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The Popularity of The Wattpad Application in Increasing Millennial Generation’s

Literacy Through Literary Works.

Aidatul Fitriyah, Risa Febriani Aulia Nisa’, Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin
Faculty of Humanity, Universitas Airlangga
Jalan Dharmawangsa Dalam, Airlangga, Gubeng, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60286

Background: Nowadays, people's enthusiasm for reading literature is getting lower. On the
other hand, we can use technological development to look for literary works. Purpose: Based
on this problem, researchers are interested in researching how Wattpad applications can
increase literacy in literary work. Method: Researchers use quantitative and qualitative
methods. Quantitative methods through surveys online, and the resulting population consists
of 75 respondents from the millennial generation. The sample criteria in this study were
Wattpad users with an age range ranging from 13 years to 25 years. Then, researchers used
interview methods using 15 informants to strengthen survey results online. Result: Wattpad
is a platform that provides literary work. It helps the reader to access the story freely. This
application offers many variations of literary genres. Wattpad has a function to entertain and
give knowledge through stories supplied by authors. It shows that Wattpad has a vital role in
increasing literary interest, especially millennials. Recommendation: This research should
be carried out long before the due date. But, this incident is out of reach for researchers
because we have to prepare anything before doing research. Furthermore, sampling that is
used must have more limited scope to get specific result data. For example, we use sample
respondents from East Java residents. Limitation: This research has limited research time to
meet the expected number of respondents. The source data is from a user Wattpad range
between 13 and 25 years old.

Keywords: Literary, Wattpad, Literacy interest, Millennial generations.

The technological development that spreads rapidly can be an alternative to looking for
information—for example, literary work. Wattpad is one of the platform applications that can
increase literary work that provides reading and writing services such as stories, novels,
poetry, and soon. Wattpad was first released in 2006 by Allen Lau and Ivan Yuen
(Kardiansyah, 2019)
. It provided stories in 50 languages from countries worldwide. All users of Wattpad
have spent 23 million minutes per month. We can use this application when we connect to the
internet. Moreover, Wattpad has provided a story with a lot of genre variation, and we can
access almost all of the story freely (Miranda:2021,18-19). This advantage is the ability to
make Wattpad famous globally, and the community always increases every day. The
emergence of Wattpad is a positive thing for all young people because it will help increase
interest in literacy work.
The millennial generation is no longer a stranger to active social media users. It was an
unavoidable phenomenon (Sari, 2019). William Strauss and Neil first proposed the term
millennial in their book entitled Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation (2000) (Indah
& Wardono, 2021). When children born in 1982 began pre-school in 1987, they invented the
word millennial. They are known as the millennial generation since they were born before the
early 2000s, during the millennium. This generation is very close to the digital world because
it makes digital their personal space to access, obtain, and share all forms of information they
encounter on the internet. Millennials are also known as Generation Y, and this term has been
known and used on major United States newspaper editorials since August 1993 (Budiati et
al., 2018). The term "millennial generation" is also used differently by researchers. The
millennial generation was defined by Zemke et al. (2000) as Nexters born between 1980 and
1999. Finally, Oblinger (2005) refers to the millennial generation as Generation Y was born
between 1981 and 1995. (Fitrianingsih, 2020). Meanwhile, Hasanuddin Ali and Lilik
Purwandi (2017), a domestic expert researcher, expressed their thoughts regarding this
millennial generation in their book, Millennial Nusantara, which stated that the millennial
generation was born between 1981 and 2000. Researchers from around the world have some
differences in the birth period of millennials. However, most experts think millennials were
born between the 1980s and 2000s. Furthermore, the concept of the Indonesian millennial
generation is Indonesian residents who were born between 1980 – 2000 (Budiati et al., 2018).
From this birth range, we can know that the millennial generation is now around 19-40 years
old, so they are in a productive period in their lives.
Literary is an art and language media to teach and give the readers a direction about
getting right and worth living. Nevertheless, in reality, there are still many people who have
low enthusiasm to read literary works. Many people have a low interest in reading literary
works. Several factors that cause low interest in reading include an unsupportive
environment, inappropriate technological developments, inadequate facilities, and lack of
motivation in reading. Literary works can encourage the formation of one's character because
they contain human life's ethical and moral values. Many things can be discussed in the
literature, such as discussions about divinity (religiosity), the universe (romantic), and society
(sociological). In addition, literature also helps readers know real issues about politics, social
and culture packaged in aesthetics. Based on the problems that elaborate above, researchers
are interested in studying how the popularity of using the Wattpad application can increase
literacy interest among millennials.

