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Pestel To asses or analyze macro environment or General environment. This model is used for to assess the growth prospects of an industry ie. opportunity or threat Porters five | This model is used to assess the competition in an industry and there by its forces - attractiveness. If the competition is high industry will be less attractive and vise versa This is used for: what are the factors of national competitive advantage. Here competition is good -this model state why a nation become home base for successful international competition, ‘why a nation is many industry leaders Value chain | Model identify which activities within a firm are contributory to competitive advantage and which are not swoT To analyze the organization structure position (i.e. where the organization is at present moment and what opportunities Tows ‘Strategic options for these position S0,ST.WT.WO Balance score cord (Organization should appraise its performance from four perspective - financial, customer, internal and innovation Buldynge Criteria for performance excellence. performance 1. Leadership 2. Strategy 3. Customers 4. Work force 5. Operation excellence G.results 7. Measurement analysis and knowledge management strategies Generic Cost leadership, differentiator focus strates Strategic clock Bowman or Faulknor identify strategies that might lead to competitive advantage Asoff growth strategies or Matrix Existing products Price reduction or New product ‘Adding features to Existing market | acquiring competition | existing products vertical Related a Porizontal unrelated New market | e.g. online sales ete diversification << SAF model Analaysing each recommended strategies in terms of: Suitability: choice should fit with organization's environment and existing position Acceptability: Risk and rewards Feasibility: resources to carry out strategy (skill + money) BCG: Model is used to which product or SBUs to invest(Question will ask for portfolio products or BU) Astridge : i.e. preventing mix This model focus on the profit that corporate parent can bring to business unit Heartland business unit high degree of match Ballast : Parent company provide still, but SBU does not need it Value trap: parent does not have the skill but SBU needs it Alien : Complete mis match Integrated reporting Financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and natural. How organization manage these capital to create value in short term, medium term and long term Risk TARA Impact Low high High Reduces Avoid Likelihood low Accept Transfer Tucker AMA 1. Profitable 1. What are the facts of the case 2. Legal 2. What are the ethical issues 3. Fair 3. What are the norms 4, Right 4, What are the alternatives 5. Sustainable 5. Best course of action to achieve the norms Consequence of each option What is the decision Harmon Process strategy Strategic importance High Outsource Insource Impact tow |_Minimum effort Automate Stages in E business 1, Web presence- establishing a veb site 2. Ecommerce ~ selling and buying online 3, Integrated e- commerce ~understanding consumer habits or needs (pulled) 4, E business conversion of existing business to electronic business E mark ev Inter activity - communication between customer and organization Intelligence - pulled -internet Pushed ~ their own ideas Industry structures ~ centralized or decentralized Individulisation - personalized Integration - how each department or SBU Share knowledge or information between themselves Independence of location Strategic changes Cultural web: to understand the culture with in organization and which all elements in it are strong, Elemen' 1. Stories : their beliefs 2. Routines and rituals : their behavior 3. Organizational structure : tall or flat 4, Control system : how they are monitored and rewarded (i.e. basis on which they are controlled Power structure : whether any person hold particular power (i.. concentrated) 6. Symbols: language an jargons Overall what is their culture Contextual factors: ‘These are factors that need to be considered while implementing the change Time ; ig bang or incremental Scope : transformation (evolution or revolution) or realignment (adoption or reconstruction) Preservation : what need to be preserved Diversity : mix responses Capability : do they have he experience to make a change Capacity : resource (skill and money) Readiness : commitment to change Power : autonomy POPIT this model states reason for many strategic change failure to avoid any failure and to successfully implement a change an organization should equally focus on the following: 1. People 2. Organization 3. Process 4. iT

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