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The Challenges Encountered of Grade 12 Senior High School Humanities and

Social Science student during Work Immersion at Sangley Point at Cavite City

Chapter 1

The Problem and it’s Background


Work immersion is a type of vocational training or experiential learning program that

provides students with the opportunity to gain practical experience in a particular field or

industry. Every student must have the ability to undergo on work immersion in order to be

prepare to work in a particular field. Kolb's theory, learning occurs through a four-step cycle that

involves concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active

experimentation. It enable’s students to recognize what is on this kind of field they choose.

Although, because it requires your observation and social skills, it will not make you easy

to be aware and familiar on what you see in the field. Naturally, there must be some struggles

and challenges you going through which this will make you hard to communicate with the

people in the environment of the field.

Students should enjoy this kind of experience because it provides them with an

opportunity to learn and apply their knowledge in the field they have chosen. Through this

experience, they can become more aware of the skills and competencies needed to succeed in
their desired profession. This knowledge will serve as a valuable asset in pursuing their

ambitions in the future.

Theoretical Frameworks

“The Challenges Encountered of Grade 12 Senior High School Humanities and Social

Science student during Work Immersion”, this study is supported by the Lave and Wenger's

theory. According to situated learning, learning happens when a person actively participates in a

community of practice. Students may have the chance to join a working community through

work-based learning initiatives and gain knowledge from seasoned experts. This theory will have

the best contribution to our study because work immersion is where you go in your chosen field

which will you going to socialize with them learn in their community or environment.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to know the “The Challenges Encountered of Grade 12 Senior High School

Humanities and Social Science student during Work Immersion at Sangley Point at Cavite City”

1. What is the challenges encountered of grade 12 students during work immersion?

2. What is the impact of challenges encountered during work immersion by the


3. What strategies or support systems can be put in place to help Grade 12 students

overcome the challenges they encounter during work immersion?

Scope and Delimitation

The Challenges Encountered of Grade 12 Senior High School Humanities and Social

Science student during Work Immersion at Sangley Point at Cavite City. This study covered the

Senior High School Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students only a respondent of

fifteen (15) who only undergo work immersion in sagely point cavite city. In this study the

researcher examined the challenges they faced while during work immersion.

Significance of the Study

The present study would be a significant to the following:

Administration, the research may help us to improve the quality of teaching the students that

may benefits the administration as well as the community.

Teachers, focus in the benefit that the administrator will get.

Parents, They will help them in order to be give some encouragement to their children to be


Students, Will be aware to know these difficulties and be able to establish steps on how to

overcome these difficulties.

Future Researchers, this study will help the researchers gain more knowledge about the level of

competence in research writing of the students.

Definition of Terms

Challenges Encountered – It is the obstacles that you encounter or the problems faced when

you are conducting research paper.

Department - A department is a specific division within an organization that is responsible for

carrying out a particular function or set of functions.

Interview- Method of gathering data.

Impact - Impact refers to the effect or influence that a particular action, event, or phenomenon

has on individuals, groups, communities, or society as a whole.

Problem- Challenges encountered during work immersion.

Respondents – A person who replies to something, especially one supplying information for a

survey or questionnaire or responding to an advertisement.

Researcher – A person or group of person who studies a subject, especially in order to discover

new information or reach a new understanding.

Work- The act of doing task

Work Immersion - an educational program that provides students with the opportunity to gain

practical experience in a real-world work setting related to their chosen field of study.


In order to establish a comprehensive background for this study, a survey of related literature

and studies has been conducted and have drawn out some concepts, ideas and dataa bases in

formulating approaches, formats, instruments and necessary information in thebconduct of the


Local Literature

According to Jayson Macatuggal (2020), found out that these challenges would enhance

the students’ ability and skills in work. The researchers recommended that students should free

themselves from doubt, which includes shyness or lack of self-confidence. In work, people do

what they have to do; students should not let their limits get in their way because focusing on

one’s incapability will cause them to fail. Always keep your persistence high and remember that

in work, everything will flow smoothly if you mastering the task at hand. The key to successful

work is hard work.

According to Cherelyn Linay (2020), the findings of the two groups, students

encountered challenges in work immersion. The two groups of respondents strongly agreed that

having work immersion helps the students improve their knowledge, skill, and work ethics. The

findings of the study proved that work immersion is effective in preparing students to become

ready for future work. Having immersion in Grade 12 is helpful for students to get started with

work. Based on the findings of the study, the following action plan can be proposed to overcome
the challenges encountered by students in work immersion. The main objective of 'on-the-job

training' is to acquaint the students formally with a real-life workplace environment. Immersion

students typically develop greater cognitive flexibility.

According to Criselda M. De Chavez (2020), In terms of timeliness, interpersonal

relationships, and safety precautions, the findings indicated that students were ready for work

immersion. The responses indicated that they were not as efficient and productively prepared as

the first three indicators listed. There were issues with the work schedule, unapproachable

coworkers, and the attitude of superiors toward pupils. The findings led to the following

conclusions: Grade 12 students were ready for work immersion, but they still need more

activities to help them grow as people and become productive workers. Senior High School

students had issues that needed to be addressed in the classroom in order for them to adjust when

they are actually in the workplace with partner industries.



This chapter pertain the research design, respondents, data gathering procedure.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers used descriptive quantitative research design. This study

allow them to understand the benefits of challenges that students facing or encounter in during

work immersion. In addition the researchers use interview to determine the needed data. It only

consist a total of fifteen (15) grade-12 students from Humanities and social Science (HUMSS)

who undergo in sangley point cavite city for work immersion. Senior high school student was

asked to answer the question in interview which able to described the “The Challenges

Encountered of Grade 12 Senior High School Humanities and Social Science student during

Work Immersion at Sangley Point at Cavite City”

Population and Sampling

The respondents of the research study entitled the “The Challenges Encountered of Grade

12 Senior High School Humanities and Social Science student during Work Immersion at

Sangley Point Cavite City” are selected by using stratified random sampling. A purposive

sampling procedure is use to identify the respondents in the study. In purposive sampling you set

out to identify members of the population like to possess certain characteristic or experience
were it consist of 15 respondents come from 5 section of Humanities and social science students

who only undergo work immersion in sangley point cavite city.

Respondent of the study

The respondents considered the Grade-12 Senior High Scool (SHS) Humanities and

Social Sciences (HUMSS) students of Bucal National Integrated School. It Includes fifteen (15)

Students coming from five (5) section of grade-12 HUMSS were Unas, Malimban, Gancayco,

Ramirez, Andaman, senior high student who undergo work immersion in sangley point cavite

city S.Y. 2022 – 2023.

Research Instrument

In order to elicit the need information for this study, researchers conduct a interview as

the main gathering in determining the “The Challenges Encountered of Grade 12 Senior High

School Humanities and Social Science student during Work Immersion at Sangley Point at

Cavite City”. The interview consist of three (3) questioned to answer which will determine the

challenges faced by the students during work immersion.

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