Locating Places On Earth Using A Coordinate System

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This coordinate system is like placing a giant grid over the earth.

LATITUDE- Measures distance north/south, lines run east/west.

EQUATOR-Equator-starting point of latitude and it divides the globe horizontally.

LONGITUDE-Measures east/west, lines run north/south, starting point is the prime meridian.

PRIME MERIDIAN-starting point of longitude and divides the globe vertically.

PARALLELS-The circles formed by latitude lines (imaginary reference line) COORDINATE SYSTEM is a method for identifying the location of a point on the Earth.

ARCTIC CIRCLE-an imaginary line defined by where the Sun does not completely set for the Summer Solstice ANTARCTIC CIRCLE-the parallel of latitude that is
approximately 66¹/₂ degrees south of the equator and that circumscribes the southern frigid zone.

TROPIC OF CANCER-latitude approximately 23°27′ N of the terrestrial Equator

NORTH POLE-the northernmost point on Earth.

TROPIC OF CAPRICORN-lies at 23d 26' 22" (23.4394 degrees) south of the Equator and marks the most southerly latitude at which the sun can appear directly
overhead at noon.

SOUTH POLE-the southernmost point on Earth.

WESTERN HEMISPHERE-part of the globe between the north pole and equator.

NORTHERN HEMISPHERE-the half of the earth that lies north of the equator.

SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE-part of the globe between the south pole and equator

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