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The Current GALAXY Science Fiction Novel...

S. Fowler Wright
C A masterpiece by a master of science fiction, this
isthe story of Earth's inconceivably remote future
...a world as strangely different from ours as ours
isfrom the world of dinosaurs!

C, Into this world goes the Time Traveler, a man of

our era —
a barbaric alien in comparison with the
possessors of a science vastly superior to ours
accompanied by the enigmatically fascinating
Amphibian Woman.

c In the Time Traveler's challenge to the Dwellers,

giants both in body and mind, and his adventures
in this alien life of ages yet to come, the reader will
find an invitation to one of the greatest quests in
all science fiction!
Subscribe today for six great
novels of science fiction!
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105 West 40th Street

New York 18, N. Y.

GALAXY Science Fiction Novel No. 4

The cAmphibians
The COMPLETE Book Version, Unabridged

A Suspenseful, Haunting Masterpiece

of Earth’s Far-Distant Future



New York 18, N. Y.
Copyright, 1930 by Longmnns, Green & Co.

Copyright, 1949 by Shasta Publishers

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Publisbed by Arrangement Tvith

Shasta Publishers

Printed In the United States of America

1 of Place and Time
pplied science,” said the there. And the Professor says he’s


"You know, George, they really

in- projected them 500,000
ahead in the interval, and they

don’t look worse for the journey.”

"And it must be true, because
did —
go disappeared absolutely they don’t deny it,” I said flippant-
and there’s only one door to the ly. "It sounds rather a dull game,

room, and we sat round it. There’s but not very difficult.”
no kid about that,” young Danby "Yes, I know how it sounds,”

added perhaps recognizing that
his father lacked somewhat in the
he answered, "and we thought just
the same; but it did seem to prove
amenities of social intercourse. —
one thing that it did no harm to
"If I go at all, I shall take an the objects of the experiment.
axe,” I remarked irrelevantly. "If they went anywhere, at least
(Bryant leant forward, and they came back safely. So at last
knocked the ashes out of his pipe. we tried it with Harry Brett and —
"Templeton went like a Pirate he didn’t. We lefthim there, and
Chief,” he said, smiling slightly. we went back, and the room was
"Look here, Bryant,” I said, "tell empty. It’s just a bare circular
me what really happened, and I’ll room, metal-walled, with one exit.
do my best to believe it.” You can see for yourself.
He hesitated a moment, and "The next day Harry’s wife came
then answered slowly, "It’s true and kicked up a row, and wctgot
enough, what they’ve told you, as frightened, and told Templeton,
far as we fa/i tell it. As to theories and he said he didn’t believe a
of time and space, I know no more word of it, but he was going to
than you do. used to think they
I find out, so we tried it on him too.”
were obvious. I’ve heard the Pro- "He disappeared the same way?”
fessor talk two nights a week for "No, he didn’t. He came out all

three years, and I’ve realized that right, and he said, 'It’s true enough,
it isn’t all quite as simple as it but I reckon you’ve settled Brett.
seemed, though I don’t get much But what’s the use of half-an-hour?
further. But the next room’s a fact. I’m going back now. Give me a
We down on the central
lay things year, and I may find him.’
slab, and the room goes dark, and "The Professor told him he
we go back in two minutes, and it couldn’t repeat the experiment
gets light again, and they’re still twice the same night, but he could

come back the next, and so he did myself into the past, and intervene
—and end of it so far.”
that’s the to save the victim.
"But he were to be gone for
if "In such event the murder
a year, and he went last Tuesday?” would both have occurred, and
"He wasn’t to be gone for a been prevented: which is absurd.
year; he was to be there for a year, "But the future is different. It
and be back in two minutes. That’s is unformed, or, at least, its facts

simple. The Professor’ll tell you.” are in a condition of fluidity. We

"But — if the Professor will ex- are all occupied in forming them.
cuse remark it wouldn’t be
the — If I kill an insect, I do not destroy
any good if he did. I’ve read The it only, but its descendants also. I
Time Machine, and I know that also influence the lives of other in-
space is curved, thanks to Einstein’s sectswith which they would have
enterprising investigation. I quite mated, and which will form other
understand that, if I got at the alliances. From such alliances other
right distancefrom the earth (and insects will be born which would
my eyesight were good enough), I not have existed. ’The present con-
should see our Darwinian ancestor sequences of any action, even the
shinning up the tree-trunk for the most momentous, are trivial, be-
fatal apple, but I don’t profess to cause the present is but a moment.
follow these mysteries further. Its future consequences are incal-
When I had to learn science, I culably greater, because the future
always preferred the demonstra- is infinite.

tions. Now, if the Professor would "Realizing this, we recognize

project a pullet six months old that our present actions belong to
backward, and it returned a the future almost entirely, and it

chicken becomes a less important possibility

Young Danby laughed, and I that we may be able to project our-
saw Bryant’s eyes twinkle, but the selves forward into some future
Professor answered me patiently. period, and influence its circum-
"It is obviously impossible to stances by the physical methods
project anything into the past, with which we are familiar here.”
which is fixed irrevocably. I don’t suppose the Professor
"Otherwise there would be no had finished, but he paused for
finality, and the confusion would breath for a second, and I took the
be intolerable. It requires no chance he offered.
scientific training of intellect to "I’m sorry became a cropper

understand that the ordered expe- over the pullet plan. And, anyway,
rience of life would become chaotic there wasn’t much sense in it. It

if, for instance, upon reading of a would be too unprofitable to be-

long-past murder, I could project come popular. But why not get the


chickens, and project them for- ished, or so we tell you. We have
ward ? Nine months ahead, say, and no proof, and you are under no
come back cackling, with the We may
egg on the table?
— "Professor
obligation to believe us.
have murdered them, though we
Danby, the Magic '
Poulterer.’ have no evident object, and your
There’s a fortune there, anyway.” knowledge of our characters should
For the first time the Professor enable you to discount that possi-
showed distinct signs of irrita- bility. If you will take the same

tion. "You may not be a scientist,” risk, be it much or little, I will find

he said, "but as a business man the sum you need, which is some-
you must know that you are talk- what large and urgent.”
ing nonsense. Would you send I said, "I do need it; and if I

your chickens into the future with- don’t accept at once, it’s because
out a hen to brood them? the whole tale sounds too wild for
"Would you expect the people believing. I should like to ask a
of some future age to rear them for few questions.
your benefit ? When they discovered "First, you say these two men
that they always vanished at ma- have disappeared entirely. I believe
would they not kill them a
turity, what you have told me is genuine,

few days earlier? But this is idle or at least that you believe it to be
talk.Something of the kind you so. But have you told me all? Is

imagine may follow in the years to there nothing you are holding back
be, as the penetration of the fu- that might influence my decision?
ture, which is now .the subject of "But you say that Templeton re-
theory and experiment, becomes an turned from his first adventure, and
exact science, and when it does, went again the next night. Surely
such minds as yours will take it as he told you his experiences?”
casually as you now do the trans- "No; he didn’t seem to want to
mission of speech and sight over talk,” Bryant answered; "he only
the earth’s surface, in ways which said it was too strange to explain,
your fathers would have consid- and he must go back and find out.
ered incredible. The scientists who When we pressed him, he said he
have conquered space have less supposed we thought that, if a
honor in the mouths of men than stranger to our planet stood in his
Napoleon, who conquered Europe back-garden for he
— and had not the brains to hold would be able to describe the whole
it. It is not reasonable to suppose earth in detail, from' the marriage
that those who conquer time will customs of Alaska to the flora of
be more highly regarded. the Zambesi. You know Temple-
"But all this is beside the point. ton’s way.
There are two men who have van- "But he was anxious enough to


get back, and he turned up next Templeton didn’t seem to have suf-
night with a sack of things he fered either from change of air or
thought he would find useful, and an excessively high temperature.”
weapons to stock an arsenal.” "He took plenty of clothes when
"And he didn’t return,” I he wentback,” young Danby
added, "so the things he took added, "but he said it was much

don’t seem to have been sufficient- easier throw off clothes you
ly useful. As I said before, if didn’t want than to put on those
I go, I shall take an axe; for one you hadn’t got, and he didn’t know
reason, because spend half my
I where he would be going, 'it might
leisure in tree-felling, and I know be up, or it might be down !’

how to use it. For another, it’s a whatever that meant.”

useful tool, and not only intended "It doesn’t sound as though he
for the destruction of your fellow- had much confidence in the re-
men. 'Whether I shall find any sources of the future world,” I said
fellow-men, I don’t know, but, if doubtfully, "and there are about
I go into a strange world, I don’t fifty questions I should like to ask,
propose to equip myself as though but they wouldn’t make much dif-
1 intended to engage it in single ference, even if you knew the an-
combat. It seems tactless to me — swers, which you probably don’t.
But did he say nothing about tern- "I’ve got tomorrow to make any
perature.^ I don’t want to stumble preparations that seem worth while,
into a glacial epoch, without even I’ll take the cheque now. Professor,

a fur collar in which to face it.” if you will be so kind as to draw

"You need have no fear of that,” —

it and I’ll give you a note tomor-
said the Professor, "you will be at row which will clear you with
least thirty thousand years away Clara, if I follow Templeton’s ex-
from the nearest glacial epoch, and ample.”

2 The Empty Dawn

The room which the Professor

had constructed for his experi-
ments was circular, walled in an
next incarnation, but nothing hap-
pened, neither did the Professor
return as he promised. I knew that
iron-gray metallic substance, empty, the two minutes were long past,
and, Wihen the door closed upon but there was no movement in the
me, it was in absolute darkness. room, and no break in the dark-
Waiting there, I had a curious ness.Had he misled me, I won-
and disquieting consciousness, as of dered, and was I the victijii of some
absolute vacancy, such as a disem- quite diffcrciU experiment —per-
bodied spirit might feel before its haps of how nuieli sli.iiii the


mind could endure, and yet retain on the hard pavement beneath me.
its sanity? And why was the room It felt like very smooth and pol-

so much colder? — ^the air against ished stone, and I reached out on
my face was damp, as though a mist either hand thinking to feel some
were rising. joining which would confirm this
looked round, and saw noth-
I supposition, but could find noth-
ing, —
upward, and the three great ing. As the hours passed, I tried
Stars of Orion’s belt showed to and sleep, but only those

through the fog, and the upper who have done this for the first
part of the constellation; and other time on a hard and level surface
stars were in the central heavens; will understand my discomfort.
but lower down the mist hid them. Yet 1 slept at last, and waked
were indeed transported to
If I again, feeling both cold and hun-
some remote and future time, at ger, and ate and slept, and waked
least the same stars were there, and ate and slept again, till I be-
without fundamental change, even came aware that all the food was
of their positions in the heavens. gone, and still the night continued.
It was a moment when any source Then fear came, indeed.
of confidence was needed. I had Had Templeton come to this,

imagined many ways in which a and had he fired his foolish pistols
Strange world might appear around into the mocking stillness of a per-
me. I had overlooked the possi- petual and lifeless night?
bility that Imight arrive in the An ordinary English night is full
night-time. But there I was, stand- of joyous, furtive, or defiant sound.
ing on something which felt hard A tropic night is full of life and
and very smooth, and afraid to movement, and noon is the time
move a step in the darkness. of quietness.
How long I stood there I have The owl hoots even above the
no means of knowing. The mist silence of die Arctic snow.
increased, and the night continued But here there was no faintest
dark, and very strangely silent. distant call, nor any whisper of
Fortunately, I had clothed my- movement.
selfwarmly, in a suit of close-fitting Yet I recalled that Templeton
leather garments, with the fur had been once, and returned, so
turned inward. I had brought sand- once at least he must have seen
wiclies which I had calculated daylight. Then I realized that the
would be sufficient for two days, darkness was less dense, and the
if other food should be hard to starswere dimmer.
gain, and I ate some of them, and Dawn approached slowly!
tiiien as the hours passed, I grew I must have watched for hours

too tired to stand, and sat down while the sky flushed faintly, and

still the darkness was but slightly ferent from anything of which I
lifted. had heard or known, or perhaps
Gradually, very gradually, the amidst enormous jungle growths,
strange scene opened. and beasts of unfamiliar terrors.
Sloping downward, and stretch- But here seemed only an intermin-
ing as far as sight could reach to- able and barren weirdness, offering
ward the coming sun, was one neither jnenace to life nor any
unbroken plain of purple-brown, on means by which to support it.
which were growths of one kind So I thought, in a double error,
only, compact and round, and as I was to learn very quickly.
averaging some eight feet in height, The sun was by now almost
like gigantic cabbages in shape, and completely visible, but there was no
of a very vivid green. cry or stir of life to break the si-
Behind me rose a high gray cliff, lence.
so smooth and straight that I doubt- The need to explore the new
ed whether it were of natural world in which I found myself
formation, or the work of some was urgent. There was no hope
directing intelligence. from inaction amid such surround-
Between the cliff and the great ings. The cliff on one side was a
plain there was a strip of smooth wall unclimbable. The purple soil,

and lucent paving, about twenty from which I could see that a slight
feet in breadth, on which I had steam was rising, offered no invita-
rested while the long night passed. tion to lose myself among the great
As the familiar sun rose slowly, green globes, which seemed to be
a gradual gold spread over the vivid its sole There remained

green that sloped toward it, till only the opal platform on which I
the whole expanse shone with a stood, by which it seemed that I
dazzling splendor; and as the ris- might go on, to right or left, for
ing light struck across the path on ever.
which I stood, it showed a shining With nothing to direct my choice,
band of opalescence that stretched I turned southward, and strapping
right and left to the horizon limits, on the knapsack which I car-
beneath the background of the ried such things as I had brought
dark-gray wall. with me, but from which my stock
The sky was of a deep unbroken of food was exhausted, and shoul-
blue, and the whole scene was one dering the woodman’s axe, which
of great though alien beauty. was the only thing beside a heavy
I had imagined that I might find clasp-knife which I carried as tool
myself lost amidst the inexplicable or weapon, I walked briskly for-
complexities of a civilization dif- ward.


3 Death?
HAD gone no great distance, tentacles, ofwhich one caught the
I and the sun had yet scarcely foot,and dragged its victims down.
cleared the horizon, when I came came one scream, intense
to a high cavity in the cliff-wall. and dreadful, high and shrill, and
was of such height that an
It then I watched a lithe furred
elephant would have looked a human-seeming body which strug-
pigmy as he passed inward, and of gled against the clinging arm.
fi shape too regular to have been The tentacles were very long and
formed without tools. thin,and of a brick-red color. Tlie
The level sun shone into it, and one which reached her first was not
illumed it, a very spacious tunnel, thicker, towards its end, than a
for a considerable distance. Then man’s finger, but for a moment
it bent out of sight. I went inward only was there doubt of the issue.
a few steps, and hesitated. 'Then a stronger tentacle got a
Anyone who, on a strange and firm grip of its victim’s body, and
lonely road, has reached a place as it did so the scream came again,
where it branches in two directions, but shriller, louder, and more
without knowledge or sign to guide exultant, and I realized that it was

his choice, will understand my feel- the plant that screamed, and not the
ing. Still walked back
in doubt, I prize it had captured.
to the cave-mouth, and then, down I don’t think I should have inter-
the middle of the opal way, came fered but for that second scream of
something very swift and light. triumph, but there was something
Someone who was neither man, nor in its tone so hateful, so bestial,
beast, nor monkey. Someone who that an impulse of pity for its
ran without effort, but as in urgent victim broke across the blank amaze-
and silent fear. ment of my mind, and with the feel-
She did not see me until she was ing, as thought that answered
level with the gap from which I thought, I knew that she was calling
watched her, and when she did, to me to help her.
she leapt sideways with incredible The axelay ready to my hand on
agility. The leap took her to the the cave-floor, and I picked it up
very edge of the opal way, and her and ran forward.
left foot pressed for a second on the I brought the blade down on the

purple soil beyond. As it did so, nearest tentacle with such force as
with the speed of light itself, the would have severed a branch of a
nearest of the bright-green globes well-grown tree, but it only dented
shot open in a score of writhing a skin that was like rubber.

As I swung the axe again, a long Dimly I was aware -that my heart
arm caught me round both ankles was beating wildly, and that I was
and pulled. Had I not been so breathing with dilhculty.
strange to it, had it better gauged Still the forest was screaming

my strength and weight, or had it around me in deafening tones of

not been occupied with its earlier fear and hate and menace.
capture, suppose that the next
I I looked back to the comparative
minute would have ended my ex- safety of the cave I had left, and I

perience, but as it was, the clutch saw the one that I had saved slow-
only stirred me to a desperation of ly dragging herself towards it, and
terror- that brought the axe down as I did so I was conscious that she
with double force, and the severed knew my thought, and answered.
limb fell quivering to the ground. became aware for the first time

As it did so, the creature that the soil on which I stood was
screamed again. It was a cry of the hot, and my feet were scorching.
most utter terror. I threw the axe towards the cave,

And the forest answered. and went to help the one that I had
answered in a hundred voices
It ventured to rescue, and -doing this,
that screamed, and questioned. I had a strange feeling of repulsion,

I had never known before the as from an alien body, and of at-
strength which panic and loathing traction, as to a kindred soul.
may give to human muscles. I knew that she was mortally in-
Backward writhed the frightened jured, and feared that I must hor-
tentacles, their victim dropped and ribly hurt the limp body as I picked
forgotten, and every axe-stroke that it up.
followed gashed or severed one of I was startled by its lightness,
them, and where they were cut and surprised that it made no
through, a wine-red semi-liquid sound.
jelly slowly welled from the gap. As I lifted her, I was conscious
I think as the creature contracted again of the interchange of word-
and closed might have
its petals I less thought, but when I answered
stayed the blows if it had not mechanically with a spoken word I
screamed for mercy on a note which was rebuffed by the expression of
gave me a feeling of nausea, and a repulsion which crossed her eyes.
lust to kill, so that I struck till the But as I laid her down in -the
great flesh-like leaves were gashed cave-mouth, wondering what I
and shredded; till, as the cries con- could do to aid her further, her
tinued, I realized that the centre of thought answered mine clearly, "Do
its life was underground. not touch my body. It is dead.”
Then I lowered the axe, and Then our minds met, and for
looked around. some moments wrestled abortively.


till I realized that I could not under- much as we should do a half-tamed
stand unless my own were willing, dog, ferocious, but amenable to
and blank, and receptive. Nor could kindness and reason, and of a pos-
she understand my thought unless sible loyalty.
it consciously approached hers. I knew also that she regarded her
After that, we conversed in body a broken and negligible
silence for some time, but very thing, and that her mind had con-
slowly. So wide was the gulf of centrated on persuading me to
separation in knowledge and experi- undertake, and enabling me to
ence, so baffling the mental short- understand an urgent errand the
hand by which agreed fact is im- accident had interrupted.
plied without expression, so difficult So I sat there at the cave-mouth,
was it to avoid the continual by while the sun rose clear from the
ways of explanation which only led hateful vivid green of the forest,
to others, that it was a long time that was still vocal with fear and
before I could receive even a excitement, while I slowly took my
blurred outline of the urgent facts £rst and very difficult lesson in the
whicli she was striving to give me. new world I had entered.
By this time I realized that she "And now,” she thought, "if that
regarded me as something strange be all, and you understand, I shall
and beast-like, and that any noise be very glad to die. You will not
from my mouth would intensify this touch me when I am dead.^ If you
feeling against me, and confirm the are a beast that needs such food, you
judgment. I knew also that she will find that the jelly in the ten-
recognized me as sympathetic, and tacles will supply you. You must
in some measure intelligent, how- wait here till the twilight.”
ever physically repulsive —a repul- And then she turned over, with
sion made more acute by the clothes a movement of surprising ease in
I wore, of which I was made to feel the broken limbs, and curled up,
a sense of acute shame, so strongly and I knew she had left the cave.
did her mind impress my own with And I sat there thinking of all

a conception of their indecency. she had told me, and felt a great
I thought that she regarded me loneliness, and a great fear.

4 The Opal Way

SAT there a long time, trying to had learnt that where I sat I was in
I reconstruct her tale, and to find the very shadow of death. I knew
some possible explanation of its ap- that the way was and the mes-
parent paradoxes. Why should I sage I had undertaken was of the
stay there till the twilight came? I utmost urgency.

Some reason for delay there had lapping tide of the unchanging sea.
been, but it was like a dream which I would go also to these creatures

eludes waking thought. And how, which were intelligent, though they
in light or dark, could I cross the were not men. Creatures which
great chasm where the pavement could understand, and perhaps show
ended ? I had asked her this, but she friendship, though they might
had replied as though she did not think of me as the uncouth Caliban
understand my difficulty. The of some forgotten age.
bridge was where it was not. There Why should I wait for the dark?
was no meaning in that. Perhaps my Safety to them might be to me the
physical limitations were beyond deadliest peril.
her understanding. Surely, if I would go now.

tried that roadby night, though I But first for food, and — ivas
should avoid the terrors on either there no fresh water in this ac-
hand, must fall into the abyss
I cursed place?
beyond, and perish. The thought struck me with such
I resolved that I would go for- fear as Ihad not felt till then. There
ward, at least as far as the path was had been rain in the night, or at
clear, and, at the worst, I knew least a heavy mist, but now the sun
that there were other cavities, such shone v/ith increasing strength in a
as this one, in which I could take sky of absolute and cloudless blue.
refuge. There was a slight stream rising
But again my resolve faltered. I from the hot dark-purple powdery
knew that there was some reason soil of the forest. The cliff-side was
against my going, though my hot to touch. There was no moisture
thought could not recall it. on the opal pavement now.
Why should I go by night? Had I to wait till the long-dis-
Patiently I recalled the visions tant night and the cold mist re-
whidi had crossed my mind as our turned ?

thoughts encountered. Well, I might live till then, if I

But there was nothing there to must, but at least it was a new rea-
guide me. Only there were gaps I son for exploring further.
knew in the cliff-wall, and these As to food — the severed tentacles
were associated with the idea of lay on the soil before me. I had
deadly danger, but of what kind I been advised to try them. Raw? I
could not discover. Her thought looked them more carefully than
had gone forward with the message I had They had not bled,
yet done.
I was to bear to her kinsfolk on the as severed limbs would do on the
dim gray beaches. These I saw earth I knew. But not plants.
clearly, and strange and mist-like as Dare I go again across the burn-
the vision rose, there at least was tlie ing soil, and would the monster


dare to renew the conflict? Every it was drowned in the shrill scream
moment there had been less sign of of the monster, and the creeping
the havoc the axe had made. The arm leapt back to safety.
hacked and shredded petals were And again the scream was taken
growing to their old form again, up and re-echoed by a hundred
but now they lay half-open to the voices, hideous and deafening be-
sun, as did the whole of the forest. yond description; and with no more
Should I fear to approach it? thought of danger I went forward
And could it also read my thoughts, into that deadly space, among
and would my fear give it confi- creatures that could destroy me in
dence? a moment, but that a song could
If that were so, I must school my- terrify.
self to feel courage. Is it not al- I walked quickly over the steam-
ways the unknown that inspires ing soil, which was much hotter

terror, and was I not as strange to than before, picked up a piece of

them as they to me ? tentacle, perhaps six feet in length,
My thought stopped to watch a and flung it on the pavement. Then
new thing that was happening. I took it into the cave to examine it.

Very cautiously, one of' the petals The skin was tough and flexible,
moved aside, and very slowly an with a curious fibrous growth in-
uninjured tentacle crept out across side it, with hollow cells interven-
the soil. Was it feeling in the hope ing. Then there was a thin
that its first victim still lay there? membrane, and inside this a ruby-
Did it hope to retrieve those broken colored jelly-like substance, out-
tentacles? No, not that; for it wardly firm, but semi-liquid towards
touched one, as it seemed by chance, the centre.
.and shrank back, and trembled, and I tasted this jelly and found it

crept forward a different way. very sweet, but otherwise unlike

Well, I would resolve it con- anything to which I can make com-
fidently. Axe in hand, I went for- parison. I ate a little, hesitating,
ward. As I did so, I commenced to and then decided to sling my snake-
sing a lively tune that my sub- like larder over my shoulder, and
conscious mind suggested. have a good meal later, if I felt no
But before the first line ended, dll-effects from my first adventure.

5 The Invisible Bridge

HAD now resolved to go for- ready the reluctance with which a

I ward while 1 had the use of man must take farewell of familiar
daylight to guide me. Yet, so pli- things, to face die perils of a home-
able is the human mind, I felt al- less v.^ay.

