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Chapter 1 Introduction sx eettone op rae rv seniss 24 sabout software engineer who the ‘only one ableto program a bomb tha some rrovsts want detonate in the mide of large. The kidnap hm oc he wayo work andthe ry to persuade him todo wha they want. He ruses. The terrorists threaten ‘im and pash his head underwater, bt heressts. Not unt on of the teroristakes out an electric dil and threens to use ita the engineer ‘does he ysl and start programming the bomb. This be, macabre triode shows that the engineer was valableto the trot since be had owedge nique knowledge - about patil technology He ida ‘wan to te his knowledge for ev purposes but was forced to comply Did edo the right thing? Was he response fo the consequences when the bomb detonated? Let ws now turn o another example along ime ago ina galaxy ft far say yu have seen Star Wars 1¥ A New Hope you pebably emember thot the rebels could destroy the Death thy dropping a bomb nt 2 jctleadingll the way into the very coe ofthe construction. And maybe thot senseless, the evil imperial forces had the echnical knowledge construct wich a marvelously borble deh machine, how ould they ‘hve made such an err? We gt the answerla the 06 movi Rogue One, ‘where Galen Fis, an engineer faced to work forthe Empire, designs oe can Star with this flaw in order for the rebels to be able to destroy. 1. He engaged in an act of teabordinaton, This is leary an example of ethics in engineering Cosld the engineer have done otherwise? One iterative woul bet rise his ace gains bling the Death tar but rot ey the Emperor Dar Vader, and the others would ane emnned ‘unconvinced, and the consequences fr the engineer wold have been fatal, or lng, Galen Eso ted w void the imperial foees, hiding om ‘desolate planet, but when le wat apprehended and forced to cary ut sp, tbe completion of the Death Star. he had o resonable chance to lt his ob. The Empire nots something you quit. Further, Galen could have emained loyal to the Enpire by desigang the best Death Sar pose, | uly following orders and psig his bosses but that would have been “seuss principles, So, washischoice corel?” ‘These are two extreme examples of ethics in engineering, But also, away ‘oom the extreme example of Stive terrors and now, on ous planet, enginers and others who are developing, implementing, maintaining tnd sng technology fice tical inser, & The three domains of engineering practice Asan engineer, you wil wrk wit technology which isthe Set domain of tice. Technology whether dined as artic the sls caging potice. Technology tnd knowledge to produce such artefacts, os more intricately linked technological estems - shapes our society by shaping our perceptions td setions (ae farther chapter 3) Tedinabg thus Ws a pct eee ee ‘Sees or the one improving and changing i. Your dctone afc how people ele the technlogy an ths ou shape people perceptions and actions quite directly. You might so be the one who the technology contlling necting it, and adapting to the present ete heb TT vho decides which technologies. ters shold we. Exampe of tpemeters re runkclpl buyers and ‘managers. Implementation may concer robotic process automation of ‘Projet management, robots in healthcare, the delsion to adopt nate ‘hangs geoenginering ant so on. As both proesional and a pivte Individual, you are also a zr of technology You ately decide to wse 4 particular technology, uch a soil mea platform, how mach you wantouseit and when. By wing techaeogy ou support it and ndtetly| contribute to developing and spreading it. eal people are ser ofechnology. engines os rete exten wrk wth development, implementation, and mantenane of technology ngs have sch an impo on ou perceptions and actions how shld they we that power? Soe elses ere to reflect pon throw pct ad the postive sn nog sid the shales they develops ey hat they woul deo ecology tha pose pact on Bus aod nature ate not ay te ‘cling engineer partly st when comes to techy at ay ath century soctlogst Willa Felting Ogburn’ ceed the tect lag, whic pols tht sca eto, thinking nd discussion always lag behird technological innovations and changes. Technology sem oie cts ee __—__ervhormnn ties TWO-SIDED PRINTING tht beings For oamp ewe dey ow ee reptile chan pes ay ee Apart from working with technology, engineers constantly work srt enaeRAINE oxng acts. Te ters can be takcholder, sch as coomies, supplies and manager Here sues eich a workplace relationships flr compensation, bribery. {hd th nding of esi information ene oR petra oe ices nip singe et ‘gineering practice Im reset youaraconsuer or family member ‘What do you do your Jb hase neg inpacton our pei, ‘evr! Thebook sto cover thee tre: domain What is ethics? In general ethics isaboathow one shoul Ii nee, whats good what isthe righ way oat and what one shoul do. And in that sense, ethics is everywhere PilowopherCles Gustafaos argues that abasic human ‘ctivity i tha we moralize, which means that we constantly evaluate tothe peoples actions fom an ethical perspective? "She shoulda have ledin thi station” °When you make busnest deal with hiscompany, count the umber of ies you have eft afer shaking hands wih thelr ‘epreesative“A robot an never be human." "That dude Bought sex robot yuck™ But orzing snot enough sath somatic and at tines youoaly nd up reproducing what thes ae saying nd thinking. But how about Jou? Wat do youth? Perhaps you ely nour gut ling But sthe ut feling corre? Did people in orterayenothave gt ling hs ley vwasokiy?Orthit women werent allowed to rot Furthermore you might fac ei demma in your ie which you cannot jst morale about. For example, ould you try ody two diferent master programmes atthe ‘ame tine to lean more or tou yo inteadtake creo youreationbips ‘sith your fim your ends, and your partner? Should you doubleeck [Sithe clstion: made y your collage odo youtrat her smpetence? ‘Stouldyou accep the flere wodkat company derdopingweaponystens ‘or ot? thes dilemmas, youd