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MAOIS = constipated, lazy, shaky, asexual dogs.

Aurorix makes your heart go fast.

Clozapine affects your brain, blood and guts.

Olanzapine BSL  T2DM  wieght  lipids causing VTE and rhabdo. It also takes water from mouth to legs.

Quetiapine causes hypotension, making your heart beat funny, dizzy, light headed and tired. Tired = lazy  wt, constipation
& dry mouth.

Risperidone affects everything: liver, sugar, brain, GUT, kidneys and breasts.

Bupropion makes your brain go mental and your heart go fast.

Stratera = SSS (Stratera, somnolence, suicide) and everything that goes along with the 2.

Primidone BAGS Phenobarbitones CarDS + RADS & BV.

(Blood dyscrasias, altered mood, generalised pain, sedation, confusion, dermatitis, SJS).

SHAMEAF on Pregabalin. (sweating, hallucinations, agitation, muscle cramps, excessive salivation, arthralgia, flushing).

Methotrexate; metho = myelo. Think anti-cancer & toxic breath.

Leflunomide think anti-cancer, reduced oral immunity.

Hydroxychloroquine think anti-cancer and vestibule changes. Make sure your eyes are protected!

Azathioprine causes mouth (ulcers, stomatitis, nvd, anorexia, oesophagitis) cancer (infection, hepatitis, anaemia).

Cyclosporin affects blood integrity (increased: BSL, K, lipids, toxicity, pressure) and makes you ugly.

Aromatase inhibitors are anti-HRT and cause weakness  DVT & oedema/fluid retention (tamoxifen & aromasin).

Phenytoin makes your brain, eyes, body and mouth ugly.

Gabapentin makes your legs swell (and gain weight) which grabs your eyes attention and makes you forget things.

Anticholinesterases are anti-anticholinergics which make your mind &stomach hyperactive.

Kripton means you are a gambler escaping out of Permax

Memantine affects only your mind.

Dopamine agonists make you crazy causing confusion and insomnia. Amantadine is the worst and affects you deeply.

Madopar and Eldepryl affect your heart.

Tetrabenazine and Baclofen affect you like a conventional antipsychotic.

Triptans = DDWD (dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, weakness)

Domperidone, maxolon = triple D, H but maxolon has more

Ergots muck up your gut making your muscles tingle, numb, feel cold and hurt. As a result you are weak.

You get hungry and can’t poo with pizotifen which means you get fat  dizziness  nausea  dry mouth.

Methysegride affects your heart skin, leg skin and skin skin, mind and GUT.
Amino-salicylates = BN(ausea), DD(iarrhoea), MR(ash), SH(eadache). Salazopyrin is the worst.
Metformin causes V&D  weight loss  lost b12  anorexia  rash.

Lactic acidosis = NAVDiCrW

Repaglinide causes gut pain because of DCV but beware of a hypo rash.

Potassium sparing diuretics are anti-male drugs.

Digoxin affects your sleepy mind giving you nightmares. Toxic levels make you go crazy and lose weight.

Flecainide flecs your vessels, bowels and mind open but your heart shut!

Disopyramide sounds like a TCA and flutters the heart.

PPIs are bloating

Nicotinic acid is like your first puff of a cigarette but does the opposite to your heart.

Fibrates draw water from the mouth, burning the throat, all the way out the other side. Dehydration causes headaches and
abdominal pain.

Evista = anti-HRT.

Antithyroids = anti-anthistamines.

Treating gout leads to RDNV + abdominal pain.

Allopurinol doesn’t taste nice making you feel dizzy, causing a headache and muscle pain.

Probenecid wants you to look funny: red with no hair.

Anti-virals make you feel like you have a flu and valtrex makes you the dizziest.

No sex, no fun, no sun when using Grisovin making you feel sick, dizzy and tired.

Topical cortisones can make your skin worse.

Topical retinoids peel off the top layer of skin.

Diamox makes you wee (causing dieresis & effects)  vomiting, making your mouth taste funny  you don’t want to kiss
anyone. No one wants to kiss you either because your eyes & mind go weird & you can get a rash.

Ocular ACh draw water from the eye  stinging  photosensitivity  irritation/blepharitis  blurry vision. Because you can’t
see you get dizzy and tired.

Ocular Prostaglandins make your eyes thick, dark and big.

Ocular quinolones & CAIs leave a thick film on the eyes  crusting  photophobia/irritation  blurry vision 

CAI = conj

Ocular aminoglycosides  contact allergy  irritation & longer term: keratitis / delayed healing. Make sure your amineye
doesn’t fall off.

Pilocarpine causes BLD, which can cause a headache.

Alpha agonists dry the mouth and nose leaving and odd taste in the mouth. You get FIDD up with chest tightness and funny
Inhaled antichol = antisal

Cromolyns cough on BATs

LTAs HAAAD the last laugh

Too much theophylline and it works like caffeine.

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