I glanced again at my companion were of a very human quality, and
of an hour, and with a more de- I had seen them to be alert and in-

tailed consideration than I had pre- telligent. Now they were covered by
viously given. a heavy lid which rose upward,
Slim and graceful still, the body and in its turn was protected by a
curved in death. thin film which closed down, and
Very close and soft was the fur was lashed like a hiunan eyelid.
that covered her, silver-gray on the The ears were set far back, and
back, but changing forward into were covered by a furry flap which
a deepening chestnut. The legs could be closed at will to shut out
were well and finely shaped, but air or water.
below the knee of each there was The mouth was lipless, a thin
a slender snake-like appendage, slit,with no sign of teeth. The
ending with curving fingers, like a cheeks were covered by retractile
tiny monkey’s hand, which could pads beneath which was a gill-like
close round the opposite limb and device for water-breathing.
bind them together. The feet also The which could curl up

were delicately shaped, but deeply beneath the body till it was prac-

slit into three webbed toes, of tically was forked, with

which the central one was the long- two more of those tiny monkey-
est. Others —
one at each side set — hands at its extremities.
far back,were curled up normally, I saw, or guessed, these details
but could open sideways with a and their significance imperfectly
thumblike claw. The feet were at the —
time the more so for
furred equally with the legs, the my pledge not to touch the aban-
silver-gray of the undersides lying doned body — but it Was evident
so closely that it looked almost like that it was adapted for land or
a shining skin.They showed no water living with equal excel-
sign of damage from the long lence.
rough journey that I knew they I recognized that the novelty of
had made, nor was any road-dust what I saw was not surprising, but

upon them. rather that there was so little struc-

The limbs were colored in the tural change in the form of animal
same way as the body silver-gray — life over so long a period of earthly
behind and chestnut-brown before, time. Still there was the vertebrate
and the hands were almost human, body, the limbs, the head; still a
but for the webbing which had general similarity of external and,
shown between the open fingers. presumably, of internal organs.
The head was to me the most I looked at the sinuous, grace-
singular, being furred like the body, ful body, and wondered what it

and of a similar coloring. The eyes was that repelled me.


To an impartial intelligence it But it is a matter which I have no
might be considered more beauti- competence to decide.
ful than even an ideal human body, I know that I must have covered
and the ideal in the human race is more than twelve miles in the first
not the majority. four hours, with times for rest in-
Surely, it was more so than the cluded and then came the abyss.
. . .

average of our domestic animals. The cliff-wall ended, and ran

Was it the unfamiliarity only, or back in a black and barren hill, im-
was it the doubt of humanity.? mense and desolate in the daylight.
But repulsion, from whatever The forest ended abruptly on the
cause, was countered by a very dif- edge of a chasm so deep that,
ferent feeling, which made my feet though it must have been nearly a
slow as I left the cave, and my qifarter of a mile to the further
glance go backward. side, the great depth made it look
Tlien I turned resolutely to the narrow.
task which I had imdertaken. Far below, dim and snake-like
The day was very still. There in the distance, a great river
was no cry or motion from the wound, between deep shelving
great cliff-height above me. There banks that looked moss-grown, but
was no flying life that crossed the were covered with (perhaps famil-
unbroken blue. The forest had iar) trees.
stilled its fear, and the monstrous I stood upon the edge, which

growths were sprawling open upon sank like a wall, and I saw no pos-
the steaming soil.. I wondered what sible way to go forward.
control it might be which held them I knew that there was a way

so far backward that none could which I had been meant to take,
reach a deadly arm across the path and more than once I walked from
I kept. Perhaps the nearer soil was side to side of the path on which
too shallow for the growth they I stood, bending perilously over
needed. an edge which fell almost sheer to
1 went forward in this quiet peace not less than five-thousand feet be-
for about four hours, stopping low.
twice to eat from the store I car- As I did this, the rope-like ten-
ried, which I found, though only tacle, which I was carrying over my
semi-liquid at the center, had a shoulder, slipped forward. I made
gratifying quality quenching
of one effort to clutch it; then, con-
thirst almost with the first mouth- scious of my peril, let it go, but I

ful. I supposed it to have been was overbalariced already. With an

formed largely of water, as many involuntary cry, that echoed and
solids are, and to have been soluble re-echoed through the barren
to digestion to an unusual degree. heights, I fell forward.

— "

The Frog-Mouths

W AS Ae abyss an illusion only?

Dizzy and blank of mind,
with a heart that beat to choking,
In vain
self to the adventure.
was there
I tried

if I
to stimulate my-

not cross it?
What hope

and with a bruised and injured Was I not pledged in honor to

knee, I lay upon a level vacancy, the attempt, and might not the
and the cause of the accident lay, path of honor be the path of safety
as on nothing, beside me. also? Here, without apparent
How long 1 lay there I have no reason, an old line of forgotten
conception. I believe that, as my verse intruded
and my senses
heart-beats slowed,
from a revulsion
cleared, I fainted 'Be bold,’ 'be bold’ and
of and reviving, I lay
terror, everywhere 'be bold.'
afraid to move, and gazing with
half-delirious eyes into the appall- My mind searched backward
ing depth beneath me. But mem- to place it. In that remoteness
ory is iindistinct, and it is a terror of time, when all material things
which I recall with reluctance. were unimaginably far, the imag-
Soon or late, at last I realized ination which formed the greatest
that the path, though invisible to romantic poem in the English
me, must run out across the gorge, tongue could reach to inspire me.
and timidly, and then more boldly, I saw the vision of Britomart, her

I felt to right and left, and shield lifted over her face,go for-
wriggled back, and stood once more ward into the certain-seeming death
upon the evident platform. of flame.
I remained there for a long time, With no conscious change of
seeking courage to go forward. resolution, I rose slowly and
With a knowledge of what to look stepped forward, sounding my way
for, I fancied that the sunshine by tapping to right and left with
caught a faint gleam of opal light the axe-head, and giving that snake-
that crossed the chasm. like push that sent it
tentacle a
How should I venture to tread over the invisible edge into the
it? How could so frail a bridge ex- depths below.
tend so far without support or sus- As I felt my way, I tried to look
pension? Would it sway beneath downward to watch my steps with-
me as I advanced? Would it break out gazing into the gulf beneath
at last, and drop me, a dead thing, me, but when I found it impossible
before I reached the silver streak to do so, in a sickening terror I

below? closed my eyes and felt forward


blindly, or opened them only to ground gave confidence. I ceased
^aze at the further hills. to feel my steps, and ran forward.
And in this way, when I was Doing so, I thought for a mo-
more dian half across, I first saw ment that my time was ample, but
them, and as I did so I recalled in when they were on level ground
a moment the forgotten warning their gait changed. They were
that had eluded my mind before. coming with great bounds, and
These were they which must be straight for the bridge-'head, to
avoided at all costs, even at that of pass which was my only hope of
waiting in the deadly cavity till safety.
night had darkened. I saw them more clearly now.
They were descending the cliffs They were as white as an ant’s
with an awkward waddle, comic egg, and in shape like a squatting
enough to watch from some place man. There were more than twenty
of security, their bodies showing coming with bounds of thirty feet,
dead-white against the dull gray but with a distinct pause between
background, each leap.
I could not tell certainly that I I was running hard now, and as
was their objective. They would I did so I shouted what I meant

reach the level some distance to for a bold defiance, and the sound
the right of the end of the bridge echoed and re-echoed up the gorge,
I was crossing. The cliffs on that and came back like a wail of terror
side left some margin by which from the depth below.
lliey could reach the bridge-head, As I left the bridge, I saw' the
blit if I could pass that, I saw that foremost coming on my right hand,
the cliff ran on as before, flush with not a hundred yards distant. In
:lic and with a similar ex-
path, another moment I was on the path
panse upon the left to that to which that ran on as before, the high
I had become accustomed. If, I cliff on my right, and what I had
thought, I could reach the bridge- taken for a similar forest to that I

end first, I should at least have a had been passing hitherto, on my

clear course, if I could outrun tliem. left hand.
Caught here, I had no hope. I knew that it would be useless
It is strange how a more urgent to run further. No human speed
fear may drive out one which had could equal those gigantic leaps. I
seemed invincible. By some optical had no mind to feel one of the
difference the path here was very loathsome brutes upon my shoulder.
faintly visible, a thin ribbon of Fear more than courage, desper-
opal-colored transparency, and the ate fear it was, which turned my
fact that I could fix my eyes on the feet, and swung the axe to meet
point at which it reached the solid them. As I did so, I was aware that

the cliff-wall was open. Not an right bar of a gray metal thinly
irregiilar cave-hollow, but another veined with red divided the en-
of those masoned tunnels towering trance for six feet upward.
high over head. Then the foremost There were a dozen of them by
of my pursuers came down flop- now that were close around the en-
pingly not two yards away. had leapt short, and
trance, or that
I saw a hairless, dead-white, ape- were coming along with an awk-
like,frog-mouthed form, a width ward shambling motion.
of jaws in a flat skull, and small I stood within, with the poised
malignant eyes, that had in them a axe, desperately alert and watchful,
malevolence different from anything and they squatted motionlessly
I had known, or to which I can around. Even the one I had cut still
make comparison. Its hind-limbs sat with intent gaze fixed upon me,
ended in large round pads of flesh — no, not on me, suddenly I real-
which splayed out as it hit the ized, it was at that red-gray bar
ground, and took the force of the that divided us. And then I knew
impact, and appeared, with a jerk- that it was not fear of me, but of

ing motion of the strong fore-limbs it, which held them back.
against the ground, to give the im- And as my own fear relaxed, I
petus to the next leap. looked around, and saw that I was
All this I saw, as I realized that at the entrance of a very lofty
for a second’s space it could not passage which ran curving down-
recover itself and leap again, and ward behind me. Step by step I
I swung the axe and struck. As I went backward, still facing them,
did the thought crossed me that
it tillthe turn eventually hid them
if the blade caught in the skull I from view.
should be weaponless, and I There I waited. Perhaps in time
brought it round to take the side they would retire, and leave me a
of the neck as tliough I felled a free exit.
tree. After hours, it seemed, I went
If they were strong brutes, they forward again, but they were there
were not The sharp blade cut
agile. still,only there were so many more
straight through the throat some that all the space was crowded.
inches deep from side to side. 'The I was conscious now that I was

creature made no cry or motion, tired to the point of exhaustion,

and no blood came from the and thirsty beyond patient endur-
woiuid. As I recovered the weapon, ance. To stay there was not hopeful.
I stepped back into the archway. I gathered my remaining cour-
It was twenty feet wide or more, age, and commenced to explore my
and disproportionately high. An up- refuge further.


^ Capture
ERY fearfully I went for- It was a niche, or rather a cavity,
ward. The fact that those in the wall, flatly paved, and hav-
fierce beasts did not dare to follow ing a great jar standing in it. I

was itself a warning. One thing think the instinct of my parched

was certain. I was in the presence frame told me it was water. The
here of an engineering capacity jar or basin was of the height of
such as I had not seen previously, my shoulder, and about ten feet
unless it were in the opal pave- across. I bent my head into it and
ment. The passage sloped down drank, and knew the joy of life

steeply in a steady spiral. It was of as I had not imagined it before.

ample width, and of great height. stopped myself sharply witlr

The floor was not earth or rock, the thought that it might be some-
but a smooth rubber-like substance thing different from wholesome
that gave pleasantly underfoot. The water, in this place where all was
walls were smooth and hard, col- strange, but I had drunk well by
ored a light gray, having a polished then. I looked round and saw a
surface. The ceiling was opalescent, heap of large cakes of a dark-
giving a faint but sufficient light, brown bread-like substance. There
which was reflected from the pol- were nine of these neatly piled, and
ished walls. behind them was a white slab in
I went down, expecting always the wall, on which there were three
that the steady turning descent blue paintings, like Qiinese picture-
would bring me into some great writing, one under the other,
hall or chamber, or at least into a each about a foot deep, and too
level passage, but it did neither. I high on the slab for me to examine
went on because I was too tired to them.
stop, or at least because I was too I shredded off a great slice from
tired to think of climbing upward, the bread with the axe, and found
and to stay was hopeless. it good, and ate heartily.
There was no least change in the After I had eaten, I felt so well
monotony of floor, or wall, or ceil- refreshed that I thought that I

ing, till I felt that they must surely would rest for a few minutes only,
go on for ever, till I swayed dizzily and resume my exploration, but I
as I descended on that continued must have fallen asleep, 1 don’t
curve, till I lost consciousness of know for how long I had been —
time, and went on half-asleep, and awake already beyond the length
half-believing myself to be in some of my accustomed day but I woke —
nightmare of illusion. And because as from a long night’s rest, hungry
I was so dazed, I almost missed it. and thirsty again, and I ate and


drank awhile, and hesitated whether I heard the tread, which I could
I should turn back, and hope for a not distance.
clear passage, or continue down, to A sense of uselessness of flight
find I knew not what of fear or steadied me, and I recalled my
horror at the end. But the thought resolution to meet the unknown
of those squatting forms above was boldly, as the safest way.
not encouraging, and to go down I stopped, stepped back against
is easier than to climb, and so at the wall, and waited. Then he
last I decided to proceed. strode past, and was gone in a mo-
For many hours I continued. Al- ment. He was a man of giant size,
ways there was the steady spiral of with a skin yellower than old ivory,
descent, the opal light, the high and of a curious smoothness. He
wide dove-gray walls, the steel-gray wore no clothes, but had a sack or
flooring, which looked so hard, but basket hanging upon his back, and
was so soft and springy to 'the tread. round his waist a belt with bright

And always I should have men- metal studs or clips, from which,
tioned it before —a steady current three on each side, six of the frog-
of air came upward. I cannot say had pursued me hung
like apes that
"blew” upward, it was too gentle, by a leg; swinging and writhing,
and too absolutely regular. It was and snapping with fierce teeth
of an exhilarating freshness, and against the flanks of their captor
like a cushion on which to lean teeth which made less mark on the
forward, in a descent which polished smoothness of the skin
might otherwise have been too than if it had been ivory.
steep. So much I noticed as he passed.
So I went on, never knowing He gave no sign that he saw me.
what might open before me at the I was still standing there when I

next step of the turning way, but heard him returning.

with a mind which became dulled This time he picked me up, as
with the monotony of the passage, a gardener might pick up an ear-
so that I went on at last in a semi- wig, and dropped me over his
conscious, dream-like condition that Moulder into the basket he carried.
took no count of time there ivas — I fell among moss, of a coarse
a sound behind me. There was growth, like sea-weed, but very soft
something with a heavier tread and yielding. It was of a sage-
than mine that pursued me down- green color, and of a very pleasant
vvard. With an instinct of unrea- odor, which I cannot describe. A
soned terror I commenced to run. new scent is, like a new color, be-
And so doing, I k<jpt ahead, but I yond imagination.
gained little. I looked back, but I burrowed deeply into the soft-
tlie curving passage was bare. Only ness of the moss, and feared and


wondered. But the present comfort Hideous as these creatures were,
was very great, and I reflected that it shocked me to see this callous
I had not been hurt, and that for tearing of one that still lived, appar-
such strength so to lift me meant ently with undiminished vitality;

I liad been picked up gently. I now saw

but the eater’s face, as
I think I should have slept, had it,had no suggestion of savagery.
he not lifted the basket from his Rather it was melancholy and pre-
shoulders, and lowered it to the occupied, and as he ate he talked
ground, closing the top, which drew continually to himself in a plaintive
in with a short thong, as he did so. monotone, though with an organ
For a few moments I lay still, volume.
and then wriggled through the moss I reflected that men who are
till I could see out of the opening, otherwise humane will swallow
which was wide enough for a con- a living oyster, of the skinning of
siderable view, though not suffi- eels,of the fish that are boiled alive
cient for me to escape. in Indian kettles, and of a hun-
I saw that we were in a cavity, dred cruelties to which custom has
like that in which I had rested inured mankind, and thought I
previously. understood, however incompletely
There were the same furnishings, — ^which, of course, I did not.
and on the wall-tablet the giant was The limbs being gone, he picked
painting a fourth mark, below three up the trunk, and, twisting off the
which was there already. gnashing head, he threw it down
Me had taken off his belt, and and proceeded to complete his meal.
thrown it into a corner, with the Such offal as there was it was un- —
six captives still fastened to it. like that of any creature familiar to
Me now pulled one of them off, me — ^he collected neatly, with the
luid taking it between thumb and peeled skin, and the severed head,
linger, shredded the four limbs. and opening the basket in whicli I
While he did this, the creature lay, threw them in with me. I real-

made no sound, but the wide jaws ized afterwards that it was for the
sii.i|iped continually. orderly deposit of sudi refuse,
laying down the limbless body, among the aromatic moss, that he
he jiroceeded to peel and eat the carried it with him.
limbs as one might shred off the Afterwards —
but not then. For
skin of a banana. They did not as he shook and closed the basket
bleed, the flesh being like a stiff the severed head rolled against me,
jelly, of a bright-red color, and and the snapping teeth ripped the
veined with a gristly white sub- my left sleeve from wrist
leather of
si ance, giving an appearance like to elbow. Panic seized me at this,
the flesh of a pomegranate. beyond reason, and I was more ter-

rifled of one severed head than I upright, and swing the axe, and
had been before of the whole ani- desperately I attacked the side of
mal. How, I thought, if we were the basket.
both carried in the basket together, It proved unexpectedly easy, and
and it were s'haken against me ? Al- then difficult.

ready I felt its wide mouth closing The first stroke cut down a long
on my flesh, and biting deeper slitwith a rasping sound, and the
while I strove to shake it free, with light shone through it. The next
no body to strike at. How if there stroke made a parallel slit, and I
should be five more heads tumbling thought that a few more would
about me? And how soon did they bring my freedom. But I found
really die? Terror edging my wits, that though I could make many
I realized that because their bodies downward slits, I could not squeeze

had not the thin fluid of familiar myself through them, and to cross-
blood, the head could only be very cut was a different matter. I
slowly affected, by the separation. hacked long and desperately before
Then how long might ? I — I contrived a ragged hole, through
struggled up to the mouth of the which I crawled to freedom.
basket. As I escaped, my fear left me. I
was drawn too tightly tor
It did not dread the sleeping giant
escape, though I could see through one tenth as much as the contact
it as before. of the unbodied head, with its
My captor lay stretched full snapping jaws, and small malignant
length. An arm moved restlessly. eyes.
More than once he muttered the Deliberately, I drank and ate be-
same words. E-lo-me, E-lo-me, so it fore I turned upward way.
sounded, with a hopeless, falling Of that long toil there is little

cadence, infinitely sad. that is worth a word, with so much

Evidently I was forgotten, if I else for telling.
had ever held his thought. Somewhat the rising current of
After a time he slept. air must have buoyed me. Coming
Tlien I struggled to kick back to the higher resting-place, I slept
the moss, and gain a space to stand long, and ate and drank.

8 The Birds

W HEN came again to the


surface-world there was no

sign of life around, but a great
On my

Beyond it
sank the ravine, black and
was the
hand, not distant,
distant forest of
stillness,and the dawn was break- the nameless things. But before me,
ing in. an unimagined splendor. to the reach of sight, the ground


sloped downward, and was covered mouth and pondered. I was half
with a level-surfaced growth, so tempted to descend once more and
close that I could only guess its face what might be in the depths
depth, but showing only a sea of below. Certainly, there I had found
leaves, not larger than a man’s water and something akin to hu-
hand, and of a bright green, as man food, and evidence was in that
though varnished; and these leaves mighty tunnel itself of such work
tlie dawn-light altered to reflected as no brute creatures could contrive.
gold, so that my dazzled sight re- I reflected, was it not reason-
coiled from a splendor beyond en- able that there should be a less
durance. highly cultured life on a planet’s
It was
though one should look
as surface; subject to wind and rain
noonday sun, to find
straight at the and all inclemencies; than in the
a glory not of one small-seeming sheltered security of its vast inter-
orb, but of stretched leagues, and ior? Was it not an amazing thing
myriad facets, of an equal bril- that the men of my own time, fatu-
liance. ously imagining communication
But at length, as the sun rose, the with incredibly distant worlds, had
liglit changed and faded. A thin been contentedly ignorant of their
mist moved over the surface of the own, ten miles below the surface;
unending field of green, but was had made facile and contradictory
not dense enough to hide it. theories of its interior, none of
The green growth came to the which the few known facts sup-
very edge of the opal path, and ported; and because they found
looking down I saw a tangle of some increase in the temperature
sinuous macaroni-like stalks that for a trivial distance downward,
twisted restlessly, having leaves had been content to conclude, with-
only at the top, on the close and out attempt at verification, that this
level surface; and as I watched, heat increased indefinitely? How
longues pink worms pushed
like diligently they searched the secrets
ui>ward and licked and wavered in of the most distant stars, w^hile they
Ilie air, and drew backward. As the had scarcely scratched the surface
d.iy advanced, thousands of these of the one on which their lives de-
pink tongues were thrust upward pended !

and withdrawn continually, giving So I thought, but instinct con-

a wavering pinkness to the glossy quered. I was a creature born to the
green. It might have had beauty to wind and rain, and not to the hid-
lainiliar eyes, but to mine it had a den depths beneath me. Even
loathsome strangeness, so that I though these bordering growths
was reluctant to walk beside it, and were but the kitchen-gardens of the
lor some time I sat at the cave- intelligences below —
as indeed they


might be in a moment I saw it, On my left hand, as I went on,
wondering that I 'had not seen it the sea of varnished leaves still

sooner. Great stretches of one plant sloped downward, stretched away

in weedless soil. Even if the life to a now misty horizon, and I be-
around me were but as that of in- gan to compare its sameness un-
sects, useful or noxious, or of favorably with that of the familiar
beasts of food for their keepers world I knew, till I considered how
still here at least was the sun, and little I had yet seen, in comparison
something of the knew. stars I with the extent of the probable
Here, too, I had met the only land-surface which lay beyond me.
creature with which I had changed If a visitor to my own world,
thoughts, however strangely, and from some distant planet, were set
to whom I had made a voiceless down for a few 'days on the
promise. At the thought, I rose. Antarctic continent, how different
As I thought of it, the idea that would be his report from that of
I was garden of sub-
in a vegetable one who spent the same time
terranean giants gained in plausi- wandering in the Sahara desert, or
bility. The memory of that unrailed amid the steaming heat of the
invisible bridge, which to my imag- Amazonian forests, or the cotton-
ination had seemed as thin and mills of Lancashire. And there were
fragile as a sheet of mica, made me indications already that I had
doubt for a moment, till I remem- reached a world where life extended
bered that spanned the whole
it deeply below the surface of the
space without support from be- land, and where the sea had its na-
neath or above, and had not tions also.
swayed when I crossed it, and that Only the air seemed vacant.
it was of a sufficient width to give I had come to a place -at which

breadth of foothold even to the the cliff-wall, though still too steep
huge bulk of my recent captor, if to climb for the first ten or twenty
he were able to walk in confidence yards, slopedbackward consider-
across it. ably, so that I had a wider view of
With this thought came a won- the sky above me, and looking up
der of what different world might I saw a flock of birds of the appear-
be upon the higher level of the ance of pigeons, having a similar
cliff-top, which now seemed to me habit of flight, but larger, that
as no more than the side of a moved above me, not flying as at
trenched space of tillage, but I ease, but darting wildly from side
knew that my pledged way was to side, as though in avoidance of
straight onward, even could I have some deadly danger.
climbed the abrupt wall, which The next moment the cause of
gave no foothold. their agitation became visible.


There were a number of huge black large pigeons, called runts, which
flying shapes which pursued them. are bred for eating in Italy.
But the inexplicable thing was that It was the most familiar-seeming
the hunted birds did not fly from thing, except the friendly stars, that
their enemies across the open sky I had yet seen.
which stretched away to the horizon. Its attacker, perhaps misled by the
Rather, as though held back by error of the bird it followed, must
some invisible wall, they swerved have got at least one of its wide-
and dodged backward and forward, spreading wings above that fatal
while their pursuers, with huge vacancy. Down it came also, though
black slower-beating wings stretched more slowly, turning in the air,

across the sky, were always head- striving with desperate flutterings
ing them back, but seemed them- to recover balance in a space be-
selves to be of no mind to follow tween the cliflF and the region of

them closely. which was too narrow to

its terror,

For some time I watched the give wings full freedom. ^


duel, while the black hunters gradu- It came down on the path quite

ally closed upon their intended vic- near me; the great flapping vans
tims, till they had no space left to making a wind against which I
manoeuvre, were becoming
and stood with difficulty.

crowded overhead, yet still with Then closed them, and gained

no bird going over the invisible and looked round, with a

its feet,

boundary within which the deadly monstrous long-necked head reach-

game was played. ing out to either side, like a hen’s,
Then came the last act of the as it did so.
drama. The desperate quarry turned It was not black, as it had looked
and tried to dart backward, through to be in the sunlight, but of a dull-
the dark line of the beaters. brown color, inclining on the head
Screams of siren-like exultation and neck to a dark yellow. It was
deafened the sky. not feathered at all, but the skin,
Then a cornered bird must have which in loose folds and
crossed the invisible boundary ridges, which it could inflate at
which they had avoided. will, and which had no doubt
it fell instantly. For
Like a stone served to break its fall, was of a
a moment, as the glossy leaves leathery texture, and the wide-
parted, and the pink tongues spreading wings were of a similar
dragged it in, I had the sight of material.
a dove-like bird, of a wedgwood- It had one eye only, but of
blue color, but with a very long two facets, or perhaps I should
and slender beak, curving slightly say tliat its eyes were contained be-
downward. In size it resembled the neath one eyelid. The eye, or facet.

with which it looked, would sparkle clear. On the other side was the
and light up with intelligence, while cliff-wall, and between was the
the other remained dull and vacant. width of the opal path, on which
When it saw me first, it had, I there would be less than space to
thought, an instant of terror, turn- have spread its wings if it tried to
ing into a vast perplexity. For some rise and fly along it, even if it could
seconds the head remained twisted rise from level ground, of which it
in my direction. might not be capable. The cliff here
I had learned something in the receded somewhat, as I have said,
lesson of confidence, and I looked and I wondered whether it would
back as steadily, but with a thought attempt to scramble up it with beak
that if it wished to come my way and claws, and such help as its
it should have all the space available wings could give. But the recession
to pass me in comfort. was not regular. There were perpen-
Whether it understood my dicular crags, which might well have
thought I could not tell, but at baffled it. Anyway, after much con-
length it turned its head away, and sultation with its friends above, of
from that moment showed no which one seemed to have the most
consciousnes of my existence. No to say, whether from leadership or
doubt its own troubles were suf- affection, it decided to make its way
ficient. backward the way I had come,
It had its head lifted now, and where it may have considered that
was calling loudly, with a whistling the width of the gorge, or the
scream, to which a call replied easier rocks from Which those frog-
from the clifif-top, and looking up I faced brutes assailed me, would
saw that the edge was lined by the give it access to the space it needed.
great birds, now perched upon it, So it turned from me with a
with long necks craning over. rapid shuffling walk, while its com-
I began to recognize its dilemma. panions moved along the cliff-top
For some reason it was evident that beside it with continued screams of
the air above the plain had no advice, or encouragement; and it
power to sustain its flight. Why, I was with no reluctance that I pro-
could not imagine, but the fact was ceeded in the opposite direction.