at mraz, or makeudgements bout sper hewscin 13 hiss Important fr your ature working iso important that its eqted| inthe Swedish Higher Eéucaon Ordinance fo allhachelr, master and ryarand year engineering programmes A key concept thsi cecal thinking oe chapter 3. = Tolear how to think italy abut ethic, itis important hin ith others. Therefore the Hook wl guide you through ethical theory ts discussed in various academic elds, a well as some more popular contexts At th universe etic iff sen a par of pilsonhy here philosophers have dsussed what concepts sucha "poder andi” mean Thee plosophershae also ropsednormatin eth ‘theories what principles shuld guide usin our nen: However eh i so a central concer in other fds, sch as anthropology, paychoagy, and sociology: In thes ei, tics ofen more descrpie Ta ater words they study how etial decision-making works, how we espond ‘© various moral dilemmas, the norms, ales, and cultures in diferent ‘ups wha role trust playin bling» fetoning secety, and so on, ln short estes what ethics sto peopl, hw itfntions Ethic also ‘Mulied by htocan of philosophy, who try to understand mange Kat, Mary Wolltonecra, Friedich Nitasche, Hannah Arend, and other Philosophers in new ways. Furthermore, this is deune by prationes snd academics from various mor pratcl els, suchas cagincring. In ‘his ook, you wil thinktogee with all these sources of inpraten “Birerwmeisy Philosopher Alsat cine described in the ios how the theoretic Aiscusion about ethics was agmented and incomplete, and ths sso plies tages extent today? He argued that when we tlk aout eis, ‘oth in practise andin academe debts, we ase wide ange of anceps ‘hat areallbasedon difrent taeoreta foundations whi hstem rom Aieen historia contents, Furthermore, sometimes we ue the tne tal concep to rer to dittrent things We fica to define ethical concepts andeven fone manayesta crete definton ts ot ceriain that People wllacceptor uti. Teeth concepts are discursive contracts, ‘which means that they are created as words, concepts, and sentences in esc roup in societies, nd 0 on). plas papi ee leaned er habeus ta mute" ta a bese ri one intracranial ht tuys pe diol cranny Heed at Jatt ore ey ead ero Secon pe tl pus sa ame creer ft co schurcns pbudnisnersnd oop Hwee sae treo ound inate hI etl robles ingen heme pera nc Tike th ample te flrs ete ss ad mri. hey sen ems wer we ier ngupecet rektd {ath Seno high hy hold cnt sae ing ney pec some ae them tenet meg wile ste ble tharos dif npn cer oer mean et things Howe cei tigi been one iret tere ad tenet nu prerirane heya ‘ruts ot pea er aye boking pon eae "The most straightforward dininctin, which may be found on ‘gd tht moray repens the bat polo ano they at whi the sphere of doing god land 0 on, hie ethics tepesetthe sent efectn aout only Ses woul beth Plnpty ofa nn ter wor mara pny Thisdifevmeat fiom eel phon cape) bee sort rr snr big meme Be a era eae aan ae {gs Why eit we dom acon 0 wee or oral “erate dnctonsan Some at tte ales roid by an ester atory, sch des of cond or gous princes wert i pernal conviction endoneown proces "ut what is right and wrong, Aiigthet way of distinguishing between the nc is tht ery ah wat So shad orb oo te ram oo vite hima igh wile thc deserbes he ese rec jet at what fod Inthe we ane eter and rly poms ae thee are more conceal doadrstage nada inguhingber Soro can we sty hms We cul on he one and sce th choy pring ce ions tone y ‘woul probated tet venensepting ending te coc Inthe way we lnted Ante haves tt dein bd these shuren il or ty tenuate wh cer treatm and cone Inthe next part, we make a fsattempt to think rte about ome thi concepts we sein cu everyday ves. Ethical concepts We ave alseady discussed ihe distinction between ethics and morality. Another important concep eines wed sag A ae ed) stout tobe IFomesne sy thats pt eche” they mean at ‘hers oa ply or det barra being broken Nore ‘hstsnomal Norms ae anys oo. ep eighteens the norm fou are an england en onl cgi then he ‘ohiether sexuality wo slagan her careers I Seater ego embedded wih ue asnorns. For example thee may be rues of occ, ‘which might not be related to ethics (but following them is an ethica Tove les re equenty tinguished om which ree timo dey amin fom sme nde hea egumeton od Srna Pcp sen arth es During the history of {th thee tas Been atofrtiqu ating Fr ample Stilt Zygmunt Bauman hs nda! he loca ‘eedon ebro le fling” fx ap thee were gens pent tund bathe main blk thon ering oot he les Seems nba fllowed ls And thi eter aaet Mhemperane of ial inking Another word ened wth Hl One oe confonted y ueston abot hat ne valesin fe, ce whi by Inmany companies, the for example ting tat he company should notony be roftabe, but also care abou ‘ales sucha corporate social responsiblity (CSR) or sustainably. Intrinsic or inherent value i often distinguished from exrinsi of Instrumental vale ~ do we believe that comeing i akabl in el Gatrns) ost ex meas to something de (extrinscinsramenta? For example one might debate whether the neronment has intrinsic oF intent value, Ife want o preserve the envionment forthe sake cof human being, then it ha instrumental alae I we peserve it fo ts ‘own stk, we tae Io have intrinsic vale, Ther ar also values that do rot elt to ethic, ‘ou might think that apace ‘fms good, hat thas aesthetic value, and that thai odo with ‘tics. We may aos that various busines dels have economic value. another word relied to ethic. “She did the right thing sn expesion that we often esr. The right hing may be linked to etic {tit concensthe right choice in an ethial dilemma, butt ay aso be disconnected from ethic ifitconcernstherightanowe toa mathemati ‘outcomes, The right is more often linked to deontlogcal duty based chapter) while "the good” oe seated o consequentialist theories (ee chapter) But sometimes we we them in ther ways taper bene 17 4 [Ofi’n we distinguish between the normative and the descriptive. The este when we sccunt for soething ast Is mor elated to facts. e