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Estimation of Reactive Power Export and Import

Capability for Non-Utility Generators
Gregory J. Nolan, Senior Member, IEEE, Ezzat B. Khalafalla, Senior Member, IEEE, Edmund H. Arnold,
Donald E. Winge, Member, IEEE, and Brandon S. Swartley, Member, IEEE

Abstract— Non-utility generators (NUG’s) are typically re- ity varies greatly with the actual transmission grid voltage
quired by their electric power sales agreement to have the level and system stiffness, MVAR production capacity at
capability to supply power to the purchasing utility near unity any specific grid voltage can be difficult to determine. How-
power factor. With the advent of large combustion turbine
generators, many NUG’s are simple or combined cycle facilities ever, load-flow analysis at maximum and minimum generator
with generating capacities in excess of 100 MW. Utilities are excitation settings can be performed to determine MVAR
recognizing that these large NUG facilities can be significant export or import capacity at specific facility MW production
contributors to the reactive power [megavars (MVAR’s)] flow and transmission grid voltage levels. This information can
needed to support system requirements and transmission level be presented graphically to enable operating personnel to
grid voltages. NUG’s are now being dispatched for MVAR export
and import activities to meet utility requirements. The ability accurately estimate MVAR export and import capacity at a
of a NUG to export or import MVAR’s is highly dependent specific grid voltage level.
on the actual transmission intertie voltage level. Unless plant-
specific studies are performed, this capacity can be difficult to II. INTRODUCTION
ascertain for the NUG operating and engineering personnel. This
paper presents a method, based on system load-flow studies, for For the purposes of this paper, cogenerators and NUG’s
estimating the capacity of a NUG to export or import MVAR’s at which supply electrical power to the utility grid will be
a given transmission intertie voltage level. It also explores other grouped into the single term NUG’s. Electricity generated
key variables which determine the ability of a NUG to export or by utilities or NUG’s and transmitted onto the grid has two
import VAR’s. This methodology can be used to aid operating
personnel at existing facilities or as a guide during the design of components. Real power (megawatts) is the component which
a new facility. represents energy delivered by a prime mover and generator.
Reactive power (MVAR’s) represents magnetizing current
Index Terms—Generator excitation, load-flow analysis, MVAR
dispatch, non-utility generators (NUG’s), power dispatch, power provided or consumed solely by the generator. Typically,
factor rating, reactive power capability, transformer impedance. generators export (provide) MVAR’s to the system to support
system and load magnetizing current requirements. Labeling
reactive power as a form of power or energy is a misnomer,
I. SUMMARY because minimal input fuel or energy is required to produce

W HEN a non-utility generator (NUG) facility is required

to export or import reactive power, several issues must
be given consideration. First, the capacity of the facility must
MVAR’s. Since reactive power is a commonly used industry
term, it is also applied in this paper. On rare occasions,
generators may be called upon to consume or import MVAR’s
be determined at its normal megawatt output levels. If the to support system needs. However, during the great majority
plant is still in the design phase, it may be desirable to structure of the time, generators are either operating at lagging power
generator and step-up transformer specifications to achieve the factor by exporting MVAR’s into the grid or are operating
desired megavar (MVAR) capacity. If it is an existing plant, at unity power factor. During light load conditions, NUG’s
the step-up transformer tap settings may be investigated to may be required to import (absorb) reactive power from
shift MVAR peak production capacity to the transmission grid the network to reduce grid system voltage to acceptable
operating voltage levels where the capacity will be utilized. levels. Megawatts and MVAR’s are combined vectorially
The second issue is to provide engineering and operat- to produce a resultant, megavoltamperes. Megavoltampere
ing personnel with guidance in determining facility MVAR flow determines actual electrical equipment sizing and system
production capability. Since MVAR export and import capac- capacity requirements.
NUG’s are frequently operated near unity power factor at
Paper ICPSD 95–26, presented at the 1995 IEEE/IAS Industrial and their grid intertie for maximum plant efficiency. Only enough
Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, San Antonio, TX, May MVAR’s are generated by the NUG’s to support in-plant
7–11, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY or parasitic (auxiliary) loads. Because of the large size of
APPLICATIONS by the Energy Systems Committee of the IEEE Industry
Applications Society. Manuscript released for publication November 20, 1996. some NUG’s and because NUG’s are constituting a larger
G. J. Nolan, E. B. Khalafalla, E. H. Arnold, and B. S. Swartley are with portion of grid’s total capacity, they are now being dispatched
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 USA. by utilities to export or import MVAR’s. Large NUG’s are
D. E. Winge is with Atlantic Generation, Inc., Mays Landing, NJ 08330
USA. almost always intertied to the grid at transmission level
Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(97)07837-7. voltages. The actual voltage level at the transmission intertie
0093–9994/97$10.00  1997 IEEE