Researchers use quantitative and qualitative approaches. The researchers first conduct a
literature review to analyze phenomena or events through journals and data relevant to the
research object at the data collection stage. Researchers use 30 references from books,
national and international journals, conference journals or proceedings, and theses in the
2019-2021 range by entering the keywords Wattpad, literacy, and the millennial generation in
the search column on the internet. This analysis contains theories and discussions that focus
on the Wattpad application’s popularity and the role of increasing millennial literacy interest
in literary works that emphasize description, analytical thinking, and ideas or innovations.
This literature study was carried out through three steps; collecting research data sources that
we accessed online, classifying data and information based on research formulas, processing
data, and citing references. Data obtained from various sources of previous research will
strengthen the theoretical basis in this study.
Next, researchers collect source data using an online survey feature. We use two types
of questionnaires that consist of six questions: five close questions that have provided an
answer. One is an open questionnaire that asks respondents to answer why they recommend
the Wattpad application. Collect data technically through four steps: first, determine and
compose research instruments, second, assess population and sample of research, third, test
validity and reliability on the instrument research, and lastly, collect data sources from the
respondent questionnaire.
This research gets data from 75 respondents. The population used is the millennial
generation, and the criteria are Wattpad users aged 13-25 years old. The sample demographic
data obtained in this study are shown in the following table:
Table 1: Demographic sampling data of respondents questionnaire
Respondent Domisili
Criteria East Java West Java Central Java Sumatera
Frequency 65 6 2 2
Percentage 86,6% 8% 2,7% 2,7%

Respondent Age Range

Criteria 13-15 years old 16-19 years old 20-25 years old
Frequency 4 57 14
Percentage 5,3% 76% 18,7%

Respondent Status
Criteria Junior High Senior High College Student Worker or
School Student School Student Employment
Frequency 2 12 58 3
Percentage 2,7% 16% 77,3% 4%

Researchers test the validity and reliability of the data through the four test standards
proposed by Lincoln and Cuba in their book Natural Inqurity (1985), including credibility
(internal validity), transferability Reliability (external validity), reliability (reliability), and
confirmability (objectivity) (Wolf, 1987). Data can state credibility if there is a same between
what the researchers reported and what happened to the object studied. That is why
researchers use the triangulation source method to test credibility through a test to data
through different sources. Researchers also test transferability relevant to the generalization
concept that value depends on the readers. If the readers can imagine and understand the
result of the research (context and scope research), the data has a high transferability. Next,
researchers conduct dependability to determine the consistency of the measuring instrument
if the measurement is repeated. Lastly, researchers confirm the data by consulting lecturers
with research expertise to ensure the quality of the research and the accuracy of the research
results with the existing data. Furthermore, researchers took a sample of 15 respondents as
interview informants to strengthen the data obtained from online surveys. This interview is
conducted to get in-depth information about an issue or theme raised in the research. The
sample used as an informant is the respondent who has the answer most relevant to the needs
of the research object. Researchers use a directed interview technique in which the
researchers ask questions that have been prepared in advance to obtain data related to
research needs. In this case, the researchers ask two questions relevant to the research topic.
The stages used in conducting interviews consist of 1) determining the topic of the interview
and the informant, 2) composing questions for the interview, 3) conducting interviews with
informants online, and 4) Noting the essential points conveyed by the informants.
Data analysis in this study used the Grounded Theory analysis model proposed by
Glaser & Strauss (1967), they are: 1) identifying units and coding (Data Reduction), 2)
compiling categories based on labels (data categorization), 3) looking for relevance between
categories to each other (synthesis), and 4) formulating and compiling propositional data to
answer research questions (working hypothesis). In compiling the working hypotheses,
researchers look for data to support the validity of the data by changing, combining and
eliminating data. The compiled data will then be grouped by category in the working
Flowchart 1: Research study design