normative, whichis sometimes called prep concerns how we wanting tobe Othersdistinguish betwee prescrptie someting ‘hat shouldbe done and pctv — something that shold not be done whic somewhat simato the distinction between masini ets (reaching standards of thal exelence) and minimalistic ethies (oing only what ered of oa! Returning to theditinction betwen the descriptive and the normative, the ith-entry philosopher Dvid Hume has argued that there can ner be normative contusions stemming rom descriptive premises, someting hati ale the ought gop or Hume's law Imagine someone saying that human belng ved a mea-eatng 'nimal nd therefore we should et meat. ume woul! ay tha although sa fact tat human being di evo in thi way, it does not allow that ‘we ought to eat mea. Rather ther ian implicit asmpton that we og ‘odo what we evaied todo” ‘Many ethical theories once the normative how we should ie, vwhat we shoul do and so or but theoees may ale be descriptions of haw we behave. Although Hume avi sometimes called Humes gulls, ‘the dtineton isnot clear-cut Remember he fit hat many homosexual engineers hither sexually at work. Within this descriptive statement there also a mre normatize message - they shoud not hae tod this, Sil he itnction isl fr thinking about ties. EE DESCRIPTIVE AND NORMATIVE E6OISM ell pi epi terse ae gs we ‘Sastshesal hei Ebel eam aroma tor Ge pe ecm Yet another concept is etigete While thie about “taking cerious ‘hing seriou as phllosopaer Gran Calle writes in is foducon 0 Boies, ctiquete primarily concerns things that could be seen a eas Serious than thc Sometimes we describe ekusteas manners Ia apa, ‘manner mode” means slext mode on a mabile phone, Even though | tiqutte might seem relevant for ethics, our behaviour when it comes tominor matters ould raise awarenet abou large sues. Look a the Inpanese manner ralesin the gureabove Ive ealze tat we cause haem ‘ying drank and paste oa onthe tai, ter, or open sn umbels that some people are exposed to water, we aelikl beter equipped ose cur impactin othe more important practic So, the nex ime you Bld ‘the door for someone, pechaps you learn something very deep Ethics as awareness, responsibility, critical thinking, and action Tet us first discuss If we are not aware of ethical sues, then ts of cure difcalt, faot pease for us wo attic 0 do simple but tie not. We are ig things Ethical sus “Gy bln tebid what Cas Gostsor lhe mal of bine pep re Uniting sn presto seality,” and nore cally i this book a Barer making lind to ethical ess Thi “Tal bul bor expectations and is ris ro ais Beng ale wx a hia ia fst step Is about making the practices Sete pn ce open OERSTEG Wena oats Set you apart fen objeto eteeinn Toren emaedwethce hater stn 18 Toe seond step iso make the ethic inse your own in ther wads to take seas) tay tha tio tht partial tia ue lent your concer, at soc should deal wit that you dase themes hse ar impactonitewen YOU sd. Cerny Yusdo nothavtcrryalthburdens~somestuesare the esponsity ‘fother to sole but peas fever han we requ think Mo make an thal stu our own or tke responsi Is thas the second step in {hisethical famework Butwhatisresposiilty? Aad what ae ou sual (resetaaingi “he thi ste ofthe ethical process MRC hak te thing ‘doesnot meant boss something” oct, bu to ee an sue from vavous perspectives, il the dengs d iad advantage, he good and bad sides, and bated on this process to reach judgement» 5 ‘Cra thinking demands tht ethic is more than pla covrctness. Even if lot of people acing Your fends and family even the etire society, thnks that some practice Isethically god, critical shiskng sil eguires ust think and reach our ‘own Jodgement, ven houghitismach ese fo go with he fo. The fourth step iGHGRENT is not sufficient to just judge what i right in a particulars, and then do something ee Forexamplepechaps you ‘now tht you sould not goby cr to work cause ofthe environmental mpset, bt you doit anyway. Fis can neve be about only thought and reflection. "risen te a wb ren tsk Date that weneedtotarntoan argument tht ssysthat eis isnt neded ata The insufficiency of law “Think about all the law that exist a the word, which allegedly are based on what we belive to be ethically covzect For example, since we ‘that eveyone, respective of gender, ethnic, lg, and so on letrested the ame way and has the same epportunitis, there are laws) ‘gine discrimination. So why is ethics needed if sich frameworks are | Areal in pls Why do weave thnk ost is ater then jo | folowing he aw? “Rstfal vecan aver besure thatthe rues laws, and frameworks are (G@hiclycoret Throughout hsory, we hae reformed ly because our values change, or when the power structure facey madeit pose for Ueto change For example, voting rights were fora long ine ett to men nd elavery war permite While we might thinkthat we rest the "endofhistory’s the falstaein which alls are just and right we should probaly think that some laws sill aed toe word. Thee mite "potential confit between ethics and law Soe cla hit stacy awe aemmoral since the ust protect theatres of powerful corporations. | (Others aim tht strongright to ownership whichis protected by lmorl since takes society unegea betwee thes snd li sone reason why flowing hela simply ot enough, Whats Intersting, however that we en Isr aout moray through whats ‘gala legal Inher words ye might ean think tht someting a™ sswthical because tile q "Wesond nd inline with the preceding argument is important tol remember that hws and principles ae social an pltcally constructed ‘whlch basally mens that they seldom representa potenial objecting Ay Bruty bun rather emerge from social processes. The laws allowing slavery ere not rested by the slates but by thers. This might seem to open up ‘0 too much arbitrariness butt also gles us the insight ha lve can changed by socal peocselfere are laws we donot iad ethically rect posse to chmge tem tie. Tere also ange or jdgments lar ease, which the rome by mean ofthe bial process one neds remember that not