Nasser S2 Spring21 BIOL101 Assignment1

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Owl-Mouse Predation Studies

How Much Does Camouflage Affect Predation on Mice by Owls with and
without Moonlight?

The effect of prey camouflage on predation was investigated by D. W. Kaufman

Kaufman tested the hypothesis that the amount of contrast between the coat color
of a mouse and the color of its surroundings would affect the rate of nighttime
predation by owls. He also hypothesized that the color contrast would be affected
by the amount of moonlight. In this exercise, you will analyze data from his owl-
mouse predation studies.

A: Light-Colored Soil
Number of Mice Caught

Full Moon No Moon

Light Coat Dark Coat

B: Dark-Colored Soil
Number of Mice Caught

Full Moon No Moon

Light Coat Dark Coat

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Student Name: Naser Rashid Al Riyami Semester: spring Semester
Student ID: 20002158 Academic Year: 2020/2021

BIOL101 Spring2020/2021

Methods (How the Experiment Was Done)

Pairs of mice with different coat colors, one light brown and one dark brown, were
released simultaneously into an enclosure/cage that contained a hungry owl. The
researcher recorded the color of the mouse that was first caught by the owl. The
release trials were repeated multiple times in enclosures with either a dark-colored
soil surface or a light-colored soil surface. The presence or absence of moonlight
during each assay was recorded.

Interpret the Data shown in the pair of bar graphs given above

1. First, make sure you understand how the graphs are set up. Graph A shows data
from the light-colored soil enclosure and graph B from the dark-colored enclosure,
but in all other respects the graphs are the same.

(a) There is more than one independent variable in these graphs. What are the
independent variables, the variables that were tested by the researcher? Which axis
of the graphs has the independent variables?

a) Two major independent Variables on above graph:

1- The mouse coat ( dark or light)
2- Full moon or no moon
All this variable present on the x- axis

(b) What is the dependent variable, the response to the variables being tested?
Which axis of the graphs has the dependent variable?

Dependent variable the number of mice caught, this present on y-axis

2. (a)How many dark brown mice were caught in the light-colored soil enclosure
on a moonlit night?

From graph approximately 18 mics

(b) How many dark brown mice were caught in the dark-colored soil enclosure
on a moonlit night?
Approximately 12 mice caught

Page 2 of
Student Name: Naser Rashid Al Riyami Semester: spring Semester
Student ID: 20002158 Academic Year: 2020/2021

BIOL101 Spring2020/2021

(c) On a moonlit night, would a dark brown mouse be more likely to escape
predation by owls on dark- or light-colored soil? Explain your answer.

While looking to graphs found the dark brown mouse more likely to
escape in dark- colored soil, because the contrast between mice and
environment color look similar.

(a). Is a dark brown mouse on dark-colored soil more likely to escape predation
under a full moon or with no moon?
The dark brown mouse on dark-color soil is more escape from owl under
full moon night. Predator

(b). A light brown mouse on light-colored soil? Explain.

However a light brown mouse on the light- colored soil is more likely to
escape the predators when there is no moon at all.

4. (a) Under which conditions would a dark brown mouse be most likely to escape
predation at night?

Full moon and the dark- soil colored

(b) A light brown mouse?

No moon and the light- colored soil.

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Student Name: Naser Rashid Al Riyami Semester: spring Semester
Student ID: 20002158 Academic Year: 2020/2021

BIO101 Spring2020/2021

5. (a) What combination of independent variables led to the highest predation level
in enclosures with light-colored soil?
According to above graphs the most caught mouse at light- colored soil were
independent variables dark brown coat and no moon

(b) What combination of independent variables led to the highest predation level
in enclosures with dark-colored soil?
The most of mice caught In dark colored soil and independent variables light
coat mouse and full moon

(c) What relationship, if any, do you see in your answers to parts (a) and (b)?

There is relationship color contrast between color coat mouse and environment
also affect by moon present or absence. For example, when there no moon it
increase the constraint between the dark brown mouse and light colored soil.

6. What conditions are most deadly for both light brown and dark brown mice?
High contrast between mouse color coat and the soil color or

7. Combining the data shown in both graphs, estimate the total number of mice
caught in moonlight versus no-moonlight conditions. Which condition is optimal
for predation by the owl on mice? Explain your answer.

Full moon No moon

Light- Light coat 17 12 29
colored soil
Dark coat 18 38 56

Dark colored Light coat 27 26 53

Dark coat 12 20 32
74 96 170
The night where there no moon is optimal condition for predation.

Name: Naser Rashid Al Riyami Semester: spring Semester

Student ID: 20002158 Academic Year: 2020/2021

BIO101 Spring2020/2021

(Data from D. W. Kaufman, Adaptive coloration in Peromyscus polionotus:
Experimental selection by owls, Journal of Mammalogy 55:271–283 (1974)

Name: Naser Rashid Al Riyami Semester: spring Semester

Student ID: 20002158 Academic Year: 2020/2021

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