This research explains the role of Wattpad application in increasing interest in literature.
In this case, researchers also describe the research results obtained from online survey
respondents to solve the problems in the discussion.
Wattpad is an application platform that is currently popular among millennials. User
Wattpad has various purposes for using this application like literary and writing media. The
following table lists information related to users of this application:
Table 2: The role of the respondent as a Wattpad user
Question: Have you ever or currently used the Wattpad Application?
Respondent's Answer Frequency Percentage
currently using the app 26 34,7%
Still using the app but rarely. 25 33,3%
Used to use the app but not anymore 24 32%

Question: What is your role when using the Wattpad Application?

Respondent's Answer Frequency Percentage
Reader 59 78,7%
Writer 1 1,3%
Both of them 15 20%

Question: How long have you been using Wattpad?

Respondent's Answer Frequency Percentage
< 1 Year 14 18,7%
1 -5 Years 47 62,6%
5 – 10 Years 14 18,7%

One factor that attracts interest in reading stories on the Wattpad application is that
Wattpad provides literary works of various genres. Based on the survey conducted, the results
related to the genre of stories that are most in-demand by Wattpad users and will be presented
in the following table:
Table 3: Favorite genre according to Wattpad user
Story Genre Frequency Percentage
Romance 55 73,30%
Fiction 42 56%
Fantasy 33 44%
Comedy 31 41,30%
Teenager literature 22 29,30%
Horror 21 28%
Action 20 26,60%
Scientific 19 25,30%
spiritual 2 2,60%
Fanfiction 2 2,60%
Teka-Teki 1 1,30%
Thriller 1 1,30%
Riddle 1 1,30%
Happy ending story 1 1,30%

Next, the researchers conducted interviews by giving two quite specific questions according
to the main topic of this research, namely how Wattpad can be a source of knowledge and a
driving factor in increasing interest in literary literacy. The questions asked to respondents
include: "what is the reason you like reading stories on Wattpad more than other
applications?" and "In your opinion, how does Wattpad function to improve literacy among
the millennial generation?". Informant data obtained from the interviews are presented in the
coding diagram as follows:
Flowchart 2: Network coding of interview results

Researchers connect informants’ opinions who have conducted interviews and the
Wattpad application to increase interest in literary literacy. The results show that Wattpad
users gain knowledge through cyber literature and popular literature. Although Wattpad is not
an application that focuses on providing information, several informants said they get reading
sources for entertainment media, gain knowledge in science, and learn foreign languages by
reading stories in specific genres on Wattpad application.
A. Wattpad Application
1. Introduction Wattpad Application

