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Report ing T ime: 

No. of Persons : 2 2:30 PM / 18-04-2023

Report at :
Tirumala Tirupati De vasthanams Vaibhavotsava Mandapam
Seva T icket Receipt

Booking No.   IS 22022347657670

Mobile Numbe r:   917019720890 Seva Name: Arjitha Brahmotsavam

Email ID: nithinve nkate shg@ gm ail.c om Booke d Date :   22-02-2023  23:14:48

Total Amount: ₹. 1,000.00/-

PILGRIMS DETAILS : (One Tho usand Rupe e s o nly)

S l.No Name Ge nde r Age ID Proof Type ID Numbe r

1 Laks hmide vi M L F 47 AADHAR CARD 349881087998

2 Pallavi M S F 35 VOTER ID REJ5959093

Privile ge s : 2 S m all Laddus

Important Information to the Pilgrims :

1. The re porting point for availing S eva is at Vaibhavotsava Mandapam , Tirum ala.
2. At the tim e of e ntry, the pilgrim shall produc e the sam e original Photo ID use d during booking. Age proof shall be produc e d for c hildre n be low 12
ye ars to gain e ntry fre e of c ost. NRI pilgrim s shall produc e passport with valid Visa/PR.
3. The pilgrim s shall we ar Traditional Dre ss only. Male : Dhoti, S hirt Fe m ale : S are e / Half S are e / Chudidar with Dupatta. Grihasthas should we ar dhoti
and uppe r c loth for Kalyanotsavam whic h involve S ankalpam .
4. Pilgrim s who book for S eva should bring the printe d c opy of the ir re c e ipt.
5. All the Pilgrim s in group tic ke ts have to re port toge the r.
6. Entry with c happals/shoe s is not pe rm itte d into the que ue line s, m ada stre e ts and Te m ple .
7. The pilgrim s should not c arry any luggage /c e ll phone s/e le c tronic gadge ts while re porting.
8. All bookings are FINAL: Postpone m e nt/advanc e m e nt/c anc e llation/re fund is not allowe d.
9. TTD re se rve s the right of c anc e llation of the S eva unde r any S pe c ial Circ um stanc e s.
10. Pilgrim are re que ste d to produc e e ithe r the vac c ination c e rtific ate (2 dose s) (or) Covid-19 ne gative c e rtific ate obtaine d within 48 Hrs prior to the
date of Darshan at the tim e of re porting for Darshan.
11. In vie w of Covid-19, all the pilgrim s should m aintain soc ial distanc ing; should we ar m ask; should c o-ope rate for the rm al c he c king and should
c arry pe rsonal sanitize r.
12. Ple ase c ontac t our 24/7 he lp de sk for que rie s at 1 800 425 333333 and 1 800 425 4141.

NOTE: Ele c tronic ally ge ne rate d de tails do not re quire any signature . Executive Officer, TTD

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