9 The Tunnel of Fear

he among
T nervousness
bird while (as
ing on the opal pavement, con-
of the
were) trespass-
great ranean dwellers,
tures of the outer surface of the
world into which I
the crea-

had entered,
firmed my impression of the Its initial terror of myself, until it

prestige enjoyed by the subter- had recognized me as something


distinct and was significant.
inferior, which would enable me to cross it.

So far, had seen only one of

I When it came, I did not see it at
these dreaded beings, from whom I first, my eyes being drawn to the
had escaped with an ease which steaming tank upion my other side.
might not be repeated. How often, For here the cliff curved backward,
or at wihat times, they were likely to giving space for an artificial lake
appear on the surface, I could riot of heated water, from which a
know, but I 'had learnt in that first steam rose continually, such as al-
dream-like interview, that the en- most hid the cliffs upon the farther
trances to their excavations were of sides.
special and I knew that
danger, I found it too hot to drink, but I

these were not numerous. filled a tin cup which my knapsack

An)Tway, I had no choice but to held, and waited for it to cool.
push forward. It was the more ur- It had a bitter and unpleasant

gent because the claims of thirst and taste, but I was in too a need

hunger were becoming unpleasantly to be cautious. While I cooled

assertive —
^indeed, at this time, had a second cup at greater leisure,
I crossed another of those subter- I looked round and diseovercil lhal
ranean entrances, I think I must I had reached the place I was seek-
have adventured down it at the call ing.
of this primal need, but no such I saw, on my left, the entrance to
opportunity came, and before the a long straight tunnel sloping gently
sun had reached its meridian, I saw downward. This entrance was
the end of this stage of my journey. reached by a terraced drop in the
I had learnt, in my first instruc- opal roadway. The tunnel had a
tions, that the path that led down floor of yellow sand, which was
to the gray beaches was one which divided by a narrow conduit down
must be traversed with the utmost which an overflow from the heated
rapidity. I did not guess its length, tank ran smoothly, and very swift-
nor could I foresee that in all the ly, owing to the. slope at which it
strange and dreadful adventures flowed. The sides of the tunnel were
which were before me, there would of a smooth gray material, not con-
be few indeed to exceed its horror. cave but flat, converging upward,
I knew, from the depth of the till they almost met at the top, but

gorge I had crossed, that I was high not quite, there being a slit of per-
above the sea-level. I saw that the haps two inches dividing them,
garden-ground (if such it were) through which a certain amount of
sloped down, for many gradual light entered the tunnel.
miles, to an indistinct horizon. I It had a sinister appearance, and
looked continually for the break in as I sat for a time regarding it, I

(hat sea of pink and glossy green considered what I might possibly

have to fear if I should endeavor must emerge from it on the thres-
to penetrate it. hold of a new experience, the nature
The purpose of the great lake of which I could only guess very
of heated water behind me ap- dimly, that made me rest so long,

peared to be evident. It must be the even when I waked from the sleep
source from which the great ex- I needed, before I entered the pas-

panse of ordered growth was ir- sage, but I remember that I did it
rigated, and perhaps fed. The with a great reluctance, and started
stream that came through the tun- at a pace which, though it might not

nel might be a mere overflow, be equal to the light swift running

which was drained off into the sea, of my instructress, was sufficient to
or it might be used for the filling take me a long way forward.
of subterranean pipes lower down After a time, I noticed that my
the slope. In either case, it did not feet were becoming warm, and re-
greatly concern me — or so I alized that the sandmust be heated,
thought, not foreseeing how greatly though not so much so as the soil
I should need its help. on which I had walked previously.
The yellow sand on either side I did not think it to be sufficiently

supplied a sufficient space on which so to constitute a serious danger,

to walk upright beneath the shelv- or discomfort, but I considered that
ing walls. it might be a different matter to a
It was dimly lit from above, and foot protected only by its own fur,
obscured by the steam which rose and, supposing that had found the

from the water, but I could see that explanation of warning, and
it ran straight on for a dong dis- that it did not affect me, and being
tance. Actually, it was a length of somewhat short of breath from the
about twelve miles, as I learnt after- long spurt I had taken, I slackened
wards. to a quieter walk, —
and as my right
It appeared that, being entered, foot came down, a pink streak shot
it would offer no exit until I out of the sand a few inches from
reached the further end. it, and smacked against my ankle,
But there was no appearance of with a sound like a whip lash. I
any possible danger, and I knew jumped with a cry of horror, for the
that it was the way which I had grip held, and I was powerless to
been directed to take. The only break it. The pink worm did not
warning I had received was to twine round my foot, but lay up the
traverse it as rapidly as possible, side, holding on, leech-like, by
and it certainly did not appear to power of suction. It was trying to
be an inviting avenue in which to drag the foot into the sand, but, for
linger. the moment, that was beyond its

Perhaps it was the fact that I power. Wrenching desperately, I


tried to get loose the axe, for such soil, or in the absence of the
I had expected no use, and which light they needed.
was slung on my back, under the I noticed with some relief that
knapsack, for convenience as I ran. the surrounding tongues could not
When I got it clear I realized that reach me while Iremained mo-
I could not strike hard against my tionless, and I concluded tSiat they
own ankle, and to an attempt at must be in some way rooted, or
cutting, my showed the
assailant growing from a common source,
resilient rubber-like quality which which kept them in their places.
seemed common to several of the I watched for perhaps half an

forms of life with which I was hour without motion while the long
becoming familiar. With a despair- tongues gradually quietened, and
ing effort I strained my foot a few then thinking that the time would
inches from the ground, and drove soon come when I could make a
a hard blow beneath it, at whidi rush to pass them, I made a careless
the severed worm fell writhing. movement, which stirred them to
But now there were two others fresh activity, and the weary waiting
round my left foot, and their had to be commenced again. At last,
united strength was too great for when most of them had withdrawn,
me to lift it to enable me to deal and the rest were cjuicsccnt, I made
with them in the same way. I gave a sudden rush, and though more
up the and hacked them free
axe, than one shot upward as I passed,
with the clasp knife. Then I saw I ran through them successfully.

that the ground behind me, and For some time I ran on at my ut-
for several yards in front, showed most speed, and exhausted myself
similar worms that had pushed up proportionately. For another mile,
through the sand, and waved and perhaps, I kept to a panting trot,

felt around for the origin of the and began to see the pink heads

vibrations which disturbed them. thrust up as I passed them. I looked

No doubt they had been ris- back and saw them already high in
ing behind me all the time, the air a few yards behind. The
but I had passed over the ground sight gave me a fresh spurt, but it
so quickly that I had always been could not last. I could see no end
in advance of my danger, and una- to the tunnel. In fact I could see
ware that it threatened me. a very moderate distance only, ow-
Isuppose that the roots of the ing to the steam in the atmosphere,
plants without —
if plants they could and the narrow slit through which
be called —
grew under the wall of the light must enter. I had no means
the tunnel, and lived among the of estimating its length. It might be
sand, though the conditions did not five miles. It might be fifty. Soon
allow of the leaves shooting up in my pace slackened. Soon I was hack-

ing with my knife again. Then as they pushed upward. But I had
there was the weary motionless had no food for many hours, and I
waiting, till I could again go for- was already conscious of exhaustion.
ward in safety. Water I could have, and I drank
The next time my foot was again, after cooling it. I thought of
caught I fell forward, and before wading in the central stream, but
I could rise, a dozen of them were even could I have kept my feet in
round me. One held me by the right that swift smooth current I sup-
wrist, pulling till the hand was posed that the heat would be un-
sunk in the sand, despite my fren- endurable. And then came a
zied efforts to free it. I was carrying thought which animated me with
the clasp-knife open in this hand, a fresh hope. Could I leap to the
but I caught it up with my left other side.^ It seemed too broad to
and hacked through the sand, and —
be possible and I could get no run
at last cut the pulling worm that for the jump, unless I took it at a
held me. I turned to others that slant, which would make it longer.
were straining at my sides and legs, I had no more than space to stand
and one by one I cut them through. upright for about a yard from the
Then I noticed that my right wrist water’s edge.
was streaming with blood, and The sand had become quiet now.
thought at first that the knife had I would go forward while I
slashed it, till I saw that a broad could, and try the leap when the
line across the back was mottled need grew urgent. Was it wise to
with punctured wounds, where the wait till I should be again too ex-
worm had sucked it. hausted to try it? On an impulse I
I sat there fof a long time, with leapt. In the nervous fear of falling

neither strength nor courage to into the stream I leapt too far, and
adventure farther. I thought of go- my head struck the opposite wall,
ing back, but I felt that the distance though not severely.
would be beyond my strength. 'There was no relief on this side.
The distance ahead might be less The jar with which I struck the
— it seemed my one hope. (It was ground roused my enemies with
actually much longer, if I estimate such celerity that I barely escaped
correctly how far I had then gone.) them. 'As I ran I thought I had
Anyway, it would be uphill back, gained nothing, till I realized that
and that would defeat my speed, if were hard pressed I could al-

and I supposed that the creatures ways win a moment’s freedom, or a

might be more alert after I had fresh start, if I jumped again.
disturbed them. I wondered if I It was not much, but it was
could tap die ground in front of something.
me and cut them down, one by one. Of the rest of that passage I do


not wish to write in detail. I do not clearly conscious.I was at the ut-
wish to recall it. most point of fatigue of nerve and
enough that the time came
It is body. I lay down and slept till the
when a point of light showed in —
day which now covered a period
the distance, and when I stag- of more than four times that to
gered into the daylight. Of the which I was accustomed —was sink-
scene that lay before me, I was not ing toward sunset.

10 The Amphibians
AWAKENED at last to a con- tion, and faint with hunger, and I
fused memory only, recalling found that I could only stand with
how I had leapt short’ and fallen difficulty.My boots were soakol
into the steaming water, which, with blood, and the laccs <orn aw.iy,
when it reached that place, must so that I had to use some .siring
have cooled. Vaguely I remembered from my little store i>f net essii s ir

how it had swept me down, and of with which to f.istcii lliem.

a half-stunned instinctive effort to If I wished to rc.uli the end o(
regain my feet, but of how I got my journey alive I knew that I

out, or whether I had struggled must do so quickly; but I looked

long in tlie water, or been able to round in vain for any path to help.
wade down it, and so escape the Beneath me now was the un-
danger of the sand, I could not re- changing sea, blue and smooth,
callwith certainty. I think I must with a touch of white where the
have been on the sand for the last ground shallowed it. Three miles
few yards, or I should have been out, it may be, showed the long line
swept over the edge by the stream, of rocks for which I had to look.
which fell a sheer five hundred feet I knew, must be the gray
into the sea beneath. For I was ly- beaches which I was seeking.

ing on a level opal path such as I But how could I cross the inter-
had traversed previously, with this vening water? It was a difficulty
difference only, that the cultivated which might not have occurred to a
ground sloped upward behind me, creature no more at home on land
and the cliflF upon the other side than in the water, or perhaps less

sank steeply to the sea. so.

The sun was still —more so
hot But I was not giUed or web-
on this lower level than on the footed.
higher ground I had —and
left it Sign of life there was none. Net
bad dried me while I slept, but I even a bird was winging across the
was stiff with wounds and exhaus- unclouded blue.


Even to descend the cliff was im- and tried to adjust my mind, to get,
possible. if possible, into sympathy with
might explore the path either
I them.
and with no choice
to right or left, After a time I succeeded — at least
between them, for it ran straight on in hearing their minds, though they
as far as I could see in either direc- did not respond. suppose that this

in either direction. was because they were all thinking

And then my eyes were attracted as one, for normally I found it im-
by a dark spot, a blur — a slowly possible to establish conversation in
lengthening blur, which came from this way, except by mutual willing-
the black rocks, and was gradually ness.
stretching toward me over the mo- I found that these creatures,
tionless water. who had no use for articulate
My perception
was quickened by speech, and tosound was whom
past experience. Here must be an- an outrage, possessed at once a
other invisible bridge, by which finer music and a higher poetry
something large and formidable was than our clumsier arts had even
crossing toward me. imagined.
In fact, as I quickly proved, the For they made the music ip their
bridge stretched out straight before minds, or recited it, if it had been

the place which I was seated, and I composed earlier, and its notes, that
had only to remain, and whatever rose and fell, were the very
was coming must inevitably en- thoughts that inspired it. It was now
counter me. a marching chant, and a war-song
Almost too worn for fear, and of a kind, as I heard it

recognizing the futility of evasion,

I resolved to do so. IFe have offered our lives on the
I had arrived at so low a point palm of one hand,
that only active help could aid me. (Is it Wrong that hath willed? Is it
If that which approached were God Who hath planned?)
hostile or indifferent the residt To be taken and lost at our Leaders’
would be similar. So I waited. command.
It was not s'ery long for the — We who are but God’s thought —
approach came swiftly before I —
was able to guess that it consisted So far I followed it, and then the
of a long column of creatures simi- unison broke, for they perceived
lar to her whom I had first met. me, and doubted.
They stretched for half a furlong Nothing more of their thoughts
in mid-air, advancing at a rapid could I learn till they had reached
trot, and as they came nearer I re- the spot where I sat, and were
called their mode of conversing. filing past it. I saw that they were


in all respects similar to tlie one I answered, "I thought I left her

with whom I had been first ac- dead in the tunnel. Has she come
quainted, except that the fur of here before me?”
each was trimmed or patterned in a "We
hope her body may still be
distinctive manner, until, when the there. Itis dead now, but it should

first score had passed, there came a not be damaged beyond remedy.”
group of five who had no such My mind wondered vaguely, and
marks upon them, but were in that, her own answered. "You are a
and in all other respects, like the strange animal, and as ignorant as
one I first met. Of these, one de- you are dirty. There are two com-
tached herself from the group and ing which will bring you food, and
lame toward me. which you must first eat, and then
I had learnt enough of their con- continue with us, for we could not
versing to make my mind at once leave you in safety, and your body,
blank and receptive to receive her apart from its and that
question. I say "her,” not because its clumsy coverings are damaged,
these creaturesshowed any diver- appears to be useless until food has
gencies of form to indicate a bi- restored it.”
sexual species, but because the slim Her thought was without hos-
bodies gave me an impression of tility; it was kind in tone, however
femininity,which makes "it” an oflFensive in substance. She was
inadequate pronoun. She asked clearly startledon realizing the men-
"You bring a message? We have re- tal protest with which I received it.
leived it already, but I should like She went on, "You have been use-
to hear it from you.” I replied, "It ful, and what we can do for you

is this, I could do nothing. She is we will. But if this wild inevitable

in the fifth killing-pen on the left. folly does not destroy us, I suppose
There is no watch on the higher that we must give you up to the
lide, and it can be climbed with lit- Dwellers, for you seem to me as one
the peril. The weapons are not that comes from other lands, whom
guarded, but the pens are. Bring all we are unable to harbour.”
you can, except those who pass the I have tried to translate the
fish forward. You must leave my thoughts she gave me into English
body till the return, for the fault words, but it is not easy, and the
was mine.” difficulty is particularly great where
She replied, her mind an open people or places are mentioned. For
uiriosity concerning me as she in thelanguage of thought it is evi-
ilid so, "You have remembered dent that proper names can have
well. And she tells me that you no place. The clumsy device of
s.ived her body, for which we are names is a necessity of articulate
, /rateful.” speech, which Adam first discovered

when he attempted Janguage. Con- Not for the first time or the
sequently, when I write of the last, I wondered less at the
"Dwellers” I use the best word I differences of this strange world
can apply to the idea she gave me, than at its similarities to the one
which was that of a dominant race, behind me.
by whom the earth — or that part Round .the neck of each of these
of it —was held as men hold creatures hung a bag containing
civilized lands today, and without food, intended (as I learnt later)
whose consent no other creature can for their own eating. Of this she
remain in security. There was a directed me to take some for my
shadow be-
subtle implication of a own use from the nearer one, and
yond, against which they were when I hesitated, with mingled fear
leagued in common, but it was too and repulsion, the sea-dog thrust
formless for me to even under- out an unexpected length of nar-
stand. row tongue, that curled down,
Had dogs continued, I wondered, snake-like, into the bag, and drew
through hundred millenniums.^
five out an object the size of a swan’s
The two which trotted
creatures egg, but covered wid^ a tough
at the rear of the column, and which flexible skin of mottled gray,
now paused at her signal, were At this my guide threw me a
shaggy, web-footed, with the thought of sharp impatience, and
flapped gills with which I was al- enjoined me to eat it quickly,
ready familiar, obviously amphibi- I took it then, and broke the skin,
ous, with seals’ eyes, and of the and found it contained a semi-
bulk of a walrus. Why should I liquid substance, of a slate-gray
think of dogs.^ But the identity of colour, which I tasted doubtfully,
a dog is not the result of a physi- and then ate with eagerness, for it
cal pattern, orhow should we call was sweet and of a delightful taste,
a Great Dane by the same name as and had a quality which appeased
a Skye Terrier ? both thirst and hunger.

n The Problem
ATE quickly, for the impatience panion’s will, or by the strange food.
I ofmy companion’s mind was As we ran, our minds met and
affecting me like a physical pressure, contended, making little progress at
and we then set off rapidly to over- first, was keen, and
for her curiosity
take the troop, which had now dis- was of a kind which, being without
appeared in the tunnel, my energy anxiety, and regarding me only as
being stimulated to the swift exer- a strange animal which had lost its
tion, either by the force of my com- way, was not easily turned, while I



was acutely conscious that I had of intelligence which I exhibited,

iicre a friendly intelligence which, but that a species of any eminence
if I could use the time to advantage, could hardly be content to exist in
might give me information of vital bodies so ugly, so awkward, and so
importance, to enable me to move badly made. She added that many of
with safety through the unfamiliar the lowest creatures of the ocean
ways to which I had committed my- floor possessed bodies which were
self. complete and sufficient without ex-
Consequently we each strove for traneous coverings.
.some moments to obtain informa- I replied that the human body
tion rather than provide it, but in was not necessarily insufficient, but
the end she gave way, thinking she that clothing might be worn from a
would gain more by humoring me, sense of shame, or as an ornament.
and that my questions could hardly She said that she understood the
fail to disclose my own identity. sense of shame, which she should
I then asked her how was that
it were
feel very strongly herself if she
the troop, the rear of which we had burdened with such a body, but if I
now gained, was able to traverse regarded my clothes as ornamental,
the tunnel in safety. I recognized it was a point on which we must
that the pace at which tliey moved differ; and, in that case, the wear-
must give some advantage, but I ing of clothes confessed me to
should have supposed that, though be an even among my
the first might pass, the roused own kind, Leader naturally
as a
worms would strike at those that would not enter into such a com-
followed. She replied that the com- petition.
bined will-power of the troop held I was puzzled by this reply, and
them down very on which I
easily, she instanced the fact that she, and
mentioned my own e.\perience, and other Leaders of her kind, did not
admitted that I had made no effort pattern their fur, which would
to use my will-power against them. bring them into unseemly competi-
vShc replied that this was natural in tion with those below them a com- —
such an animal as I, and that I had petition which would lead to envy
possibly allowed anger, or even fear, if they succeeded, or ridicule if they
lo enter my
mind, so descending to failed to outdo their rivals.

their own level, and rendering it I then asked a number of ques-

easier for them to attack me. tions intended to guide me as to the
I could not deny this, but conditions of the world I had en-
asked why she regarded me so tered, and it will be most con-
contemptuously. She replied that, as venient to give the facts — as far as I

I was a strange creature to her, she was then able to understand them
f juld only judge me by the degree in the form of a direct statement

rather than in that of the conversa- penetrate inland, either above or
tion which gained them. below the surface.
I learnt that the country in which Until recently, these conditions
I found myself was an island con- had been observed with exact-
tinent, of about the size of Aus- ness.They had, beneath the ocean,
tralia, but in the northern hemi- an undisputed dominion of enor-
sphere, as the stars had told me. It mous area; they did not even cross
was controlled by the Dwellers, who to the farther sides of the fish-

had lived below its surface for a tanks they filled, from which the
long period of time, of the duration Dwellers netted the shoals of fish
of which I could form no idea, nor which they had herded into them;
could I obtain any information as they made no attempt to penetrate
to the depth or extent of their the protective belt which sur-
subterranean excavations, for the rounded the surface area; and they
sufficient reason that no Amphibian entirely avoided the other con-
had ever penetrated them. The tinents of which the land surface of
island continent was surrounded on the earth consisted.
every side by a great ocean, beyond For the whole period since this
which was a world containing such treaty was made — I could only
inhabitants that the Dwellers had marvel at their longevity — ^they had
first gone underground to escape been ruled by a Council of Seven,
them, and then, at a later period, whose headquarters were beneath
planted around the whole extent of the black rocks which I had ob-
the coast a girdle of strange served to seaward.
growths, above which the air had The Council decided aU matters
no sustaining power, and which had affecting the welfare of the com-
protected it so effectively that for munity by thinking upon them un-
an enormous period of time they til they arrived at unanimity, and

were left in undisputed isolation. these decisions were always accepted

In some remote antiquity they without dissent.
had entered into a treaty with the But there was one of the Seven
Amphibians by which it was agreed who had not been present when the
that they should be left in pos- treaty was made. She had been long
numerous rocky islets
session of the absent, and was supposed to have
which surrounded a large part of been dead, but she had subsequently
the coast, on three conditions — ^they returned from the exploration of
were to keep certain subterranean the caves of a range of submarine
reservoirs filled with fresh fish con- mountains at the farther end of the
tinually; tliey were to hold no inter- earth, in which she had met with
course with the farther world; and such adventures as had detained her
they were to make no attempt to for a long period. Not having beer.


a party of the treaty, she had not Dwellers did not appear upon the
felt herself bound in honor, as surface of the land they owned.
had the other six, to observe it. Nor, After a time ft appeared cer-
being of the Seven, did she feel con- tain that these expeditions might
trolled by their authority, as did the be taken with impunity, provided
rest of the community. She was of that the night were chosen, and a
a disposition which loved the ad- return made before sunrise. But the
ventures of strange ways, and, from time came when the desire to see
the first, had wished to explore the the moving life of the daytime over-
interior of the forbidden continent. came her. She remained in hiding,
For a very long period she had been she saw much, and the next time she
held back by the wishes of her com- stayed away for three days. Acting
panions, and by the fear that she with great caution, and with the
might be the cause of disaster to advantage of her past experience,
them, but at last a time had come she returned in safety and un-
when the impulse had been irresist- suspected; but in the meantime a
ible, and there had been none near companion, alarmed at her length-
to restrain her. She had spent the ened absence, had started out to
night on the forbidden land, and find her. On learning this, she at
had returned at dawn with a strange once set out again, though the day
tale of, a silent country, where all was then dawning, and the open
things slept, and where trees and paths had to be taken at a new
grasses grew, such as they had never peril; she found her would-be
seen, or remembered only with the rescuer herself captured, and ap-
vagueness of a distant dream. parently in the greatest danger, and
After this escapade they watched on her return to obtain the help
in doubt lest the Dwellers had been which was essential, had en-
aware of it, but the days passed in countered me, with the result of
safety, and at length she ventured which I knew already.
again and again —always returning Conscious that her body was
before the dawn, until the tales she damaged beyond immediate remedy,
brought enabled them to visualize a and aware that her separate mind
l.ind inhabited by many species of could not communicate with her
( features, such as the Dwellers per- friends unless their own should be
mitted to run wild, or conserved for receptive, she had entrusted me
their utilities to themselves, and of with the message which I had tard-
a fertilitywhich was alluringly dif- ily delivered. But, in the meantinie,
ferent from the ocean meadows in she had found it easy to establish
which they were accustomed to wan- intercourse withminds which were
der, but in whidi all creatures slept anxiously awaiting news of herself
III the night-time, and even the and her companion, and it was on

the data she had supplied that the feasts at regular intervals, in an-
expedition vas Started. ticipation of which they hunted
was a deliberate breach of the
It the wild things of the land, and
treaty on whidi their security was set traps for them, into one of
foimded, but with two of their which the unfortunate Amphibian
number in jeopardy, and the Dody had fallen. As one of these feast
of one lying where the Dwellers days was shortly due, she was now
could not fail to find it sooner or penned up, not merely in anticipa-
later, they had felt that they had tion of death, but that her body
no alternative but to attempt the might be destroyed beyond remedy,
enterprise. in which case I understood that the
Among the various creatures path of re-incarnation might be
which lived upon the surface of both long and difficult.
the continent, it appeared that there The problems were, therefore,
were certain ferocious animals of first, to remove the body which lay

the lowest kind, gregarious in their in the tunnel entrance to a place of

habits, collected in mountain safety, where it could be repaired,
strongholds, and having bodies and its owner could resume it; and
which w'ere like those of fish in second, to rescue her companion
this respect, that they decayed after either by force or subtlety, bring-
a short space of years, sometimes ing their faculty of thinking in
even rotting while the unfortunate unison, and of combined will-
animals remained within them, and power, to operate against opponents
being continually replaced by who were not expecting attack, and
young of the same species which who relied upon their savage
grew up around them. They did not strength and weapons to maintain
appear to have any life apart from their own security, and to hold the
these bodies, though my informant prey that they had captured; and
could not tell with certainty third, to do these things, if either
v\'hether they actu.illy ceased to ex- were possible, without the knowl-
ist when their bodies perished, or edge of the Dwellers, whose means
were incarnated in their descend- of information were only vaguely
ants. guessed, but who were known to
These creatures had carnivorous come on the surface in the daytime.

