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Topic 1:

Part 1

At the end of 12th grade, I had to decide which major to choose for myself. so I talked to my homeroom
teacher and asked her to offer her supportive advice. I was deciding between law and public relations at
that time, but she gave suitable reasons as I am very good at communicating and quite extroverted, so
she advised me to choose pr. Thanks to talking with the homeroom teacher, I have chosen the path that
is right for me and I am doing very well, so I feel that conversation that day is important in my life
because it helps me choose the right path.

Part 2

A: hello long time no see.

B: hiiii

A: Today I have a question I want to ask your opinion

B: I'll be happy to answer

A: For a successful conversation, it's important that two speakers share the same views on what they're
discussing. Do you agree with that opinion?

B: I personally disagree with this point of view because for a successful conversation both must have
different points of view, then they will raise and explain their own point of view.

A: Why do you think like that?

B: because I think that if both of them have the same opinion then they will just agree with each other
then that conversation is very tedious. but if both of you have different views and argue about the issue
to defend your point of view, then the conversation will be more interesting and then both will get what
is the right and good point of view on the matter.

A: I personally agree because I find that if both have the same opinion, the conversation will be more
fun, but if they are different, it will argue and easily cause discord leading to that conversation not taking
place successfully.

B: I feel like everyone has their own point of view depending on their personality

A: that's right. thanks for the reply

B: nothing

Topic 2:

Part 1

I feel that in life I always have better luck than bad luck. The time when I felt luck smiling at me was in
my eleventh grade year. At the end of that year, I had to compete in the history olympics in the whole
South, but 2 months before that, I had to be hospitalized because I had to have heart surgery. For 2
months, I had to stay in the hospital for treatment and convalescence, and did not have time to review
my lessons. While you guys have 2 months to study and practice for the exam, I only have a week to
review the knowledge, by the time I finish the exam, I feel that I may not have enough points to be able
to win. However, luck really came to me because in that competition I won a bronze medal. I'm really
funny and happy.

Part 2

A : Hello ..! I think successful people are all because they focus on their own efforts and hard work rather
than luck

B : Why do you think so?

A : I think successful people need to work hard every day to get results, people who work non-stop
don't need luck.

B : Wrong! Luck plays a small part, but if we do, we will easily achieve higher success and less fatigue.
However, I think that luck comes to us by always doing good and it is important that before luck comes
you have to work hard every day.

A : hmm The best as you say: We need to make efforts, not rely on luck in life

B : Exactly, luck only comes when we take action every day and persistence will attract luck and drive
away bad luck.

A: good idea! I'm sure you're also trying a lot to improve yourself, aren't you?

B: That's right! I hope you and you will not stop trying and hope that luck will soon come to you and me

A : Great! Do you know Taylor switf?

B : She's a singer and is very successful with country music, isn't she?

A : Yes, she once told the press that she had to work very hard to get to where she is today

B : She also added that she has had a lot of luck because of the support of friends and family that
motivates Taylor to be as successful as she is today.

A : This proves that luck will come if we put in the effort and think to prove to everyone that we can do

B : I'm very happy for today's talk. We'll talk more when I get home from school. Goodbye and good luck

A : goodbye

Topic 3:

Part 1

When I was in eleventh grade, I accidentally measured my heart rate and found it to be beating very
slowly compared to other people's. so I decided to go to the city heart hospital. Here I met a cardiologist
and after the examination she advised me to put on a pacemaker because my heart beat too slow, if I
keep doing this I could die. It was one of the most important meetings for me because if I hadn't decided
to see the doctor that day, I probably wouldn't have been as healthy as I am now.
Part 2

A: hii, nice to meet you

B: nice to meet you

A: I just read an article "some people say that prevention is better than cure". Do you agree or disagree
with this statement?

B : I completely agree with this opinion because illness comes unexpectedly without warning. When you
find yourself still healthy, don't be subjective. you will not know if you have enough time and money to
cure the disease or not.

A: why do you think so?

B: Let me tell you about my grandmother. She always thought she was healthy and never went to the
doctor and if she got sick, it would affect her children and grandchildren. That's why when my family
found out that she had signs of cancer on her body and took her to the hospital, she had terminal cancer
and could not be treated.

A: so bad. Is that why you think prevention is better than cure?

B: that's right. How do you feel about this idea?

A: I also agree that prevention is better than cure. There are many people, in the last few years of life,
use all the money they have accumulated to buy domestic and foreign medicines. They left their
descendants with large debts, then passed away. If they knew how to love themselves and appreciate
their health from the very beginning, their life could have turned to a new and more beautiful page.

