimating a
10 proportional hazard model. More specifically, let xjt be
These include lac (Latin American and the Caribbean), eap
(East Asia and Pacific), wena (Western Europe and North America),
a vector of time-varying explanatory variables, where
ssa (Sub-saharan Africa), sa (South Asia), mena (Middle East and t = 1976 . . . Tj, when country j implements an eco-
North Africa), and eca (East and Central Asia). labelling program.
142 A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147

Fig. 2. Kaplan–Meier survival estimates, by export orientation.

Denote the hazard rate at tj—the probability of of similarities that emerge in all of our estimations as
adoption when tj years have passed, given that summarised in Tables 3–5.12 To begin with, a higher
adoption has not yet taken place—as hðtj jxjt Þ. We real per capita GDP is associated with a higher
assume a model with proportional hazard (Cox likelihood of eco-labelling, as the estimated coeffi-
(1972)), and specify in addition that each of the K cients are strictly greater than one, and significant at
time-varying covariates enter into the determinant of the 1 or 5% level. Based on our theoretical discussion
the hazard rate as follows: in Section 4, there are a number of possible
! interpretations of this finding. These include the
hðtj jxjt Þ ¼ ĥðtj Þ exp bk xjkt (3) possibilities that higher income countries (i) are more
k¼1 capable of bearing the fixed cost of eco-labelling; (ii)
have in place technologies that are more in line with
where ĥðÞ denotes the baseline hazard function. The the production criteria on which eco-labelling
hazard ratio for a unit change in xjkt is thus simply programs are typically based; and (iii) have higher
expðbk Þ ð < Þ1. Parameter estimates of bk of the Cox industry-level green premia based on perceived or
proportional hazard model are obtained by maximis- actual credibility of the eco-labelling programs, once
ing a partial log-likelihood function (Kalfleisch and one is put into place. Clearly, the first two of these
Prentice, 1980), and has the virtue that the estimation possibilities are relevant to fixed costs considerations
procedure places no restrictions on the unknown that may naturally put developing countries at a
functional form of the baseline hazard function. disadvantage. The third of these possibilities imply a
Empirical estimates of exp ðbk Þ are presented in potentially more contentious problem, that cannot be
three tables.11 We first turn to a discussion of a number solved simply via technological transfers. We will
return to this question in our discussion of the last part
Note that the number of incidences of eco-labelling ultimately of our estimation results.
employed in our estimation is 21 as comparable pre-labelling data
on output share, trade orientation are not available to us. These nine
countries include Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, New Each table also reports the log likelihood and Wald Chi-
Zealand, Norway, Sweden and the UK, each having established an squared statistics of the estimation. The hypothesis that all of the
eco-labelling program prior to 1976. This leaves a total 57 countries estimated coefficients are all equal to one is rejected in all of our
that are included in our estimation. estimations, at significance levels of less than 1%.
A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147 143

Table 2a
Trade links and output pre and post eco-labelling
Variable Prea S.D. Postb S.D. NAc S.D.
Real per capita income (US$ 1995 const.) 10299.750 9400.600 13505.990 12103.420 3487.938 4639.820
Food industry export orientation (% export to total food 60.157 21.953 56.469 22.628 48.426 25.143
industry exports and imports)
Food industry export share to US, WE, and JPN 53.378 21.001 56.622 20.593 47.567 24.983
(% export to US, WE, JPN to total export)
Food industry output share (% total world output) 3.234 6.927 3.602 6.997 0.222 0.250
Food industry water pollution (% total BOD emission) 44.203 10.298 43.707 9.955 51.046 16.056
Mean country annual averages during the pre-labelling periods for countries that instituted a labelling program after 1976.
Mean country annual averages during the post-labelling periods for countries that instituted a labelling program after 1976.
Mean country annual averages from 1976 to 1999 for countries that never instituted a labelling program.

Table 2b
Export and environmental performance growth
Variable Labellinga NAb
Mean S.D. Mean S.D.
Real per capita Income (% change) 43.083 35.215 14.654 28.955
Food industry export orientation (% change) 4.777 25.925 13.116 48.184
Food industry export share to US, WE, and JPN (% change) 22.861 90.487 7.716 45.399
Food industry output share (% change) 25.654 35.105 12.853 51.012
Food industry water pollution (% change) 0.655 8.502 4.432 18.202
Computed based on pre- and post- labelling averages.
Computed based on 1976–1987 and 1988–1999 averages.