12 The March

W E WERE now
covered way, under a sky of
brilliant starshine, holding a course
clear of the wavered or slackened, even when
the gorge was crossed by the in-
visible bridge.

throusih the darkness tliat never Here it occurred to me to ask



how, if the country relied upon its more ready to believe that I was
girdle of strange growths for its the product of an earlier civiliza-
immunity from the outside world, tion than I should have anticipated,
it could afford to risk invasion up but that this information made it
so wide an unprotected channel as appear the more necessary that the
the gorge supplied, but I could Dwellers should be informed of
learn nothing beyond the sugges- my existence, and the less probable
tion that its enemies would prob- that they would regard it with com-
ably be too stupid to discover the placency.
gap (if it really were unprotected), She explained that it was known
which seemed a strange supposi- to the Dwellers that the earth
tion when applied to a power so had been the scene of countless
dreaded, and the information that civilizations, through aeons of for-
this gorge was remembered as the gotten times, all of which had suc-

scene of a great battle before the cessively destroyed themselves by

protective girdle had been planted, the misuse of their own disccn^eries,
in which the Dwellers had been and that whole energy was
destroyed in hundreds, but in directed to overcoming this recur-
which one of their enemies had rent danger, which had appeared
also perished, and the remains of to operate with the certainty of a
its body had blocked the channel fundamental law. To them 1 might
for many years afterwards. well appear as the seed of death
I had thought of the Dwellers which nature had sent forward to
hitherto as dominating by their frustrate a purpose which might
strength and size, as well as by otherwise have defeated her own
their evident physical knowledge intention. On the other hand, she
and engineering skill, in both of suggested kindly, my obvious
which my present companions ap- ignorance and insignificance might
peared to take little interest, but I be my protection, as I had so evi-
now had a vision as of a world in dently been born upon the earth
which a race of ants of superior in one of its more barbarous
intelligence might revolt success- epochs. As to their own course re-
fully against mankind, and of a garding myself, they would do
warfare in which they had been what they could, but —and her
trodden down, as a man might mind shut suddenly, though not
stamp on an ants’ nest. But the before I had caught a glimpse of
truth, as I learnt later, was some- her difficulty.

what different. For if they were discovered in

My companion now pressed for the present enterprise, even if it

some account of myself, and I an- did not in itself cause their de-
swered many questions, finding her struction, they might find them-


selves open war with tlie
at Here we halted for the recovery
Dwellers, in which case there of the body that I had left within
would be no purpose in surrender- it. But after some space of silence,

ing me, while if the expedition re- a sense of grief and oppression in-
turned in success and secrecy, they vaded me, which I knew was felt
might wish to give me up rather by all those around me, aS the
than risk another cause of difference news spread from mind to mind.
— but how then could they secure The bc)dy was not there.
that I should withhold my knowl- Whatever had happened to it
edge of the events now proceeding ? and that it had fallen into the hands
It appeared to me to be a posi- of the Dwellers was almost certain
tion in which they might well de- — I understood that the inquiry
cide to destroy what was, to them, must be delayed till the further
nothing more than a strange and object of the expedition had been
inferior animal; nor did the alter- •accomplished, or at least attempted.
native appear more attractive in its The sea-dogs, which had been
probabilities, for if they were at brought for the purpose of convey-
war with the Dwellers, would they ing back the body, were now or-
not retreat to the ocean-floor which dered to return, and the forward
was their familiar resort, and where, march continued. My guide had re-

I supposed, their enemies would be joined (he other Leaders of the ex-
unable to pursue them, and how pedition, assigning me to the cate
could I adapt myself ? of the rearmost of the troop, be-
I decided that I could only act side whom I went forward, keep-
as circumstances developed, and ing up the pace with difficulty, but
that, in the meantime, it was both afraid to fall behind, and aware
duty and policy to give such service from the thought which combined
as I could to those who had shown us (hat there was still much
me kindness. ground to be covered before the
Meanwhile, the rapid march con- darkness lifted. When I had con-
tinued. There was a moon now, the tinued for about half-an-hour, dur-
first I had seen, a thin bowl of ing which some miles must have
silver in the eastern sky, more bril- been covered at the rapid trot
liant than that to which I had been which was maintained without
used — ^a which may have
difference alteration upon the level surface, a
arisen only from the fact that I knowledge of my exhaustion must
W'as in a more equatorial region. have entered the mind of my neigh-
By its light the path became bor, for I found a small webbed
visible, a faint opalescence beneath hand passed into 'mine, and with
us, and, later, the black entrance it a thrill of nervous energy that

to the tunnel of my adventure. enabled me to continue, till we


shortly turned to the left, and took away, a vision of mysterious and
a rough uphill path,' on which we incredible beauty.
slackened to a walk, and were soon I judged now, by the moon’s
climbing over rough boulders, and height, that we must have traveled
up sharp ascents where hand and rapidly for about twenty-four
knee were needed. hours of my accustomed reckoning,
For a mile, perhaps two, we and that the night was half over.
continued up this arduous way, at When the sea-dogs left, I had been
times with a glimpse, right-hand, given a store of the food they car-
of a gorge of black forbidding ried, and to this I had resorted
precipices, silvered in the moon- more than once already. My com-
light, but most often with sight of panions appeared to be equally in-
little beyond the immediate rocks. dependent of fatigue or food, but
Then we became aware that a my condition was different. I had
high wall of overhanging cliff been without sleep for a long
confrontedus, into which those who period, and I was aware that it was
led had disappeared already,
us only the vitality that I received
and, guided by my companion’s from my companion’s hand, and
hand, I entered a narrow gulley, the fear of the contempt of my
whether natural or artificial I can- new associates, that dragged me
not say, but which extended for onward. These might not have
. many miles through the mountains. availed me much longer, but now
It was not more than five feet wide we had approached a dense wood
from wall to wall. A narrow line of a different kind. I was instructed
of sky showed its stars, where the flat and crawl forward under
to lie
gulley opened on the mountain boughs too thick and low for any
slope hundreds of feet above us. other method of progression. At
We emerged at last at a great once we were in darkness, with
height, on an open slope, on which the great boughs close above us,
trees grew, but not thickly. They and beneath us a bed of soft resil-
were tall and somewhat .slender, ient moss, which must have been
silver-gray in the moonlight, as a nearly a foot in depth, over which
poplar shows its when the
leaves we crawled and wriggled quite
wind lifts them. Here we con- easily, but which yielded to our

tinued a long time, going forward, weight unless we moved forward.

as I thought, not directly, but keep- It was warmer here —
the night air
ing always where the trees were on the higher ground had been
thickest. Once, far below, we had cold since we left the gulley and —
a view of the gorge from which there was a strange and pleasant
we climbed, narrow here, but open- fragrance from the boughs above
ing out- to seaward many miles us, so that when an order was


passed to rest, I sank into the soft suffocate me while I slept, I think
moss very willingly, and had I that I should scarcely have had the
known that it would dose over and strength to 'rejeot 'its embraces.

13 The Killers

CXDULD not say if the others fur shorter, as it was of a darker

I slept, for I knew nothing more shade beneath, the silver-gray
till I waked bewildered in a dim marking of the back being super-
golden light, my comrade
with of ficial only.

the night touching my hand to We conversed freely as we

rouse me. The rest of the troop crawled forward for some hours
had begun to move forward. over the springy moss. I met here
I was sunk deeply in the soft with a mind of a ready friendli-
moss, which was of a very close ness, and a very lively curiosity. I
texture, and of so dark a green as suppose, by our reckoning, she had
to look black in the shadow. The lived for an enormous period, but
branches overhead spread low and the mind that met me gave an im-
wide, as do those of a beech. The pression of an invincibly child-like
leaves also were beech-like, but of quality —but it had other charac-

a golden yellow. Not the yellow teristics, which I was to learn more
of Autumn, but one of an abundant slowly. The impression which I
vitality. I noticed the fragrance gave to her was, no doubt, some-
which had soothed my exhaustion what different.
when we gave me now
entered. It Her keen delight in the new
a sense of contentment and physi- —
world as new to her as to me
cal well-being. through which we were passing,
It must have been full daylight contended with her curiosity to
without, for the light did not in- learn the still stranger world of
crease farther within the wood, but which I could tell her, and gave
here it was a golden twilight only. little time for me to learn of her,
I was able to look clearly for the or of the life to which she was
Srst time at my companion. The native. But she gave me glimpses
h uma n rnind is' so ductile that al- of anexistence which found its
ready the slim furred form gave pleasure in wandering through a
an impression of familiarity. Not marine world which was as much
being one of the Seven, she had more extensive than the dry
ihe distinctive patterning bywhich ground as it is today, and which I
each was individualized. In her judged to have changed but little.
case, a zebra-like striping on the One episode she gave me vividly
back, produced by trimming the because of the indelible impres-


sion which it had made upon her. the arm should never entirely heal,
It appeared that her kind can wan- so that it should be a warning to
der freely among the huge savage her and all her race for ever. And
creatures of the ocean-depths, ex- in evidence sheshowed the scars,
ploring its heights and valleys, and where no fur grew, and I under-
penetrating its caves with impun- stood that the scar of a healed
ity, because they can control every wound was something beyond the
form of life it contains by a will- previous experience of her kind.
power which works without effort. Of the swimming of the great
She had attempted, in a spirit of tunnel she told me also, which
mischief, to allow various savage extends for several thousand miles
creatures to attack her, intending from one sea to another, through
to forbid them at the latest second, an intervening continent, and of
but she found invariably that strange forms that lurk in its laby-
though their minds were confused rinths of caves, such as the opened
by a feeling of her complacence, oceans have never seen — labryinths
the respect of her kind was too deep in which you may wander for many
an instinct for them to disobey, un- months, seeking in vain for an exit.
til she tried the trick upon a species Of I learnt much,
such things
of shark of an exceptional ferocity. but I mind was
noticed that her
Vividly I saw it, under depths of little upon the object of the
green water, from which all weaker expedition. That she understood
forms of life had withdrawn in that it was very dangerous, and
terror. The savage rushes of the might terminate her bodily life was
hungry fish which she had foiled clear enough, and that the thought
at the last moment with a thought of such potential sacrifice for her
of derision, and the snap of his Leader’s rescue filled her with a
disappointed jaws. And then — the pleasurable exhilaration that was
instant’s diversion of mind in its stronger than fear, this I imder-
too-confident certainty, and the half- stood; but of the, thought of any

second too late ^the passionate re possible aggressive violence to
pulse that sent the great fish cowed achieve her end, her mind seemed
and grovelling to the sea-floor a as incapable as her body seemed

hundred feet below and the con- ill-adapted for such a purpose. Fre-
sciousness that her right arm was quently her thoughts were of the
hanging torn and useless. And then movements in the moss below',
the long swim homeward for two which must have teemed with life,
thousand miles to the only place though it did not annoy us in any
where help could be given, and way; or of the occasional sound C'
how she had told her tale to the wings in the boughs above us; or of
Seven, and they had decreed that the straight and narrow paths that

cut through the moss continually, Grace of line and harmony of
down which we once saw a small color —everywhere I found them,
form disappearing, looking like a as in the world had left. Surely
beetle running upright on its hind beauty is more fundamental than
legs, and of the size of a field- righteousness ! Or may the two be
mouse. one only?
But though her mind was not were any difference in
If there
anxious as to the result of the ex- the new world, it was only that
pedition, I soon had evidence that nature produced her effects with
those of her Leaders were different- greatereconomy of material, mass-
ly occupied. ing her colors, and content to dis-
A thought came down the line to play a few varieties of plant or tree
halt, and for me alone to go for- only, where I had been used to the
ward. combinations of hundreds. But I
This came to an open
I did, till I recognized that I had seen too little
space in the forest. Here I found to justify such generalizations. It
die five Leaders seated where the would be as though a man were
moss-carpet extended somewhat be- to spend a few days on die Nor-
yond the and for a moment
trees, folk Broads, or in the Highlands
:hey waited while my mind was of Scotland, and imagine the whole
held by the beauty of the sight. surface of the earth to be similar
The trees which surrounded the to the scenes he witnessed.
glade were ©f one kind only: But the Five were waiting. My
beech-like in growth, though the guide of the previous night ad-
branches spread and drooped with dressed her mind to mine, and the
greater regularity. The gold which others arranged themselves to per-
chows faintly on an oak in spring- ceive us. I was first asked if I were
time was here the dominant color, willing to give my aid to the ob-
tinged with green if the wind ject of the expedition, if it should
lifted the leaves, which were of a be of any utility. It did not appear
fine transparency, or deepening to to occur to them to offer any re-

the background of a Tuscan fresco, ward or inducement, and in reply

as it sank again into quietude. The I consented unconditionally.
.moss, which extended on all sides I was then asked to explain the
outward from the trees for a short purp>ose of the axe I carried, with
distance, showed dark in a strong which I had defeated the vegetable
sunlight. Beyond this, the glade octopus of my first adventure. This
was covered with a short growth led me to inquire why its victim
of coral-pink, on "which blue had not been able to save herself
pigeons, such as I had seen be- by the power of will on which they
fore, were feeding. relied for their protection, to which


I received the answer that it would guiding the expedition, and I was
have been of little avail, as the asked to put my mind at her dis-
whole forest was against her, and posal, so that I might see the crea-
was conscious that it was carrying tures against which we were
out the duty for which it had been operating. On doing this, I received
planted, whereas she was breaking a vision of a forest path, on which
the treaty with its originators. I three of them were walking in
recalled the way
which it had in single file. They were about three
it was point-
quailed before me, but feet in height, and in appearance
ed out that I was not under the they seemed to me such caricatures
obligations of the Amphibians. of humanity as might be the out-
None the less, I felt that the inci- .
come of a nightmare dream. In
dent gave me some increased pres- color they were a bright worm-pink,
tige in theminds that considered it. and of a surface which was repul-
The fact was that my hatred of the sive beyond the resource of any
creature as an octopus was blended word we have to describe it. Their
with the contempt which I felt for heads were bald, but of a darker
it as a cabbage —the first idea per- color than their bodies and limbs.
sisting —and that this attitude to- Their eyes moved continuously with
ward something which they an alert and restless malignity.
regarded as formidable, both in Their lips — or rather the orifice of
itself and in its anger, impressed their mouths — elongated into a
them inevitably. narrow tube about twelve inches
But I soon modified this ad- long, through which they could
vantage. In explaining the uses take nourishment by suction only.
of the axe, I offered to demonstrate Through these tubes they could
it by felling one of the trees around make whistling sounds, by which
us. The idea that I should destroy they communicated with one an-
life for an illustration broke upon other. They could stand easily on
their minds with incredulity that their legs if sight or reach required
gave way to contempt. For a mo- it, but squatting was their more
ment they regarded me as morally natural posture. Each of them
unfit be associated with their
to carried some kind of rope or cord
enterprise, but recalling that they in considerable quantity.
were contending against creatures There was a fourth that followed,
even baser than myself (if that of the same form and color, but
were possible) they decided to in- of more than twice the size, and
terrogate me further. of a ferocity more brutal, though
It was first explained to me that not more malevolent, than that of
the spirit of her whom Ihad res- those who preceded him. He car-
cued so unsuccessfully was now ried a powerful bow of dark wood.

bent for use, and with a shaft ready it first to the trunk,and then, heed-
for the cord. less of the gnashing teeth, about the
was conveyed to me that these
It neck, till every limb was useless.
were not adult and young of the By now the beasts that had driven
species, but that the archer was of it were arriving, and with an in-
L'.n exceptional growth, of which ferno ot exultant whistlings the
they had two or three only in each worm-pink crowd had loosed it
generation. from the tree, and drawn the shaft
In the vision, I could hear out of its neck, that they might
plainly that others of their kind drag it with them, now roped be-
were whistling to them through the yond movement. I watched it drawn
trees, to whom they replied with for some miles in this way, clear
notes of rising excitement. Soon I of the woods, and up by rocky
perceived one of the frog-
that paths, until a high plateau was
mouthed apes that I had already reached, a mile-wide shelf of rock,
encountered was being driven to- beyond which the mountain rose
ward the party that I watched. I abruptly once again. On this shelf
understood that it had been sep- was their stronghold. A low, con-
arated from its companions, and tinuous, smooth-sided back-sloping
headed off from the safety of its stone-seeming wall, very broad at

native rocks. It now came bounding the base, and rising to a sharp ridge,
in a heavy bewildered terror to- swept crescent-shaped from the cliff,
ward the waiting archer. and enclosed the larger half of the
Remembering how my own axe plateau.
had cut through the throat of one To this wall there was one barri-
of these creatures without appar- caded entrance only, through which
ently disturbing its equanimity, I the hunters dragged their victim.
was curious to see how a shaft Many more of their kind, of all

could discommode it. I soon learnt. sizes, were within the enclosure,
The hunted creature saw its new but the sight of the captured prey
foes, and turned sideways. As it was evidently too commonplace to
did so, it crossed the bole of a attract their attention, and I saw
giant tree, and at that instant the that they squatted in the sun, or
archer wrenched the bow back to moved on their own errands, in
his ear, and the shaft drove flew. It complete indifference, while it was
through its victim’s neck, and deep dragged toward a large cistern of
into the trunk behind it. Before boiling water, which was sunk in
the shaft had ceased to quiver, the the ground, and into the center of
three that bore the ropes leapt for- which a stone pier Jutted. By carry-
ward and were twining them round ing their ropes round the sides of
the now struggling victim, binding the cistern they were able to draw


their victim along this pier, so tliat lic character. Of these, one con-
it fell off at the extremity into the fined the selected victims of the
boiling vat. was bound too tight-
It approaching feast, and this w’as
ly to struggle, and sank at once to built over one end of the boiling
the bottom, where it continued to tank, and guarded by one of the
move spasmodically as long as I giant archers, with a number of
observed it. I understood that it assistants round him. There was
would boil there for many hours one other giant lying against the
till the contents of the tough skin cliff-wall, with a leg discolored and
should be reduced to a semi-liquid useless, in an evidently dying con-
form, such as its captors could draw dition — shortly, no doubt, to share
in through their sucking mouths, the fate of a dead body of one of
and the whole sight filled me with their number which I saw flung
a loathing for these bestial forms, over the farther side of the plateau,
and for the cruelties they practiced. where it fell abruptly to a great
I did not refiect that the boiling depth.
of living fish, which is common in saw that the wall was hollow,

Asia, or of lobsters in our own with many doorways on the inner

country, is a far greater cruelty, side, and that it formed the dwell-

being exercised on creatures of ings of the settlement. There were

higher sensibility, and with far less many young, moving in a more
excuse, as they could be killed with- lively manner than the adults, and

out difficulty. including two of the archer kind,

I saw also that the center of the which, though evidently immature,
crescent did not contain any build- were considerably larger than the
ings, except such as were of a pub- rest of file tribe.

14 The Halt
WAS recalled from this con- nection with the defense of the
I templation by the pressure of continent, and that these -creatures
the minds around me, and my first were deliberately bred to supply it.
thought was to ask why, if the I was then asked whether I were

Dwellers were supreme, they al- familiar with the weapon carried
lowed the existence of such foul- by the archers, and could use it if

ness. I was answered that it was all necessary. I replied that the bow
as strange to them as to myself, had long been regarded as a dead-
but I learnt later that the blood of ly weapon in the world from which

creatures of a malevolent kind had I came, but that in my own time

a chemical quality which was re- and country it had fallen into dis-
quired for certain purposes in con- use.I was not entirely unfamiliar

with it, having consorted with some alty, it would not radically disturb
who had used it in competitions of the equanimity of the minds that
skill, in which had done indiffer-
I met them.
ently well, but the bows I had used I was next asked whether I

bad been little better than toys thought I could descend the cliff

when compared with that which I that rose at the back of the settle-
had now seen, and the memory of ment in the moonlight, as the vision
the depth that the shaft had been had shown it, and replied with cer-
driven into the hard wood made tainty that I could not do so, either
me doubt whether I should have by night or day. I am without any
the strength to bend it. special aptitude for climbing, and
This information was received I think there are few men who
with quiet satisfaction. I began would have attempted that descent
to have an increased respect for under any circumstances.
these Amphibians, as I recognized I was then directed to await my

the serenity with which they faced previous companion, and the crawl-
a problem which might well seem ing march continued. As they
insoluble, under conditions which passed me, two and two, I was able
were in some respects more alien, to estimate their numbers, for the
and must have been far more re- Leaders had been at the head, and
pugnant, to themselves than to me. my own was at the rear of
I noticed the unhurried care the procession.I found that there

with which they arranged the facts were over three hundred whose
as they perceived them, and that lives had been committed.
while they had outlined an inten- On rejoining my companion I
tion of effecting the rescue by the asked her whether this were the
power of their own wills, without whole of her tribe or nation, to
arousing the opposition of the will- which she replied that there were
power of their opponents, they were many more, but that they could
careful to avoid any detailed plan, not have been summoned without
until all the available information delay, being scattered in many
had been obtained to guide them. oceans,and a proportion of those
I began to understand how it was availablehad to remain, that the
that they could rely upon arriving Dwellers might not notice the ab-
at unanimous decisions for all their sence of their accustomed service.
actions, and the unquestioning Only, I learnt, at an annual date
faith with which these decisions which the stars showed them, did
were received by their followers. I they all congregate, to sleep for
felt that if the Dwellers were to three days’ space in the feeding-
appear at that moment with the tanks, and gain strength for the
threat of some overwhelming pen- year to be.