B: oh I have to go now, see you later

A: see you

Topic 4:

Part 1

The wise old man that I always admire is my grandfather, he is 85 years old this year but is still quite
lucid. he went through the resistance war and didn't go to school fully but he understood all the
problems in life. Whenever I had a problem to answer, he was always ready to explain it to me. he is like
a dictionary that lives beside me, always has information for everything I need

Part 2

A: Hi , how are you doing?

B : I'm great, but hey you know what? Nowadays, young people often send their parents who got old to
nursing homes. What do you think about it?

A: I think it is really bad, I don't know how could they do it to their parents.
B: I think maybe because they are too busy for their job, and I see it is good for them to take care of
their career.

A: Wait, what? No! What's wrong with you? How could you abandon your family?

B: don't be overreacting like it, what I mean is young people are too busy and have no time to take care
of their parents. They have to choose what is more important: career or family. Look like they are
choosing a career now. So how about you?

A: I will definitely choose my family because with money, you can buy a house, not a home.

B: That's really deep meaning. I think I'll need to learn more from you.

A: Thanks.

Topic 5:

Part 1

On the occasion of the Lunar New Year last year, I planned to travel with my lover in Dalat, everything
from the car, accommodation, places to eat and go out was booked in advance and carefully planned.
However, an incident happened that the night before leaving, my boyfriend's family had a very
important job and could not go, but at that time I was in Dalat. At that time, I panicked and didn't know
what to do because I couldn't cancel the plan, so I invited a close friend of mine, she just came with me
because I took care of everything. At first her parents did not agree because it was too urgent and there
was a covid epidemic at that time, but then they accepted and we had a very happy trip in Dalat. it was
an unplanned trip but it happened under unforeseen circumstances. so i can never forget.

Part 2

A: hi, what are you doing?

B: Hi, I'm helping my cousin pack for travel.

A : wow , are you going ?

B: Well, I'm not going, friend.

B: Hey friend, what do you think about backpacking?

A : I find it more fun than the usual tassel.

B: Me too, I asked to go with my cousin but my parents didn't let me say it was dangerous.

A: It is true that there is real danger, sometimes not fully prepared before going, while the car is
damaged or lacks items.

B : that's true.
A: But if you go backpacking, you don't have to follow the tour, you can go wherever you want and come
back whenever you like, it's also a danger, so your parents are worried about you, so they won't let you
go there. .

B: Thank you, I didn't think of it, but my parents just wouldn't let me go.

A: it's okay now you know.

Topic 6:

Part 1

Vietnam is a country that uses motorbikes ranked fourth in the world, especially in Ho Chi Minh City
with dense population, so the number of motorbikes here is increasing, leading to the problem of air
pollution. Air pollution in the city is mainly caused by suspended dust and the activities of vehicles.
There is always a traffic jam, making the dust concentration in this area high, and the air pollution in this
area is also more serious. People, especially children, have weak resistance and are susceptible to
respiratory diseases. I think the government should increase the planting of trees on the roads to reduce
this air pollution.

Part 2

A: Hi, how are you doing?

B: I'm great, but hey, you know what I've heard that people in the world use about 5 trillion plastic bags
per year, which is 160 000 per second.

A: I never thought that number will be that big. We need to do something about that.

B: So do you have any solution for that?

A: I think plastic bags should be banned completely and try to find other green materials to replace

B: Yeah, I totally agree with you. With that number of plastics, I think it definitely threatens the life of
marine fish.

A: And it will take plastics 450 years to decompose itself. If we don't reduce the amount of plastic bags,
our world will be full of plastics.

B: We need to propagandize the masses reduce the amount of plastic bags, need to tell them how
serious this problem could be. Are you with me?

A: Heh! I am in.

Topic 7:

Part 1

Last summer I did yoga to keep fit and healthy. I have been practicing yoga and meditation for 3 months.
I feel that activity is very effective because I feel my body is more supple and flexible, at the same time I
also lose 3 kg and get a little taller.
Part 2

A: hello long time no see.

B: hiiii

A: Today I have a question I want to ask your opinion

B: I'll be happy to answer

A: Do you feel that exercising at the gym is more effective than exercising at home?

B: Yes, I feel that working out at the gym is twice as effective than working out at home.

A: Why do you think like that?

B: Because going to the gym around you will always have people practicing and that's the atmosphere
that will motivate you to practice more effectively. At the same time, there are PT who will always
support you so the training session at the gym will be effective. But if you stay at home, everything
around will make you feel bored and not want to practice.

A: I also agree with your opinion because I personally feel that going to the gym will not have negative
effects so we will work harder, but at home, we only practice for a few days and then we will be bored,
no motivation.

A: Thanks for answering my question

B: nothing.

