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Subject Name Consumer Behaviour

Subject Code 21204

Section Ques Marks Per
Questions to be Answered
Name tions Question

Answer ALL Questions
n Label
1 List Defense Mechanisms 1
2 Define Advertising Wearout 1
Section I Q27115
3 Outline Distorting influences 1
4 How do marketers use celebrities? 1
5 List out the purchase and consumption roles played by family 1
6 What is Consideration Set? 1
Answer ANY FOUR Questions
Q27115 Motivating consumers is a major challenge for the marketers. Apply any theory of
1 3
92 motivation and explain how the marketers can understand and motivate consumers.
Q27115 Inner psychological characteristics shape the behaviour of an individual. Examine the role
2 3
93 of personality traits in shaping the behaviour of consumers with examples.
Q27115 Utilize the concepts of Absolute Threshold and Just Noticeable Difference (j.n.d.) for
3 3
94 marketing strategy formulation and implementation.
Q27115 Marketers are interested in knowing how consumer learn. Elucidate the applications of
4 3
95 Repetition, Stimulus Generalization, Stimulus Discrimination with suitable examples.
Section II
Q27115 The behaviour of consumers varies significantly when they are in a group. Explain the
5 3
96 statement with reference to impact of reference groups on the consumer behaviour.
Q27115 Marketers are interested in the process of Attitude Formation and Change. Explain Attitude
6 3
97 Formation and Change strategies with examples.
Q27115 There is change in the needs as a family moves across different stages in its lifecycle.
7 3
98 What is your opinion and justify with the help of examples.
Q27115 Culture determines the products and services used by people in a specific region. Discuss
8 3
99 the impact of cultural factors on the marketing strategies of multinational companies.
Answer ANY TWO Questions
Q27116 Compare and give a critical account of the preliminary decision making models of
1 6
00 consumers(man).
Q27116 Personality and Attitude Change can be affected by Learning. Explain using any Learning
2 6
Section III 01 Theory.
Q27116 Consumer behaviour is shaped by socio-cultural setting. Combine the concepts of
3 6
02 consumer relevant groups, culture, sub-culture, and social class and elaborate.
Q27116 Consumer Decision Making is complex. Discuss any Comprehensive Decision Making
4 6
03 Model using the input, process, and output framework.

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