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and system stiffness dictates the ability of a NUG to export The cost per kilovoltampere of a new generator is much
or import MVAR’s at any point in time. Also, various key higher than that of a step-up transformer, and the sizing
equipment parameters play an important role in determining of a step-up transformer is a function of the generator and
the capacity of a NUG to export or import MVAR’s. This prime mover capacity. Therefore, in typical NUG facilities, the
paper explores the major variables in this area, and it presents megavoltampere capacity sizing of the step-up transformers
a methodology for estimating the capacity of a NUG to export should not limit generator output under normal modes of
or import MVAR’s at a given transmission intertie voltage operation. Four transformer design parameters determine the
level. capability of the step-up transformer over its intended range
of operating conditions: megavoltampere rating, impedance,
secondary voltage, and primary voltage. The generator’s abil-
ity to produce megawatts is dictated by the prime mover and
The dispatching of MVAR’s is an important tool for utili- its ability to produce MVAR’s is determined by its reactive
ties to maintain proper transmission system performance and capability as depicted on its reactive capability curves. The
stable voltage levels. On distribution systems, the exporting reactive capability curve gives the limits of loading at various
of MVAR’s by generating stations compensates for customer power factor and hydrogen pressures or machine cooling con-
and system demand and tends to increase transmission level ditions. Operation with lagging power factor (overexcitation)
voltages. Reactive power (MVAR’s) is dispatched by utilities beyond the limits of the curve will result in overheating the
similar to real power (megawatts). Economics are also a field winding (rotor), due to excessively high field current.
consideration in the dispatching of MVAR’s, primarily because Operating with reduced field current at leading power factor
exporting MVAR’s may limit a generator’s ability to produce beyond the limits specified may result in overheating the ends
megawatts, because generators, step-up transformers, and other of the armature core (stator) and the end structure of the
system components are capacity rated on a megavoltampere machine. This is due to eddy currents, set up by armature
basis. reaction leakage flux, which rotates at synchronous speed.
Traditionally, electrical output capacity sizing for a NUG A typical reactive capability curve is depicted in Fig. 1.
is determined by a number of important parameters, including Typically, the step-up transformer megavoltampere rating is
the following: established by the generator reactive capability curve less
• available equipment ratings and prime mover size and the facility’s auxiliary loads. The resulting facility net output
type; to the grid would be the input to the step-up transformer
• cogeneration host steam or heat load to be supplied; less its losses. Fig. 1 shows this relationship vectorially.
• desired electrical megawatt power output; IEEE Standard C57.116 [1] provides detailed guidelines for
• fuel type, availability, and delivery limitations. properly sizing the key parameters of a generator step-up
The above parameters are beyond the scope of this paper;
IEEE Standard C50.13 [2] requires that a cylindrical-rotor
however, this paper will investigate a nontraditional parameter,
synchronous generator will operate successfully at rated MVA,
reactive power output capability. If a NUG will be required
frequency and power factor at any voltage not more than five
to dispatch MVAR’s, various design and operational variables
percent above or below its rated voltage, but not necessarily
play key roles in determining the ability of a NUG to export
in accordance with standards of performance established for
or import MVAR’s. These variables include the following:
operation at rated voltage. This requirement is also contained
• generator megavoltampere capacity and power factor rat- in IEEE Standards C50.14 and 15 [3], [4] which cover
ing; the ratings of other types of cylindrical rotor synchronous
• generator excitation; generators. Since the optimum performance is at full-load
• transmissions intertie voltage level; operation, nearly all users will plan to operate a generator at
• step-up transformer megavoltampere rating; rated voltage under full-load conditions. Since typical practice
• step-up transformer impedance rating; is to maintain essentially constant “rated” voltage at the
• step-up transformer voltage ratio and tap selections. generator transformer secondary (high voltage) terminals, the
All of these variables are important in determining the transformer turns ratio must be adjusted to compensate for
ability of a NUG to dispatch MVAR’s from or to the grid. transformer regulation. Thus, the generator must operate at a
voltage below its rating at light load.
Where a station service transformer or host facility electrical
IV. GENERATOR AND STEP-UP TRANSFORMER SIZING system are connected to the generator bus (common practice
During the design phase of a new NUG, generator and step- for cogeneration), a portion of the generator output is thereby
up transformer selection will determine the facility’s future diverted before it reaches the primary of the generator trans-
ability to dispatch MVAR’s. If the power sales agreement with former. The remainder after deduction of unit station service
the utility requires reactive power dispatching, generator and transformer load is net generator output. The net output of
step-up transformer sizing should be given careful considera- the generator must be further reduced by the amount of the
tion during the design phase of a new facility. In an existing generator transformer active power and reactive power losses
facility, this equipment will dictate the ability of the NUG to to determine generator transformer output megavoltamperes
export or import MVAR’s. and power factor at the system intertie connection.

