Soal PSSP 2023

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Waktu : 90 menit

Kelas / Semester :IX / 2 Hari/Tanggal :

The following text for questions 1 to 5

Once, there lived a hen called Red Feather because the color of her feather was red. One day, the fox caught
the red feather and put it into a sack. He intended to bring the hen home and cooked it for dinner.

Suddenly, he saw a dove lying on the ground. The fox was delighted to find a dove, he thought of having a
lot of food for dinner. He didn’t know that the dove was a friend of the red feather. The dove knew that the fox
had caught the Red Feather. He wanted to help the red feather by pretending to have a broken wing and lying
on the ground for the fox to catch.

The fox left the hen in the sack trying to catch the dove. As the fox got closer, the dove instantly flew away
leaving the fox. Meanwhile the fox was busy trying to catch the dove; the hen released herself from the sack and ran
away as fast as possible. The fox wasn’t able to catch the dove so he decided to stop chasing. But when the fox came
back to his sack, how shocked he was to find the Red feather had already gone. Finally the fox realized that he had
nothing for dinner. (Taken from 366 and More Fairy Tales, 1990)

1. What would the fox do with the Red Feather?

A. Release it. B.Help it. C.Chase it D.Eat it. .
2. Why did the dove do to help the Red Feather? Because….
A. Took the hen and put it the sack. C. Released the hen free and flew away
B. Pretended to have a broken wing. D. The dove was a friend of the hen

3. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Always believe in your friend. C. A friend in need is a friend indeed
B. A true friendship lasts forever. D. Never quit true friend forever

4.What does the word “He” in the first paragraph line 2 ?

A.Bird B.Sweeper C.Hen D.Red feather
5. The fox left the hen in the sack trying to catch the dove.
The close meaning of the italic word is …
A.Get B.Capture C.Caught D.Bring
The following text is for questions number 6 to 10

To: All students

To celebrate National Education Day, the Student Organization will conduct two interesting programs,
namely a school fair and a school show. The school fair will start in the morning, around 08.00.
Meanwhile, the school show will be conducted around 7 p.m. on the same day.

Each class should send 7 representatives. in Five of them will be in charge of the class product exhibition
the school fair. The others should perform in the school show. They can be singers, magician, or
comedians on the stage. All students are expected to attend and enjoy the show. A large space is available
for hundreds of audience around the stage. To attract the audience, the committee will invite a guest star,
Gita Gutawa. For more detailed information, contact Aldebaran (coordinator) at 085707237450
6.The text is written to....
A. ask the students sing a song in the school show
B. inform the students about how to perform in the school show
C. invite the students to join the ceremony of the National Education Day
D. tell the students about the programs in celebrating the National Education Day.

7.When will the show will be conducted ?

A .In the morning C.In the night
B. In the evening D, In the afternoon

8. All students are expected to attend and enjoy the show. What does the underlined word mean ?
A .Arrive B.Visit C.Come D.Meet

9.Who is the guest star of the school fair ?

A. The committee B. The singer C. Gita Gutawa D.Aldebaran

10. The others should perform in the school show. They are …except
A. singers, B.magician, C. comedians D.archery

Dragonflies are the …(11) flying insects. They swoop over the streams and ponds up to 90
kilometers per hour. …(12), damselflies have longer, thinner bodies and are more delicate, with a
slow, flattering flight. The wings of the damselfly are almost transparent. They shimmer as the
damselfly …(13)for small insects to eat.
Dragonflies and damselflies live …(14) water. They lay their eggs on plants. When they hatch, the
young ones, called nymphs come out of the eggs. They feed on …(15) creatures, and after two years the
nymphs grow into adults.

