Essay Pre Emmersion

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Work Ethics

Work ethics is importance in a workplace because it reinforce cooperation and

respect among workers and improve workforce relationship. When this ethics apply and

work in a work place, it has always a teamwork and cooperation. Every employees has

a respect to each other and they also known what is right wrong.

This ethics is the key to a positive work environment and fosters a culture of trust

and respect. It will also the reason to have a peace in a workplace and all employee has

a discipline. Ethics leads to happy and satisfied employee who enjoy to work.

Ethics also prevent company theft and falsification of documents by

implemention of workplace ethical standard. It is also important because its improve

making decision, and enhances reputation.

Workplace Rights and Responsibilities

I will demonstrate 100% commitment to my work as a trainee as an employee, by

giving all my best in all work I need to do. As a trainee I will obey my boss to impress

him/her that I’m a good follower. I will also show that I had a confidence in every work or

situation and always hardworking and good employee. I’m not going to argue because

of lot of work and always think that I can do all things with God.

As a trainee I can make mistake but this mistake is not going to make me down

instead it will be my way to improve and make myself better. If you want to be success

in your career, you need to have this kind of mindset 1 st. Set goal’s, you need 1 st a

clearable and and achievable goals for your self to stay focused and motivated in any

work. 2nd be Proactive, we need to learn to identify such problem and make a solution

for it. And lastly be reliable, always show up on time and be consistent in your work.
Confidentiality in the Work place

As her friend I will explain to him that if you signed the confidentiality agreement

you can’t gave or able to see others the file to keep the sensitive information. Even

though he’s my friend I will not pursue him because if you are guilty about the crime,

then you need to face the consequences you’ve make.

I will not allow my emotion to make decision even though my friend’s life is at

stake. That’s why we have a law to follow not to violate it. Say a sorry to your friend

because as a part of a law we need to do what is right. It is also important to inform

them that as a employee of a police station or a law firm, I have a professional

obligation to maintain the confidentiality of all the cases that I handle.

Under no circumstances should you provide confidential documents to your

friend, even if you believe they are innocent of the crime. Doing so would be a violation

of the confidentiality agreement, and could lead to serious legal and ethical

consequences for you and your employer.

Effective Conflict Resolution

Disagreements and conflicts with co-workers are a normal part of the workplace. It is

important to address these situations in a professional and respectful manner, and to seek

assistance from a manager or HR representative if necessary. By working through conflicts in a

constructive way, you can create a more positive and productive work environment for yourself and

your co-workers. Don’t allow your emotion to make decision especially if it’s not a big deal. You have

to explain and talk to each other how will you resolve that conflict, if you talk peacefully you both

know how both of you resolve it. Always know the opinion of each other and from those opinion you

can make a solution.

Axcel P Belostrino

Pantihan 2 Maragondon Cavite


“To whom it may concern”

I am interested in applying as a Work Immersion Applicant in your

Institution. I am a student from Bucal National Integrated School taking up Humanities

and Social Science.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and expertise to

the Work Immersion and would be honored to join your team. The knowledge I gained

from my school will be my 1st power to have a excellent performance in your team.

Please find my resume attached for your consideration. Thank you for

your time and consideration, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my

application further.


Axcel P Belostrino
Mock Interview

In the mock interview I taken, I did well, I understand the question and answer it

correctly. I’m satisfied with my performance in mock interview. The only 1 thing make’s

me hard to answer is to trying answer it fluently in English it’s hard form me to answer it

through English but in tagalog it is very easy to answer.

The area were I feel strong is when im doing a drill, Yes, its hard to copy the

exact thing that did with are officer but it is very challenging to me and I guess this also

the are that I need to improve. Also my communication skills in English is also need to

be improved because this is one of the priority that you can speak and understand

Importance of Police Clearance

Police clearance is a government certificate indicating the holder that he or she is

free from criminal records. This is one of the essential documents requested by a

government agency or an employer to ensure that the applicant has no criminal record.

In short, having a police clearance certificate shows how ethical and responsible you

are as a visitor or resident.

Safety in the Work Place

List the hazards Describe the risks Suggests way to control the risks

1. Paper cutter blade. Might cut you out. Close to avoid cutting.

2. Coffee without lid. Might spill on your desk. Make sure cups and glasses have
lids on them to prevent spill.

3. File drawer left open. Close to prevent from spilling Shut file cabinet drawers when not
coffee. in use.

4. Computer monitor is to high. Might hurt your neck. Avoid ergonomic hazards.

5. Cords running on floor. Stumble because of the messy


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