— —

I gathered that my own method same ends, by

life persisted to tlie
cf continual eating, and the swal- thesame methods, through all its
lowing of waste matter, which my physical changes,and even these
body promptly rejected, placed me how slight they might appear to a
definitely with the lower animals in detached observer!
her thought, though not unkindly In the softened golden light of
or rather with the sea-dogs and the this unending forest, couldI have
fishes, for of a lower terrestrial crea- said certainly that I was not in
tion shehad little previous knowl- some untraveled part of the world
edge, and it was, indeed, stranger I knew? Nothing was too strange

to her world than to that from for that, except perhaps the Amphi-
which I had wandered. I wondered bian whose hand I held, and whose
how she regarded the Dwellers, of nervous strength it was which en-
whom the one I had seen was cer- abled me go forward. And even
tainly more of my own kind, but I she —washer form as grotesque,
recognized that she had other reas- even to my human mind, as that of
ons to respect, if not to love them. many beasts or reptiles which I

I next asked what might be the could have seen in my own garden,
natural longevity of her kind, or behind the bars of menageries?
and if there were no old, infirm, And was she not, of all the things
or children that had been left be- around me, becoming the most
hind, but to this she replied that familiar through the mental intim-
they were not fishes, and their acy whiclr was growing between us ?
bodies did not alter or decay as the In this great forest there was an
years passed. Obviously, if their atmosphere of enduring peace; it

bodies were damaged bej'ond was a lake of rippled by


remedy, they withdrew from them. softly-rustling unseen wings above

How, I queried, if they were not us, or, more faintly, by the stir of

subject to birth or change, could slighter life in the moss below.

one so disembodied hope for any Frequently we crossed the narrow
new incarnation, and by what roads I have mentioned, and as I
channel could it be gained ? looked at them more closely I was
But I could only learn that she confirmed in the opinion that they
was unperturbed by the suggested were the work of the beetle-bipeds,
difficulty. Beyond this, her explana- one of which I had seen for a mo-
tion faltered, or my mind was de- ment, for the moss on either side
ficient to comprehend it. But the was trimmed with formal regular-
longer that I conversed witli my ity, for doing which the mandibles

companion, while the slow hours of such a creature would be well

passed, and the crawling march adapted. The moss would be far
continued, the more I realized that too close in its growth for them

to penetrate it in any other way, ment had extended in echelon along
and yet not close enough for them the edges of an outjutting spur of
to walk over it without sinking, so the forest, with our Leaders at its

that it would otherwise form an advanced point,

I was asked
insurmountable barrier. I was con- asked whether were able to assist

firmed in' this opinion when we in this manner, and was directed
passed an open glade which was to watch as long as I could do so
white with low regular mounds of without exhaustion, and then to
mushroom shape, from one of arouse my companion.
which I had a glimpse of two of The halt would continue until
these creatures issuing, and passing the sun had reached its meridian.
rapidly out of sight behind it . . . The mind of one of the Leaders
I began to think of the Am- would remain receptive to any re-
phibians as being independent of port I might send it.
sleep, as they were of food, but Even if I had not undertaken this
as the morning advanced an order duty, and recognized its importance
came we were to move side-
that in a land which was as potentially
ways to the left (the two in front hostile to my companions as to my-
of us moving to the opposite side) self, and which was even stranger

until we were at the edge of the in some ofaspects to themselves


forest, which we were then ap- than to me,I could hardly have

proaching, and there to rest, and time at least, to remain

failed, for a

await the order to proceed. awake and aware of the strange

Meanwhile all minds were to be beauty of the scene.
concentrated upon the object of the My companion sank at once ob-
expedition, which I now learnt was livious in the deep moss, which
their method of sleeping, the mind yielded to our weight when we
being rested upon one thouglit only halted, and in which I took a sit-
for a previously-decided period, a ting position, enabling me to look
method surely superior to our own, out from beneath the boughs which
in which it wanders blindly spread low overhead, and were suffi-

through disjointed recollections, cient to screen me from the outside

and in vain conceptions of foolish observation of anything which did
or repugnant things. not approach very closely.
A number were, however, direct- The ground before me sloped
ed remain alert and wakeful,
to gently down to a deep and very
and to watch for any menace which wide valley. Far to the left were
might appear from the open coun- low hills; to the right front
try before us. was a distance of wilder mountains,
Being now on the extreme left with snowy sides, height beyond
of the line which the last move- height, with a suggestion of the


foothills of the Himalayas. The Orchis-like kind, which covered the
valley undulated, and was heavily ground where it sloped gently be-
wooded in some had wide
places. It fore me. Here and there, other
plains, but without sign of ailtiva- plants struggled for existence
tion, or of moving life. among it, including one of a trail-

The sky above us was the un- ing habit which I noticed for a
clouded blue I had seen previously, very and beautiful flower
very deep now in the strong sun- shaped like a Campanula, and ap-
light. Far off —and sight went far proaching a very deep orange
in the clear air, across the lower shade, but differ'Snt from anything
land — wide low forest
there was a I had seen, and I have therefore

with a hint of lake beyond it. no word by which to describe it.

In color, the whole scene gave Last, and nearest, I noticed, a
me a first impression of a splendor bare yard to my left, where a low
of gold and blue, with dark hills branch shaded the moss a little in
around, and snowy mountains above advance of the trees around it, a
them, but as I looked more closely ground-nest of beaten moss, of the
I saw that there W'as an undertone size of a hand-bowl, and in it three
of green, as in the old familiar small black puppy-like creatures,
landscapes, but with this difference, curled close, and sleeping.
that where I had been used to the Surely there was little change in
dark blue-green of trees and hedges the new world from the world be-
breaking the yellow-green of the hind me!
corn and grass-lands, here yellov/- Here I watched for many hours,

green, deepening to many shades as the sun rose slowly. Once a huge
of gold, was the prevailing tone of bird crossed the sky, coming from
the woodlands, while open slopes the lower hills and disappearing at
and plains were covered with a last over the distant heights of
blue-green verdure, in some places snow. It was many times larger than
with no more hint of blue than in those which I had seen previously.
the leaves of a rhododendron, at It flew with strong steady strokes,
others brighter than a peacock. but was too distant for more de-
This was the general impression tailed observation.
of a wide stretch of country, which Then I noticed a dark object
might show differently at a closer moving slowly up the slope toward
view, or with a change of season. me, and grazing as it came.
When I looked immediately in front Its body was of a dull blue color,

of me I saw that the moss extended and was of the size of a sheep, or
for tv,'o or three feet only from somewhat larger, but as round as
the forest-shade, and beyond this an orange. It walked on two legs
was a blue-green growth, of an only, and there was no sign of

fore-limbs. But for the absence of it. Closer it came, peering beneath
any head, I might have imagined the branches, its trunk moving so

it to be some kind of chicken. near 'to me that in a sudden panic I

There was a face set in 'the front gripped the axe to strike, if it

of the round body, consisting of should attempt to molest me. But

two eyes which surveyed the world it only gazed with eyes in which
with a twinkling and mischievous curiosity appeared to be overcome
humor, and a mouth, of which the by amusement at my comic aspect.
upper lip was elongated, like an Indeed, it was this derisive
elephant’s, trunk, but to somewhat glance which first made me realize
different purpose, and proportion- at all adequately the appearance I
ately longer. Hard and thin and must present in my tattered clothes
snake-like, it had the under-side to these creatures whose bodies
serrated with sharp bony ridges.. were so much more easily cared
With this trunk it felt doubtfully for, so fitting their environment.
over the surface of the herbage on I had met with
thought that I

which it fed. Then, finding a patch the humorist of the new world, and
that grew to its liking, it pushed did not guess that I was on the
its trunk into the close growth, 'thresihold of tragedy.
which appeared to resist its passage, My companions rested undis-
with a rasping, tearing sound, till turbed, and it did not appear even
it was curled round the selected to observe their presence, at w'hich

tuft, and then it pulled, and the I was puzzled for a moment, think-
sharp edges cut and tore the fibrous ing that they must be as strange to
growth from the resisting roots, it as myself, and not understanding
and the trunk turned inward, to that thecalm indifference of their
push its sheaf into the gap of the minds, and the serene tranquillity
wide slit mouth, that was scarcely of that of the Leader to whom I
large enough to receive it, till the had reported its presence, were im-
trunk had pressed and packed it in. pregnable bulwarks against any
And like a thrush that has won his form of molestation from a single
worm after much' pulling, the animal of its order of intelligence.
mischievous eyes twinkled. Its eyes wandered from me, as
Care or fear, it seemed, it had having exhausted the amuse-
none, nor any thought of enmity, ment I offered, and fell upon the
as it came with leisurely steps and nest beside me. I thought that it

jovial roving eyes toward the edge surveyed the sleeping inmates with
of the wood where we were lying. a greedy but doubtful interest.
I passed the information to my Right and left, with swift appre-
Leader’s mind, but received no in- hensive glances, went the twinkling
structions to do more than observe eyes, then a long trunk thrust in.


and one of the sleepers was caught Again it sprang, and held on for a
and swept into the gaping mouth- moment with tearing teeth, while
slit,too quickly for me to have the trunk slashed it. Then it strug-
interposed, had I wished to do so. gled clear with a torn side, and a
I had a thought that it was not fore-limb that dragged awkwardly.
its accustomed food, and that it But where its teeth had been in the
had acted rather in a spirit of prac- blue-black skin, a jet of pale red
tical joking, amused to imagine the fluid squirted up in the sunlight.
consternation of the returning par- It was more cautious now, if no
ent, and the vain search for the less resolute in its purpose. It

missing puppy. If that were so, it circled round, crouching, and

was a jest of the shortest. watchful, but the cunning fright-
Even as the mouth closed, I had ended eyes never left it, and the
an instant vision of a lidie shape, back-drawn trunk was ready. When
like a small black panther, that next it sprang, the wounded limb
sprang down from a nearby tree at told, and it fell short, and drew

the wood’s edge, something in its back with a torn ear and a bleeding
mouth like a snake curled close, or jaw. I cannot say whether that gave
as a wire-worm shows when the it the idea, or whether the chance

spade exposes it. Then, on the in- of battle befriended it. I should
stant, as it reached the ground, it not have supposed it likely to suc-
saw, and dropped its prey, and ceed by cunning, when strength and
leapt, a lightning bound of twenty agilityhad proved unavailing. But
feet, for the back of the robber. so it It leapt, and the trunk
Swift as it was, it was too late shot out to meet it, but the leap fell
for its purpose. With 'the speed of short, either through sleight or
fear, the jester had rolled on to weakness, so short that it came
his back withdrawnup legs, it and down on the very end of the trunk,
was the long toothed trunk that as it missed the intended stroke,
met the panther with a blow that and the strong jaws snapped upon
flung it sideward. it. Back the captured trunk
The foiled beast drew back for wrenched desperately, and the pan-
a moment, crouching to spring, in ther was dragged some distance for-
its eyes a ferocity that left no doubt ward, but by now the uninjured
of its purpose, while in the glance fore-paw was holding also, and the
of its opponent there was a con- back legs were straining to keep
sternation that had yet in it some- their ground, against an opponent

thing that was grotesquely comic. which had no grip of that on which
Twice the panther leapt in, and it lay. The serrated teeth were on

was flung away with a reddening the under-side of the trunk, and as
line of torn fur on the glossy back. it slapped down, missing its stroke.

it was caught on the upper surface, again, and in her mouth was the
which was smooth and soft, so that recovered puppy.
hhe teetli sank deeply. And then, Purring gently, she laid it in the
indi by inch, the panther bit up- nest, licked it all over, still alive,
ward, biting till, foot by foot, she and seeming none the worse for
left it limp and useless behind her. its first adventure. As she did so,

And gradually, as she bit, the she saw me, and the light of battle
struggles weakened. All this time glared again in the fierce eyes for
that thin jet had sprayed upward, a moment, and then died, and, re-

and from the appalled eyes the garding me no more, she lay down
twinkling intelligence was gone and licked her and wounds,
out, as the panther leapt at last on cleansed her damaged fur to some-
the ball-like body, and ripped it thing of the glossy smoothness on
open with strong claws that found which her comfort depended.
no resistance. With each tear, the While she was occupied in this
thin blood jetted out like a foun- way, I realized that it had become
tain, till the round body collapsed time to arouse my
companion, and
like a pricked bladder, in which having done and communi-

the victor’s head was sunk with a cated what had occurred, I sank
growling contentment, so that I into a sleep of exhaustion, from
thought that, panther-like, she was which the strangeness and excite-
already making a meal of her oppo- ment of my surroundings were
nent’s body, till the head emerged powerless to hinder me.

15 The Plan of Attack

WAS awakened by my com- to us, to the effect that we were
I panion from a deep sleep, out now approaching the most hazard-
of w"hich I W'as aroused with diffi- ous part of the journey, and that
culty, and found that it was high speed and silence, with readiness
noon, and the order had already to obey any orders we might receive
been passed that we who were on with instant alacrity, were essential.

the left hand of the outlying spur We

were directed to avoid sep-
of the forest, around which W'e had arate intercourse, and to concentrate
rested, should cross to the other our minds upon the path we were
side, from which the next stage of taking, while holding them at the
the advance would be taken. disposal of our Leaders, and under
This we did, forming a second no circumstances to allow any r
line behind those who were already tion to control us, unless it were
in that position, and halting there the ordered feeling of the expedi-
while final instructions were given tion, and were operated in unison.


Although these orders were not consistent with an unsleeping vig-
directly applicable to myself, I ilance and forethou^t, and a
conscious of an increasing willing- chivalrous willingness to sacrifice
ness to adapt myself to the methods themselves for their companions.
and controls of my new compan- We were now told to advance
ions, and was not insensible to the out of the forest in double file, all
relief of mind which arose from emerging same spot, on the
at the
the knowledge that the will of right front, which was immediately
every member of the expedition before me, so that I watched the
could operate in this way. whole of the front line as it crawled
It is true that all my were
habits to this spot and into the sunlight.
alien from a method of warfare Last of this line came the Five,
which moved against unknown hos- an order passing ahead of them
tilities, such as were certainly cap- that I should be in readiness to
able of physical violence, without follow. I was conscious of a strong
weapons or any evident means of reluctance to leave my zebra’d
self-defense, trusting, apparently, companion, of whose vitality I had
only to a mental attitude for its taken so freely, and to whom I
protection, and leaving me to won- was drawn in consequence in a
der how any aggressive action could strange inhuman intimacy. But they
be even attempted. But I had al- answered my thought instantly that
ready realized that the Amphibians this was not intended. were We
had powers of intellect which, to move out together, immediately
though different from my own, behind them. Being in the rear-
were very far from contemptible. ward line, we had been able to see
I was inclined to wonder whether little beneath the low and level

my own complacency might not be branches till the moment came for

the result of some subtle exercise us to go forward. Then the first

of their will-power upon my own sight met me was a round
mind, which was probably so, blue-black body, from which two
though not in the way in which I hiunorous twnnkling eyes surveyed
supposed it, their influence not be- me satirically. For a moment I
ing the result of any mental vio- thought that I had encountered the

lence or assault, but resulting from most amazing reincarnation of this

my gradual recognition of the as- amazing world; at the next I recog-
sured serenity with which they nized that there were two other
possessed their souls against any similar creatures a short distance
pressure of surrounding circum- away, and that I was not encounter-
stance; a serenity which had no ing a reproduction of the one I
root in obtuseness or indiflFerence, had seen collapse so thoroughly,
but, with their leaders at least, was had seen collapse so thoroughly.

Beyond these creatures, I had a nor any vaguest desire for such a
moment’s glimpse of a different method of differentiation, but I ac-

landscape from that which I had customed myself to this.

watched from the other side of the It was now the nearest of the

spur. Here the ground rose, the —

Leaders the one with whom I had
upward slopes growing steeper, to- held intercourse previously who —
ward a bare and desolate mountain addressed herself to my mind. She
grandeur. The next moment I saw commenced by informing me that
the last of the Five leap lightly she was about to describe the plans
downward into a deep and narrow which they had formed, because
trench which cut through the they included a part for myself of
ground before us, and I followed the first importance, but of which
more awkwardly, my companion they believedI should be capable.

gaining my side as I did so. Though I knew that I should

I am conscious in this narration undertake whatever might be sug-

of the paucity of proper names gested, if it were within my ca-

— of the use of no arbitrary sounds pacity, yet the feeling that I had
to distinguish the kinds or even been called up like a dog to re-
the individuals of the strange be- ceive my instructions, and the in-

ings amongst which I was moving, stinct of my commercial training,

but the fact is that, unless I am prompting me to make a bargain

to invent them, I have none to for my ultimate protection, com-
offer. It is the evident difference plicated my reaction to this sugges-

between mental intercourse and tion. "Are you less than a

oral or written speech that such sea-dog?” queried the mind that
signs are needed in
imperatively met me, but perceiving that I in-
the latter, while in the former they tended assent, became indifferent.
would be worse than useless. The It appeared (I attempt no ex-

thought that brings the picture of planation) that the member of their

the individual or place itself has number whom

had first met, on

no use for a sign by which to de- whom they were depending for
scribe it. But of these I felt the guidance, could only communicate
lack even before I attempted to such knowledge as she had gained
write down my experiences. It is before she had left her body; and
the inevitable result of the constant beyond that was only able to help
use of a spoken language that we them by the doubts or dissent with
acquire the habit of substituting which she had met the various plans
words for realities, even in tlie which they had put before her.
processes of our own thought. I They, were therefore in ignorance
found in the minds of my com- of events that were now transpir-
panions no names for each other, ing, but were able to receive de-


tailed descriptions of the ground it was exercised against the instincts
they were about to traverse, and of and obligations of the creatures
the experiences or observations she themselves; and a suggestion from
had made thereon, one of which my mind that we might destroy
had been shown to me in the vision diem was dismissed contemptuously.
which I have told already. They would, however, continue
The plan now proposed had to watch for a while, and would
been received with assent, though know, from the direction which
doubtfully, and they had finally de- would shortly be taken, that the
cided to adopt it. expedition was .turning into the
She explained that trenches, such mountains. Their masters would
as we were now following, extend- know that no danger could threaten
ed for many .miles along the lower from that direction for a space of
slopes of the hills, and through the one or two days, as the distance
valleys, bisecting each other, and to be covered was not less than five
dividing the ground into fields of hundred miles, and part of it was
very large area. Whether they were over very difficult surfaces, whereas
the work of the Dwellers, or were we were only about one hundred
constructed by our present oppo- and thirty miles from their strong-

nents ^whom I should not have hold, if the direct course were
supposed to be sufiiciently numer- taken, and the trenches which I
ous or intelligent for works of such have mentioned, which were well

magnitude was not known, but drained on the higher slopes, pro-
it was certain that the latter made vided a road along which the
use of their extensive existence to Amphibians could have proceeded
herd some of the creatures they ate, with great rapidity. The distances
whicli were not of sufficient agility were, of course, conveyed to me
to leap the barriers. In this connec- visually not by measurement.
tion .ffie blue-black monstrosities I The way through the mountains
had encountered were used by them was, for the Amphibians, sufficient-
as watch-dogs or drovers, being ly hazardous, and would be, for
themselves immune from slaughter me, impossible; and the Five had
in return for these services. It decided that it would be best for
certain that these creatures would me to proceed with my one cota-.
carry the news of our presence to panion by the easier way, -where it
their masters as soon as they were might be anticipated that my pres-
able to d« so. While they had been ence would not be suspected, and
in our immediate vicinity the will- myself to attempt the rescue, by
power of our Leaders had been peaceful stratagem if possible, or
sufficient to restrain them, but this by force if necessary.

would not last in a case in which My companion would supply the

nervous energy necessary to enable consider this plan, and to make
me to cover the intervening dis- any inquiries which might occur to
tance in the forty-eight hours me, while our course continued in
which yet remained before sunset, the same direction.
v/hile, if any physical violence were As I reflected upon it, I was
necessary to effectmy purpose, I conscious of many points which in-
should be acting according to the vited criticism. It appeared that the
laws of my own nature, and against whole expedition was being led in
creatures more or less on my own to the mountains for no very evi-
level of conduct. dent purpose, while I was to take
The enclosure which it would the individual peril and responsi-
be necessary to enter I had already bility of the rescue.
seen in the vision. It was the cus- On the other hand, we were
tom to place all the hunting weap- operating under conditions which
ons of the tribe during the night in were in some respects as strange to
a central building, which was not them as to myself, and for which
guarded, as no attack was ever an- they might be said to be even more
ticipated from outside, particularly unfit. I was, at least, the only one

during the long night, when all the who carried anything that could be
creatures on .the earth’s surface used as an offensive weapcxi, and
which were
rested. 'The building in there was some justice in reflec-
the killing-pens was guarded day tion that I came from conditions
and night by one of the giant arch- of from which the argument

ers, lest its victims should attempt of violence was less alien than it
escape, and for other reasons which was from theirs. Also, the fact that
I could not follow. I could not pass the dangers of the
'The main force of the expedi- mountain way, if it were really so,
tion would arrive, if all went well, was unanswerable, and the fact that
on the top of the great cliff which our opponents could not expect an
overlooked the enclosure, at the attack from that direction for so
commencement of the second night. long a time, certainly suggested
Had I found it impossible to at- that I could best be used in the
tempt a rescue, or had I failed, they interval in the way they had
would proceed by other methods. planned. Whether they expected me
Should I succeed, I was to place to succeed, or regarded me simply
myself under the orders of the one as a forlorn hope, or even as a feint
I rescued, who, being one of the attack to disguise a deeper purpose,
Leaders, would naturally assume I could not know. I considered
control of myself and my com- that if I should be successful
panion. in effecting the rescue undetect-
I was given a few minutes to ed, we might be far on the return


journey before the dawn, but that the level of the Killers themselves.
they would arrive after it had cer- I write "Killers” as the nearest
tainly been discovered, and with word I have in which to describe
their enemies between them and the thought with which S'he de-
their retreat, in which case they fined our opponents, but it is quite
would share the peril. inadequate. Scorn was in it, and
I had, at least, no better plan to loathing, if such feelings can be
propose, and I shortly signified that entirely passionless and- judicial,
I had no further questions. I was and in was the whole summary

then told that I must restrain any of what they were and did, but
impulse of violence which I might centrally there was the conception
feel, unless there were no alterna- of them as things that killed con-
developed action
tive possible, as it tinually, and that enjoyed killing,
on a pLane which they despised, and as such I translate it. These
and on which they were unaccus- worm-pink horrors with the suck-
tomed to operate, and might bring ing mouths were too low for any
us into additional and incalculable emotion to stir in regarding them.
trouble with the Dwellers also, if She looked on them as I, -whom
they should become aware of our she regarded as a beast only, look
expedition, or were already cog- upon one of my own kind who can
nizant of it. It was to descend to kill birds for pleasure.

16 The Sentry

W E NOW came to a place at

which another trench extend-
ed on the right hand, at right angles
our companions as

which we saw it emerging on the


the narrow trench, at the end of

proceeded up

to the one we followed, and strik- open hill-side, where it must have
ing upward toward the mountain- been visible for many miles to any
side that- now rose above us with watchers on the plains below. Then
an abruptness that appeared unscal- we turned, not without a feeling of
able. Looking up the straight line loneliness which increased the
of the trench, we could not see the intimacy of our companionship, and
defile by which those heights were went on at a gentle walk for the —
entered, nor was it easy to imagine time at our disposal required no
that this bleak forbidding precipice haste —
in the direction which had
was only the first of a wilderness been indicated.
of loftier ridges, from the top of Yet the leisured pace had a con-
which it would appear almost as sequence which might have been
low and flat as the plain around us. disastrous, and the exact result I am
We watched the long column of still unable to determine.

We were engaged in a pleasant eyes looked out, with the long trunk
intercourse, in which I was realiz- curled beneath them.
ing that the apparent apathy of my I realized suddenly that I was
companion’s mind in regard to the not beyond reach of this weapon,
issue of an expedition for which and that I was likely to be swept
her Leaders were responsible, which back into the trench with little cere-
had previously surprised me, did mony, even if no worse befell me.
not preclude a keen adventurous But the next moment I was aware
delight in an enterprise which had that my companion was beside
now been entrusted to our own me.
initiative, when I was conscious of Whatever brain was in that blue-

a shadow that fell for a moment black body, or courage for the fac-
across the floor of the trench before ing of meaner things, it had no will
me, into which the midday sun to meet its new antagonist. Nor
shone directly downward. did the order which she gave it to
Looking up sharply, I caught avoid us even disturb the quietness
sight of an egg-shaped body of the mind that formed it. Accus-
and two jovially derisive eyes that tomed for so long to an unques-
withdrew at the instant of their tioned supremacy over all the
detection. Instant also was my creatures ^at the oceans held, it

thought of the consequences if the could not occur to her that such a
news of our coming should go be- one could resist her will.
fore us, and with that thought I Fear was in the cowed but cun-
loosed my companion’s hand, and ning eyes as it moved backward,
jumped for the side of the trench. but when it had retreated for fifty
The abundant vitality Which that yards or more it suddenly threw up
grasp supplied me lasted long its trunk in a defiant gesture, as of
enough after I had loosed my hold one released from a reluctant hyp-
to enable me to grip the edge of notism, and commenced a rapid run
the ground two feet above my toward the farther end of the valley.
head, and swing on to the surface. As it did this, I realized that I

Rising here, I confronted the de- was losing it, and that our lives and
tected spy not ten feet distant, gaz- the success of our enterprise were
ing at me with a glance of humor- at issue.
ous contempt, from which doubt I unslung the axe from my back,
and even consternation were not and started in pursuit. But my feet
entirely absent. Its body was less sank deeply in the soft herbage, and
round than that of the panther’s I found that speed was impossible.
victim, being likean egg balanced At times, too, Ae ground itself gave
on two legs, with the thicker end way beneath me, and I stumbled
in front, from which the twinkling forward with difficulty. Struggle as


I miglit, I saw that the distance distance, and made no motion to
was increasing continually. assist me further.
Mycompanion’s mind called me The trunk was waving now
to return, but I would not heed it. within three feet of my face. I

Then I saw that she also was run- swung the axe as it was raised to
ning, but far out on the left as strike. The sharp blade grazed the

though she were leaving me. tip, and it winced back swiftly.
I was still wallowing forward in For some moments we faced each
a stubborn stupidity when I real- other silently, neither willing to
ized her purpose. She was endeavor- retreat, nor to come within range
ing to cut it ofiF, and, running far of the confronting danger. I was

more swiftly and lightly than either on the point of springing in, and
of us, she was soon able to do so. risking all on one stroke, when the
But having gained the advantage, memory of how the blue-black body
she appeared content to hold it. had punctured where the claws tore
I did not understand her purpose suggested that I could throw the
till I found myself running upon axe with enough force to disable
the hard surface of the hillside, and it.

gaining at every stride. The chased But the throwing of axes is an

beast knew it also and turned to occupation in whidi I was quite
face me. unpracticed. Trying to fling it over
My hunting instinct was roused the trunk that waved and feinted
now, to reinforce my judgment of before me, and with sufficient force
a compelling necessity, and I was to effect my purpose, I misjudged
determined to kill it. But I had entirely, so that it skimmed the
sufficient caution to pause outside smooth back only, and fell ten or
the range of the sweeping trunk twelve feet behind it.

that threatened me. Reckless, I ran forward to re-

It itself on its
did not throw cover the weapon. My antagonist
back, as
I expected from the might easily have struck me off my
conflict which I had witnessed pre- feet as I did so, but it had turned
viously, and I began to realize that also with the same object.
it had been running not so much Not having to turn, I was a sec-

to avoid me, as to carry the news ond quicker. I stooped for the axe
to its masters. It might be in awe with the consciousness that my
of my companion’s mind, but to- opponent was already upon me, and
ward myself it very certainly had as I seized it I threw it desperately
no sucii feeling. backward.
I became aware diat it was ad- The next moment I was struck to
vancing upon me. the ground. I felt ffie clothes tear-
My companion had paused at a ing from my back, and turning


round I tried to come to grips with as I had seen before, shot up and
the trunk which would otherwise sparkled in the sunlight.
beat the life from my body. As I I rose up, and we stood side by
did so I was conscious that the at- side looking at the creature that
tack had ceased. made no more resistance, but lay
I looked up, and saw my com- dying before us.
panion standing above us. My an- She handed me the axe in silence.
tagonist cowered away from her with A moment after, she gave me her
terrified eyes. hand again, and we returned to the
The axe I had thrown had trench together. But though I tried
stuck into its back, and remained to speak, her mind would not an-
there. swer. She had closed it against me,
Very quietly she took the haft and for many hours we continued
and drew it out. As she did this a thus, her mind a blank wall of ne-
fountain of thin red blood, such gation at the advances I made.