A second common feature in our estimations is that positive impact on the likelihood of eco-labelling,
of the existing level of food industry related water though at a rate that is decreasing with size. Thus, size
pollution. In particular, all of the estimated coeffi- matters and matters positively, but only up to a point.
cients associated with the existing level of pollution The fourth common feature across our estimates is
are strictly less than one, and significant at the 5 or the role of comparative cost advantage, accounted for
10% level. Interpreting the degree of food industry, in our estimations by the share of exports to total trade
water pollution as a proxy for the level of monitoring in the food industry of each of the countries. In Eq. (2),
that may be expected to become necessary once a comparative cost advantage enters into the determina-
labelling program is in place, our findings here are tion of the likelihood of adoption in a positive way, and
consistent with the fact the fixed cost of labelling may our estimation results likewise indicate that the higher
be jointly determined by a number of factors. These the export share of food industry trade, the more likely
include the access to green technologies, along with it is that a country adopts eco-labelling. In Tables 3–5,
the existing degree of departure from environmentally the estimated coefficients are strictly greater than
friendly production practices. unity, and significant at the 1 or 5% level.
A third common feature relates to the scale effect, As all of the above effects are controlled for, we
as captured by the food industry output share of a now turn to strategic interaction between countries
country. A food industry output squared term is also based on the peer groupings discussed above. The first
included to capture any non-linearity that is suggested set of results is summarised in Table 3. Of these peer
by our theoretical discussion. As should be apparent, effect measures, however, only two are significant and
the scale of the food industry has a significant and greater than unity, indicating that increases in the
144 A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147

Table 3
Proportional hazard regression: export destination and export orientation peer effects
Hazard ratios
*** * *** ***
Real per capita Income 1.00007 1.00004 1.00007 1.00008 1.00006**
0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 0.00003
Food industry output share 1.36124*** 1.46222*** 1.37131*** 1.31104** 1.36176**
0.16898 0.19017 0.16523 0.18003 0.19584
Food industry output share-squared 0.99256** 0.99036*** 0.99230** 0.99443 0.99314
0.00362 0.00383 0.00353 0.00404 0.00430
Food industry water pollution 0.95269*** 0.95544*** 0.95300*** 0.95714** 0.96030**
0.01728 0.01734 0.01721 0.01900 0.01958
Food industry exports share 1.05236*** 1.02343*** 1.05383*** 1.04847*** 1.04459**
0.01615 0.01613 0.01546 0.01924 0.01969
wcreg 1.02343*** 1.01666
0.00912 0.01050
wcexdum 0.97687
wcexdest 0.99896 1.00042
0.00558 0.00579
wcexdest5 1.06044*** 1.04942**
0.02269 0.02290
Number of observations 1089 1089 1089 1089 1089
Incidences of eco-labelling 21 21 21 21 21
Log likelihood 63.249 61.772 63.184 60.659 59.962
Wald Chi-squared 35.220 33.400 46.830 47.840 48.500
Prob > Chi-squared 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Robust standard errors (Lin and Wei, 1989) in parenthesis.
Significant at the 10% level.
Significant at the 5% level.
Significant at the 1% level.

weighted cumulative number of countries in these peer context of eco-labelling. In addition, rather than a race
groups are associated with a higher likelihood of eco- to the bottom, our findings suggest that a race to the
labelling. Respectively, these are the regional peer top may be a more appropriate characterisation in the
effect, wcreg, along with the bilateral export destina- context of food industry eco-labelling initiatives.
tion peer effect for the top five exporting destinations, Table 4 turns to an examination of the role of
wcexdest5. In addition, when regional and bilateral multilateral environmental commitments, such as the
export destination peer effects are both included Kyoto Protocol, and the Montreal Protocol, in
(Column Vof Table 3), the bilateral export destination determining the likelihood of ‘voluntary’ mechanisms
peer effect is the only peer effect variable that towards the greening of agriculture, as is the case with
continues to be significant. Based on our theoretical eco-labelling. Two sets of regression results are
discussion, these findings may be interpreted as an shown, one with all the basic variables and the
indication of strategic complementarity between ratification of the two multilateral environmental
countries, and particularly those that are engaged in agreements, but without the peer effects, and a second
trade competition. Thus, notwithstanding the argu- set includes the export destination peer effects. The
ment that international trade tends to encourage the variables Kyoto and Montreal are both binary
exploitation of the environment, resulting in the variables that take on a value of one (zero) at time t
possibility of a race to the bottom as countries engage for country j if the corresponding multilateral
in minimising costs, our findings here suggest the environmental agreement is (is not) ratified by country
possibility of a reversal of these tendencies in the j at any time s < t. Our findings indicate that neither of
A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147 145