Picture 2. Wattpad in play store (Left),

and the interface after opening Wattpad (Right)
Wattpad is one of the applications used to write and read online novels, short
stories, articles, poems, quotes, and many others. This application was published in
one of Canada’s largest cities, Toronto, for the first time. Wattpad was launched in
2006 and created by Allen Lau and Ivan Yuen (Al Falaq et al., 2021). However,
Wattpad was released on the App Store officially in 2008. In the three years after the
publication, Wattpad was a success in reaching 1 Million users from all over the
world, and their income was around $1.4 Million. Surprisingly, the growth of the
application was so fast. In 2012 Wattpad could get $17.3 Million for their revenue in
just four years. Besides their achievements in users and income, Wattpad also
received several awards. The initial award in 2014 was Top Canadian Startup and
Employer of The Year by Techvibes (Company Wattpad, 2021). From there, it
became more and more popular. In 2017, Wattpad was able to acquire three awards;
those were  Fast Company’s Top Ten Most Innovative Companies in Social Media,
CIX Innovator of the Year, and Startup Canada’s Entrepreneur of the Year
(Company Wattpad, 2021)
The users can use two types of accounts in Wattpad: free and premium
versions. Free members cannot access the premium stories. They also will get pop-
up advertisements when reading a chapter of the story and can only save two stories
in their library. Meanwhile, the advantages of premium accounts are that readers
should not watch any advertisements, they have unlimited offline stories in the
library, gain additional coins for every purchase in the package, and the iOS users
can set the themes as they want.
2. How To Use Wattpad Application
Wattpad is straightforward to use. When we do not have an account, we should
download it first on our smartphone. After completing the download process, we
should open the application and register. We could choose between manual
registration or automatic registration. If we prefer manuals, we should put our email,
username, password, and date of birth in the boxes that have been provided, then
click “Register.” After completing this step, we will be directed to the page to
identify our sex. After finishing this step, we can start reading or writing some
stories. While in Automatic registration, we only need to sign up with our Facebook
or Google account.
After we have an account, we can sign in to the application. Wattpad will
show us the home page, which contains some recommendations. Click on the cover
picture of any stories that we want to read. The full synopsis will appear on our
screen with the cover picture and the “Read” button. After clicking it, we can read
the whole story. If we like the story, we can tap on the star icon in every chapter to
increase the rating and make it famous.
We can save the stories in our library in two ways. First, click on the “+”
button on the synopsis page. Second, we can tap on the hamburger button in the top
right of the story's chapter and choose “add to library.”
We need to set the stories on the offline list to read in offline mode. We should
go to the library and choose which story we want to put there, then click and hold
the cover until we can see some options; make sure to select the “Add to Offline”
button. The alternatives offered are archive stories, delete the story from our library,
and share the people’s stories.

3. Wattpad Features
Picture 3. Home Page Feature (Top Left), Search Feature (Top Right),
Library Feature (Bottom Left), Notification Feature (Bottom Right)
The first feature which would appear on the user’s screen after opening
Wattpad is the Home Page. On this page, the readers will find the popular stories
with high ratings and the stories awarded by the Wattpad team. Besides those two
types of stories, here also show the recommendations of the readers’ favorite genre.
The second is the search feature; this appears if the users press the icon loop in the
taskbar. This feature has the same function as the standard search engine: finding
what the readers want. The quest should be based on the title of the stories, genre,
another person, or reading list.
The next is library features. The feature aims to gather the ebook (stories) for
personal collection as its title. The users can explore the stories without any
connection to the internet. It is beneficial for the users because they do not need to
re-scroll to find the last part they read after clicking the specific story. In the initial
release of the application, this feature has unlimited storage for offline access to the
collection. However, now this feature is limited only to saving two stories. But, the
users may have unlimited storage if they subscribe to a premium account.
The last feature is notification. To get into it, click the bell icon in the bottom
right of the taskbar. Wattpad will notify us if there is any update in our collection.
Furthermore, it will also inform the readers about story suggestions through reading
lists, replying to other users’ comments, and even chatting. The authors will notify
them if any readers put their work in the library, give comments, and give stars to
increase their creation rating.

B. The Role of The Millennial Generation in The Use of Wattpad

In the questionnaire, researchers provide basic questions to get the information and
the role of respondents in using Wattpad from 3 closed questions. Multiple-choice
questions that we used were “Have you ever been using Wattpad?”, “What was your
role in Wattpad?” and “How long have you been using Wattpad?” The answers of
respondents are in this chart:
Based on the diagram above, Q1 got the results that from 75 respondents who used
the application, 50 people are still using it. It means 68% of the respondents are active
users. Even some of them are rarely using it now because of their activities.

The following questions, Q2, show that almost 100% of Wattpad users are more like
readers than writers. From those two questionnaires, we can conclude that Wattpad users
prefer to read the stories than write the stories, so Wattpad has a vital role in influencing
the reading interests.

The last data variation from Q3 shows that 47 out of 75 respondents (62,6%) have
used Wattpad for 1-5 years. Moreover, 14 respondents (18,7%) have been using it for 5-
10 years, and the rest are new users within less than a year as many 14 out of 75
respondents or 18,7%.
From those three questionnaires above, we can conclude that the existence of
Wattpad has been known by most people, especially the millennial generations, after
several years released.
C. Literary genres on Wattpad that millennials are interested in
The researchers give questions to analyze the favorite genre of millennials. Here is
the question form “What is your favorite genre in Wattpad?”. The answers of 75
respondents are shown in this chart:

From the chart above, we know that the top 5 favorite genres of the respondents are
1). Romance with 73,30% vote, 2). Fiction with 56% vote, 3) Fantasy 44% vote, 5)
Teenlit with 29,30% vote. We can conclude that teenagers now prefer reading romance
novels in modern literature. In this case, the various genres in Wattpad could be one of
the best solutions in increasing the literary interest of the millennial generation.
D. Wattpad is recommended for millennial literacy.

