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Pertanyaan / Question
Identifikasi bagian surat yang ditandai oleh nomor 1-3. / Please identify the part of the letter
numbered 1-3.

Jawaban / Answer
1. Surat ini ditujukan untuk Mr.Lee / This letter is addressed to Mr. Lee
2. Surat diatas merupakan termasuknya pada surat permintaan
Surat permintaan tersebut berisi tentang permintaan seseorang menghadiri acara yang
bermaksud memberikan peluang bagi para lulusan art department untuk bertemu
dengan para pemimpin bisnis yang mungkin sedang membutuhkan karyawan baru
yang mempunyai gelar dalam seni liberal. / The letter above is included in the request
letter. The request letter contains a request for someone to attend an event that
intends to provide an opportunity for art department graduates to meet business
leaders who may be in need of new employees who have degrees in liberal arts
3. Surat tersebut tertulis dari Linda Lau. / The letter is from Linda Lauu


Pertanyaan / Question
Identifikasi tiga (3) kesalahan pada surat diatas. / Please identify 3 (three) errors in the latter

Jawaban / Answer
1. Tidak ada kop surat,kop surat sangat penting untuk surat resmi. / No letterhead,
letterhead is very important for official letter.
2. Tidak ada referensi. / There is no reference.
3. Penempatan penerima dan tanggal tertukar./ Placement of recipients and exchanged

Pertanyaan / Question
Anda baru saja membeli biskuit secara online dan menerima produk yang kadaluarsa.
Tulislah sebuah surat singkat sebanyak kurang lebih 100-200 kata yang menyatakan
kekecewaan anda dan bahwa anda meminta produk pengganti atau uang kembali. / You
ordered some cookies online and received an expired one.please write your body latter in
approximately 100-200 wordsthat explains your dissapointment and you are asking for a

Jawaban / Answer
Dear Doux.cookies,

On 15 February, I bought a cake in your online store.

Unfortunately your product is not performed well properly due to inadequate service because
the cake I received has expired. I am disappointed because stale food is not suitable for re-
consumption, I hope this does not happen to me or your customers in the future.

To resolve the problem, I would like to have my money returned or exchanged for a new
item. Enclosed are copies of my record receipt.

I look forward to your reply and resolution to my problem. Please contact me at the above
address or by phone at home.


Raihan Anugerah

Pertanyaan / Question
Anda sedang menggalang dana untuk korban bencana alam dan ada seorang donatur yang
memberikan bantuan dalam jumlah besar. Tulislah sebuah email ucapan terima kasih terkait
pemberian donasi tersebut sebanyak kurang lebih 50-100 kata. / You initiate a fundraising
event after a natural disaster and there is one person who donated a large amount of money.
Write a thank you email about the donation in approximately 50-100 words.

Jawaban / Answer

Dear, Mr. Ryan

I want to thank you for all the help you provide.

Hopefully anyone who makes this donation can get more sustenance than this. I hope God
will repay all this kindness.

In accordance with the mandate, this donation money will be used according to the needs of
the people who are victims of natural disasters here.

Hopefully with this natural disaster we can be more careful to maintain the cleanliness and
beauty of this nature.

Thanks again.


Raihan Anugerah

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