Table 4
Proportional hazard regression: multinational environmental agreements
Hazard ratios
Real per capita income 1.00007*** 1.00006*** 1.00008*** 1.00007*** 1.00005* 1.00006**
0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 0.00003 0.00003
Food industry output 1.36084*** 1.30577* 1.31269* 1.28632* 1.33169* 1.36262**
0.16971 0.19084 0.18041 0.20233 0.21784 0.19582
Food industry output-squared 0.99257** 0.99380 0.99441 0.99495 0.99375 0.99314
0.00363 0.00425 0.00404 0.00457 0.00484 0.00430
Food industry water pollution 0.95263*** 0.94961*** 0.95747** 0.95415** 0.95660** 0.96057**
0.01718 0.01768 0.01913 0.01913 0.01954 0.01970
Food industry exports share 1.05236*** 1.05044*** 1.04843*** 1.04844*** 1.04464** 1.04457**
0.01616 0.01538 0.01920 0.01857 0.01889 0.01968
wcreg 1.01545 1.01657
0.01032 0.01053
wcexdesttop10 0.99891 0.99895 1.00035 1.00037
0.00557 0.00579 0.00595 0.00579
wcexdesttop5 1.06122*** 1.05521** 1.04479** 1.04999**
0.02278 0.02372 0.02370 0.02304
Kyoto 1.08453 0.63127 0.72182
0.89143 0.52041 0.58616
Montreal 3.54972 2.95939 2.82098
3.00581 2.43227 2.21605
Number of observations 1089 1089 1089 1089 1089 1089
Incidences of Eco-labelling 21 21 21 21 21 21
Log likelihood 63.248 61.849 60.638 59.713 59.083 59.951
Wald Chi-squared 37.950 47.210 47.820 62.750 62.460 48.460
Prob > Chi-squared 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Robust standard errors (Lin and Wei, 1989) in parenthesis.
Significant at the 10% level.
Significant at the 5% level.
Significant at the 1% level.

the two multilateral agreements appears to have industry-level green premia, as has been popularly
significant influence on the likelihood of adoption. argued in the North–South debate surrounding the
Indeed, in the four estimation results displayed in potential distributional consequences of eco-labelling.
Table 4, none of the estimated coefficients associated To this end, we construct three additional variables
with the two Protocols are significant. Comparing based on the peer effect variables established above.
these findings with the data presented in Table 1, the wcdevexdum, wcdevexdest, and wcdevreg, respec-
result should perhaps not be all that surprising. In tively denote the weighted cumulative number of
particular, while eco-labelling is prevalent mostly in developing countries that have adopted a labelling
developed countries, and/or in countries that are program respectively in the three peer groupings. The
export oriented, the ratification of the two multilateral inclusion of each of these three additional variables
environmental conventions is almost universal. into the estimation thus allows the strategic impact of
As discussed in Section 4, countries that perceive a labelling programs initiated in developing countries to
higher industry-level green premium are more likely be singled out. Accordingly, if the estimated
to have a stronger influence on the labelling decision coefficient of these new variables are less than
of other countries. This analytical finding suggests one (greater than) unity, we may infer that the industry-
possible way of trying to ascertain whether developed level green premia of developing countries are strictly
and developing countries may have differential lower (higher) than that of developed countries.
146 A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147

Table 5
Proportional hazard regression: industry premium differentials
Hazard ratios
** ***
Real per capita income 1.00005 1.00006 1.00008***
0.00002 0.00002 0.00002
Food industry output 1.42285*** 1.43480*** 1.32569**
0.18607 0.18385 0.17711
Food industry output-squared 0.99099** 0.99112** 0.99420
0.00389 0.00367 0.00389
Food industry water pollution 0.93737*** 0.95553** 0.95482**
0.01664 0.01842 0.01905
Food industry exports share 1.05461*** 1.05781*** 1.04927***
0.01368 0.01461 0.01961
wcreg 1.02342***
wcexdum 0.98951
wcexdesttop10 1.01314
wcexdesttop5 1.05547**
wcdevreg 0.47443*
wcdevexdum 0.85037
wcdevexdest 0.93680
Number of observations 1089 1089 1089
Incidences of eco-labelling 21 21 21
Log likelihood 59.245 62.923 60.309
Wald Chi-squared 32.950 50.670 42.510
Prob > Chi-squared 0.000 0.000 0.000
Robust standard errors (Lin and Wei, 1989) in parenthesis.
Significant at the 10% level.
Significant at the 5% level.
Significant at the 1% level.