In the last survey session, researchers asked a question, “Do you recommend
Wattpad for Millennials?”. It aims to know that Wattpad is a recommended
application. Of 75 respondents, 67 people (89.3%) recommend this application due to
these top 5 reasons, those are 1) Free, 2) Has various genres, 3) Easy to use, 4) Could
increase literacy interests and knowledge, 5) build on positive activities in free time.
The rest of the respondents or about eight people (10,7%) do not recommend
appropriate due to 2 reasons, are 1) It is more comfortable to read through the actual
books because there is no distraction from notifications, and 2) Stories in this
application contain many mature contents that usually read by children under 13 years
old. We can conclude that Wattpad is still recommended by millennials, especially in
increasing their reading time in their free time. Sometimes, some stories are not
appropriate for reading for those under the ages.

E. Wattpad’s role is increasing the millennial generation's interest in literacy.

According to the research done on the 32 high school students in Bogor by Rahayu
(2019), Wattpad could increase the literacy interests of millennials. The respondents
usually read fiction stories, with the various reading materials, they are encouraged to
continue reading fiction stories on Wattpad. The research participants also stated that
they experienced increasing duration in reading after knowing Wattpad.
Wattpad has so many users that Indonesia's number of users reached 6,9%
worldwide visitors, making Indonesia second. While in the first rank is English with
10,7% visitors. Because of the numerous users of Wattpad, this application is in the
third place of the most popular application in the category of books and references at
the Play Store with more than 100 Million downloads (Sa'diyah et al., 2021:19). From
the amount, we can conclude that Wattpad could increase the users' literacy. In other
words, the more users, the more people who read literary works, the more literacy
interest will increase.
Still referring to the research that had been done by Sa'diyah et al. (2019),
mentioned that there are at least four factors which influence people to read through
Wattpad those are, 1) The proximity of the story with the daily life of some readers
could gain the interests of the people to reads the creation, 2) Social factors like the
recommendations of friends and or the social media, 3) To fill the free time, 4) Wattpad
has fiction stories or for exact kind is fanfiction, this genre is a kind of fiction that tells
about the daily life of a celebrity. Like their fans, of course, we have interests related to
that person we idolized. From these factors, we know that interest in using the Wattpad
can affect the duration of time a person spends reading to improve literacy.
Those statements mentioned above are also supported by the data collected through
the interview. The majority of the informants stated that they started to use Wattpad
because of the recommendations of their friends and became more interested in literary
works after using Wattpad. Furthermore, Wattpad provides various free stories for the
users. Their interfaces are straightforward, making the users feel comfortable enjoying
the authors' creations. They also have the opportunity to connect and communicate with
their favorite writers directly. The last is the quality of the writing. The informants
stated that the stories in Wattpad are fascinating and make the literacy interest in
millennials grow. It is a positive impact of using the application and has relevance to
the purpose of this study.
The researchers asked how Wattpad could encourage reading interests in
Millennials in the benefit component. The interview results said that using Wattpad to
gain literacy interest is innovative. They admitted that they earned much new
knowledge from the stories in Wattpad, especially in the scientific genre. While another
informant also confessed that they have the convenience of learning a foreign language
by reading on Wattpad. Implementing the Wattpad is proven easier for users to
understand the implicit meaning in the stories. Besides being the source of knowledge,
the interview participants commonly feel that Wattpad gives a new point of view in
developing imagination to visualize the characters and feel the real emotions. It has a
positive impact because most people who read fiction have higher empathy and
sensitivity to their surroundings.

