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Indicative Materials until Test 1

A course of action the company can pursue to achieve its objectives

04-03-2021 2
Strategic Management
The process of identifying and executing the organization’s strategic
plan by matching the company’s capabilities with the demands of its

04-03-2021 3
04-03-2021 4
Vision and Mission
Vision: What we want to become?

Mission: What business are we in?

04-03-2021 5
Types of Strategies
• Corporate Strategy
• Competitive Strategy
• Functional Strategy

04-03-2021 6
Strategy Map
A strategic planning tool that sows the ‘big picture’ of how each
department’s performance contributed to achieving the company’s
overall strategic goals

04-03-2021 7
Strategic Human Resource Management
Formulating and executing HRM policies and practices that produce the
employee competencies and behaviors the company needs to achieve
its strategic aims

04-03-2021 8
Strategic Planning Process
The strategic planning process begins with four critical questions:
• Where are we now? (Assess the current situation.)
• Where do we want to be? (Envision and articulate a desired future.)
• How do we get there? (Formulate and implement a strategy and
strategic objectives.)
• How will we know if we are on track toward our intended
destination? (Establish a mechanism to evaluate progress.)

04-03-2021 9
Where are we now
• HR Dashboard
• HR Metrics

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Where do we want to be?
• Vision
• Great Place to Work!
• Competitive Advantage

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How do we get there?
• Procedures
• Guidelines
• Work System

• HR Analytics(?)

04-03-2021 12
High Performance Work System
A set of HR practices and policies that together produce superior
employee performance

04-03-2021 13
How will we know if we are on track?
• HR Scorecard

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HR Strategy
HR Strategy is a functional strategy

The process of aligning the HR functions and practices in line with that
of corporate strategy is the essence of Strategic HRM

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Set of inter-related tasks and responsibilities an employee is expected
to perform in an organization

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Skill Audit
• Skill Audit is the ascertainment of available skills in an organisation
and the required skills.
• The main purpose for conducting a skills audit in an organisation is to
identify the skills and knowledge that the organisation requires, as
well as the skills and knowledge that the organisation currently has

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Job Analysis
Collecting information about the
roles that people undertake in

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Job Analysis - Output
• Job Description
• Job Specification

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Job Description
a document that explains about
the general tasks and
responsibilities (expected out) of a
particular position in the

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Job Description
Could also include compensation,
reporting structure, location and
timing of work.

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• Job ID/ Job code
• Job Summary
• Location
• Duties and Responsibilities
• Authority
• Hierarchy
• Performance Standards

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Job Specification
a document which generally
accompanies JD, that specifies the
particulars of the individual who
could perform the job.

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Job Specification
Includes education qualification,
certifications, work experience,
knowledge, skill, behavior,
attitude and awareness.

Required and Desirable skills

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Job Analysis
• On the job • Off the job
• Task related • Context related
• In-role behavior • Extra-role behavior
• Productivity, Target • Mentoring, Org. citizenship, Self-
achievement, Analytical skills etc learning etc.

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Job Analysis - Input
1. Questionnaires and Checklists

Taxonomy of Tasks

- Personality
- Behavioral
- Cognitive
- Contextual

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Job Analysis - Input
2. Observation

What is being done

Direct observaton (Passive)
Interactive Observation (Active)
How is it being done
Time and Motion Study

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Job Analysis - Input
3. Self report


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Job Analysis - Input
4. Participation

Becoming a participant to
understand the nuances

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Job Analysis - Input
5. Hierarchical Task Analysis

Task is defined in terms of

Deconstruct any job into a
hierarchy of tasks, sub-tasks and

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Job Analysis - Input
5. Hierarchical Task Analysis

Work Breakdown Structure

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Job Analysis - Input
6. Interviews

Unstructured Interview
Semi-structured Interview
Structured Interview

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Job Analysis - Input
7. Critical Incident Technique

Identifying the most important

parts of a task

Effective and Ineffective behavior

Bias, Inflated

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Job Analysis - Input
8. Repertory Grid Technique