everyone alway allows the lay. Perhaps you wall orice against ed light whichis legal in many countries. Imagine then what others might do, The structure of the book In chapter, awareness dsused nd examples are provided from the three domains ofenglncerag practice: working with technology, working together with others, nd your private eis At the end ofthe chapter you will forthe ist time meets case that you wl follow throughout the book: you are golng to imagine tht you are working at company ich wl develop robot nd think abou the eh sues you wil face Chapers-s concern responsi. Chapter about the components of : l = \ ‘responsibility, what it means to be responsible, and when we can say that swear reponse for something Chapter 4 derbes ow we willingly or ‘nvlingly do no take responsi. Chap 5 concerns the patelar ‘sponses that profesional engineers lve. Chapters 6-3 concern ‘rlcal thinking In chapter 6, modes fecal adgaeat and decison: Inaking re presented, The est ofthe chapes concer thinking together ‘vith others by studying ethical theory: corsquentlism, duty ethics, rt etic ethics of fedom,elatonshipy, jute and environmental ‘ties. All thee theories ane expected to contrite othe judgment and ‘decision-making model inorder to create better and more refectve decisions. Chapters concers ation —thelaststep inthe ethical process. The oaks conclded bys mmber of assignments and case studles sTuoY Questions ————————— _Didthe englner inthe TV serie 24 whe programmed th bomb do ‘he ght tog? ‘Was Galen Ero fom the mole Rogue One ight nt > fallow order? 4) Whatarethe thre domains of englnerng practice? What doceitmean that ties s messy? 5 Inwhich academic elds ethics studi and ar there any dierences in how ethics inten these est 6 What doe anan that ethical conceptare discursive constructs ndhow does that nfence the meaning of eal eoncepst 1 Whatisthe diference between ethics and moraliy? How do you use / the concepts? | Whatare norms, ues, ales, the ight the normative and the descriptive? > Waren thesepein thecal ra dent chare? ‘What do you thinksbout that process? WB How canywe thnk etl by wing eb theoryt |) Whatare the cferencerand connection between ethics and law? we Chapter 2 Awareness | eel seer ‘we noe to go Beyond the wal of brine ee chapter, since we often peak engineering prctceas beng unrelated to tics The ethical spect are fundamentally concerned ‘th nar, eople snd things, texts and images, shape our pereeptions repring what good and desirable, and they lio shape ou actions. The inact may notbedtet~ofen is sbout many small things that change ‘ver time It smportnt hat you are ava of this mpst ha you ae subject. Bl you lio have an inpcton others through working with teclogy, working together with ter, and in yor private i. Through your actions, you contribute to forming the eteptions and actions of ‘ther. In thie chapter, a numberof examples ae presente rom "PHREING). The purpose ofthis wide range of examples st Increase ‘arenes and hopflly have an impacton the way ou percivethe Weald. ree THE STEREOTYPICAL ENGINEER seis Pho Ba he erste engine Mis! Seo es taken se anno they er. ested magne a he calorie ener pts rays ermine eetates ioe tt hve ang oh ewe he | Working with technology Asam engineer you wll devel, imple, or manta technology Asn ‘heconelson rom our dsussonabout ethical concept in chap there snot one definition of technology which everybody agrees on, Techclogy Ssofen seen as material artefacts, in other words thing (ols machines, hosing clothing, transportation, ete) that have some function. For ‘example the function of a lf ito et. From a broader perspective, ‘schnology slo the knowledge, pres, and skills necessary o develop and use these material artefits, French philosopher Jacques Ell took yet another sep and sa technique aan nstrmental wold. He eld ‘hat echnique constituted theratonl methods and procedures siming at ‘tol ficiency. Tis worldview sl augments and preadseveryhete Whecomes a miu where human bela most ive, and all mast define ‘emichesin relation it we return to the baste definition, technology is seen slmply a 4 materia artefact with a funtion. Tht ha ed many to conclude thet technology is vale-netel in other words amoral (without lation | sthics and morality) But some have argued that ales are embedded in technology. An example Langdon Wianer’? discussion about the ‘overpasses over the oad rom New Yorks Long san, designe by Robert “Mose ia the 1308. These overpases were low ad the public uses were ‘oo igh to pass unde them. This prevented the lett well-oinctuing minorities, rom geting to Long land Beach, Even though the historia azcrcy ofthe cunt contd or ven proven toe ought Wg Byer sec one cold conch tt well ae ben pool Ag ovens that fet sok in thi And even afer he death ofthe egns the oepsses wos cnn to enboy the designers {eh The at arfictshav ths cme the ene of en {anne bal ob event Philsaper Saitek” escrow vale ae een al nto saneting ts bam tats. na German it hoe sath ro thine te cee lt rn ha hapa toscetnecsfilnne na Freche tht the backin Err gti the examen qu a pons when sing The ‘men Anglo Stace) otis th exces at tovobeinpsed We cul thoes modern et lett {iecucefeurexcenntinshighirh manner 2k tt pone of thts maybe counted Input nso aration ems ater each ote ls iors slope pcpion ore swshattowwetboaate urement Al rg ie, chology sorely abst fncton but al concen aes. Moreseialyonecoaldsy ht chology hago or pesos andactons® L Fart oreo Technology shapes perception ‘Whatismesntby technology shaping perception ls that through echlogy, ve start to view things differently ~ we even start to think diferent “Technology shapes what we perceive trough aplication and reduction amples some aspects frely and edacs others. By dengan tshapes what we se a “el” and “important, These structures are intertwine, Since the ampifcaton of one dimension lads to the eduction of thers German philosopher Matin Heidegger’ argue that technology nts ‘sence bringorth reveal This captred