The results are presented in Table 5. As should be systematic and/or significant evidence suggesting that
apparent, all of the estimated coefficients of industry green premia respectively of developed and
developing country peer effects are less than one developing countries diverge in a predictable way has
(including wcdevreg, wcdevexdum and wcdevexdest). yet to be found.
However, none of the estimated coefficients for
developing country peer effects are significant at
5% or less, with the exception of developing country 4. Conclusion
peer effect for the regional peer grouping, which is
significant at the 10% level. Returning to our This paper began with the observation that while
discussion earlier, having to do with the possibility eco-labelling in agriculture has been longstanding in
that a country’s stage of development may play a role developed countries in Western Europe, the spread of
in determining the perceived credibility of eco- this practice is beginning to take hold in developing
labelling programs, our findings here would suggest countries worldwide. The data that we assembled for
that at least for the case of food industry labelling, this paper, regarding the time to adoption pattern of
A.K. Basu et al. / Agricultural Economics 31 (2004) 135–147 147

eco-labelling programs in 66 countries, reveal further consequence of eco-labelling particularly for devel-
that food industry export orientation appear to be oping countries.
correlated with the speed with which countries
implement their own eco-labelling programs.
The theoretical model proposed in this paper Acknowledgments
suggests two sets of results, having to do with the
selection criteria of the adoption of labelling, and the We thank seminar participants at the IAAE 2003
welfare consequences of eco-labelling in a subgame Annual Meeting (Durban, South Africa), the SAET
perfect Nash equilibrium. In terms of selection (Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory)
criteria, the model suggests that so long as countries 2003 Annual Conference, the University of Hong
perceive a strictly positive green premium, the speed Kong, and the City University of Hong Kong for useful
of adoption depends on: (i) the fixed cost of eco- comments. This paper was completed while Basu and
labelling programs; (ii) a scale effect; and (iii) the Chau were visiting the Center for Development
comparative cost advantage of the industry in Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany. The
question. Interestingly, the model also suggests the final revision of this paper was undertaken while Basu
likely prevalence of strategic interactions, so that the and Chau were visiting the Department of Economics
decision to adopt by one country depends on the and Finance at the City University of Hong Kong. The
decision to adopt by other countries. Comparing hospitality of the department staff and colleagues is
producer welfare with and without competition based gratefully acknowledged. Finally, Basu thanks the
on eco-labelling, the theoretical discussion indicates Reves Center at the College of William and Mary for a
that while countries that find themselves satisfying Faculty Travel Grant.
these selection criteria in a subgame perfect Nash
equilibrium are not necessarily made better off,
countries that do not satisfy these selection criteria
will be worse off.
The empirical findings provide a set of possible Basu, A.K., Chau, N.H., 1998. Asymmetric country-of-origin
answers to the three questions posed at the outset of this effects on intra-industry trade and the international quality race.
paper, and suggest additional research questions. To Rev. Dev. Econ. 2, 140–166.
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international trade may encourage environmental labelling Standards: Are Eco-labels Non-tariff Barriers in Dis-
guise? Department of Applied Economics and Management
exploitation when the exportable industry is pollution Working Paper, Cornell University, WP, pp. 2001–2015.
intensive, our findings suggest that the export Basu, A.K., Chau, N.H., Grote, U., 2003. Eco-labelling and stages of
orientation of an industry can itself be a driving force development. Rev. Dev. Econ. 7, 228–247.
that makes the practice of eco-labelling an attractive Chau, N.H., Kanbur, R., 2000. A Race to the Bottom, from the
Bottom. Department of Applied Economics and Management
option. Meanwhile, with strategic complementarity in
Working Paper, Cornell University, WP, pp. 2000–2016.
adoption as shown in both the theory and the empirical Cox, D.R., 1972. Regression models with life-tables. J. R. Stat. Soc.
discussions of this paper, at least insofar as eco- Ser. B 34, 187–220.
labelling in the food industry is concerned, our findings Kalfleisch, J.D., Prentice, R.L., 1980. The Statistical Analysis of
suggest that quite to the contrary of a ‘race to the Failure Time Data. Wiley & Sons, New York.
bottom’ may in fact be in play. OECD, 1997a. Eco-labelling: Actual Effects of Selected Pro-
grammes. OECD, Paris.
Finally, while we find no significant difference OECD, 1997b. Uses of Food Labelling Regulations, OCDE/
between the industry green premia between developed GD(97)150. OECD, Paris.
and developing countries based on observed patterns World Bank, 2001a. World Development Indicators, 2001. The
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countries are nevertheless late adopters, due possibly World Bank, 2001b. Trade and Production Database. The World
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