1 The Ethics of Violence

usk was already rising in the now I have

D narrow trench, though the
world was still bright with the color
charge was
thought of what
was to you that the

given. You were to

of a sun that set early over the avoid violence if it were possible.
mountains, when she addressed me It was left to you to judge of that

in the medium which is fifty times necessity. The responsibility is not

more swift than speech, and a thou- mine. From now you will have my
sand times more accurate in its help when you -ask it. When I
transmission of thought. thought this, peace came, by
"How could I answer you till which I know that I have dioiight
there was peace in my own mind?” rightly.

she asked me. "1 was confused by "For yourself, it came to me, as
violence. It is a thing we do not I saw your mind when you fell, that

practice, either for defense or ag- you have a brave spirit in a body
gression. You appear to me to be of deplorable weakness. It is full
partly as we are, and in part as the also of strange passions, which you
lower order of created things, and can scarcely control yourself, and
with such a body as is more base for that reason the lowest creatures ^
than either. For the first time in all can defy you. But I saw the spirit ^
my life I could not tell what was that is imprisoned within you, and
right to do —
to withold, or to aid for that I respect you.
you. It seems to me that you must "When we return we will ask the
have much sorrow. Leaders that all shall think together


that your body may be destroyed, 'T can well understand,” she said,
and you may escape from it.” "that you are ashamed to show
I answered, "I am glad that there your bodies to other animals, or
is between us, and some
peace even to each other, but can you
measure of understanding, and for really say thatyou cover them from
your promise of future help I thank climatic Your face and
you also. But in the world from hands are which would be of
which I came my kind is supreme all parts the most sensitive. If you

of all created tilings. Here you can harden them to such exposure,
despise me, yet you yourselves are could you not harden the remainder
not supreme in your world. You of your bodies also, and feel the
fear the Dwellers, who, as I under- joys of sun and wind and water?”
stand, eat and use violence as I do. "The custom of wearing clothes
I understand that you supply them among my own kind,” I answered,
with fish, which seems inconsistent "is very ancient, and is universally
with your objection to the slaughter practiced. Whether it be for warmth
of meaner creatures around you.” or ornament, or from causes more
She replied, "I know that you difiicult of definition, it would be

are telling me the truth as you see impossible for any one of us to
it; and some kind of supremacy break it. He would be persecuted
you may have in your place, though or destroyed by his fellows. You
it must be, indeed, a strange one. must understand that we have no
I cannotsuppose that there are individual freedom. In my own land
other creatures with bodies weaker of discretion has been re-
this loss
than yours, more quickly tired, or duced to an absurdity, there being
more awkward. Are all its animals so many laws to be obeyed that it
wearers of those tattered things.?” is impossible for anyone even —
I replied, "Our bodies are those who give them unceasing
doubtless adapted to their
better study — to know all that there are.
familiar conditions than for those Also, we pay men to make more
in which I now find myself, as our laws continually, so tliat, in theory,
clothes are also. The lower animals we may be brought into yet closer
—with some unimportant excep- bondage, but in practice that is a

tions ^have no outer coverings. thing which is barely possible, and,
Should we dispense with our clothes as new laws are made, others fall

we should consider that we had into disuse and forgetfulness, be-

descended to their level. wear We cause it beyond human capacity

them from shame, from self-respect, to observe so' many. We do not

and to enable us to endure the cli- want more laws, but we have start-
matic changes, and the severities of ed a machine in which we our-
the colder portions of the earth.” selves are involved, so that we have

no power to stop it. Many of us which we do has never troubled
despise the laws that we have al- our peace.
ready far as we understand "You say that you are supreme,
them— and break them whenever and we are not. I think you can
we can do so to pur own advantage, have supremacy only amidst a very
and with sufficient secrecy. Others low creation. It is something which,
respect them so greatly that they until now, we have neither sought
will do mean and base things with- nor heeded. In all the oceans we
out shame, if the law require them, have held it without challenge.
thinking it to be sufficient apolog)'.” "But I think the difference is not
"It is too strange," she an- there. It is that you are not sure of
swered, "to be understood, unless yourself. YOur own thoughts, or
it be told more fully, and even your own body, may resist
our time is too short for that, but your will. You are like the state of
I have not replied to your question which you tell me, wherein laws
concerning the fish-feeding of the are confused and changing.
Dwellers. I see clearly what you "Of all this we know nothing,
mean, but it is a thing which had and therefore, were I in the midst
been done from the beginning. It of the Dwellers, w-hose powers are
was arranged by our Leaders, and terrible,I should walk in greater

we have not thought to question it. freedom than you could do in your
It is true that the Dwellers, though own land, whatever be your su-
they are superior to your kind be- premacy among inferior things. But
yond comparing, are of more ani- I am hindering your mind from
mal bodies than we. They must be the adventure which is before us.
fed, and their food, in part, is the It is yours to direct it, as our Lead-
fish, which themselves live by the ers rightly saw, for we are contend-
destruction of others, and are de- ing against creatures who are more
stroyed by them continually. We of your own kind than ours. Let
divide the shoals and drive those me know what is your purpose,
that become excessive into the great and I will give you all the aid I
tanks which extend beneath the may, either with mind or body.”
mountains, where the Dwellers do As she concluded thus, we
with them as they will. I neither reached the place where the trench
doubt nor excuse it. The mackerel we followed stopped abruptly
that we drive, or the deep-sea before a rising bank, and we
salmon, will eat even of their own knew that we were at the end of

kind, and the fruits of death are the divided fields, and could no
in their own entrails while we drive longer travel in the same conceal-
them. They obey us, as is natural, ment. Steps led here to a trodden
without protest, and this thing path, which we left immediately for


the lesser risk of a hillside which he might have gone farther. The
was covered with gigantic boulders, abandoned pistol was ominous, but
between which we moved cautious- perhaps he had only thrown it
ly upward, while the day was slowly away because his ammunition was
dying, the western sky showing, ended. Possibly he had left it there,
for the first time in my experience, intending tO return. Possibly he
something of the sunset-light of my dropped it by accident. Anyway, it
familiar world. was useless to me, and I laid it
My companion answered my down where I found it.
thought : "It is the season of storms And as I rose, my companion’s
approaching. In three days’ time mind, to which I was becoming
there willbe cloud, and great increasingly sensitive, interjected
winds, and hidden skies. It is noth- urgently;
ing to us, but for those that live on "Do not move, or fear. Look up
the earth’s surface it must be dis- to the right hand.”
tasteful.” 'The ridge of the rocky hill we
I made no reply, for at that mo- climbed stood out sharply against
ment my glance fell on a Brown- the sunset light behind it, and above
ing pistol Vhich lay amongst the lit rose the head and shoulders of a

loose stones I was treading. In the giant form. He had stepped over to
compelling strangeness of the ex- our side of the ridge, and stood
periences through which I had above us, one hand on the crest, as
passed I had given little thought a man might lean his hand on his
to those who had come here be- own gate, and was gazing around,
fore me, remembered now
but I as one who is more occupied with
the arsenal of weapons with which his own thoughts than with a
Templeton had returned and van- familiar scene beneath him.
ished. So he stayed for a moment, and
I looked round, as though ex- then descended the hill with giant
pecting him to appear before me. In strides.

the growing gloom I searched He might have crushed us under

round for some further sign, but foot, as a plough-horse treads a

could find nothing. I opened my crouching mouse in the furrow, but

mind to my companion, but she we stood quiet and unmoving as
could not help me, though- she he went past without seeing us
searched with keener eyes than or so I thought, but my companion
mine. I reflected that we were a differed. "You cannot know the
long distance from the spot on thoughts of the Dwellers,” she told

which I and presumably he, but me. "They are not as we, or as you
was that certain? had —
first are. "They are terrible in power,
arrived. If he had traveled so far. and, sometimes, in forbearance also.

But they are beyond our under- my own kind, and one, I thought,
standing.” who was preoccupied with a great
My own impression was different, perplexity. But whether he had seen
I saw a Titan indeed, but one of us I could not tell.

18 The Arsenal of the Killers

moon had not yet risen, but
the starlight was brilliant, as
climbed the path that led to

of unquestioning aid in any-
thing for which
and I had
I might
learnt to rely
call upon
the stronghold of the Killers. than a little upon her fearless
As we approached it in the dark- serenity of mind, as well as upon
ness it looked larger than it had the abundant physical vitality which
appeared to me in the vision, and she shared with me so free|y.
our task more formidable. On more I
the other hand, the
At this high altitude the night relied upon her powers of spirit
began to be cold already, and I or the more menacing be-
supposed that the temperature came the fact that I was braving
might fall very low before the dawn those who had entrapped one of her
of the next day. I began to under- own kind, of superior grade to her-
stand why I had found the stillness self, who apparently could not
of the first night so absolute, and escape unrescued.
why all creatures sought for rest V^ether had they
and warmth during a night-time so warning of our coming I could net
much longer than our own. tell, but I reflected that es'en though

But I had more urgent considera- a report should have reached them
tions to engage my thoughts. To that the regiment of the Amphib-
rescue the imprisoned Amphibian ians had passed into the mountains
from a guarded prison in the midst six score miles away, they would
of the stronghold of the Killers, not only suppose tfiat no fear from
whether it were attempted by force that quarter would be possible for
or strategy, appeared about equally a day at least (or much longer if
hopeless, but the Leaders had laid they should judge by their own
this task upon me, and wheffier speed of progression), but might
they really believed me capable of not even think that any hostility to
performing it, or had used me as a themselves were intended, nor,
pawn in a larger I was
purpose, might it occur to them as possible'"
committed to the adventure. that an attack would be made in
My comrade also laid the re- the night-time.
sponsibility upon me, as she clearly Even if they knew that two
had the right to do. I had her prom- of us were wandering on the


lower slopes,we might only appear window, lest a trap be concealed
to them as prey to be sought in the behind the apparent negligence?
morning, and, I thought, with a So I felt as I looked, and saw some-
sudden lightening of humor, they thing dimly on the ground behind
might be right in their estimate. the gateway, and hesitated, and re-
On the balance of probabilities, membered that the night was long,
I thought the better course would and haste was needless, and asked
be to approach them boldly, and my companion how soon would be
try what might be done in secrecy the moonrise.
while the darkness was round us. In the end, we went back and
Indeed, when we gained the waited under the-plateau.
plateau, caution lacked opportunity, It is commonly held that the ca-
if we were to advance at all. For pacity of the average woman for
outside the enclosure was bare
it logical reasoning is inferior to that
and flat beneath the starlight, and of a man, but that she has a com-
a rat could have found no shelter. pensating advantage in a superior
Having crossed the open space ability of intuitive perception, and
as quietly as we could, we walked may even reach a more correct con-
for some distance along tbe outside clusion in some instances by such
of the enclosure. was a back-
It unreasoned cognition, than a man
sloping wall, or room, as I had seen will do by a superior logical faculty.
it before, having no door or win- Whatever impressions of fem-
dow in all its length; but knowing ininity my companion might give in
that there were doors along the other aspects, it is certain that in
inner side, and that the Killers 'bliis comparison she was more mas-
slept within it, and not knowing culine than myself, and the light
how lightly they might do so, or which I had given her into the
how thin might be the wall that workings of my own mind for, in —
divided us from them, we now view of our understanding, I had
moved very silently till we came to been careful to open it to her as I
the gateway. Here we paused in had considered the various possi-
surprise, for it was not only un- bilities which might affect the suc-

guarded, but open. cess of our enterprise had aroused —

There was a double gate that a wonder which she now expressed
opened inward. Sockets were faint- with her usual clarity.

ly visible in the ground, into which "It appears,” she considered,

vertical bolts could be driven. "that there is a difference between
You know how a fox will use the processes of your mind and
all its cunning to find some illicit mine. When I encounter a difficulty

entrance to the poultry house, but which requires decision, I reflect

will turn away from open door or upon it systematically and thorough-


ly. It may be a long time before I ently of its volition, and of the
arrive at any possible conclusion, existence of which it may even be
but, whenhave done so, it is
I entirely ignorant.
final. You appear to make choices, "In all these respects you might
and to decide plans, without always be considered inferior to rwrselves.
having recognized your reasons I think you are so; and I recognize

if such there be —
even in your own the admiration you feel for our
mind, and you would be unable to larger measure of control, both cf
explain them to another if you ourselves and of the creatures that
wished to do so. This method ap- surround us. Certainly I would not
pears to be the cause of much hesi- be like you. It would be as though
tation, worry, and discord, by which we should be eaten by our own
your mind is drained of its energy dogs. But when I see how your
to no sufficient purpose, and of ac- mind endures amidst such surround-
tions which are' contradictory or in- ings I am
unable to despise you.
decisive. There are even times when I seem as who swims with 'a
you appear not to be acting either friendly and can make no

by reason, or by your own will, but boast, though she outdistance one
to have surrendered your person- who fights onward amidst contrary
ality to the body which it inhabits. and contending currents. Therefore,
This is repulsive to me, because I I think God may judge you the

cannot conceive of a reasoning spirit prize at last, though He has given

being reduced to a baser servitude. you a body that is lower than that
Fear is good, and it would be a of a sea-dog.
poor kind of body which did not "I see further, that your own
give you that warning. But your methods of inductive reasoning,
body is not content with warning, casual as they are, may be more
it attempts control, and if you re- appropriate to the fluctuating bar-
fuse obedience, you do so with barism of the conditions of life to
difficulty. I think that this arises which you are native than would
because your mind is not sure of be those to which we are accus-
itself, and your body lacks respect tomed, and I know surely that you
for its weakness. Then your physi- can use your own methods to better
cal impulses fight among them- purpose than I could possibly do.”
selves for supremacy, and you have By this time a crescent moon
no power to rule them. When I was behind us, among stars
look into your mind I see also that that shone with a frosty bright-
it has little knowledge, as it has ness, and a cold wind moved
little control, of the body in which over the plateau as we crossed it

it dwells, of which the major func- once more, so that I diivered in the
tions are carried on quite independ- torn and shredded garments that I


had sewn together, as best I might. The only choice lay in selecting
We came again to the vague the nearest spot to our objective
menace of the open gateway. In the inside the enclosure, and this we
clearer light we saw that objects did as far as memory and judgment
lay on the ground immediately enabled us to determine it.

within it, reminding me of the The sides of the wall, or dwell-

twisted bands of hay which farmers ing, were about ten feet high, and
sometimes use for the binding of sloping together at such an angle
fodder, and before them were shal- that the inner floor (without de-
low shining oval depressions. ducting the thickness of the walls,
Neither of us could make any of which we had no knowledge)
guess as to what they were, or of must have been about eight feet in
what they might be significant, but width. The walls inside must have
of one thing I was certain, they narrowed rapidly upward, suggest-
had not been there when I saw the ing that the Killers required little

Killers draw their roped prey space for comfort during their long
through the gateway; nor were they night’s rest.
appropriate for a free passage. The outer side, being quite
There is comes when
a fear that smooth, was far too steep to be
the nerves from a danger
revolt climbed, and we scaled it at last by
which they perceive, which my my companion leaning against it

companion had deprecated, but while mounted her shoulders and


there is another that arises from a gripped the ridge. When I had a
reasoned caution, which it is often firm hold she caught my foot and
well to heed, though the physical climbed up very lightly, and then,
frame would disregard it. with her help, I was soon astride
I knew that my comrade’s mind the ridge, and the descent was
approved, when
I turned from that easy. Our only real difiiculty was
unknown and continued along
fear, to do it in silence. We had to move
the wall to select a spot at which along the ridge for a short dis-

we should attempt to scale it. tance before descending, as we

Of itself, it gave no choice, be- found ourselves directly over one
ing ever)^here of the same height of the apertures by which they
and smoothness, and leaning at the entered. It was fortunate for us
same angle. Everywhere, so far as that we took this precaution, for
my observation had shown, it was w*hen we had reached the ground,
inhabited by the Killers, but and moved cautiously across the
whether in separate cells, or doorway, we found that it was
whether the numerous openings led closed by a door which slid down
into one common living chamber, from the inside, but not entirely so.
I had no means of telling. It came to within about three inches

of the ground, and beneath it pro- my direction. For two to go in the
truded three of the long suckers, first instance would double the risk
which were the mouths of the Kill- of detection, without any compen-
ers. Moving onward, we saw that sating advantage. If my aid were
similar suckers were thrust out from desirable after the first reconnoitre,
every doorway, which at least ex- and no alarm had been raised, I

plained in part the omission of any could easily join her. If an alarm
higher apertures by which air or were raised, I supposed that they
light could reach them. would make first for the place in
There was a wide bare space which their arms were stored, and
between the outer wall in which in that case it was our only hope
they slept, and the buildings of safety that someone should be
we were seeking. Of these there there to bar the access.
were eight in all, each of which So I reasoned, not entirely at
must have had its place in the social ease in thinking that I had allotted
economy of those loathsome crea- her a part which might pro\ e the
tures, but we were concerned with more perilous, but yet seeing that
two only, and of the others I learnt it would be a double folly to re-

nothing, either then or later. verse our undertakings, and con-

As we had been told that the tent that she knew my motives,
building in which they stored their and approved the plan.
weapons during the night was left I think, in her own way, she was
unguarded, I had determined to as keen as myself that we should
proceed there first, and if I were effect the rescue before the Leaders
able to enter it without detection came to interpose their own meth-
I had resolved to remain, while my ods, or take direction of those which
companion went forward alone to we had already formulated. I know
the killing-pens, and endeavored that it was in a state of controlled
to establish communication with her excitement, which approached the
imprisoned Leader. I calculated that ecstatic, though it left her mind in
she would be more
easily able to do its accustomed serenity, that she
this than and the distance sep-
I, went with me hand-in-'hand across
arating us would not be too great the moonlit space, which we did
for her to communicate with- me, not cross till we had reached a
so that I sihould know exactly what point at which the other buildings
was occurring. If she were dis- would hide us from any watchers
turbed, she could return to me more at the killing-pens.
quickly than any Killer could pur- By this means we reached the
sue her. If a diversion were neces- arsenal in safety, and stood be-
sary, I could easily make sufficient neath thick walls of some smooth
noise to draw the investigation in hard substance, having a low flat


roof,and a door at one end which menace of finality, and my heart

showed no handle or fastening of paused as I heard it.

any kind upon the outer side. The next moment I recalled my
I still think that the plan I made courage and stepped back to re-
was in itself the best that could open it. My foot sounded loudly
have been devised from the facts as in the stillness, and something
I knew them, but I admit that I moved in the dark roof that was
was less cautious here than I had not more than three feet overhead.
been at the outer gate. Perhaps the With nervous haste I felt down the
silence, and the fact that we had inside of the door, but, as upon the
advanced to this point so easily, outside, there was no indication of
had made me feel too severe. lock or latch or handle. I thought
I passed my hand down the door, to pry it open with the axe-blade,
in the shadow of the jamb, feeling but it fitted so closely that I could
for a catch which the light might only find the crack with difficulty
be insufficient to show me, when and to force the blade in was im-
it yielded to the slight pressure I possible.
gave, and opened gently. Then I Was I to be imprisoned here till

pushed it wider, and we entered the light came, and then hurried
together. We stood for a moment out to such a fate as I had seen
in the entrance, side by side, look- dealt to another of their captives?
ing into the dark interior, which Or did the stealthy movement above
was only very faintly lighted by me imply an even nearer menace?
two small windows at the sides of I rais^ the axe, and brought it
tiie door. The long side-walls, the down with all my force on the door,
far end, and the roof, were with- in the hope that it would split be-
out lifting entirely. The moon neath it, and careless of the noise

shone through the two small win- I made. Noise there was in the
dows, and patterned a bare floor narrow chamber and beyond it also,
with horizontal bars. as I was soon to learn; but the
We stood there for a moment, door did not even shake to the
and then my comrade slipped quiet- blow. It was of so hard a substance,
ly from me, and vanished in the that I realized that it would be the
shadow. axe-edge only which would suffer.
Thinking to sample some of the The movements overhead were
weapons which I knew to be stored louder now, and I had the impres-
there, I stepped inward, loosing the sion that something was about to
door as I did so. Smoothly and spring down from the darkness.
swiftly it closed behind me, with The fear of the unknown was upon
a slight ominous sound, to which me, which is of all fears the most
the night gave full value. It had a dreadful.

19 The Duel in the Night

THINK we do less than justice of which could be only dimly imag-

I to the alchemists of the dark ined, and of which there was no
ages of Europe, and to their oppo- guarantee that it would be used
nents also. We are accustomed to beneficently. Even now, a scientist
regard them as charlatans, and to will present his fellow-men with a
brand those as superstitious fools more nutritious infants’ food, or a
wiho burnt them. There is a folly deadlier poison-gas, than has been
of credulity, but there is a folly of previously invented, with the same
incredulity, which is far greater. fatuous complacency. The evil eye
If they asked their patrons for may have been fact or imagination.
money which would enable them I do not know. It is no more inher-
to turn lead into gold, the scien- ently improbable than wireless.
tist of today is approaching the But it is the unknown that
same point of research which they terrifies. I do not suppose that
must have reached when the possi- the Killers were exceptionally in-
bility dawned upon them. Perhaps telligent. All the evidence is against
his own progress would have been it. Yet this episode of the closing
more rapid" had he been readier to door, was beyond my
because it

assume that their theories were de- understanding, was more daunting
serving of as much respect as his than would have been a far more
own. It is not many years since it urgent danger of a familiar kind.
was announced as a momentous dis- I stood there in a panic fear which

covery that bubonic plague is dis- it shames me to, remember, feeling

tributed by rats. This was known that I was surrounded by those who
to the Egyptian priesthood, and the watched in the darkness.
mformation was available in one I think, also, that the increasing
of the oldest books in the world cold of the night, and the loss of
for anyone who cared to read it. my companion’s vitality,may have
But that was a superstition only! assisted to depress me. Anyway, I
No doubt there are other "supersti- stood there for some time, afraid
tions” in the same book which we to move, in a terror more abject
shall believe when we have redis- than anything I had felt since I
covered them. waited for the first dawn, on the
On the other hand, it was real- mystery of the opal pavement.
ized by those among whom the Nothing happened. The noises
alchemists practiced that they were ceased in the roof. The moon
the repositories of an esoteric clouded, and the narrow windows
knowledge, the extent and power darkened.