Subjective view of the role

Comparison of elements of the

same family

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Job Analysis - Input
9. Position Analysis Questionnaire

194 items in Six factors

- Information input
- Mental process
- Work output
- Relationship with others
- Job Context
- Other Characteristics

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Job Analysis - Input
10. Work Profiling System

An Expert System for Job Analysis

Three job categories

Professional/ Managerial

Tasks and Qualifications

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Job Analysis - Issues

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HR Planning
Human Resource Planning is
a systematic process of
forecasting the prospective
demand for and supply of
manpower, and
employment of skills
available in the organization.

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HR Planning
The process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and
how to fill them

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Manpower Forecasting
Demand Forecasting
• Manpower demand anticipated in future
Supply Forecasting
• The possible sources/ avenues for talent acquisition

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Skill Matrix
• a grid that visualizes the required and available skills and
competencies in a team

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Skill Matrix

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• Competencies are observable human characteristics that makes
performance possible

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Job Analysis
While performing Job Analysis, one may be able to understand that
certain jobs can be split, combined and redefined.

Mixture of competencies

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Job Enlargement
• Assigning workers additional same-level activities

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Job Enrichment
• Redesigning jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the
worker to experience the feelings of responsibility, achievement,
growth and recognition

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Job Rotation
• Systematically moving workers from one job to another

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HR Planning
• A process in which an organization attempts to estimate the demand
for labour and evaluate the size, nature and sources of supply which
will be required to meet the demand

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HRP Activities
• Scenario Planning
• Demand Forecasting
• Supply Forecasting
• Forecasting requirements
• Action Planning

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Scenario Planning
• Assessment of possible environmental changes that are likely to affect
the organization
• PESTEL Political

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Demand Forecasting
• Estimating the future number of people required and likely skills and
competencies they will need

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• Trend Analysis
• Ratio Analysis
• Scatter Plot
• Managerial Judgement

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Supply Forecasting
• measures the number of people likely to be available from within and
outside the organization

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• Internal Supply
• Replacement Chart
• Succession Plan
• Markov Analysis
• External Supply

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Forecasting future requirements
• analyze both demand and supply forecast to idenify any deficits or

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Ratio Analysis
• Faculty Student Ratio – 1:16
Trend Analysis
# of # headcount
2 7
5 12
6 19
8 23
11 29
14 34
18 38
Personnel Replacement Chart
Succession Planning
The ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing and
developing organizational leadership to enhance performance
Planning for Recruitment (Strategic)
• Identify Vacancy / Requirement
• Conduct Job Analysis
• Generate JD and JS
• Develop Recruitment Strategy
• Decide Internal or External
• Schedule and co-ordinate the recruitment

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Planning for Recruitment (Operational)
• Budgeting
• Channels
• Person - Job Mapping
• Trackers [ATS]
• Timelines

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Recruiting Yield Pyramid
A historical arithmetic relationship between recruitment leads and
invitees, invitees and interviews, interviews and offers made, and offers
made and offers accepted

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Recruiting Yield Pyramid

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11:27 AM
The process by which an
organization tries to source or
attract people from whom it will
ultimately make selections.

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Set of organizational activities that
influence the number and types of
individuals who apply for a

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Purpose of Recruitment
• To attract and encourage appropriate number of applicants while
keeping the costs reasonable
• To create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best
candidates for the organization
• To help increase the success rate of the selection process
• To meet the organization's legal and social obligations regarding the
demographic composition of its workforce

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Internal Recruitment
• Looking for talents from within the organization

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Internal Recruitment
• Pros and Cons

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External Recruitment
• Searching for talents outside the organization

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Recruitment Process
• Requirement gathering
• Selecting the right channel
• Classifying the responses
• Eliminating the non-eligible applicants
• Long listing the candidates
• Arrange Selection process
• Short listing the candidates
• Arrange Selection process
• Collect results
• Communicate the results
• Prepare offer letter
• Follow-up until joining
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Recruitment Process
• Starts when a unit manager
raises a manpower request
• Ends when the right candidate
accepts (or rejects) the job offer
and joins the organization

