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Building type: commercial

Building area: 70,398 m2

Building country: Hong Kong

System System parts Comment objective Code

minimum requirements

Water Use steel truss ● Increases the trusses are commonly used
Performance flexibility of in long span buildings
floors. ranging from 20 to 100 m in
(Integration with .span
architectural) The span is (33.5m) between
.the masts in the building

Green Energy Use Vertical ● Large, open and E.2—Column Bracing

Building Performance structure of 8 column free
It is permitted to brace an
tubular steel space.
individual column at end and
masts in sets of
intermediate points along the
four braced
length using either relative or
columns (Integration with
.nodal bracing

Material & Use Long-span ● Greater .D2.1.3 Exterior Fires

Waste composite, flexibility for
me projection s compartment
Management metal decking designers due to
column free

(Integration with

Safety System)

‫ري املسطحات اخلضراء والنوافري اخالرجية‬

‫‪ 404-2‬النوافري اخالرجية واملسطحات امالئية‬

‫عند جود النوافري اخالرجية املسطحاك امالئية املنشأة أ املركبة على موقع املبىن‪ ،‬املوافقة على الت دامها من قبأ‬

‫اجلهاك امل توة‪ ،‬زب الت دام موارد مائية ري صاحلة للشرب حسب متطلباك الباب السابع لتشغيلهاال ملزيد‬

‫من التفاصيأ يتم الرجو ع للبند ‪ 2.402‬من أحكام الكود السعودي للبناء األخضر ‪SBC 1001‬ال‬

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