Topic 8:

Part 1

a teacher who taught me in my tenth grade changed my view of history. that was my history teacher
and homeroom teacher. she makes dry history new and interesting by telling stories related to it. I was
impressed with her when she told about the king Qin Shi Huang while learning about the lesson of the
Qin dynasty. I really liked the way of teaching with stories and from then on I fell in love with history and
joined the team that excelled in history.

Part 2

A: Hi.

-B: Hi Thien, what is it like to work at the Department of Education?

-A: Not so good, we're having a meeting to discuss whether to get rid of subjects like music and art

-B: So what do you think about this?

-A: I think those 2 subjects should be removed from the curriculum because I don't think it's as
important as other subjects

-B: I don’t think that is good solution because if students only focus on studying core subjects, they will
get bored and can’t see the joy from music or drawing, don't you think?
-A: But when we study isn't it very boring, like music, even if the teacher calls someone's name to sing,
they will feel shy because they can't sing well or even afraid of that subject

B: Don't you want to change that, why don't we come up with something to make students feel that
music and art are interesting subjects?

-A: Hmmm, ok I see what you mean, maybe the sentence is right, I can't keep this old-fashioned opinion
forever, thank you

B: nothing

Topic 9:

Part 1

in 2020 when the covid epidemic has just occurred throughout Vietnam. In the context that
international tourism cannot yet reopen to welcome visitors, encouraging domestic tourism is a
fundamental solution to gradually restore the tourism market. The campaign focuses on providing
products with deeply reduced prices but ensuring service quality on the basis of putting safety first. I feel
this is a meaningful cultural activity because it aims to overcome the heavy effects of the pandemic.

Part 2

A : How are you today?

- B: not so good

- A: oh… what's wrong? Are you having trouble with something?

- B: Remember the project we just received from the teacher last week?

- A: About the foreign culture that threatens the identity of the nation in Cultural Studies?

- B: Yeah, it's difficult. What do you think about that?

- A: Well, in my view, I don't think they take risks or threaten a country's identity.

- B: why?

- A: In my opinion, I like to call them a combination of national identities, to make them more diverse
and colorful. For example, like religions in our country such as Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, most of
them originate from other countries. Buddhism was born in India and was introduced to Vietnam by
King Tran Nhan Tong a long time ago or Catholicism was taught by a Spanish missionary. Furthermore,
let me see something close to us, hmmm. That is our language. We lend French words like cafe, social or
champagne. It's pretty cool.

- B: My mother complained about "Vietnamese Rap". I know that at this point it has a huge effect on
teenagers or even adults.

- A: My mother watched the program "Vietnamese rap" and loved it. I mean my mom when she watches
rap, she's like going back to her teenage years when she listens to music, she feels it and dances happily.
I think it's great, it brings people from different generations together
- B: I see your point but that's just the tip of the iceberg. You know the news in recent days, right? The
rap band "Rap Nha Lam", the lyrics they wrote offend Buddhism.

- A: wow that sounds terrible, I didn't know that!!

- B: yes, they brought in rap culture from abroad and they made it worse.

- B: Also you can check other things that culture from another country threatens identity a lot from

- A: OK, but I won't change my mind. I still think it depends on how we combine them so that each
national identity becomes more complete, more beautiful. That is all

Topic 10:

Part 1

Last semester I worked with my friends to build a humanities project in PD2. it's a volunteer project for
orphans during the covivd pandemic 4. we plan to help children find happiness in a new family by
building an app to support and adopt children , after completing and presenting to the instructor, the
project is assessed as successful about 60%. although it was not selected for the experiment but we
were happy to be able to do it together and i learned how to work as a team and improve my
presentation skills. I am very pleased with that.

Part 2

A: Hey, Are you free right now? There is something I want to ask you?

- B: Sure go ahead.

- A: my teacher just gave us the project what we think about recruiting employers who
have high-level education or someone has social skills in both views but I just can think only one-sided,

- B: so what u think about that?

- A: I think that their educational qualifications are mandatory

- B: why?

- A: Well, firstly employers should consider competitors with high academic artistry. Since
an applicant from a strong academic background with a deep technical and subject knowledge would be
more efficient in their work and this consecutively makes them excel in their career.

- B: I feel , but having a good degree is not enough.Good communication and negotiation
skills help build better trade relations. Thus to expand their business globally, companies are recruiting
people with good social skills. That's all I know

- A: Having good degrees means you have prepared for a specialized career. It is true that
as the world changes, the job market changes with it.
- B: Career seekers with great interpersonal prowess could manage themselves to be highly
productive in their careers. Contending with better problem solving and decision-making would be an
asset to the company, and of course, this allows the organization to achieve its goal.

- A: Wow.Thank you for helping me. I have noted all of them. It’s too hard to do it alone

- B: It’s not a big deal. I'm looking for a piece of good news from u

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