11. A. slowest B. laziest C. fastest D. biggest

12. A. Although B. Because C. Meanwhile D. Since

13. A, Looks B. Gets C. Searches D. Eats

14. A .Beside B. Near C. Behind D. Corner

15. Ground B. Water C. Tree D. Flower

Bunaken is one of the very amazing places I have ever visited. It is located in North Sulawesi. This sea park consists of 5 islands and 2
coastal areas, Bunaken Island, Manado Tua Island, Siladen Island, Mantehage Island, Nain Island, Molas Coast - Tiwoho, and Arakan-
Wawontulap Coast. Bunaken Island, where once I spent my holiday, is the most popular. This ±8 km² wide island is located at the Bay of
Manado. This area represents the tropical ecosystem of Indonesia because it has any kind of tropical water ecosystems, such as mangroves,
seagrasses, seaweeds, and reefs.
I am always amazed with the diversity of rare aquatic organism species in this place, such as dugong, dolphin, etc. Because of its high
biodiversity, Bunaken can attract many tourists. It has 20 diving spots with the depth varying up to 1344 m. These spots are the most often
visited by the divers and the submarine panorama lovers. I have tried one of them and I found it really thrilling. Furthermore, there are
underwater great walls or hanging walls of giant corals that stand vertically and curve up in this area. They become the food source for fishes
in the water around the Bunaken Island.
Besides the charming submarine park, the islands in this area present the natural atmosphere. It is something which makes me enjoy staying. There
are many cottages, resorts, and diving centers that offer accommodation and diving services. Water pool, hot shower, and restaurants are also
16. Which is the most famous in the Bunaken sea park?
A. Nain Island B. Siladen Island C. Bunaken Island D. Mantehage Island

17. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. The islands offer the natural atmosphere.
B. Bunaken has various rare aquatic species.
C. Bunaken consists of 5 islands and 2 coasts.
D. Diving spots are located around Bunaken Island.

18. Based on the text, it can be concluded that the Bunaken sea park ....
A. is not able to attract divers
B. is the home for all rare fish
C. offers local tropical ecosystems
D. does not have any natural atmosphere
19. I am always amazed with the diversity of rare aquatic organism species in this place, such as
dugong, dolphin, etc. What does the italic word mean ?
A. Wonderful B. Interesting C. Expensive D. Diligent
20. Why did the visitors like to visit Bunaken Island ? Because …..
A. There are interesting fish C. There are amazing beach
B. There are beautiful panoramas D. There are fine atmosphere
Once upon a time, there were a king and his queen who lived in the Kingdom of Belinyu. They didn’t have any child.
Until one night, the queen had a dream of a turtle. It was said that the queen would have a baby, and she had to give a komala
necklace to her baby. The queen woke up and she was holding a komala necklace in her hand. She told her dream to the king, and
he was very happy.

Shortly, the queen’s dream became reality. She delivered a beautiful baby girl. The king named her Komala, just as the
same as the necklace’s name.. She grew up as a pretty girl. However, she had a bad attitude because her parents always spoiled
her too much.

One day, Komala heard her parents were talking about the turtle in her mother’s dream. She thought that the turtle was
very interesting animal, so she wanted it as her pet. She insisted to find it, and the king allowed her to look for the animal.

Accompanied with the king’s guards, Komala searched the turtle, and finally, she found it in a beach. She shouted to it,
“Penyu busuk, wait for me,” in several times, but the turtle kept swimming. Komala ran after it into the sea, she tried to catch it.
Until then she finally drowned and disappeared, and all of her guards could not save her. Now, people call the beach “Penyusuk”.

21.Why did Komala insist to find the turtle? Because…. (choose two correct answers)
A. It was an attractive animal
B. Her parents allow her to find it herself
C. She wanted to have the animal as her pet
D. She was a spoiled girl

22.‘’However, she had a bad attitude because her parents always spoiled her too much”.
The word “ her parents “ in the sentence above refers to … (choose two correct answers)
A. The King and the Queen of Belinyu C. The King’s guards
B. Komala and her guards D. Komala’s father and mother.
23. One day, Komala heard her parents were talking about the turtle in her mother’s dream.
What does the synonym of the italic word ? … (choose two correct answers)
A. Speaking B. Yelling C. Talking D. Screaming
Blue Khutuk Fried Rice


 1 plate of cooked rice  1 cloves of garlic, chopped

 Chili powder (adjust based on your spicy
 2 eggs level)
 1 teaspoon of salt  1 tablespoon of tomato sauce
 2 medium onions, chopped  1 tablespoon of vegetable oil


 Frying pan, Stove, Spoon, Spatula, Plate

Steps of how to cook fried rice:

1. Heat a medium frying pan and pour the vegetable oil.

2. After it’s heated enough, add the garlic, onion, and chili.
3. Stir-fry the ingredients until it’s tender.
4. Add the eggs and scramble it until half cooked.
5. Pour the cooked rice, then keep stir for a minute.
6. Next, add the seasoning such as the sauce, pepper, and salt, and mix them all with the rice.
7. After it’s well cooked, take the fried rice and serve on the plate.

