Citizenship Tasks

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Global Citizenship Project

Find an issue facing the global community ( or local community) and propose a solution that
can help make things better.

In the words of Henry Ford, “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Step 1- Choose a topic of your interest from the following picture

Step 2- Research
● The situation nowadays regarding the issue chosen
● The different initiatives that already exist

Step 3- Propose a possible way to solve the problem

● What is your plan? (Realistic idea of what you can do as a student)
○ Develop your plan
○ Include the steps you will take to achieve it
○ How will this help? How will this make you a better global citizen?

Step 4- Prepare a presentation.

● The presentation should include ONLY visuals and key words
● Practice your presentation

Step 5- Write a report based on your research.

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