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11:27 AM
Supply Forecasting
• Supply forecasting means to make an estimation of supply of human
resources taking into consideration the analysis of current human
resources inventory and future availability
• The purpose of supply forecasting is to determine the size and quality
of present and potential human resources available from within and
outside the organisation to meet the future demand of human

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• Sourcing is the process of finding
suitable applicants for a specific
• process of highly specialized talent

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Head Hunting
Focused search for rare skill set or
high profile vacancies

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• Internal
• Vertical (Promotion)
• Lateral (Transfer)
• External
• Formal
• Informal/ Hidden Job Market

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Formal Sourcing Methods
• Internet • Agencies
• Advertisements • Temporary Workers
• Referrals • Walk-In
• Social media • On-Demand Recruiting Services
• Campus (ODRS)
• Telecommuters

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Recruitment Channel
Source through which the
prospective candidates are

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Recruitment Channel
• Corporate Website

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Recruitment Channels
• Job Portals

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Recruitment Channels
• Agencies/Vendors

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Recruitment Channels
• Employee Referrals

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Recruitment Channels
• Social Media

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Other methods
• Internship
• Freelancing
• Crowdsourcing

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Recruitment Process Outsourcing
A form of business process
outsourcing (BPO) where an
employer transfers all or part of its
recruitment processes to an
external service provider

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Is a comprehensive approach
Entire Recruitment Process
Different from Recruitment Agents

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Legal Compliance
• Reservation
• Gender
• Ethnicity
• Minority Status
• Demographic Profile
• Differently Abled
• Economically Weaker Section

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Identifying and arranging a
mutually consensual time and
venue for a selection process

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Campus recruitment
• Day 0
• Day 1

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Walk in
• Closed
• Candidates are contacted and
• Open
• Uninvited general crowd

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Technology Based
• Telephonic
• Interacting with candidates
through voice using telephone/
• Video Conferencing
• Interacting with candidates using
visual communication tools

Require minimum technical know-


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• In a large group of candidates, a longlist is used to score
each candidate against each of the selection criteria to identify a
ranking order in terms of which candidates meet which criteria and to
what extent.
Resume Screening
• Resume screening is the process of determining whether a candidate
is qualified for a role based his or her education, experience, and
other information captured on their resume.
• Based on Minimum Qualification, Preferred Qualifications and
• Volume
• Time
Selection is the process of
collecting and evaluating
information about an individual in
order to extend an offer of

11:30 AM
The employment could be either a
first position for a new employee
or a different position for a
current employee

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A candidate is selected in anticipation of potential performance

Predicting performance

Get the right people on the bus and right seats

- Jim Collins

There are varied methods of selection employed by organizations,
based on job profile


Selection - Methods
'Work sample' is a method of testing ability by giving the candidate a
sample of typical work to do and evaluating their performance
Selection - Methods
• Astrology
• Graphology
• Psychometrics
• Assessment Centres
• Structured Interview

means 'mental measurement'

Psychometric tests or instruments are measurement devices.

The measurement is used to gain understanding of an individual so as

to be able to predict behaviour and provide a basis for future action.

Psychometrics helps to
• maximize an organization’s performance by improving accuracy of
• improve employee retention by better matching individuals to jobs
• avoid the financial and personal costs associated, on both sides, with
poor recruitment decisions
• optimize the use of people’s capacities by helping focus development
• achieve better career management by matching individual aspirations
to their organization’s opportunities

• Personality and Attitude test
• Big 5
• Intelligence
• Integrity

Validity in Psychometric tests
• Face Validity
• The questions appear credible
• Predictive Validity
• is an indicator of future performance
• Content Validity
• relevance of questions
• Concurrent Validity
• able to distinguish high and low performers
• Construct Validity
• extend to which the test measures a particular construct/ characteristic