athe saying “alu have 'sahammer then everthing starts tolokike mil” Ope of Heeger examples concerns river. Hdeger ad that modern energy techovlogy brings forth tis iver aban energy depos rather tan a an ecorystery that fathers animal and human ie ‘On a thermometer you can read the temperature ~ a number that !mplies one aspect ofthe local surrounding, We make deitons based ‘on this number thould wear jacket or ao even though we kao thet temperature in combination with other eases fr example bunity ‘nd wind speed gies beter notion of perceived heat or cll. Through ‘medinand communications ecology, people faraway can make chia demands onus. After a natural disaster, or dng some conics mages ot suffering people and demands can ede the moral dance, eve hog the eoraphicl sane issigoicant. Through such echnlopes me et. loser to people across the gabe in oth work nd pet if Bat media ‘technologies alo reduce parts of ality ao covzed by them, Frthermor conse the so-alled oly problem in which tlley is moving ta high speed towards five workers who for some reason ds ot notice it. The brakes have malfunetoned. You, bystander, ould Palla ever ect the trolly onto another track where thee at fone person standing (ho also doesnot notice the trlley approaching) Would you pul the vs? Many woul, since thy find it beter tht one son dies thas fie. In another version ofthe oly problem, a masse uy stands ona walkray leading over the racks You stand Behind an and have the chance to push his 0 tht efls infront ofthe role, ‘Thereby; his massive body would top the trolly and theft peopleon the track would be sve Many would not do this In bth ats we ll one person inten of ve, so what relly the diference! Some would ay that pusbinga man mor actve than paling lever bts tht real the case Pehaps the man is innocent” compared tothe people onthe track who Ihave ether chosen tobe there r have higher salary deo oscpatonl risks, Another way to explain the diference inked to how echonlogy shapes perception. Technology. thscasethe lever amples the distance betnen us andthe death of person, making teaser for ustocarrouthe secon. Similar might tel tbat ll people with drones, rather than ling them with your on hands. Technology shapes action ‘Technology also shapes ation, snc artelacts have embedded norms ‘which sociologist Madeleine Aki fers to ae crits. The way in which ‘we ought ous technology I sometimes embedded ints ery material ‘rote. The technology tls show oat. A speed buns fr eagle, means "Lower our driving sped" A hotel key witha large cumbersome lg attached meant “Hand me bck when you leave the ot” A door ‘pene that only opestf you pes the button fortwo seconde means Use ‘me but onl ifyou aed es mich that you can pes the bution oto seconds” or"Don'acidentally open me". potato peler asta“ you ‘seme it wllbefister to pee! the potatoes, but you wll waste more potato than fyouare kf wth a ale ‘Thephysial characteristics ofthe twchaclogy ite some actions, while cabersaeinhubted. These dimension ae alo intertwine, ike the above: ‘mentioned amplicon and reduction. Youcan ate adirpnale calle op onc, twice, perhaps for an entre day, but not for a very longtime Some inter driver ae designed, by deft, opin double-sided documents, hich mds the weit saving paper, which god othe environment. ‘here are ecological showerheads that increase water pressure, maklog Itecem asi we use more water thin we do. Pavements and teens tell drivers “Dont come here’ Everywhere in society teres technalogy Containing and expressing norms —— SMARTPHONES AND ETHICS Compre 3 fen eae 2g, enw he vy a aces io ers Hon dos this charge th way ebb Ti erat make hese may tn sr oh ‘ole iene ends tocar ne than wire rea eahon es theca svete alo bean” THE IT SYSTEM fntTonten eps bey ined a wc cen neering eect seh nape a a When you wor with technology, you ate contributing to hw shapes Perceptions and actions. You therefore ave an inpcton the word and redo think bout what bind of mpt you would ks ahve. Working together with others ghtsing ork scaredout tpt withothersata wri wether iis the pvt publ, or ote score "working mth coon” ‘testo techncowoig gether wih then tee cree ‘cations itfandaentally ones that yous tn engine werk opto veh othe people whoareoratepercine tbe diferente you Reha they ae old younger more or seated mare oes aoe eftechnolgy rhe morokes werkexperce Pehapthey aos ierent prof he county om aie couty rales Rethaps you wok wih thn feo‘ or hough communcrtons ‘solo. The rations are lo cmpited bythe it hat you ‘sometimes come rum dere oration wh det apendee Customers ‘Many ethic esos rie in relition ocastomers both internal in your organtzation) and external (Your organtzations customers). You aban gine might for example have orekowledgeaboutbe technology you sellthan your customers. Are you obliged to be entirely open for example toot wealnenc in the technology? Moreive, perhaps the custoner doesnot aly ned he product you are offering Not seldom, advance techologyisitalld a developing counties, wheres ted fae years sed then remains unused due oak ofrscuces and koowlee Should you, aan engineer, ge the customer whatsbe neds or whashe wats —— OO THE LYING ENGINEER Tec esha pone sen ad Wang ‘Teenie ene by te anny | ————— HYPERNORMS AND MICRO NORMS Mer exanpe sony. a ou. conga rd eons at re te ‘eee scepter ened mc rms an eter pena fram prereset cua oe at sc bes pense le Co-workers in your organization Bical sues alo rite tween co-workers. Perhaps youmightexprence that someone shared nd need to think about wht ou shou do and whether yo shold interfere orlet the arate person defend eral You smight alo experience degrading waysof king about foreigners, women, sdsthrs nd nee hnk abst hehe ou have a gon ‘change the workplace culture. e os Issa arin ext mach pee ae creo cetaceans faceted ‘sme uf ce wl ho ade aay el ‘rad se wong hate i obese [ry-Hsot enon atte pc dos hen ‘ite nites duo eet cer oct ntl Php you rae tat yok uate er tek ota expected door tt ou aero