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Fig. 1. Generator reactive capability curve (typical).

For extra-high-voltage transmission interties, the generator system available short-circuit megavoltamperes is large
step-up transformer design parameters must be chosen such (stiff system).
that the swings in operating voltage level will not force it to 2) The generator is delivering its full reactive power capa-
operate beyond its capability, as outlined in IEEE C57.12 [5]. bility, overexcited, to a system at its minimum voltage
level. Under this condition, the transformer secondary
current is high, and system voltage will rise. This mode
of operation is predictable, but may not occur often and
persist long enough to justify sizing the transformer for
When the generator is operating in parallel with the high- this condition. The decision here should be made with
voltage system network, its power factor may be controlled by the assistance of the utility’s system planning group in
controlling its field current. Any reactive power beyond that conjunction with economic considerations.
required by the load will be circulated between the generator 3) Immediately prior to facility shutdown, and with the
and the other generators in the system. The power factor for the system voltage at minimum level, is another condition.
generator may also be changed by adjusting the field current; The following two alternatives are available to the
increasing the field current will deliver more reactive power plant operator: a) if the operator wishes to bring the
to the system, and decreasing the field current will deliver generator varmeter to zero before tripping the high-
less reactive power. When designing a new facility, several voltage breaker, he/she may have to reduce generator
operating conditions should be given consideration as follows. voltage to a level possibly below the nameplate valve
1) The generator is operating at the limit of its reactive (less than 95%) and b) if the operator does not wish
capability, underexcited with the system voltage at max- to decrease generator voltage below 95%, the operator
imum level. This mode of operation is likely to be will deprive the system abruptly of VAR’s (delivered by
unstable. Under this condition, the generator and trans- generator) when he trips the breaker and will, thereby,
former combination is drawing VAR’s from the system, produce a step reduction in system voltage (system
a loading which will lower the system voltage even if the stability concern for weak systems).

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Fig. 2. Example cogeneration plant simplified one-line diagram.

VI. EXAMPLE COGENERATION PLANT SYSTEM MODEL around 116 MW. A computer model was developed for the
An existing cogeneration plant was used as a basis for example facility electrical system configuration in order to
exploring MVAR dispatch design and operating variables. analyze system performance under various modes of operation.
Fig. 2 depicts a simplified one-line diagram for the facility. The information was modeled into a commercially available
The combustion-turbine generator (CTG) has an International personal-computer-based load-flow program.
Standards Organization (ISO) rating of 92.16 MW at a 0.9 Parasitic bus loads were modeled as constant kilovoltampere
power factor. The combustion turbine’s exhaust develops loads based on fixed kilowatt and kilovar (KVAR) consump-
steam in a supplementally fired heat-recovery steam generator tion, as shown in Fig. 2. The combustion and steam-turbine
(HRSG). The HRSG supplies steam to the extraction steam- generators were modeled based on their respective reactive
turbine generator (STG) that has an ISO rating of 45.0 MW capability curves, which provide KVAR limits, at a given kilo-
at a 0.85 power factor. Extraction steam is obtained from the watt output, for both overexcited and underexcited generation
steam turbine for process requirements of the host facility and operation. A scheduled voltage level, or excitation setting, was
injection into the CTG. assigned to each generator before solution iterations began.
The equipment ratings shown in Fig. 2 are nameplate For this system model, the utility system was assigned as the
values. Actual operating capacity heavily depends on outside swing bus.
ambient conditions for the combustion turbine generator and The load-flow computer program utilizes an iterative
on cogeneration extraction steam load for the steam turbine methodology during solution convergence. Constant kilo-
generator. The steam turbine generator’s output capacity is also voltampere bus loads, generator real-power (megawatt)
interdependent on the firing level of the combustion turbine. outputs, and transformer tap settings remain constant during
Because of these restrictions and parasitic loads required to computer iterations. The swing-bus voltage magnitude also
operate the plant and host facility, net output typically runs remains constant at an angle of zero degrees. The real and