At last, I stepped up to one of spoken to my Leader, and this she
them, and saw that a fine sleet was told me. The feast is four days
falling without. For the first time, from now. She will say nothing, as
with a start of shame, I recalled the Leaders have decided it, but I
my companion. I had promised to think she has no desire to be res-
keep my mind in touch with hers, cued. The other nine cells are filled
and had forgotten her entirely by victims that the Dwellers have
while I shrank from shadows. given them. She says that these are
The next moment we were in creatures that have oflfended the
communication. She had been wait- Dwellers. They are like my descrip-
ing to report, and to hear from tion of you, but with wings.
me, in a natural doubt as to the "There is one entrance only,
meaning of my silence, but her from which the two sheds branch.
thought showed no agitation, and It is at the further end: an open

learning that she was in apparent archway. One of the archers guards
security, and that her own report it, with six of the smaller Killers.
had no urgency, I first explained They were all sleeping when I first
what had happened. What she approached, but the noise you made
thought I cannot say, for her mind woke one of them, and he roused
closed for a moment. Then it an- the others. Four of them have scat-
swered quietly: "Shall I come back tered now to search round the
and push it open again? Perhaps I buildings. If one should come to
had better tell you first what I have the arsenal it will be well that he
seen and heard. find the door closed. If it be pushed
"First, there is the open tank, open, you will know that it is he,
which was boiling, as when you not I, and you can strike quickly,
saw it. There are few bodies in it. if you wish to do so. The smaller
I suppose it is kept boiling con- Killers carry a strangling-cord, and
tinually. Beyond this are the kill- a short javelin. It is two feet long,
ing-sheds. There are two of these. and for a third of its length it is
Each consists of ten apartments. sharpened on both sides. It is bal-
One is empty. The other is filled. anced for throwing. The smaller
Each compartment consists of four Killers are without intellect. They
walls of metal bars, and a roof of have only greed, and cunning, and
a very hard material. Probably it is ferocity.The archers are in every
the same as the door that has shut way more dangerous. Ihe smaller
you in. The floors are of bars only. Killers obey them. They cannot
The boiling water extends beneath. communicate by thought, but signal
Three days before the feast, the to each other by whistling noises,
bars will be withdrawn, and the which they make through their
victims will fall into the vat. I have suckers.

"I am in no danger. I can mov^ and that any moment a javelin
more quickly and silently than they might transfix me.
can search in the shadows. I am I think it partly redeemed 'the

lying now in the steam of the vat, dishonor of my previous cowardice,

which is dense on the side to which from which all the trouble came,
the wind moves it. They have that I thought at this extremity to
searched here already and will warn my
companion not to come
not . .
.” into the same danger. I could not
My mind broke in: "The door have imagined that I should be
is opening. Wait.” saving my own life as I did so.

I stood with the axe lifted to Quick as a thought came the an-
strike as the door moved. swer: "I will wait as you wish. I

The drift of sleet was over, and have told my Leader. She says, 'Do
the moon shone on the entrance. not move. Put your hand on your
Cautiously, as the door opened, neck with the palm outward. He
a head came round it, about three will not think of other weapons
feet from the ground. I brought until he has tried the strangling-

the axe down with all my force, cord.’
but the Killer dodged very swiftly, Deadly peril and quick thought
and avoided it, slipping past me are comrades ever. At the instant,
into the dark interior. something soft and slimy flicked my
Losing its mark, the axe glanced face, and drew backward. It was
off the edge of the door, barely round my neck the next moment,
missing my foot, the side of the but my hand was there already.
axe-head striking the ankle-bone so Soft and slimy, and very cold,
sharply that I lost my footing and it tightened, not with a steady pres-
was on my
knee for a moment. As sure, but by a succession of con-
I slipped,heard the whizz of the
I tractile spasms, through which I
javelin that passed above me. The realized with a new horror that
Killer had turned and thrown it so the cord itself was as living as the
quickly that it passed out over my arm threw it.
head. But for my hand, I should have
As the door clicked, I sank been strangled instantly. As it was,
lower, listening for a sound of my my utmost straining hardly sufficed
opponent in the darkness, and for breathing, and I knew that I

thinking with a moment’s satisfac- must act quickly. The Killer, sup-
tion that he had now lost his posing that Ibe must already
weapon bej^ond recovery. Then, reduced to impotence, was endeav-
with fear, that he must be sur- oring to drag me toward him.
rounded by other weapons, of An idea came to me. I loosed
which he would know the positions. the axe, and drawing out the clasp-


knife,I opened it with my teeth. did not break the skin. The body
Then, with a sudden wrench of the gave way before and was flung

lefthand, I got space for a mo- against thewith a great

ment to thrust it up within the rattling of the arms upon it. I
ring, so that as the pressure came struck again, missing him, I think,
again it closed on the sharp blade but with a blow that swept the
and helped to cut itself as it did wall and scattered the javelins.
so. I pressed the outward
knife Pandemonium followed. With a
with all my strength, and the next high whistling squeal he fled down
instant the deadly noose had the dark hall, and, knowing it to
parted. be my one chance to give him no
I snatched at the loathsome cord time for recovery, I followed blind-
as it writhed backward, let the ly, with sweeping blows that got
knife drop, caught at the axe with him more than once, arid raked the
my free hand, and allowed myself walls of their weapons. It drowned
to be dragged forward. the rustling in the roof, which had
Simple in conception, I realized gone unheeded through the more
now that my idea was more diffi- urgent dangers, and which had
cult in execution. My opponent no been accompanied at times by a
doubt to be strangled plaintive chattering noise, by no
and insensible. My intention was means formidable.
to take- him by surprise, and to It is curious that it was while I

strike him down with a sudden chased him thus, in the height of
blow. But where he stood was in the uproar and physical exertion,
absolute darkness, and I did not that my mind found leisure to re-
know the length of the cord.’ If I call my companion, and to tell her
rose too soon, in the half-light of what was happening. She answered
the central chamber, I should de- me w'ith the unhurried speed which
feat my purpose, even if I were was her characteristic in moments
not an easy mark for any weapon of crisis. "The whole settlement is
he had available. If I waited too awake. I think they hear you. They
long it might be equally disastrous. are running across the enclosure.
Fortune helped me. He moved The five here, which are armed, are

his foot slightly as the cord short- also coming. I cannot join you,
ened. He was within three feet even now, unless I run very swift-
of where I lay as he did so. I ly. Shall I come?”
loosed the cord, so that he stag- I answered, "If you will,” and
gered back as the weight left it. knew that she was already running
Then I leapt, and struck. The blow across the open, at a pace no Killer
must have caught him fairly on the could match for a moment.
side, but (as I knew afterward) it It was just then that I really

got him. My earlier blows had only still lighted it. As he did so, I

thrown him from side to side, struck again, and the soft tough-
buffeted but not broken, while he ness of the elastic body, which gave
retaliated more than once with a way so easily in a free space, burst
thrown javelin, not without result, when the blow came with the hard
as was shown by a foot that limped, floor beneath it. The contents ran
even in the midst of this urgency. out over the floor like an over-ripe
But this time the stroke caught his tomato, or so it seemed in the
left leg with the wall behind it, and moonlight.
cut it cleanly through. He fell on 'The door was moved swiftly,
the floor, in a place where the moon and my companion was beside me.

20 The Bow

The next moment

Killers broke upon the door
through which she had slipped, but
a rush of the as I ran.
the shaft
He shot straight.
coming behind me. My
mind became like yours. I was un-
I heard

it did not yield. With far better certain what to do, and had no
sightthan mine in the darkness, time to think thoroughly. I did
and with a cool detachment of not know whether I had will-power
mind, which did not seem to be enough to turn the shaft. I leapt
affected by her ecstatic delight at up. It passed between my thighs as
the swift movement of the adven- I did so. It cut the fur of one, but
ture,she had noticed instantly that, without breaking the skin.’’
though the daar had no fastening, "That isn’t serious,’’ my mind
there were slots in the wall — three interjected with a thought on my
each side — and heavy bars propped own wounded foot.
against it to fit them. "It may be,” she answered.
Lightly lifted, the first bar fell "I should have bent aside. It’s
into place as the rush of the Killers absurd to be caught in such a way,
reached the entrance. because my thought failed me. I
As she placed the other bars she never understood so clearly before
toldme, "There is one of the great how you live and think. It must
bows, and a bundle of shafts on be chance and guessing. The

the wall you you don’t

behind — shaft went on into the crowd of
see at night as I do? —
They’re about the Killers that were running from
the only things that are left on the the sleeping-places. "They all

wall.’’ (Her mind smiled as she whistled with fear. 'They are great
thought of it.) "Do you always cowards. I could not see that it

make so much commotion when you struck any of them.”

kill anything? The archer shot me As our thoughts crossed, I had


felt along the wall, and found pulled it back with difficulty, and
the bow. It was five feet in length the arrow leapt from the cord with
or more, bent for use, and of such aiming. It rose high over the

strength that doubted whether I

I heads of the advancing line, and
could handle it. I found the shafts, amazing fluke! — it struck the other
and fixing one on the cord, I archer — (there were only two of
stepped to the left-hand window, these monsters who were adult and
risking any missile they might vigorous) — who was coming up
throw, but protected somewhat by behind them, and whom I had not
the behind me. It was
darkness seen at all till the shaft hit him.
about four feet -from the ground, He was not seriously hurt, as
and about four feet broad, but not we learnt afterward, but had that
more than a foot high, and with one arrow ended half the pack the
two horizontal bars crossing it. immediate result could not have
As the ordinary Killers were been more decisive. Right and left
about three feet high, they were they scattered, with a discordant
below its level as they crowded clamor of whistling signals, till the
round the door. There was an ex- whole space was empty before us.
cited hubbub of whistling and I was feeling the relief natural

whining noises, their suckers to a timid nature at the withdrawal

waggling in every direction as they of an instant danger, and an illogi-
all talked at once and found no cal satisfaction at the result of my
listeners —or so I thought. clumsy shot, when my mood was
Then they were silenced by the changed by the realization of the
higher note of the archer behind gaiety of my companion’s mind.
them. Evidently he gave them an If I were in a world of strange
order to move aside, for they quick- sights and chances, it was in many
ly cleared on either hand, till the ways more native to me than to her,
space was bare before him. With and a condition of existence in
his five supporters beside him, their which you directed your body to
javelins in readiness, he advanced, do something within its capacity
bow in hand, toward the window. and it did quite differently, had a
thought that I had better get
I weirdness beyond her experigpce.
my shot in first, if I wished to have "It seems to me,” she thought,
any further interest in the adven- still mirthfully, "that your life in

ture. I noticed with a flicker of any world must be a succession of

amusement that my companion’s unexpected happenings, and I be-
mind was of the same opinion. I gin to understand why you see.m
thought she was learning fast or — to me both so brave and so coward-
was she coming down to my level? ly. I would gladly give a hundred
It was a very bow of Ulysses. I years of my life for a day in your

company. But we may give more dawn, the prospect was not pleas-
than either of us wish, if we disre- ant. It could not be a less space
gard what the Killers are doing. away than three nights of my
You should judge their ways better familiar time. I became aware that
than I, being more nearly of their my left foot was very painful, and
kind; do you think they will attack that the boot was full of blood. I
us again, and how?” was hungry also, tired, and very
I answered, "They are not of thirsty. The night, even in this

my kind at all, but very loath- shelter, was very cold. Outside, it
some vermin. I don’t think they was fine again, and the moon still
will attack us again very quickly. shone through the windows.
I suppose we have most of their I knew that my companion felt

weapons here. Also, this place no need of food or drink, and

seems to be designed for defense the thin striped body seemed in-
— though against what we have no different to heat or cold, and while
means of knowing. The bars on the I had held her hand, and shared

inside show its intention. I suppose her vitality, the call for food had
they kept their arms here because been dormant in myself also. But
they would retire here in any emer- I had fought out this last struggle

gency. Then, we are in a world unaided, and it was long since I

whidi is not used to action in the had eaten, though I had drunk
They may feel the cold more
night. deeply as the dusk was falling.
than do. The fact that we have
we "Your foot is hurt,” she thought,
wounded or killed one of their lead- "can we mend it?” I took off the
ers at the first attempt will dispirit boot — ^what was left of it —and
them. Unless there be another en- pulled away the remains of a clotted
trance, which is our greatest dan- sock, but was too dark for me to

ger, I think we shall be safe till see the wound. With a feeling of
the light comes.” relief unspeakable, I knew that the
She replied, "But shall we wait small webbed fingers were on it,

till dawn without action ? How will with a vitality that thudded through
that help us? At least, if you are the whole of my exhausted body.
right, we shall have time for clearer She said, ’"rhe javelin must have
thinking. Let us go to the end.” struck aslant, across the front of
She led the way, for it seemed the foot, and entered where the
that her sight was little less in the string held the boot together. It

dark than in the daytime, telling did not cut deeply enough to keep
me, as she did so, that she saw no its and must have fallen as
sign of any entrance, and we rested the foot moved. I think it will heal
at the farther end. quite easily. I suppose you are of a
Even if w'e decided to wait till kind that grows again without diffi-


culty. I know among the sea-crea- thing that any world contained, and
tures that the lower the form of half-a-million years had no power
the body the more easily it unites to divide us.
or grows, if it be torn or shredded. And then — for one incautious
May I clean and close it.?” instant —she let me see her mind,
I know it was dope very and I knew how she regarded me.
delicately, and the wound was I remember once, at a call of
trivial. A small furred finger urgency, I volunteered to assist a
cleaned and searched it, so that it shepherd who was ministering to
began to bleed freshly. "l am going some neglected sheep, which had
to tear a little skin from its sides, been bitten by blow-flies. The grubs
because it is so unclean. Do you had hatched in the wounds, and
mind?” she asked. Of course, I burrowed inward. The sores had
assented. festered, and some had become
"If you slept,” she suggested, cavities several inches deep, laying
"and I kept my hand here, I think bare bone and flesh, or going down
it would be well in a short time, to the vital organs themselves, and
and your body would be fit for use. in them were a mass of grubs that
It is no good to us now.” burrowed and fed.
I have noticed among my kind, I still remember acutely the re-
that there is nothing that draws us pulsion with which I toudied and

together so intimately as the com- and dressed them. Others

mon sharing of any physical dan- might have felt it less, but from
ger; perhaps it was from this cause such things I am constitutionally
in part, perhaps in part that the averse.
method communication
of our But the feeling was mild to the
established an intimacy of a kind repulsion with which she regarded
of which —
however commonplace the foot on which her fingers rest-
to her —
I had no previous expe- ed. It was different in quality, be-
rience, perhaps, also, that the very cause she had a mind which saw
difference of our minds attracted clearly what should be done, and a
me, but, from whatever cause, I body that did not dream of rebel-
was aware of an attachment to this lion; but it remained that she re-
creature, who, I told myself, was garded the foot she touched as
less likea man than a seal, and had something more grotesque and re-

no sex as we understand it, such as pulsive than her familiar fishes,

I had never felt for any earthly which swam in the clean flood, and
woman. that she felt as I might have done,
As I lay there, at the gate of had duty called me to minister to
sleep, the slim webbed hand that one of the Killers ^to touch the —
pressed my foot was the dearest worm-pink sliminess of the loath-

some body while it waved its sucker is well. Sleep. I will think of it

in a whistling gratitude for my thoroughly. Besides, I must com-

attentions. municate with our Leader.’’
She knew her error instantly. "I Then her mind closed entirely;
should not have shown you. All and after a time I slept.

21 The Bat-Wings

W HENI waked, the long night

was far spent, and the moon-

light had left the window. My com-
understand from what I am about
to tell you. If you have the courage

to ask them, they can tell you much,

panion’s hand was still laid closely if they will; but they may destroy
upon the injured foot, and as I you if they think it needful.
stirred, her thought met me. you have little to lose, for

"I have much to tell. Lie still, such a body cannot be of much
and listen. account, even to its owner, and it
"First, of ourselves. It is true may be worth attempting. If you
that your body is, to me, a thing should succeed, we could be com-
both absurd and repulsive. But panions for always, for it seems to
should this divide us.^ My own me there are ways in which you
body does not wear out, and, if are greater than I. If I dislike the
injured, in most cases can be re- body in which you live, it should
paired, though not easily. I know have no power to divide us. I may
that I exist independently of it, and dislike the killing-pens, but do I
that I am separate from it, even therefore dislike my Leader be-
though I am in it, perhaps, for ever. cause she is in them.^ I know that
"Your body is of little use, and you dislike my
body also, because
you control it imperfectly. It needs it is strange to you, though it is in

constant repair, and it is of a kind all ways better made.”

that wears out very rapidly. What I answered, "I. do not think my

you do afterward, or whether you body is of little account, and I have

continue at all, is doubtful even to no mind that the Dwellers should
yourself, though in that, I suppose, destroy it, till I have an assurance
you are misled by your body’s im- of something better,whidi you
permanence. Whether you could cannot give. It is true that in some
be provided with such a body as ways you repel me, and that I know
mine, or whether you could use it, best how well I love you when we
I do not know. My Leaders might, are both in darkness. But what you
but in such matters we have little say is right, and generous also. My
knowledge. The Dwellers know foot feels well, and I am refreshed
much of these things, as you will and rested. Tell me what you have


and we will decide what can
learnt, serenity of her mind, but, as more
be done before morning finds us.” collected, and they became very
She replied, "I have been told eager to capture her, as a strange
much by my Leader, and some prey for the coming feast, she
of the things are very strange. You found it increasingly difficult to
may understand them better than hold them back, and she deter-
I do. She is in no fear for herself, mined to save her power and to
and might have escaped before, see what they would attempt.
had she been in haste to do so. "They then bound her with many
She was caught in a deep pit, the ropes and removed the cords
top of which was covered over, in (which relax after a time, and are
a way the Killers use to capture useless till their vigor returns), and
their prey. As she fell, she found carried her to the pen, where she
that many of the strangling-cords, has remained ever since. As its only
of which you have had some ex- exit is through the bars of the
perience, closed round her. They floor, and the vat beneath is flooded

are like living worms, having no with the boiling water, they left
head, but with an instinct to bind the ropes loose, so that she was
anything which they strike, or which soon able to free herself. In this
strikes Aem. The Killers know how they showed their stupidity. Be-
to carry them safely. It is from cause the boiling water would kill
these that we have most to fear, if such things as themselves they sup-
we should be attacked or again, posed that it would kill her. So she
should ourselves attack them. They resolved to wait till the bars should
all have these cords, which they be withdrawn, and learn what she
keep with them both night and day. might of the strange world.”
"She was not strangled, but was "Do you mean,” I asked, "that
so tightly bound that she could the heat of fire or water has no
not escape when they found her a power over your bodies?”
few minutes later. Had there been "No,” she said, "of fire I know
more time for thought she would less, but water of such heat would
certainly have seen a way to escape destroy us if we were to attempt
them. She found her will had no to breathe There are boiling

power whatever against the cords. springs beneath the ocean, and it
They had no minds that she could was in one of these that the one
subject to hers. There is such life damaged her body beyond remedy,
in the oceans —
too low for us to of whom I told you. But we often
influence it. That is a mystery to us, swim those springs in safety. No
but I cannot talk of it now. water of any temperature can pene-
"When the Killers arrived, she trate our nor can it be injured
confused them for a time by the by such means. We
have, therefore.

to swim with closed gills and eyes, "They told her this. In the in-
and with other precautions. We terior where they live, the Dwellers
cannot breathe or see, nor dare we have captive specimens of the in-
attempt either until we are in cooler habitants of many bygone ages.
water again. These they keep under such con-
"My Leader’s intention was not ditions as approximate to those
easy. It was to dive blindly into the from which they come, so that diey
boiling water as soon as the bars may study their hahits and acquire
were withdrawn; to swim to the their knowledge.
nearest side of the vat where it "Sometimes, part or all of a col-
extends beyond the pens that are lection of these specimens are con-
built above it; to clamber out of it, demned to destruction because they
and trust to her speed for safety. do something which the Dwellers
She had considered every possi- regard as intolerable, though it may
bility, and had decided that she be, to them, a natural action.
could do it, so that it concerned "The nine creatures now await-
her mind no further. Our coming ing death have been condemned in
has altered this. this way. My Leader tells me that
was the thought that I may
It they are not worth saving, as you
have to swim in such water, wiU agree when you hear their
and shall be injured, that caused own condemnation,
accourtt of their
me to blame my own folly when "They say were the con-
that they
I allowed the arrow to graze me. trolling race on the earth’s surface
In such event the scars on my right about 200,000 years ago. When I
arm would give me trouble suffi- learnt this I remembered that you
cient, though they are not as a had said that you came of a race
fresh wound. 300,000 years more ancient, and I
"Being in the pens, and having asked my Leader to inquire whether
resolved on her own course of ac- the Dwellers had any specimens of
tion, she attempted to establish your race also.
communication with the creatures "They replied that they did not
which were in the other compart- know, as they had never left their
ments. She found, after a time, that own reservation tmtil this unde-
she was able to do so. She learnt served (as they considered) catas-
that they are not creatures of this trophe had fallen upon them, but
age at all, and they are so like you from their own knowledge of the
in mind — (though in some ways civilizations which had preceded
baser) —that when I told her of their own, they should think it un-
you she first supposed that another likely. 'Iliey said that the time
of their kind had escaped the cus- mentioned was one at which there
tody of the Dwellers. was a race of men existing for a


short period, too transient and too impression of the face was rapa-
barbarous for the Dwellers to be cious and cruel, but it had now an
likely to consider them worthy of appearance of hopeless misery.
any study. Of all the myriad crea- had large bat-wings, wide open

tions that the earth has known be- on either side, and as it crouched
fore and since, they were in some thus, with wings extended, it ap-
ways the most abortive. Although peared to me as though it were
they only occupied, at their most seeking a space beneath an um-
numerous time, about one-half of brella to cover it.

the earth’s surface, they are be- There were six more of these
lieved to have destroyed themselves creatures — males.
all 'There were
for fear of their own fecundity. two —one male,
others one female
They killed each other in many — alike, except that their faces,
violent ways, and rewarded those though equally brutal, were less
who devised fresh methods for intelligent, and that their wings
their own destruction. were closed when I saw them.
"All diis may be true, or not. My companion interpreted
You can judge of that. The crea- "The seven were judges, and the
tures that tell it believe themselves two were witnesses in a recent trial
to ' be much better, but are of a which has brought them all to this
very filthy kind. Their appearances end, very justly. The seven cannot
may be better than yours, but their close their wings, which are broken
minds are worse. I will show them at birth in recognition that they are
to you, as my Leader has given of high caste which does no
them to me.’’ work.’’ (I thought of the finger-
She then gave me a picture which nails of a Chinese mandarin, but
was a vivid in her thought as I was too much interested in the
though I stood at the side of the talewhich her Leader had obtained
killing-pens, and looked through from them to break her thought to
the steam at those who were con- discuss it.)

fined within them. '"The other two can use their

The saw was of the size
first I wings, but they do not fly as a
and shape of a man, the body very bird does. ’They can use them only
thickly and grossly formed, and of to flutter up to the perches on
a dark sepia color, irregularly which they sleep. It appears that
blotched with yellow, in some there is some reason in their own
places as light as sulphur. land why they should not sleep on
It sat cross-legged. It had a heavy the ground, but it was not ex-
head, which hung forward; the plained.
nose was very la»rge and horny, "The two came before the judges
like a vulture’s beak. The natural with a complaint against a female

of their kind. She had been short deavor to teach the first decencies
of food, which, it seems, is divided of existence to the remainder of
among tliem according to certain their kind.
duties which they fulfil, which are "The Dwellers can be very merci-
sometimes very difficult to complete, ful.”
or from attempting which they I answered, "The tale is strange

might even be forbidden by others enough, but it contains some things

who have more power than them- which are less so to me than they
selves. must be to you, for I have known
"Lacking food, and knowing that of such in my own time and race.
these two had it in plenty, she But there is one thing that puzzles
asked them for some, which they me. When creatures have
refused to give. She then took it, fallen and
into the boiling tanks,
while they were absent. their have become sodden
"The judges did not punish these with heat, and the Killers have
two who had refused food to the sucked them in, it will be an end
one who needed it, and who were of their 'bodies surely, and the
not ashamed of the tale they told. bodies of the Killers (who may be
"They decided that the one who no better, though, it is true, we
had taken the food she needed know no such thing of them, as
should be beaten. you have told of these) will
"They did not know that there benefit.
was any world beyond that in "But that is their bodies only. If
which they lived, or that the these creatures exist apart from
Dwellers existed. their bodies, what is gained.^”
"But the Dwellers had watched She said, "If you cannot answer
them, and it appears that they that, neither can I. It is a thing of
were appalled at the wickedness of which I have never thought till
the creatures that they had caused now, for all this is very new. The
to continue, when nature would Dwellers, who have many
have destroyed them. They intend- thoughts, and who do things, may
ed at first to end the colony, think- know, but I begin to suppose that,
ing that they had no right to let though they are so much greater
such creatures live, whatever they than you, they may sometimes
might learn by observing them, but change and blunder, as you do. I
in the end they relented. have also blundered since I fol-
"They have removed these nine lowed you in the doing of new
for the fate they merit, and have things. They may know what you
deputed one of themselves to en- ask, but, for me, it is too difficult.”