ame ea {ine ry Inte kone bed ones stan ‘su formanaeo col ce nae ek defn ‘thal demands on cme and anagrs Suppliers Suppliers want to have good etionship with you and naturally want yout continue being thei customer, Sometimes they will ge yout wel. ‘meant giftandothertimes perhaps bribe, tis not etre cleat wher the lie between an acceptable gift perhape keyring withthe supple loge, snd bribe, perhaps briefs fll ofcsh sto be found ‘Perhaps asuplerhascome up with an innovative dea to solve acetan ngncering problem that you face, bat you already havea long-standing ‘ehtonship with another supplier. You might fel the urge t tell your current supplier about the innovative ide, but you know tht this would note ethically correc, ‘Yetanother sue related to suppliers tha you have tobe a competent bgerofthe services your supliersare fering in other words tha youn ‘ome way lv upto the expertise you at expected to poner Competitors ‘many techoology-bsed industries people know cach ote. Perhaps yo ave aiend who works fora competing company, itis not ually that you and your rend talk about varius jb-rlated matters, but of ounce sry to avd leaking information or asking Sr sense information But in some industries, information tends to spread. Thi sharing of Information, which na way similar to cartel ike eolaborain, leads to ncrased sorte proiality for the company winning the bid ba Isle under ant-rastepulatios Ia some counties, iti forbidden met with compettors informally. Your work can thushaveapegative ect on you personal relations Codes of conduct ‘When you workin an ogsization you have to flow written ornwriten codes of conduct. When you are employed, perhaps you ned to sign 2 statement saying that you have read and understood the rues. Bathe code ight be impossible to fellow fr example If your diet supervisor tls outa do something hats not allowed bythe code. And sometimes your Colleague might alk about the code a some nonsense invented by head office - those who know nothing about how to do barnes, You might ts reflect upon which kinds of deviations from the code ae secepable {nd when you should report them, Do you haearespensblty that your co-workers follow thecodeor is itup each individual? Management Ifyou become a manager you have more impact on others, and with this, responsibilty fellos, Your jb mightbe to motivate your c-woekers, but tthe same time you cannot make promises you ae nableo fll. How do you make sue that you co-workers donot waste time and energy on lelevant things You also might ect up how you could contol hat they act according to codes af conduct. You know that one alernative ie trust and another one contro Te echnologial development has ment thatthe means of controling others are more developed today than inthe pst. As a student ‘vem as student there are ethical dems related to working togeter ith others. Yu might woader wheter you shoul ast focus on yourslt orhepothersachlee ther goals. Do you have parilar response You are very knowledgeable Thi dilemma ie comnmon enough tobe ng shoutin a Swedish hdres song ‘You won ars good at maths wllyou epala oe wots nota de? (Or do youe yur han ocr toh bowl bw fi Youve cme our oc” Imagine co stodnt whois generally commited toe studies but who hat some personal issues and therefore cannot fnkh an ssinment on tine, ‘You want help his person although univery policy forbids yout do $0. Or maine that you find out tht this person bought an essay onlin. Do you reportthiser ist unethical to bea snitch"? Most have experienced the problem of having a “fee-dee nthe soup, but hw do we del with? And how do you asess how much ‘ch student has contributed ta gro projet if you as. student need commend individual grads for your group report How do we measure such ontebutons? In the classroom, particularly In todays vcity where rational scoring ha ost status is important that students contribute tothe teaching Beings god sent, youareof cour conrbuting othe lass butareyou als obliged tohalp ther stant contribute by lavage, ‘ssking them questions and asking them to tel about het experiences? ‘What f someone aks too much in cls, aking time fom thers? This oes not seem faethe Ethics in your personal life hia ines are ho present in various parts of your pvt i Consumption “When you bu food there isan shundance of esc you can make and ‘any are related to ethies. One examples ethical ment which i prodced from animal tht are ried with cate a all tage ofthe ves Bat til you fe that eat cannot be eth, becase animale are alse forthe ‘pec purpowe of slaughter, With technological vance, artical mest that rows almot ke plants being developed. sts eth? Des this ot urtre dreams and vision abot ating real mes"? ‘Ass constmer, you fen need to choose between 3 more expensive ‘avironmentally fiend prodac and achesper, le environmentally friendly product. Ite an etl choice whether to buy oe rte the. By choosing, you make an impact o the world By delakinga can of sods, arp themotebics? Pehaps ou sport beverage compsy with hug pay ferences between ‘the CEO andthe average worker When you buy «computer ora mobi sone eas yousuporthash wong coins in mines andconrope ‘sevemments that benefit fromthe income from these valuable mineral, Intoday capitalist society, we tala lot about the power ofconsumers ‘nd that we should “vote wih ou elas An example ofthis neon consumer power ithe change ofthe slog forthe Swish candy hig ars from “The most sold ca i Swen” fo “The most bought atin Swed whlch represen ashi from production focus arr sold by Producer) ta consumption focus (ars are bought by consumes, Perhaps the captalistsystem shapes uso think fat and foremost as consumers in various aspect of ie. When we travel we onsite pce, ‘ater than eltingto theca inhabets. And maybe you ae consume ofeducation, rather than student, The choices you make sa consumer might fet the other domalas of ‘neincering practic For example, perhaps you only bay veges ood forthe artpts of worlng lanch Or you ky