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reactive power supplied by the swing bus, also called the

source bus, is allowed to vary in order to satisfy the differences
between generation output and load consumption within the
system. As the computer program converges to a solution,
system reactive requirements may cause the generators to
approach their reactive limits while attempting to maintain
a fixed voltage magnitude. Since reactive power flow is
primarily based on differences in bus voltage magnitudes,
generators at reactive operating limits will regulate their Fig. 3. Final design total facility reactive capability MVAR versus utility
system voltage (shaded region depicts operating capacity).
excitation levels to compensate for system reactive power
requirements. The result is an actual voltage level at the
generator terminals that differs from the original scheduled VII. COGENERATION FACILITY MVAR CAPABILITY
voltage setting. Any generation not consumed by loads or The Fig. 2 one-line diagram represents the normal operating
losses will be absorbed by the swing bus, which will act configuration of the example cogeneration facility. The load-
as a load for all net excess. This net excess represents the flow program was used to estimate net MVAR output capacity
cogeneration facility’s real and reactive power capability for with the generator excitation at a 0.95-, 1.0-, and 1.05-per-unit
a particular scenario solution. output voltage. Since the generators are connected to a stiff
The results from the computer program solution provide 230-kV system, the change in excitation settings results in very
information concerning voltage magnitudes and angles, power little change in grid voltage, but it produces large differences
flows, power factors, feeder losses, and transformer losses as in MVAR flow into the grid.
seen from each bus modeled in the system. Tables I and II Table I contains a sample listing of selected output data
contain the data for various operating scenarios based on the obtained from the load-flow program. This data was obtained
system model. The data presented in these tables demonstrates with both generators set at either maximum (1.05 pu) or
the generator excitation voltage setting specified in the system minimum (0.95 pu) excitation levels. The information, along
model (e.g., 0.95 or 1.05 pu). with numerous additional load-flow output data points, are

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Fig. 4. Final design reactive capability of CTG MVAR versus utility system Fig. 5. Final design reactive capability of STG MVAR versus utility system
voltage (shaded region depicts operating capacity). voltage (shaded region depicts operating capacity).

graphically presented in Figs. 3–5. Fig. 3 shows the total STG are operated at 105% of nominal excitation voltage. If
MVAR capability of the cogeneration facility with both gen- additional MVAR output was then requested, the operators
erators at either maximum or minimum excitation levels. This would recognize that this level of MVAR production would be
figure depicts MVAR capability as a function of grid voltage at beyond the facility’s capability, and it would cause generator
a constant megawatt output facility operating point. Many util- overheating and an eventual trip.
ities operate high-voltage transmission systems under normal It should be noted that reactive power consumed by the two
conditions within 5% of the nominal voltage level. However, step-up transformers is considerable, as can be observed from
under emergency conditions, this window may expand out to Table II. The step-up transformers consume an average of 19
5% above or 10% below the nominal voltage level. MVAR’s. The key variable here is the transformer impedance
At any given transmission intertie voltage level, Fig. 3 rating. Another variable which affects facility MVAR import
provides an estimate of the ability of the cogeneration facility and export capability is the transformer tap setting selection.
to export or import reactive power. Figs. 4 and 5 illustrate These variables are investigated next.
the respective MVAR contribution from the CTG and STG for
various transmission system voltage levels. All of these figures
establish the cogeneration facility’s performance capability
and provide guidelines to plant operators during various modes VIII. TRANSFORMER TAP SETTING EFFECTS
of operation at a constant megawatt output. It should be noted Typical no-load tap settings furnished with generator step-up
that all of this information was developed for the facility at its transformers are a total of five: one at rated primary (high-
normal full-power operating level of about 116 MW. Families side) voltage, two at 2-1/2% above and below rated primary
of these curves could also be developed for lower megawatt voltage, and two at 5% above and below rated primary voltage.
operating levels. The voltage ratings of the step-up transformer were discussed
As an example, if the cogeneration facility was at normal previously; however, changing the no-load tap settings allows
full-power operation and it was requested to dispatch max- the transformer turns ratio to be adjusted to meet specific
imum MVAR’s with the utility grid voltage at 235.75 kV plant needs. When a facility is designed such that a step-up
(1.025 pu—a typical operating level), Fig. 3 indicates that transformer is used to backfeed plant loads when the generator
approximately 47 MVAR could be produced. At this 47 MVAR is shut down, these tap settings also play an important role in
export level, the CTG would produce 31 MVAR, and the STG maintaining proper voltage levels at the plant loads during a
would produce 16 MVAR into the grid, while both CTG and shut down.