Based on the research that has been done through an online survey with 75 respondents and
interview 15 informants, the researchers conclude that :
1. Wattpad could be the media to increase literacy interest in Indonesia. Wattpad is a
data application, which we can see from the users who are willing to continue using
the application for more than five years. In addition, Wattpad is accessible and free,
which means Wattpad can support equal access to literature reading.
2. Wattpad has good writing qualities that make users comfortable accessing and prefer
to read it. We can see it from the frequency of the readers that we have found in our
survey results. They stated that they liked it. To open the app in their free time rather
than doing other activities. Even some respondents access Wattpad nonstop.
3. Wattpad would be a long-lasting application. We can see how many users are willing
to recommend the application to their friends. Around 14 out of 75 respondents are
new users. It means Wattpad still has the potential to reach the millennials in
This research is just limited to The popularity of the Wattpad application in increasing
literacy in the millennial generation through literary works, so the researchers hope that this
research could be the base of taking steps to deal with the low interest in reading in
Indonesia, which could be implemented for all of the people from all ages by utilizing
technological developments for positive activities.
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Raw data from the interview with 15 informants.

Table 4: The answer 15 informants on the first question

What is the reason that makes you choose to read stories from Wattpad over
other applications?
No Component Informant Transcript Meaning Theme
I don’t know. Maybe I'm Recommendati
interested because many of my The Wattpad users on of friends
1. Interest friends use this application, and gladly recommended and the
this is the first reading app that I the app. popularity of
have ever downloaded. the app
Because I only know Wattpad as  The Wattpad users
2. Interest a reading app, my friends also gladly recommended
on of friends
recommended that. the app.
Wattpad has various
Because it is free and I usually genres that make it Aplication’s
3. Interest
use it. better than the other popularity
Some of the stories in Wattpad
are so fascinating. I realize that
people are biased towards the  Wattpad could
4. Benefits Wattpad, but I have learned so increase the users’
much about literature from the knowledge.
app, which brings me to the
English Department.
Because Wattpad is fun, it’s one
of the digital novel apps that
only form in writings, unlike
Wattpad has good Good quality
5. Feelings comics. So the readers could
quality work. writing
visualize the characters, places,
and atmosphere of the story and
feel the real emotions.
There are so many interesting
free stories. Also, every chapter
is about 250-600 words, and  The work on Wattpad Good quality
6. Advantage
mostly, the chapters are under is not complicated. writing
100, so we can finish it quickly.
kata dan rata ra tidak sampai 100
Because stories in Wattpad are
 Wattpad has good Good quality
7. Advantage unique, their plot and characters
quality work. writing
are attractive.
8. Advantage Because there are so many  Wattpad has various Good quality
genres that make it
exciting stories which are
better than the other writing
suitable for teenagers.
Because it is more exciting and
 Wattpad has good Good quality
9. Advantage easy to get the latest works
quality work. writing
Because it has become a habit
 The users think that
for me, and I am more The sensible of
10. Advantage Wattpad features are
comfortable with the Wattpad the features
easy to use.
features than other apps.
Wattpad has a high amount of
 Wattpad has so many The sensible of
11. Advantage user base, easy to get the
users. the features
Wattpad has various
It is free, has many options, and
genres that make it The sensible of
12. Usage chooses.”Inappropriate the
better than the other the features
characters I like.
Wattpad has various
It is easy to access various genres that make it The sensible of
13. Usage
genres, and the quality is good. better than the other the features
Wattpad has various
Because Wattpad is easy to
genres that make it The sensible of
14. Usage access and it has many genre
better than the other the features
stories available.
There are many good-quality
 Wattpad is easy to The sensible of
15. Usage works to read, and the feature is
use. the features
Table 4: The answer 15 informants on the first question
In your opinion, how could Wattpad increase the literacy interest in the
youngsters of Indonesia? medium
No Component Informant Transcript Meaning Theme
For me, Wattpad could increase literacy
interests if it contains stories related to
education, philosophy, or other
Opinion & knowledge. The world is changing,
experience of everything is in our hands, so Wattpad is Technology
1. increase the
using the digital book for the young people in development