for your compas to ny by Firrade cote, Or the fic that your erganiation suport chee ‘makes you do the same a priate inven Family matters ‘family life, perhaps in a elatonship with a partes, hee ae constant ‘egotatons about values. One example may concern honerty and Sithfunes. Can one have secrets in arelatonship and what kind oferta? How should oe esse one’s chldren? Should on infact alu ot ‘ete befall resto develop thei own? Discusions shout snes aon ome up inthe family conte. Cire exaim this ot i regding hat time they ive to come home, wh ine they hae to goto bed or hog much andy they are alowed to eat commercial fom a Swedih ony company shows grown-up man sition tran, ina at He open is brie, where hehasa bag of caches nd be takes few pecs A chil ‘ses hima asks her mother “What day eit today” Children in Sweden sal pet cand on Saturdays. The commercials slogan beinga grown ap har itsadratages ‘The ethics we ean in a family contert can be transferred to our wortlaces For example, wecan earn about intresting practices from shoal that may be applicable othe workplace. Likewise, theresa waster fom ‘the workplace to home. Wecan each ou children how oe behaves at work ‘nd which value work fe sbasd on, Some even use methodologes fem ‘he workplace cha poet management oc tomnag ther famy ie On the street When wing he et ohare past eg kyon [rch Sloe hom or sald som ce aea a tent Orta ww say leon ell Arete strato on ogi eo ra nth uh month Pe nd ence ede intrest eine isos Col ork cen ing reece cree oe pees oan ee trips a mayo rely we ou ee inting otk ny ingore ing Howe we cou se pen or ey titan yo co hang to ig Sir wih opi atin ena snd tu my Ahobetem pute ended nrc Pay (Soercetw ae Free time some spot or be engage in pots, In your fie time, you might practise some spor sndoon Letus tke sports aan example Imagine a football ume where souarethe only layerto seth gol was sordby the oppigteam the {alerted he palin, but the refered not set Should you have tld thers” In lowe evel badminton tournaments. the payers are themes thelineadgs, whichattimeslendsto conflicts Inhighelew competion, ‘here arene jadges. The are not supposed tbe biased, but tey might ot slays rue coer, Youcouldeven imagine ta thy ae conrup. To sove {heise hance technology hasbeen introduced, Pajerscan challenge the «alls by the ham lineages and tthe technology decide Bat happens ‘onc ina while thatthe havkey i wrong Technology could be ane ta ‘oid tial discussions, but what does ot works expected? Popular culture From our infancy, we red stole and sing song, and some ofthese have a ‘moral message, for example"Isy Bitsy Spe’ which ey snethog lke “Keep hing despite the fc hat might see dificult sod pone {hese song an stories, welearnsbout heres, ilsns, ad how tome, ‘Ther are ethical messages in mois yi erate rt abo Ethics ‘sal expressed in atous sayings. Eve nour work if we hear tran shou ood and bad behaviour about heroes nd ilsine, “Thepurposeof this chapterwasto show the thc dimensions in the thee domains of engineering practic by means of examples, 2 things youre doing whtdo they a bout ou? The ves oufllow what ithe this of them? The work ht Youre crying oot whats abou? The songs you are slaging whats their meee [ahhh wpemntbeweY og carnage, weight scebeyond the wallofabrusese STUDY aUESTIons an W Woy eitimportanttobe amare ofthis? 2 What does la meen by technique? 3 Ate Moses overpasses unethical? 4+ Whatarethe lesions one may drew from ites example ofits! ‘What does it mean that echnology shapes perception and action? Give three examples How does technology afat your life Give examples. Does technology shape your perceptions ad actions? What isthe essence of technology according to Heidegger? How do energy technology thermometers, and the lever in the trolley problem shape perception? What sa sripe? ‘What ethical issues may arise in your relationships to customers, co-workers suppliers and competitors? ‘Whatisa code of conduct and how can you rate tit? In what way is your ethics affected by you becoming a manager? Which ethical dilemmas might you ic a student? ‘iow do you view your responsibilty asa consumer? [Which ethical sues do you encounter in your fly relationships? ‘fyou engage in any leisurely activites, analyse the eticl rales Savolvedin these (or example in sports, musi or cub setivitie). Analyse the etc message of some stores you rea a child Think about a movie or TV series you have een recently ~ which ‘thical values doe it oF the various characters init elect? Whats the moral message ofthese sayings? ~ Swedish author Vilhelm Moberg: "Take care of your le Because now its your time on earth.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi: “An ey for an ee' will make the whole fi) ‘wor blind.” ~ Shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis: "the best way to succeed in eis to always step on toes other peopled oes" ~ Benjamin Franklin; ‘When you're good towards others, you're 00d towards yourself” ~ The Japanese saying: “Fall seven times, getup eight” ~ Ralph W. Sockman: "The test of courage comes when we are inthe ‘minority. Te test of tolerance comes whe weare inthe majority” ‘Writ abe election about some etlcl issue you have experienced recently (working with technology working with ‘others ora private individua, THE LIFE PARTNER AND YOU: AWARENESS IN PRACTICE Zag cna yoann ewe i tg eee a ee. Ge you ppc tcl nese a ema Apes sua posses nnn ters ih ste eps dn wh ony ‘tere bot cn bee ta rey opr bt ena hens Dri seco ang ets eb tae ee reece aig emer “a set ioe nn dno et Jetson when one nme a ton Tusilhe Chapter 3 Responsibility vious cHArTEn, we dscustedawarens. response -acrocial notion in ethics. ’A oodillrtation of responsibilty isthesoag "Vem didade Calost™ (Who killed Carlow, composed by Bjbrn fists, «Swedish singe: songvrite and inspired the deth af Osmo allo inin95Aerlisteing tothe ong we discuss the componente of responsibilty, smal freon to redo ro, inpac, We have already talked sboa imp athe