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Fig. 6. Variations of transformer tap settings MVAR versus utility system Fig. 7. Variations of CTG step-up transformer T1 impedance MVAR versus
voltage. utility system voltage.

Using the example facility model, Fig. 6 depicts the effects IX. TRANSFORMER IMPEDANCE EFFECTS
that changing step-up transformer tap settings has on generator Figs. 7 and 8 provide an indication of the effects of step-
MVAR import or export capability. As can be seen in Fig. up transformer impedance selection. These figures represent
6, the effect of changing taps is considerable. It should the cogeneration plant CTG and STG step-up transformer
be noted that no-load taps can usually only be changed impedance selection as a function of MVAR export/import
when the transformer is deenergized and isolated. Therefore, capacity at a constant facility total output of about 116 MW.
the selection of the tap setting is always a compromise For the CTG step-up transformer depicted in Fig. 7, a 25%
between various operating needs. If the tap setting is selected reduction in transformer impedance results in about a 7%
too high (higher than nominal turns ratio), the secondary increase in MVAR export capability for the overall facility.
voltage will be too low to backfeed plant loads when the For the STG step-up transformer depicted in Fig. 8, a 27.5%
generator is shut down. However, a higher tap setting allows reduction in transformer impedance results in about a 2%
the generator to export more MVAR’s at elevated primary increase in MVAR export capacity for the facility. From the
grid voltage levels. Conversely, low transformer tap settings data presented in Figs. 7 and 8, it can be concluded that
(reduced turns ratio) may create overvoltages at plant loads adjustments in transformer impedance do not significantly
during light-load backfeed operations and may unduly restrict affect facility MVAR capacity.
MVAR export capability at normal transmission line operating If step-up transformer impedance selection is too low,
voltages. excessive fault current contribution from the utility system
Fig. 6 depicts how changes in step-up transformer tap will result on its secondary side. This is especially important
settings do not increase or decrease the magnitude of MVAR in cases similar to this cogeneration STG where switchgear in-
export/import capability. For MVAR import/export operations, terconnects the generator, plant loads, and step-up transformer.
a change in tap setting will shift the facility’s capability at a If the transformer impedance is selected too high, it will reduce
specific transmission line voltage level. For the cogeneration the facility’s ability to export MVAR’s by consuming reactive
facility represented in Fig. 6, a 5% increase in transformer power. Another consideration is that nonstandard transformer
turns ratio (tap setting) resulted in a 0.05-pu utility system impedance ratings result in higher transformer costs. All of
voltage shift of peak MVAR output capacity. Therefore, when these parameters should be given consideration when specify-
selecting a tap setting, the transmission line operating voltage ing step-up transformer impedance for a new facility.
levels must be projected to achieve the required MVAR
export/import capability. All of the factors discussed above X. GENERATOR DESIGN VARIABLES
must be considered when selecting the best tap setting for all One of the most important design variables for the generator
plant operating modes. is the amount of reactive power required to be produced by

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by the system. However, this requires additional capital

cost by the NUG and could affect the economics of the
facility. As part of the evaluation process, the expected
duration of the maximum required MVAR output should
be included.
2) Optimize the generator rating—This is based upon the
normal maximum output required to support the utili-
ties system and allow for short duration reductions in
megawatt output to support the utility system.
3) Negotiate with the utility—This involves the rate paid
to the NUG by limiting the operation beyond its normal
design limits. The NUG could accept lower revenue per
megawatt, and the utility can evaluate the capital cost
to install capacitor banks on their system to provide the
required MVAR’s to the system.
All of the above should be part of the preliminary design of
the facility to best meet the needs of the NUG and the utility.

