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Project Title: Cab App Development Project

Project members:
Pinaki Sengupta (2030080), Hardik Jain(2030082) ,
Jaydeep Mazumdar(2030081), Ben Joyson
(2030017), Subham Kumar (2030034)


The purpose of this Software Project Management Plan (SPMP) is to provide a detailed
overview of the Cab App Development Project, its scope, objectives, timeline, resources, and
the roles and responsibilities of the project team members. This document will serve as a
roadmap for the successful execution of the project.

Project Scope:

The Cab App Development Project aims to create a user-friendly and reliable mobile application
that will connect riders with drivers. The scope of the project includes the development of an
Android and iOS app, a back-end server, and a website. The app will provide a range of
features, including ride booking, fare estimation, real-time tracking, and payment processing.
The project will be completed in three phases, including planning, development, and testing.
Project Objectives:

The primary objectives of the Cab App Development Project are:

● To create a user-friendly and reliable mobile application that will connect riders with
● To develop an app that will provide real-time tracking, fare estimation, and payment
● To create a secure and scalable back-end server.
● To deliver a high-quality product within the specified timeline and budget.
● To ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.


The Cab App Development Project will be completed in three phases:

Phase 1: Planning (Duration: 1 month)

Requirements gathering and analysis
Project planning and scheduling
Resource allocation and budgeting

Phase 2: Development (Duration: 4 months)

App design and development
Server setup and configuration
Website development
Testing and quality assurance

Phase 3: Deployment (Duration: 1 month)

App deployment and launch
Post-launch support and maintenance

The following resources will be required for the successful completion of the Cab App
Development Project:

● Project Manager
● App Developers
● Back-end Developers
● Front-end Developers
● Quality Assurance Engineers
● UX/UI Designers
● Database Administrators
● Marketing and Promotion Team


To calculate the effort and cost for the Cab App Development Project, we will need to make
some assumptions based on the size of the project team and the project timeline.

Assuming that the project team includes the following resources:

● Project Manager: 1 person for 6 months

● App Developers: 3 people for 4 months
● Back-end Developers: 2 people for 4 months
● Front-end Developers: 2 people for 4 months
● Quality Assurance Engineers: 2 people for 4 months
● UX/UI Designers: 2 people for 4 months
● Database Administrators: 1 person for 4 months
● Marketing and Promotion Team: 2 people for 4 months

The total number of person-months required for the project can be calculated as follows:

Person-Months = Number of resources x Duration of the project

Person-Months = (1 x 6) + (3 x 4) + (2 x 4) + (2 x 4) + (2 x 4) + (2 x 4) + (1 x 4) + (2 x 4)
Person-Months = 48

Based on the total number of person-months required, we can estimate the total cost of the
project by multiplying it by the average cost per person-month. Assuming an average cost per
person-month of $7,000, the total cost of the project can be estimated as:

Total Cost = Person-Months x Average Cost per Person-Month

Total Cost = 48 x $7,000
Total Cost = $336,000

This is a rough estimate and the cost can differ according to the changes made in the project .

Roles and Responsibilities:

The following roles and responsibilities have been assigned for the Cab App Development

● Project Manager: Overall project management, budgeting, and resource allocation.

● App Developers: App design and development, feature implementation, and testing.
● Back-end Developers: Server setup and configuration, database design, and
● Front-end Developers: Website design and development, integration with the app
and server.
● Quality Assurance Engineers: Testing, debugging, and quality assurance.
● UX/UI Designers: App and website design, user interface, and user experience.
● Database Administrators: Database management, backup, and security.
● Marketing and Promotion Team: Branding, advertising, and customer engagement.

Communication Plan:

● The project team will use the following communication channels for effective
collaboration and coordination:
● Project Management Software (Trello, Asana, Jira, etc.)
● Video Conferencing Tools (Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, etc.)
● Email Communication
● Weekly Status Reports
● Daily Standup Meetings
● Risk Management Plan:
● The following risks have been identified for the Cab App Development Project:
● Technical Challenges
● Project Delays
● Budget Overruns
● Scope Creep
● Security Risks
● Data Breaches
● Staffing Issues
● Competition
● Legal and Regulatory Issues
● Customer Dissatisfaction
● To mitigate these risks, the project team will implement the following risk management

● Continuous Monitoring and Risk Assessment
● Contingency Planning
● Regular Status Updates and Communication
● Strict Adherence to Project Timeline and Budget
● Regular Quality Checks

Change Management Plan:

The Cab App Development Project will follow a change management plan to ensure that any
changes in the project scope, timeline, or budget are handled effectively. The following steps will
be taken to manage changes:
● Any proposed changes will be evaluated for their impact on the project timeline, budget,
and resources.
● If a change is deemed necessary, it will be documented and communicated to the project
● The project members will assess the feasibility of the change and seek approval from the
● The change will be incorporated into the project plan, and all relevant parties will be
informed of the change.
Project Monitoring and Control:

The Cab App Development Project will be monitored and controlled throughout its lifecycle to
ensure that it stays on track and meets its objectives. The following strategies will be used to
monitor and control the project:
● Regular Progress Reviews and Status Reports
● Monitoring of Project Metrics (Budget, Schedule, Quality, etc.)
● Stakeholder Feedback and Engagement
● Change Management
● Risk Management
● Quality Assurance

Project Closure:

The Cab App Development Project will be considered complete when the app is successfully
launched and meets the stakeholders' requirements. The following steps will be taken to close
the project:
● A final project report will be created and submitted to the stakeholders.
● All project documentation will be archived and stored for future reference.
● A post-implementation review will be conducted to evaluate the project's success and
identify areas for improvement.
● A handover plan will be developed to ensure a smooth transition of the app's ownership
and management to the relevant parties.


This Software Project Management Plan outlines the key aspects of the Cab App Development
Project, including its scope, objectives, timeline, resources, and risk management strategies.
The successful execution of this project will result in the development of a high-quality and
user-friendly app that meets the stakeholders' requirements and exceeds their expectations.

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