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NAME & I.D.:


CLASS: PHM112 3 D1

/10 marks
/5 marks
/15 marks
Mark Descriptors for Language

Excellent 13-15 marks

Good 10-12 marks
Satisfactory 7-9 marks
Average 4-6 marks
Week 1-3 marks

Total /30
Title of argumentative article:


Some people think it is okay not to go to college. I believe that everyone should attend
college. College is an important step in someone's life it helps you get the chance to improve in
their education. Also, college will later help you get a better job, many jobs require a college
degree but some jobs so it will be hard to get a job if you don't go to college. Students should be
required to college after graduating because college offers new experiences and you get to meet
new people there.

All students should go to college after they graduate high school because college offers
students many new experiences and opportunities, even outside the classroom. There for college
offers students many experiences and opportunities. For example according to Ryan Leslie " The
environment really prepared me to be problem solver giving me the critical thinking skills". This
proves my point because Ryan Leslie says that in college he was tough to be a problem solver
that gave him critical thinking skills.

Another reason why students should go to college after graduating high school is because you
meet new people there like mentors who can help you around. There for in college you will meet
new people, for example according to Ryan Leslie " Seeing the level of passion that many of my
classmates had for their special interests encouraged me to follow my own passion for music and
entertainment". This proves my point because Ryan Leslie tells us how classmates help you out
and encourage you to do your best.

However, some students think it's okay not to attend college because the job that they want
later in life does not require a college degree. On the other hand if you want to get a better job
later and get a better payment you should attend college because it will help you learn more about
that job and you will meet new people who will help you around. This is why everyone should
attend college even if the job they want later in life does not require a college degree.

In conclusion, I believe that all student should attend college or get a chance to attend college.
There are some many colleges opened for you, if you have a special talent in something there are
colleges that can help you in prove in what your talented in. Some jobs don't require a college
degree but that does not stop you from going to college and learning more about that particular

Author’s Name: NUR IZLYANA IZLIN BINTI MOHD SIS Date: 25 / 1 / 2023
Peer’s Name: NUR IRDINA BATRISYIA BINTI SUHAIMI Date: 25 / 1 / 2023

SELF- EVALUATION PEER- EVALUATION Comments and suggestions

Items Yes (/) Items Yes (/)
No (X) No (X)
The The
Language commentary / Language commentary has / Commentary has complete sentences
has complete complete
sentences. sentences.
The The
commentary / commentary has / Correct spelling
has correct correct spelling.
Overview of Overview of the
the article is / article is stated / overview article is stated
Author’s tone / Author’s tone is / good
is stated. stated.
Content & The three main The three main
Organisation points of the / Content & points of the / there has three main point and good point
argumentative Organisation argumentative
article are article are

clearly clearly
summarised. / summarised. / clear and good

Personal stand Personal stand

on the issue is / on the issue is / clearly stand
clearly stated clearly stated
Personal Personal
view/opinion / view/opinion on / effectively justified
on the issue is the issue is
effectively effectively
justified justified
The The
conclusion / conclusion / good conclusion
highlights the highlights the
importance of importance of
examining the examining the
issue issue

Overview of the article : The author believes that all students should attend college or get a
chance to attend college.

Author’s tone : Positive , objective

Evaluation of the article

Main point 1 : College is an important step in someone’s life it helps you get the chance to

Improve their education.

Supporting details : Education creates a perfect chance to make permanent reforms

Strong evidence : For example according to Ryan Leslie " The environment really prepared
me to be a problem solver giving me the critical thinking skills".

Main point 2 : Students should be required to go to college after

graduating. Supporting details : College life provides an occasion to meet

new friends

Strong evidence : Therefore, in college you will meet new people, for example according to
Ryan Leslie " Seeing the level of passion that many of my classmates had for their special
interests encouraged me to follow my own passion for music and entertainment".

Main point 3 : Students should go to college because they can meet new people like mentors
who can help them around.

Supporting details : Ryan Leslie, who is an American singer said that “seeing the level of
passion that many of my classmates had for their special interests encouraged me to
mypassion for music and entertainment”.