The number of NUG’s in use is continuously increasing
so that one can already foresee that reactive power limits
under various modes of operation need to be addressed in
depth. Detailed knowledge of the reactive power response
Fig. 8. Variations of STG step-up transformer T2 impedance MVAR versus is important in view of overvoltages which can occur when
utility system voltage. the system voltage is already high. It is highly desirable to
permit the optimum degree of freedom of operation insofar
the NUG under various operating conditions. The rating of as (MVAR) reactive power control is concerned. Obtaining
the generator is limited by the two extremes of leading and the maximum degree of freedom is generally not economical,
lagging power factor and the 5% rated voltage range. since the NUG facility must be oversized to accommodate the
For operation between the rated power factor and zero potentially wide range of the MVAR export/import capacity
that may be imposed on the NUG by the utility.
power factor lagging (overexcited) the MVA output is limited
The optimum design of a new NUG facility depends on so
by the temperature rise allowed for the armature windings.
many factors that selection and dimensioning of reactive power
Conversely, operation between the rated power factor and
capability is only possible in close coordination between the
zero power factor leading (underexcited), the megavoltampere
designers and the utility. An adequate reactive power limit
output is limited by the end-iron temperatures on the armature
should be established in the early stages of a new project for
the various anticipated modes of operation.
As shown in Fig. 1, the locus of the maximum generator
This paper provides detailed guidance for determining a
extremes at leading and lagging power factors dictate the
NUG’s reactive power capability. Plotted reactive power per-
generator megawatt output.
formance characteristics of NUG’s are an important aid for
It is important during the initial design phase that require- the plant operator (existing NUG) or system planning en-
ments for the required reactive power output be established, gineers (new NUG) in clarifying the available options and
i.e., both the amount and expected duration for the MVAR performance to be expected.
output. Normally, the utility requires peak MVAR’s during It should also be noted that system stiffness is also a concern
peak loading on their transmission system during system peaks in MVAR export/import capability of a NUG facility. System
(summer or winter) or to provide additional power upon the stiffness is primarily a factor of the number of generating
unplanned loss of generation. units synchronized with the grid, the system load, and the
Since the NUG is normally reimbursed for output to the grid’s transmission line configuration. The example provided
system, the following options should be evaluated to properly in this paper was based on the utility’s nominal system
size the generator. configuration. Because of variation in system stiffness, MVAR
1) Oversize the generator—The generator operates most export/import capability can only be estimated at a specific
efficiently at its rated power factor. If the utility re- transmission intertie voltage. The sensitivity of the example
quires additional MVAR’s the megawatt output must be facility to changes in system stiffness were explored, and a
reduced, resulting in loss of revenue to the NUG. If the change in system stiffness resulted in very little change in
generator is oversized, the NUG can provide additional MVAR capacity. Ideally, an on-line interactive program could
MVAR’s and the corresponding megawatts as required be developed to provide operators accurate advice on precise