• Test-Retest Method
• Split-half
• Cronbach's alpha

Other tests
• Motor and Physical Ability tests
• Achievement Tests
• Integrity Tests
• Situational Judgement Tests
• Work Samples
• Simulations
Assessment Centres
• A series of performance evaluation processes to determine the KSA
and suitability of the candidate for a position
• A process that combines a range of activities to compare a group of
• Pair activity
• Group or team activity
• Individual activity or case study
• Employer information session/presentation
• Social function/activity
• Can include behavioural and/or technical interviews
• Holland’s Test
Selection Interviews
• A selection procedure designed to predict future job performance
based on applicants’ oral responses to oral inquiries

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Selection Interviews
• Unstructured (or Non directive)
• The interviewer pursues point of interest as they come up in response to
• Structured (or Directive)
• Following a set of sequence of questions

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Selection Interviews
• Situational Interview
• Job related questions that focuses on how the candidate would behave in a
given situation
• Behavioral Interview
• Job related questions that focus on how the candidate reacted to actual
situations in the past

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Selection Interviews
• Job-related Interview
• Job related questions that focus on relevant past job-related behaviors
• Stress Interview
• The applicant is made uncomfortable by a series of (often) rude questions.
This technique helps identify hypersensitive applicants and those with low or
high stress tolerance

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Selection Interviews
• Unstructured sequential interview
• Each interviewer forms an independent opinion after asking different
• Structured Sequential Interview
• The applicant is interviewed sequentially by several persons, each rates the
applicant on a standard form

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Selection Interviews
• Panel Interview
• A group of interviewers questions the applicant
• Mass Interview
• Interviews several candidates simultaneously

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Who will Interview
• Recruiter (Initial Screening)
• Immediate Supervisor
• Unit Manager
• GM/VP/ Unit Head
• HR
• Client

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Errors in Selection Interviews
• Snap Judgements (First Impressions)
• Contrast Error
• Stereotyping
• Halo Effect
• Non-involvement
• Personal space
• Impression Management

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Informal Interviews

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• Hired
• Waitlisted
• Not Hired
• Communication !

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Next Steps
• Salary Negotiation
• Profile/ Location clarification
• Joining time

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Before Finalizing
• Background Check
• Reference Check
• Medical Check

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Job Offer
• Extending an offer of employment to a suitable candidate
• Offer letter is a document detailing the conditions of the job
• A contract

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Contents in a Job Offer Letter
• Job Title (Designation)
• Job Location
• Summary of Job Description
• Reporting Structure
• Joining date
• Salary and Benefits
• Acknowledgement of Job Offer
• Signature

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Candidate Joining
• Follow up
• Ensuring the candidate reports to the organization on the agreed date
and time
• Joining Ratio: the number of accepted job offers divided by the total
number of job offers given within a period of time.

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Document Verification

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Employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee
with a company and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools
and information needed to become a productive member of the team

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New Employee Socialization process

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Why Onboarding?
• Acclimate
• Engage
• Retain

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A formal introduction to a new organization, job or position

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Induction - contents
• Organisational history, structure, visions, culture and values;
• Code of conduct;
• Internal and external customer service;
• Acceptable use of resources (e.g. internet policy);
• Handling confidential information;
• Managing conflict of interest;
• Workplace health and safety;
• Responding to incidents and emergencies;
• Environmental protection (e.g. recycling);
• Important management information (e.g. remuneration, performance management);
• Introduction to key people within the Company

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Orientation is the planned introduction of new employees to their jobs,
coworkers, and the organization.

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Buddy System in Organization
A buddy will be a member of staff who has agreed to be a point of
contact for a new member of staff and who can provide informal
guidance and encouragement during their first few weeks of

The buddy can make the new employee feel welcome, answer
questions and help the new person navigate through
the organization's culture.

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• Lasts longer than induction and orientation
• More of cultural acceptance and accommodation
• Informal than induction

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