24. Which one is the correct ingredients of Blue Khutuk Fried Rice ? … (choose two correct answers)

A. salt, onions, tomato sauce C. garlic, egg, rice

B .chili powder, vegetable oil, teaspoon D. clove of garlic, chopped, spicy level

25. Why does the cheff give fried rice with 2 eggs ? Because… (choose two correct answers)

A. To make delicious taste C.To make satisfied

B. To make interesting D.Rich of nutrition
The following text is for questions 6 to 10

Tips on Reading a Newspaper

1. Find a good, reliable, local newspaper.

2. Make sure the newspaper is reputable, not a tabloid with gossip
and false stories.
 Read the headline of your newspaper and the featured pages
and see if anything interests you.
 If the front page story intrigues you, read it, and carry on
inside the paper if it continues.
3 When finished, go back to the front page and see if any other
featured stories interest you.
 Repeat the procedure above.
4. When done with the front page, turn to the next page and see if
any article there interests you.
 If so, read it, and then carry on if it continues.
5 Repeat until you have read all of the interesting articles or the
entire newspaper. (Taken from

6 “Make sure the newspaper is reputable, not a tabloid with gossip and
false stories.” (Step 2).
The underlined word has the closest meaning to ….
A. adaptable B.respectable C.readable D.capable

7. “If so, read it, and then carry on if it continues.” (Step 4)

What does the underlined word refer to?
A. front page B. procedure C. next page D. article

8. The text is written to …..

A. gives tips on how to read a newspaper C. describe a good newspaper
B. tell experience in reading a newspaper D. select a good newspaper

9.When done with the front page, turn to the next page and see if any article there interests you
What is the opposite of the bold type ?
A.woderful B.amazing C.readable D.boredom
10. Repeat until you have read all of the interesting articles or the entire newspaper.
What does the word” you” refer to ?
A.The writer B.The Listener C.The Reader D.The Speaker

Lovina : Happy birthday, Sabrina.

Sabrina: Thanks, Lovina
Lovina : Here, I bring you a present.
Sabrina : Wow! What is it? Can I open it?
Lovina : Sure, go ahead.
Sabrina : Is this a sweater?
Lovina : Yeah. I hope you like it.
Sabrina : Yes, I like it. This is a cool sweater.
Look! Its color even matches with my boots. Thank you so much, Lovina.
Lovina : I’m glad you like it.

13Based on the dialog, Lovina and Sabrina are … (choose two correct answers)

A. a family
B. close friends
C. besties
D. siblings

14.Based on the dialogue, we can conclude that …. (choose two correct answers)

A. Lovina hopes Sabrina likes the sweater.

B. Lovina likes the sweater so much.
C. Lovina and Sabrina are celebrating their birthday.
D. Sabrina is so excited to receive the gift from Lovina

Earthquake is one of the natural disasters which is the shaking of the earth’s surface. This disaster happens in
many areas of the world. This brings many victims and material damages.

There are several types of earthquakes including tectonic and volcanic earthquake. The tectonic earthquake is the
common one and it happens because of the movement of the crust, meanwhile volcanic earthquake happens as the
effect of volcanic activity.

Earthquake happens as the layers below the surface of earth are active. The basic layers are a solid crust, a hot,
nearly solid mantle, a liquid outer core and a solid inner core. The crust and mantle form a lithosphere. It is made up
of tectonic plates. The plates are constantly moving and it makes stresses on the crust.