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MVAR export/import capability based on intertie transmission Edmund H. Arnold was born in Carbondale, PA, in
voltage levels and real-time system stiffness data. 1950. He received the B.S.E.E. degree from Texas
Tech University, Lubbock, in 1974.
Since 1979, he has been with Stone & Webster
REFERENCES Engineering Corporation, Cherry Hill, NJ, where
he has worked on numerous electrical utility, co-
[1] Guide for Transformers Directly Connected to Generators, IEEE Stan- generation, substation, and electric traction power
dard C57.116, 1989. projects, performing load-flow, voltage-drop, short-
[2] Cylindrical-Rotor Synchronous Generators, IEEE Standard C50.13, circuit, lighting-protection, and ground-grid design
1989. studies. He has also written specifications for the
[3] Requirements for Combustion Gas Turbine Driven Cylindrical Rotor purchase and installation of various types of electri-
Synchronous Generators, IEEE Standard C50.14, 1977. cal equipment. Prior to 1979, he was an Electrical Engineer in the Substation
[4] Hydrogen-Cooled, Combustion-Gas-Turbine-Driven, Cylindrical-Rotor Design Department at Illinois Power Company.
Synchronous Generators—Requirements, IEEE Standard C50.15, 1989. Mr. Arnold is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of New Jersey.
[5] Standard General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution,
Power, and Regulating Transformers, IEEE Standard C57.12, 1993.
[6] B. Avramonic and L. H. Fink, “Real-time reactive security monitoring,”
IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 7, pp. 432–437, Feb. 1992.
[7] P. M. Anderson and A. A. Fouad, Power System Control and Stability. Donald E. Winge (S’66–M’68) was born in San
Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1994. Francisco, CA, in 1941. He received the B.S.E.E.
[8] R. Mukenji, N. Neugebauer, R. Ludorf, and A. Catelli, “Evaluation degree, magna cum laude, from the University of
of wheeling and Non-Utility Generation (NUG) options using optional New Mexico, Albuquerque, in 1968.
power flows,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 7, pp. 201–207, Feb. 1992. Since 1994, he has been a Director of Operations
[9] G. J. Arvay, B. L. Eisenrich, and R. Smith, “Electrical system design, with Atlantic Generation, Inc., Mays Landing, NJ,
interface, and commissioning requirements for a large cogeneration where he is responsible for the business operations
project,” in Proc. 1990 IEEE-IAS Annu. Meeeting, vol. 2, pp. 1793–1803. of the company’s cogeneration projects, as well
as assisting with project development, engineering,
construction, and startup. Prior to 1994, he was
with Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation for
fourteen years, serving in various responsible positions, including Project
Gregory J. Nolan (M’79–SM’89) was born
Manager, Project Engineer, and Assistant Division Manager. Prior to 1980,
in Philadelphia, PA, in 1952. He received the
Mr. Winge was a U.S. Navy officer assigned to various positions with the
B.S.E.E.T. degree in 1974 from The Pennsylvania
Naval Nuclear Propulsions Program, including Chief Engineer of a nuclear
State University, Capitol Campus, and the M.B.A.
degree in 1983 from Temple University, Philadel-
Mr. Winge is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of New Jersey.
phia, PA.
Since 1979, he has been with Stone & Webster
Engineering Corporation (SWEC), where he has
been responsible for numerous cogeneration,
electric utility generating station, electric substation, Brandon S. Swartley (M’89) was born in Philadel-
and industrial projects. His present assignments phia, PA, in 1970. He received the B.S.E.E. degree,
include Division Supervisor of the Electrical and Control Systems personnel magna cum laude, in 1994 from Drexel University,
in Cherry Hill, NJ. Prior to 1979, he was a Senior Electrical Engineer Philadelphia, PA, where he is currently working
at Catalytic, Incorporated. He is the author of several technical papers toward the M.S. degree in electrical power systems.
concerning electrical power generation. Since 1994, he has been with Stone & Webster
Mr. Nolan is currently the Chairman of the IEEE Industrial and Commercial Engineering Corporation, Cherry Hill, NJ, where he
Power Systems Energy Systems Committee. He is a Registered Professional has worked on various electrical utility and trac-
Engineer in the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, tion system projects, performing load-flow, voltage-
Delaware, and Virginia. He is also a senior member of the Instrument Society drop, relay-coordination, and short-circuit studies.
of America. Prior to 1994, he was an Engineer Co-op in the
System Planning Department at Atlantic Electric and in the System Protection
Department at Delmarva Power & Light Company.
Mr. Swartley is a member of the IEEE Power Engineering Society.
Ezzat B. Khalafalla (S’76–M’78–SM’82) received
the B.Sc. degree from Cairo University, Cairo,
Egypt, in 1970 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
in electrical power systems from the University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, in 1974 and 1978,
He is currently with Stone & Webster Engineering
Corporation, Cherry Hill, NJ, where he works on
static frequency converter projects, high voltage
transmission lines, and substations.
Dr. Khalafalla is a member of the IEEE Power
Engineering Society Substations Subcommittee and a Registered Professional
Engineer in the States of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

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