Wattpad Indonesia if it spreads positive vibes for
everyone. It also helps the youth activate
their imagination or thinking towards
writing stories.
That’s good, I read Wattpad in English,
so I joined the English department. Wattpad
Opinion &
Wattpad introduced me to the reading could
experience of Technology
2. world, so Wattpad has a high potential to increase the
using development
increase reading activity. Over time you users’
will like books, especially English knowledge.
Opinion & Very Good, online media is a required
experience of platform for everyone. Wattpad provides Technology
3. increase the
using numerous reading materials, which are development
Wattpad suitable for the youths.
Wattpad gained literacy interest because
Opinion &
nowadays, Indonesian youngsters prefer Wattpad is
experience of Technology
4. online (digital) reading, and in my effective &
using development
opinion, Wattpad has succeeded in efficient.
providing the platform.
Wattpad is quite helpful in introducing
reading lists, speed in reading, enriching
the vocabulary, and training the reading
Opinion & understanding. It also has a role in
experience of increasing reading interests. After Relevance of
5. increase the
using becoming interested and addicted, some the app
Wattpad people may read heavier books like
nonfiction. In addition, users that wanted
to be writers could put their ideas into the
6. Opinion & Because Wattpad can be read by all Wattpad as a Relevance of
experience of people, especially young people and the medium for the app
using stories written are interesting, not dull entertainmen
medium and the storyline is light, besides
that readers can create their works, by
reading Wattpad young people can
Wattpad t and hobby.
increase their vocabulary, relieve stress
and overthinking and can see things from
a different perspective.
I don't think it has much of a role in
improving literacy. Because just liking to
read online doesn't mean that person likes
Opinion & Wattpad as a
reading books, especially if he only wants
experience of media of Relevance of
7. to read novels, when he is given a book
using entertainmen the app
other than novels, he is usually too lazy
Wattpad t and hobby
to read. However, at least, the younger
generation is used to reading a lot of
With this application, young people are
Opinion & Wattpad as a
interested in the world of literacy, even
experience of media of Relevance of
8. though the reading may be light fiction.
using entertainmen the app
However, it is a good step in increasing
Wattpad t and hobby
literacy quickly and is fun.
Wattpad is very influential because it can
Opinion & Wattpad as a
make you addicted to reading even
experience of media of Relevance of
9. though sometimes it is only full of
using entertainmen the app
writing. So, of course, Wattpad is very
Wattpad t and hobby
capable of improving someone's literacy.
Looking at the popular teen lit and
romance genres, it is possible to insert
essential teachings and meanings in the
plot. Added with the attitude of teenagers
Opinion & Variations
who always want to look better, it is Wattpad has
experience of and
10. possible to create trends such as "this various
using application
story is good, it makes us happy and genres.
Wattpad features
makes us love Indonesian history.” In this
case, Indonesian literacy can be improved
with the appropriate targeting of young
In my opinion, Wattpad is a media worth
it to develop youth literacy. Teenagers
Opinion & Variations
usually like stories with various genres. Wattpad has
experience of and
11. With Wattpad, they get exciting reading various
using application
material. Indirectly, youth literacy genres.
Wattpad features
increases when they are always reading
12. Opinion & Because there are many genres of Wattpad has Variations
reading, including the science genre, it
makes young people not bored if they
experience of want to read other genres. And also for and
using novels, you have to spend money to buy application
Wattpad them to make reading enthusiasm features
lessened. With Wattpad, you can also
learn to be a writer who only reads first.
Because on Wattpad there are lots of
exciting story genres and various
Opinion & Variations
storylines written by well-known authors Wattpad has
experience of and
13. to beginners, from complex and easy to various
using application
read, I think this is one of the ways or the genres.
Wattpad features
first step for those who want to start
Depending on the reading you choose to
Opinion & Variations
read, Wattpad helps improve youth Wattpad is
experience of and
14. literacy culture. Reading doesn't have to effective and
using application
cost money, and Wattpad ensures that the efficient.
Wattpad features
readers can be reading for free.
In my opinion, Wattpad has a vital role in
Opinion & Variations
increasing literacy among young people Wattpad has
experience of and
15. because, in Wattpad, there are many various
using application
types of stories that attract young people genres.
Wattpad features
to read.

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