When the stresses are too big, it causes a fault. The movement happens on the fault as the tectonic plates are
moving. When there is a sudden movement of the crust in the fault line, then the earthquake happens.
The epicenter is the point or the center of an earthquake. However, the shaking can be felt miles away from the
Adapted from: NASA Science Space Place

15.Match the sentence in the left column with the right one
Paragraph Main Idea
1 A. Tectonic and volcanic earthquakes are several kinds of natural
2 B. The phenomenon of the earth shaking is called earthquake

3 C. The center of earthquake is called the epicenter

4 D. The active layers below the earth surface makes earthquake

A. Paragraph 1 with B
B. Paragraph 2 with C
C. Paragraph 3 with A
D. Paragraph 4 with D

Paragraph Conjunction
1,which,many, and
2 B. ,and,because, meanwhile,as
3 C. below , crust, a hot, nearly so, and
4 D.When there , then , However,

16..Match the conjunction in the left column with the right one
A. 1 = D
B. 2 = B
C. 3 = A
D. 4 = C

Lyric Meaning
1. I have a dream A. We must believe in our power to
A song to sing reach our goal
To help me cope

2. If you see the wonder B. Somebody should have dream to

Of a fairy tales overcome problem
You can take the future

3. I believe in angel C. Somebody should not be hopeless

Something good in everything I see when they fail
I believe in angel
When I know the times is right for me
4. I’ll cross the stream D. Somebody should have a dream
I have a dream

17..Match the sentence in the left column with the right one
A. 1 = A
B. 2 = C
C. 3 = B
D. 4 = D

Attention please to all the visitors of Mount Elizabeth Hospital,

As it is already mentioned in the information board, there will be a slight change in the visiting
hours. The schedule can be seen on the information board of zero floor.
We would also like to remind you to keep our hospital environment clean and safe.

Thank you very much.

Name of functional text The purpose of the text

1.Announcement A to give information for the visitors
2.Greeting card B. to describes article for the readers
3.Information C. to announce everybody in the building
4.Warning D. to tell about announce for all hospital visitor
18..Match the functional text in the left column with the best one
A. 1 = C
B. 2 = A
C. 3.= D
D. 1 = D

Bunaken is one of the very amazing places I have ever visited. It is located in North Sulawesi.
This sea park consists of 5 islands and 2 coastal areas, Bunaken Island, Manado Tua Island, Siladen
Island, Mantehage Island, Nain Island, Molas Coast - Tiwoho, and Arakan-Wawontulap Coast.
Bunaken Island, where once I spent my holiday, is the most popular. This ±8 km² wide island is
located at the Bay of Manado. This area represents the tropical ecosystem of Indonesia because it has
any kind of tropical water ecosystems, such as mangroves, seagrasses, seaweeds, and reefs.
I am always amazed with the diversity of rare aquatic organism species in this place, such as
dugong, dolphin, etc. Because of its high biodiversity, Bunaken can attract many tourists. It has 20
diving spots with the depth varying up to 1344 m. These spots are the most often visited by the
divers and the submarine panorama lovers. I have tried one of them and I found it really thrilling.
Furthermore, there are underwater great walls or hanging walls of giant corals that stand vertically
and curve up in this area. They become the food source for fishes in the water around the Bunaken
Besides the charming submarine park, the islands in this area present the natural atmosphere. It
is something which makes me enjoy staying. There are many cottages, resorts, and diving centers
that offer accommodation and diving services. Water pool, hot shower, and restaurants are also
19.Which is the most famous in Bunaken sea park ? …………………………………….
20. I am always amazed with the diversity of rare aquatic organism species in this place,
What is the synonym of amazed ? …………………………………………………….
21.Mention 5 Verb in the second Paragraph ! ……………………………………………
22.What is the word “ I” in th second paragraph refer to ? ………………………………..
23.Mention three Adjective in the first paragraph ! ……………………………………
24.Mention three kind of tropical water ecosystems ! …………………………………

25.What do you say if you admire….. say in two ways !

The beautiful stewardess
a…………………………………….. b. …………………………………..
26.Combine the sentence using “ too”
The film is very boring.I can’t enjoy it : ……………………………………………..
27.The students ( study ) English in the classroom for two hours.
Change the sentence into present perfect tense : ……………………………………
28.The waitress ( clean ) the table since 7 o’clock a.m.
Change the sentence into present perfect tense : ……………………
29. will – that – shirt – He –enough –Gilang-buy-expensive-if-has-money
Change the sentence into good order : ……………………………..
Change the sentence into good sentence : ……………………………..





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