Strong evidence : Ryan Leslie tells us how classmates help you out and encourage you to do
your best.
Main point 4 : Everyone should attend college even if the job they want later does not require a
college degree.

Supporting details : If they want to get a better job later and better payment, they should attend

Strong evidence : Helps to learn more about that job and students will meet new people who
willhelp them around.

View or opinion about the article

Personal view/opinion: I do agree with the author’s point of view because going to the
university offers a lot of advantages to the students such as getting a better job in the future.
Other than that, I fully understand that it’s okay for students not to attend college because
college requires a lot of payments and some of them are not capable of paying it.

Justification of personal view/opinion:

- The author of the article shows that there are too many advantages that students can get
from going to college. However, the authors also stated that a few students think that it’s okay
to not attend college. In my opinion, the authors should have stated more reasons for what
would happen to those who are not enrolling in university or the difficulties they would have in
their adult phase.

- In this article, things that I can challenge the reliability or accuracy of the fact that if the
students can enroll in college, they should not let go of the opportunity to attend them.
Moreover, if the job they wanted does not require a college degree, they should do their best
and enter university to get a better life in the future hence if they are the degree holders’
people would respect them.

- Other than the job they wanted does not require a college degree, there is also a reason
why some students did not want to go to university which is student loan debt is of concern.
While there are scholarships, savings accounts, grants, and student loans out there to help
fund education, debt is a prominent issue for many college students that can follow them
well into their post-graduate careers.

- Students that go to university also could learn transferable skills. It can help many students
in whatever job they choose. Such as problem-solving, money management, time
management, and presenting. Furthermore, students have the access to lots of resources
and support to develop their skills.

Restatement of personal view :

- Universities are built for students to study and add their education skills to the highest. So, it
is really welcome for pupils who are interested in attending university to collect all the benefits
of going to the university. However, I do understand those who are not willing to go to
university because of constraints of money or whatsoever.

- It is really required for high school students who have ended their high school phase to
enter university. The benefits they will get do not benefit them but in the future, it will help a
lot of people.

Final comments : It doesn't matter if you have money or not, everyone should have opportunity
to pursuit study

The article illustrates that the author believes that all students should attend college or get a
chance to attend college. The author is positive and objective because college enables students
to improve their education and contribute to society.

First of all, college is an important step in someone’s life. It helps you get the chance to
improve their education. In order to pursue education can create a perfect chance to make
permanent reforms. For example, according to Ryan Leslie “The environment really prepared
me to be a problem solver giving me the critical thinking skills” .

Moreover, students should be required to go to college after graduating because college life
provides an opportunity to meet new friends and friendship is essential for mental, physical,
and social well-being. College students, especially those from abroad, may be friendless.
However, if faculty, staff, and institutions implement these strategies to help students develop,
meaningful friendships will form, and students will flourish in the higher education setting.
Therefore, in college you will meet new people, for example according to Ryan Leslie " Seeing
the level of passion that many of my classmates had for their special interests encouraged me to
follow my own passion for music and entertainment".

The author further highlights the importance of attending college if the job they want later
does not require a college degree. If they want to get a better job later and better payment, they
should attend college. Therefore, it can help to learn more about that job and students will meet
new people who will help them around.

We agree with the author that attending a university is important for students because
education is essential for our lives. However, the authors mention that some students think that
it is okay not to go to university. In our opinion, the authors should have given more reasons
about what difficulties they will face in adulthood if they do not go to university. Apart from
that, we think that if a student has the opportunity to attend university, they should not miss this
chance and should do their best so that it is not in vain. Moreover, students could get a sponsor
such as a scholarship and not just use an excuse not to go to university. Finally, the author
points out that students should attend university even if a university degree is not required for
the career they want to pursue, as this would help them develop new skills and improve their

In summary, we reiterate our position that students should continue their studies at the
university, as it would benefit them, especially in the working world. Nevertheless, students
should take every opportunity that comes their way to enroll in university, and they should not
change their minds about not studying, because education is really important to build a better
future for themselves. Therefore, we believe that all students are worthy of attending university
and that there are no exceptions unless they refuse to attend.

( 495 words )

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