previous chapter, but here we go deeper. Then we apply these concepts foo people the song about Carlos in oder to answer the question Who illdCarloe™ Aer that, we return o engineering practice and ask cae AD ‘THE LIFE PARTNER AND YOU: AWARENESS IN PRACTICE eorgot npn ys a to cai ene cng ec he ‘ea ated even our pope teins eect ae ae ofc hs nt ane or fai sc set of ving tector Te ieee cones ac LaeCret in ann cin er ase ‘scenic tov toe at ere eco re Chapter 3 Responsibility tier raeviows cnapren, we dlcusedswarnes, hould we take responsibility fr the frues we ae aware is chaper concerns what respnstiltyis- crucial notion in ethics ‘A god illustration of espns s the song "Ver S8dad Cals” (Who killed Cares, composed by Bibra Afais, «Swedish singe. songwtte and inspiceby the death of Oxo allo in 995! Aerieing tothe song, we discus the cmponeats of responsibilty, ame redom (a freedos rom, and impact. We ave lead talked abo impact inthe previous chapter but here we go deeper. Then we apply these concepts to two people in the song about Carlos in order to answer the question “Whole ars Athan caging pretend concer tare WHo KILLED CARLOS? Anateap oy ese tes ae, eed aeons Seman eeu co ent onto ata ‘ta em inns he Sees ri en ction we apn ‘Mtaneme msc aca ure seamen ny udthprné.] tenga jaime ier anton ae roe ort pened) Contepe ene stevscsey —_taealvoionnten tsa narcerateshele Cora ean nat agp? Altbeend ofthe song. many elevnt question are posed Buttounderstand ‘whois esponsibefor the desth of Clos and wha is responsibl for ther ‘ses that ae more relevant for engineer, we acd to have ome concepts tothinkwit.Inthisbook we icuss thre components of rsponsly: {reedem to, feedom from and impact. Sometimes we ditnguish between frwar-fooking etponibilty that we should do ~ and backward-looking~ who wae responsible for Something that happened leo called accounts) - but ere we ake Iwosder view af esponsibility inlading both perspectives, Freedom to ~ agent-specific aspects Freedom toe about agent pci spect (ht i read tothe person tho act, We contrat fedom oan from fram, where the omer concer agent pci sects, whith aerate on exter pet foreampletheaailty of resources at wall as socal factors, Here we focas on two dimensions of fedom to, namely the ability of the agente ‘make acheice and ber knowlege, Toma choice, one needa cognitive ability to think about diferent thematve action and choose one of them, Here wee the adil melly ‘anc human asthe eptome of person with he ality o choose, ‘rom thiseptome, wemay deviate to other sens who eel toa more limited bit make choices. For example thee isa dacusion whether shilden of etn ages canbe held morally responsible forthe scons, whichis dependent on wheter they cn make ative choirs Theat ther thee cogntive ables ae underdevelopment wick ara pt on ‘heir ability o make choices, implies that chilren ae not ate fe to take responsibility. The ability make choices does ot go aay wth (od) 26, ules you geil Prychologial dsrders naturally haven impact oman agent’ ably to make a choice It therfore no surprising tat ‘mental il xiinals ar handled ferent then sane one, ‘Can animalsoter than humans take respon or be eld morally responsible fr thee ations If pet dog attacks someone, t Ike thatthe people who owa the animal are sen at morally responsible. But ‘ow would on iif monkeys steal cameras, mobile phones, and bats fom tourist Are these animals morally responsible Sart animals eas ake choices depending on which animal we are talking about bat now ‘motivated and reasoned are these choices? Some have argued that eroy Bans make choices Pe plans seem o make choles boat how to row Sesedonanabsessment ori Gen that animals and plants arones nor ‘he central concer In people's discussions about ford. on backend looking esponsibilty, we often neglect them. But hey cam of oares sl bestaleholdes in ethial problems. ‘Kis also debatable whether non-iologcl entities, both natural anc ‘cial have the ality to make choices. It seems quite obvious thet, setulae such oes or meteor ate abet tak spony other inability to maken choice Bat artificial non bclogealapents ‘ech as machines ae sometimes held esponsiblefr thelr actions Let ug ‘eta o ths ise ate in the chapter ‘Thesecond dines in feo concerns knowledge Knowelgcan Ian both evens conptnce oily. As we mental ey Inthe previous cape llth youl ee eon fe inece sch tht yon ae eae ase ree cua Competences kal shut howto mas dered input Ieacerainstenion For ena napineht yoo tt revel fh were mean ets tae dtr ange tenia ner ute compe tomes acc Te Kaorlg anaes pect hat inert forking and ering pont Inge you vor in company a en tei io matte bn a sea wea es arp Sic youve the Knowle his yous opel blo te hs as neon win rath cc nant ou tesco wh arian nto ou dot obvi Yount bese helte ea sty you ew vim Toute nore ree tan hove who do oko hw sin Bateen yo do atte te pectic yuan of oreo feng rex gd tdsomene vo nova boww iT thea ohn whee come pos chchne Asana ton ncginewing le othspersoarc compen) dpe snd ome Gee chap) We ae monty cued the date dimension, he Derma diene ean hat we uit wand compet Dt Iya we cmp mont on een eal tnprat at Aepen cance ea wchg eater sehen pera necan oral tht we tol hve en noe ute oursarounings An webicre veeofomethng at toatl gh, peeve ght on more sos Tee tho srmatne comport reparilg compete tht we ought becompctt in oreo le erent, at uy ne cana know nga we! Wht se we per von te bath shut wed king rosy (Ca the pesca ake choles waa hs? Dass ete Eempeece ake responsi an kandi wept (Gat teprcn mae? Ws vac of wha eat deg Dilhehiv te competence ake pos) Freedom from ~ context-specific aspects ‘The net component concerns feedom from whch mean tat the agent "fe to make a choke witout extra inflnce This obvious ely ales to agent with an bility chose in freedom 0). Peed fy ‘qualifies the rt component, aking how fice the colce was. lathe Introductory chapter, an enginer wis conraced hy tesns ofan cee:

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