22 Night in the Arsenal
T WAS very cold, and, had I passes. Are there any in your own
I been alone, I should have suf- land who could be as base as those
fered She asked me if
intensely. who wait their end in the sheds?”
any plan had formed while I rest- I answered frankly, "I think
ed, and I replied that I had thought there are, though it is difficult to
of many things, but that was
it explain, without making them ap-
always difficult for me to make up pear even worse than they may
my mind quickly, unless circum- is in our natures to act
really be. It
stances were urgent. The night was independently of one another. Each
still We could unbar the
young. has his own store of food, and of
door, if we would, but, if we were the things his life requires. There
not attacked again, we could not are often those who depend upon
open it. This was a difficulty that him, and for whom he cares more
spoilt almost any plan for aggres- than for his own life. If all the
sive action. Leader could
If her wealth we have were divided
really swim the boiling tank in equally, even if we would then
safety, the time might come when work equally to maintain it, we
she could release us, if we should should become restless and dissat-
still require it, but this was not yet isfied. Adventure, risk, and chance,
possible unless she could also un- are essential to our contentment.
bar the place which captured her. "Living the life we do, we feel
’T 'have no doubt that you that we cannot dwell together at
are right,” her mind answered. all, unless we can trust each other
"If we cannot open the door, it is not to take the things which are
best to let others open it for us. If ours. We could not keep any so-
there be a way open it, we can
to cial order without Judges who
see it in the morning. You see so could punish those who transgress
badly at night that we should find it.These judges, even though they
it a great disadvantage. But I have might be merciful and forgiving
really little fear of the Killers.' in their private life, may feel that
"If my Leader could release her- they have no right to be so when
selfnow, they would see her as she complaint is made by another.”
ran toward us. There would be less She answered, "It seems to me
than nothing gained if she entered, that I have sight of a very terrible-

for would be no one

there left world, which you could easily alter
outside who could open later, if a if you would, but you have not
chance should favor us. Let us think really answered my question, In the
of other things while the night case of which I told you, it ap-

pears to me that the real wrongs onerous. Our conditions are very
are two. First, that they had such different. Life is maintained by the
laws that one of their kind could constant toil of the majority of our
be short of food, and debarred race — a toil often burdened by very
from the means by which she might adverse conditions, and numerous
obtain it. Second, that those who perils to health or life. Even so,

had it should have refused to share. there may be times when food
The first seems to me to condemn fails, and some must go short.
the whole race which endures such "You it would be
will see that
conditions, for themselves or their unfair if some, avoiding this toil,
neighbors. The second condemns should take by trickery or theft
alike the two who refused, and the that which is won by the exertions
judges who failed to see that the of others.”
real wrong was and not inthere, seems to me,” she replied,
the theft which followed. But I "that to condone one baseness you
cannot think quickly of these suggest another, which is even
things. They are too strange, and more despicable. It seems to me,
too far below the lives of any also, that you may require many
of the creatures that the ocean to judge wrong, because you have
holds.” few who can lead rightly.
I replied again, still trying to two ways
"I think that there are
be fair to all, though my own of which are good. There is

thought was hers, and with a more the higher way, which is ours, in
vivid bitterness, having been in ac- which all are united; and there is
tual contact with the life from the lower way, of the shark -or the
which she revolted. shell-fish, of freedom and violence,

"I agree with all that you think, which only greater violence can de-
but there is, with us, another stroy, and which nothing can bring
trouble,which you could hardly into slavery. But the vision which
imagine, I do not know how you give me is of a state which is
the food which you say yo\i take, lower than either of these, of blind
in your own way, once in every servitudes and oppressions.
year, may be obtained, nor with "The more you tell me, the more
what effort, but I suppose that easily do I understand the sudden
there is plenty for all, and it has violences, and crafts of your mind,
become evident to me from what and the disorders through which
you have told me of the lives you you think. But has there been none
lead, that you have abundant who has pointed out to you either
freedom and leisure, and that what- the road of freedom, or the road
ever communal duties each indi- of concord? Are you content with
vidual may have, they are not very a social state as uncontrolled as


the bodies in which you live so own sakes they liked to be popu-
briefly? lar. Few laws were made, and if

I answered, "In the country in such as there were should be con-

which I live, we have invented a sidered oppressive, die people
very curious state, in which we be- would unite to insist that they
lieve that we ounelves make all should be reduced or altered. When
laws, for ourselves or each other. the king and his subjects differed,
When I consider it, I know that it it was always that they wanted less
is not true, but it is a fact that we laws, and there was confusion, and
believe it to be so. sometimes violence, till they suc-
"You must allow for the fact ceeded in their desire.
that if, m any part of our world, "They objected particularly to

^ere should arise a trusted ruler having their goods or money taken
—and there have been such, who by taxation, and their kings did not
have been followed gladly by its dare to tax them heavily. en-

best men, and who have made such force many laws requires the em-
laws that their race has prospered ployment of many men, and great
and increased he will probably — expenditure of treasure, from
have lived most of his life before which a king gets no benefit. Had
he gain his position, and his body the king made many laws, he would
will quickly decay, and diere will have had no money to administer
be none to succeed him. them, even had he wished to do so.
"In my own land we had, at one
"But even so, men were not sat-
time, a custom that the son of a isfied. There is an old tale with

ruler should be a ruler after him, us of a colony of frogs in a river,

whether he were fit or not. Some which had no king, and thinking
of them did good, or at least at- that it would increase their impor-
tempted to do so. Few of them tance to have one, they petitioned
did great barm. They took mote their Creator, and he, being kind-
dtan their share of the good things ly, showed them a dead log in the
of the land, and they gave to their stream, and told them that their
friends.They sometimes made war king was there. But when they
when their people would have been found that this king was inactive,
content to remain at peace. They they complained again, and he, be-
SD.-nctimes — but less often — pre- ing angered at their folly, gave
vented war, when their people them a stork, who chased and ate
f desired it. them as often as hunger moved
"They interfered very little with him. The tale says that they were
the personal freedom of their no more pleased than before, but
subjects, so long as their own that they complained in vain, for

pleasures were gratified. For fheir their Creator would hear them no

further. We, having tried kings of wildered obedience, aware that
both the predatory and
qualities, there are many of which we have
the and being no more
inactive, not even heard; and every year
satisfied than the frogs, have de- hundreds of thousands of us, most
vised an imagination which has of whom have no intention of law-
conquered those who conceived it. breaking are —indeed nervously
Even though we recognize the in- anxious to avoid it —
are insulted
cubus which is upon us, and that and plundered by the innumerable
it is own devising, we can-
of our officials through whom these laws

not perceive a way to remove it. are administered, and whom we

"The fact is this. Our ancestors toil to support."
of a previous century, believing I went on toshow her pictures
that they had discovered a way to of the life from which I came,
freedom, devised a plan by which so that she should realize the ex-
the people of each locality should istence which was possible under
choose one of their number, and such conditions, where personal
these men, meeting together, freedom had disappeared beyond
should have power to frame laws, anything W'hich our planet had pre-
and to make impositions upon viously known, or is ever likely to
them. Every few years a new choice experience again; where you might
should be made, so that they could not even die in peace, except under
replace any they disliked. the penalty that your body would
"This procedure has now been afterward be seized and cut open,
followed for many years, with a to ascertain how you’d done it.
variety of unforeseen consequences, Horror, pity, curiosity, disgust,
all of which I could not explain contempt, and W'onder chased
without a previous understanding themselves across the surface of
of the whole social order —or dis- my companion’s mind as the nature
order —
in which it is rooted. of this life became visualized be-
"But one sequel is simple. These fore her. 'With these there was a
men, being appointed to make laws, satisfaction that I had escaped, by
have proceeded to do so for many whatever channel, from conditions
years with uninterrupted diligence, of such barbarity, and a certain ad-
and there is no power to stqj them. miration or respect for myself, siich
"How can they be stopped, but as we may feel for one whom we
by a law of their own making? recognize to have
through lived
And that is the last law which they some unusual beyond the
would consider. common experience of mankind.
"The result is that we are op- Then there was a desire to see for
pressedby a weight of laws, to herself the strange and alien life
which we render a partial and be- which I showed her, and I knew


that, were it not an impossibility ply. The consequences which had
for her to enter a past to which been ascribed to the course of life
she did not belong, she would which He taught were allocated to
gladly have adventured it with me. a vague existence which was to
I thought, with curiosity, of how follow at a distant time, and in
she would encounter such an exis- another sphere. Meanwhile, if they
tence, could I have translated her were obeyed at all, it was regarded
to body and the condi-
a mortal as an act of self-sacrifice, no one
tions of with which I was
life supposing for a moment that the
myself familiar, and I had a mo- results which He foretold would
ment’s doubt of one who, I felt, actually follow. I admitted that I

had experienced only the pleasures knew of no authenticated instance

of existence without its pain, but of anyone obeying these precepts
my final thought was that the with unsatisfactory results.
serenity of her mind was a spirit- As the long night passed I went
ual quality too fundamental for any on, in response to a curiosity which
servitude to subdue it. seemed insatiable in its desire of
She asked me whether or not exploration, to describe many
our world had always lacked a phases of the social and economic
leader to propose any rule of life chaos which we call civilization.
other than this state which lacked I noticed that she was particu-
either individual freedom or a ra- larly impressed by the precarious
tional mutuality, and I replied that tenure on which we hold the houses
there had been an event of two which our defective bodies require,
millenniums earlier than my own and the uncertainty of many of
life, which was commonly regard- us in obtaining a regular and suffi-
ed as a revelation from Heaven. cient supply of the very necessities
Its Exponent had announced a of life itself and the consequent
series of paradoxical aphorisms for bitterness with which we regard a
the conduct of life, which were of stranger who lays hands on any-
an unforgettable kind, and were thing to which we we have
still highly respected. If they were a prior claim.
obeyed, life would be fundamen- Realizing this, she began to un-
tally different, but the common derstand how those among us of
opinion was that they were quite the baser sort, who have more than
impracticable. Each of these aphor- sufficient for their own comfort,
isms prescribed a line of conduct may yet without incurring the con-
and foretold its result. It might tempt or punishment of their fel-
seem difficult to honor the Teacher, lows persecute any who attempt
and reject His wisdom so absolute- to share it.

ly. But it was contrived very sim- Joined to this bitter resentment


at any private theft, had to ex-
I an idea almost devilish in its lu-
hibit the docility with which we nacy —
^that a man shall pay more

allow ourselves be robbed by to heavily because he provides a

legal process, and the immunity larger home, with the increase of
and respect enjoyed by those who children dependent upon him.
are the instruments and beneficiaries I reverted to the explanation
of these extortions; and, as I that, while no king could have im-
showed it, I had to realize the fan- posed this burden of taxation upon
tastic inequity with which these us, we were bewildered by the be-
impositions are levied, as, for in- lief that it was of our own doing,
stance, that a man who prefers and that this conviction acted as a
salt shall pay less than one who paralysis . . .

eats sugar, or that one who keeps , The shaft struck the wall sharp-
a dog shall pay more than one who ly, and rebounded to the floor be-
keeps a pet of another species, or side us.

23 The Escape
T IS the habit of mankind to too deep for the trajectory of a
I depreciate the appliances of bullet.
its ancestors, when it has supersed- We had talked and slej>t and
ed them with other contrivances. talked again as the long night con-
In our time, bows and arrows have tinued, and had not noticed the
become symbolic of futility among first faint light that came slowly
engines of war. Yet, before the in- from a sun that rose to so pro-
troduction of gunpowder, the long- longed a dawn, till the arrow fell
bow was considered a weapon rattling on the floor beside us.
sufiiciently formidable to threaten My companion laughed as it fell
the whole order of feudalism, and — not with her lips, that only open-
it is at least doubtful whether ing slightly for a breathing which
stupidity alone, or a deliberate pur- it seemed no haste could quicken,

pose, exposed the archers at Ban- nor with her e^s, to my knowing,
nockburn, without the usual for it was too dark to see them,
support of pikemen, to the charge though they must have been alight
of the Scottish horse. with the joy of unfamiliar action,
It is certainly true that a com- but with her mind.
pany of Cr^ archerswould have Our thought was single that we
quickly cleared more than one of should go back to our first station
the Flanders trenches, which were beneath the door, where we sup-
too near for comfort, yet too far posed we should be safe from the
for a grenade to reach them, and arrows. She rose lightly another —
where she
shaft striking the place ter of the hall, she in front, be-
had she left it and slowly
lain, as — cause she was confident that her
and from my long vigil, I
stiffly, will could turn a shaft if it were

followed her. She was becoming coming directly at her. Suddenly I

used to the frequent evidences of saw her bulk more broadly in the
the imperfections of my physical dim light, and was sharply startled,
existence, but this exhibition tillher thought assisted my eyes
stirred her to a fresh wonder. to explain it. She had lifted and
"Didn’t know,” she asked, "that
it shaken loose her fur, which was
you wanted to get up quickly? Is of a surprising length, and then
it insubordinate, or stupid?” drawn it down again more closely
I defended it as I could. "I think than ever, so that its surface was as
it really does its best for me, in its smooth as a serpent’s skin.
own way. I have used it very hardly I had an impulse to lay my hand

of late, and it needs repair; within on the glossy back, but dare not
a few minutes, when it understands break the barrier of her physical
that it must work again, it will be difference and aloofness. It was as
ready. Did it never protest, I should though an unapproachable virginity
use it beyond its capacity, and soon surrounded her. I vaguely realized
destroy it. But^ perhaps if you had the power by which she could con-
come to my world, you would have trol the fiercest creatures of the
found your own body less perfectly deep, and how they felt as they
adapted to more strange conditions cowered before her.
than you find here.” If she understood my thought,
She answered frankly, "It is like- she gave no sign, but went on to
ly enough. Though I should at tell me, "In the ocean are many
least know what was happening. springs, some that are hot, and
You seem to me to live in yours some that are very cold, where we
like a stranger, without control or can lie with lifted fur, and let the
confidence. water go through it. Here I can
"But I agree with you the more only shake it loose, and every hair
easily because I am already feeling istoo sensitive to rest content if
the need of the water in which I any speck of dust be upon it, espe-
most naturally
. live, and I am also ciallyof organic origin, for they
conscious of the loss of the energy dread corruption in any form.”
I have given you, which, in about We were two-thirds down the
two months from now, should it floor by now, and she was stepping
continue at the same rate, would delicately to avoid thebody of the
exhaust me entirely.” Killer, which had spilled across it,
As this thought reached me, when an arrow passed us, and the
we were moving down the cen- next moment I was struck sharply

behind the shoulder so that I stag- ons to make such jugglery difficult

gered and recovered myself with upon them — end was

^the bare like
difficulty. "I’ve got it now,” I the ceiling —and the floor was scat-
thought, for there was a dull pain tered with those I had brought
under my shoulderblade, and I down in my chase of the Killer.
was aware of a feathered shaft that "Unless you have something
projected behind me, but her mind better to suggest than sitting here,
only laughed in answer. we shall probably be in the stew-
''It isn’t easy to tell where your ing- vats before sunset,” my com-
body begins or ends, but I don’t rade considered judicially, as a
think that arrow has hurt you." shaft slanted.
She was right. It had entered "I am of same mind,” I
the knapsack in a downward di- answered amiably, "but what can
rection, pierced a variety of its we do? I might send one arrow
contents, and then been deflected from the window. I should prob-
by a burning-glass which I had ably aim too hastily to hit any one.
brought in case my small stock of I should not be likely to send a
matches should be exhausted but — second. We can unbar the door, but
so far I had had no occasion to use we cannot open it. We could ask
it. Now it projected three inches your Leader to do so, if she can
from the lower corner of the knap- escape from her present confine-
sack, a narrow, steel-like, unbarbed ment, but the moment seems in-
head, of razor sharpness. opportune. Can you get in touch
But how had it struck me there? with her, and learn what is happen-
We crouched with our backs to ing outside?”
the barred door, and understood. In response to this suggestion
The walls and ceiling were of she established communication al-

the same substance as the door that most at once, and was soon passing
had turned my axe-edge, and the on the report to me.
shafts that struck them - fairly re- "There are two archers shooting.
bounded, but they were shooting The one you hit is hurt in the
now so that the shafts glanced from head, but only slightly. The smaller
the roof, and then did diabolic Killers have gone to the farther
turns, like the wizardry of billiard side, and are out of view. The very
ballswhen a master guides them. old, the young and the diseased,
Whether there were any quality are congregated together at the far
of an unfamiliar kind in shaft or end of the enclosure. The infirm
ceiling I cannot say, but such shoot- archer is with them, but he was
ing I had never seen, or imagined. consulted by the others, and it
Fortunately for us the side walls seemed that he gave them the plan
were still hung with enough weap- of attack they are following.


"There is a young one of the clination to unbar the door, and
larger kind who is turning somer- rush out upon them when they
saults in excitement, because he pushed it open, with such axe-
hopes that the older may be killed, blows as might scatter them, and
and he will obtain a bow. win our freedom at a moment.
"They suppose that the arrows I had the thought that if the

have destroyed you already, but archers could be cut down, the rest
they are cautious, and will continue would be panic-stricken to see it,
to shoot till their ammunition is and that without their bows they
ended. The smaller Killers, who might not be very formidable, but
have gone round to the side, are the recollection of the strangling-
well provided with strangling- cords checked this impulse.
cords, and have also many javelins. Then I thought that if they
They have fetched a quantity from expected that they had killed us,
one of the other buildings. They they would not suppose that the
are elaborately made, and have red door had been unbarred, and how
shafts. Probably they were of a would they endeavor to enter?
sacred or ornamental character, and "rhe light had increased now, so
have been acquired for lighting that the whole extent of the hall
purposes only in this emergency. was visible. It shov/ed nothing that
"The javelins are not dangerous we had not already seen or imag-
to you at present, as they tufii in ined, except that in the roof there

the air when thrown, and the win- were slits of an oblong shape, and

dow bars are too narrow for them of a regular occurrence, and over
to pass. the sides of these we saw the heads
"There is no guard here now, of small lizard-like creatures pro-
and the bat-winged victims are truding — bright yellow, snout-like

greatly excited by the hope of heads, with small emerald eyes,

escape, but they appear to have no that watched us fearfully, but with
means of releasing themselves . . . an impression of malevolence, and
I think the arrows are ended.” of an intelligence that gave me a
We thought so too, for they had feeling of actual discomfort as I
now ceased to enter. If our enemies gazed, so that I looked elsewhere,
hoped or supposed that we had been and then remembered how an ani-
disabled, they must advance to inves- mal will turn uneasily from a man’s
abled, they must advance to inves- eyes, and was ashamed, and looked

tigate, and I had the sense of relief back, but my gaze was reluctant.
which comes when you can at last My comrade followed my
strike back, after being exposed to thought, and surveyed them with
an attack which there is no means her usual coolness. "They are more
of resisting. I had a moment’s in- intelligent than the Killers, of


whom they are not afraid. The There was no need to aim. I

Killers serve them. They must have bent the bow to my strength’s limit,

built that roof for their dwelling. and sent the long shaft into the
They fear us, and therefore hate hideous crowd that confronted me.
us. It might be well if you sent an I think that it might only have

arrow to frighten them.” dented the slimy bladder-like skin

But as the thought came, the yel- of the first it struck, without punc-
low heads shot back, and the open- turing it, had
been able to throw

ings were quiet and vacant. him back without striking any solid
'T thought so,” she smiled, "they substance behind
him, but per-
haps because they were advancing

can read our thoughts, while they
watch us. They are dangerous and —
so closely it went through him
might do us mischief, but I think and two others before it spent its
the Killers are too stupid to use force, and left them heaped and

them." squealing. In a moment the

Meanwhile, I had again secured whistling cries arose to a point
the bow, which I had used the which I cannot hope to tell, for I
night before with such success. lack words for any possible com-
When I had drawn it once or parison. Right and left ran the
twice, and felt that I could control Killers, the archers first in flight,

it to some purpose, though it was and in a few seconds were be-

almost beyond my strength to yond my range and seeing, beneath
handle, stepped to one of the
I the side walls of the arsenal that
windows on a sudden impulse, and was at once our jail and our
saw the ground before me was pink safety.

with advancing Killers. Swiftly and My comrade, looking from the

silently they came, having appeared other window, gazed at the
again from the side which had heap with eyes
stricken, struggling

hidden them from the sight of our that danced in triumph. Her age-
Leader. There was no whistling long wandering in the ocean ways
from the suckers, but they were had familiarized her to death and
waving them from right to left, cruelty in a hundred forms. Her
and tossing them in the air in their repugnance had been to doing
excitement, as does an elephant things herself which she regarded
when he trumpets. Many of them as natural only to a lower order
had the red-stemmed javelins. All of creation. I suppose in all her
had strangling-cords in readiness. life she had never knowingly done
The moved beside them,
archers harm toany sentient thing. But
one on each flank, bow in hand, she loved adventure as a child
butI saw that there were no arrows loves it.

on the strings. Then her eyes clouded to an


instant’s blankness, and turned to the farther side before they can
me again. run round. You must help her with
"My Leader says, 'Tell that ani- such will as you have. She has
mal not to shoot again, and if it But it is too soon. 'There’s a
does so, leave it entirely. We are floor above her head, in the water.
not Killers, nor do we practice She is swimming on. She has struck
their ways. Besides, it may cause something under water. It is one of
trouble with the Dwellers, of the boiling bodies. It is a Frog-
which we have prepared sufficient mouth. It is not quite dead. It has
already.’ seized her with its teeth. Now she
I answered in anger at such per- has willed herself free. She has
versity. "Tell her that if she is not risen to the surface. She can
a Killer, neither am I an Am- breathe, but she can only swim
phibian, and I shall play this very slowly. She is exhausted, and
game in my own way.’’ she holding one arm out of the
"But she is a Leader water. It has been burnt by the
"She is not mine. Tell her I water where she was bitten. She is
have the authority of live Leaders, at the edge now, but the Killers

and she had better do as she is told.’’ are there also. There afe only three
"She says that she has already yet, and their wills are not strong
loosed a bar from the floor, and enough to resist her. Tliey are con-
is coming to take direction.” fused and frightened in mind. One
"Tell her that if we open the has tried to push her back, striking
door to let her in we shall have to with a javelin. She has caught it
keep it open, and how then shall in her hand. He has fallen into the
we resist them If we close it, who water. I have not heard one of them
will be left outside to open it, when squeal quite like that before. She
we are ready Tell her to stay has pulled him out he is
again, but
where she is.” still squealing. I think he will die.
"Be quiet, please. She has dived More Killers are coming. She is
in the boiling tank. We must not running here. She says, 'Have the

divert her mind. She dare not look door unbarred.’
nor breathe. Now she has reached I lifted down, though
the bars
the outer tank. It is worse than she I was from sure of the wis-
expected, and she is very nearly dom Then I went to
of opening.
exhausted. She has risen to the the window. She was already in
surface, and is looking through the view, running at a great pace, but
steam for a place to land. There with an ease and coolness that gave
are Killers on that side. She will no impression of :being hunted, but
dive again, and swim under the rather of one who constrained
killing-sheds so that she may reach others to folios^'. I cannot easily


convey the feeling that came to my The Amphibian, who had first

mind as I watched her. The Kill- taken a sideward leap to avoid their
ers were too far behind to throw rush,was already moving away to
to any good purpose. draw them off the door, but seeing
But round the side of the build- the effect of my shot she ran swift-
ing from which I watched came ly, pushed it open, and entered.
another crowd, forgetful of arrows She stood there, holding the
in their excitement, and were be- door open with her right hand
tween her and the door. the left arm, which had been bitten
"She says do not shoot. She will and then scalded in the water, hang-
draw them off, and then return to ing loosely beside her —with a
the door, and I must be ready to quiet dignity, which I could not
run out with her. They will then but respect, however might much I

try to cut us off from the gate, but resent her attitude to myself. She
we shall make for the cliff be- did not turn her eyes to me, nor
hind, and climb it, and go to meet give me a thought — ^she never did
our companions. She says I can this from first to last.
bring you if you can climb.” She looked at the inside of the
I answered, "I cannot climb that door for a moment, and then I was
cliff. No man could.” aware that their minds were in con-
"She says we must go that way. tact. Thought is swift, but it
It is necessary. The animals can seemed a long time that we stood

go on killing each other if they there. I was conscious that my com-

will. She will have none of it.” rade was fighting for her own will,
I said, "Tell her I did not come and was, in a way, defying her
here for my own pleasure, but to Leader, if defiance it could be
help her. If she does not need my called, where I knew that both
help she can go her own way, and minds retained their poise and cool-
you can choose for yourself also. I ness, and the one that heard was
am not going to lose the chance of both aloof and judicial.
giving these brutes another lesson.” At last she asked me, "Are you
All these thoughts exchanged in content that I go with her and can
lesstime than it will take to read you escape by the way we came?”
them, and even while my comrade . I replied, "You must make your

answered, with a troubled mind, own choice,” and closed my mind

"She is a Leader. She will do right. very quickly. I was angered at the
Do not shoot,” I had already sent course that events had taken, and
a shaft among them which found in no mood to let her know that
its victim, and this I followed with I was at an extremity of exhaus-
another which went weakly astray tion. As drew the bow the
I last
as they turned and fled to safety. time I had known that it was my


own giddiness that made the shaft generous. "I am very glad,” I an-
go wrong. was standing upright
I swered, "unless it will expose you

with and knew that if

difficulty, to greater danger than you would
we separated there was not one otherwise meet. But I hope I have
chance in a thousand that I should not been the cause of any differ-
escape the handling of those ence betu'een you and your Leader.”
nauseous suckers. She answered coldly, "I am in
Her mind fought for a moment no danger that I fear to meet. We
to pierce the blankness with which are not animals such as you are.
I met it. Then it recognized its Nor do we differ among ourselves.
failure. "Wait,” she answered. "I Our Leaders are always right.”
have a thought,” and again she As she gave me this thought,
turned to her Leader, and a longer her Leader looked at me for the
silence followed. first time. I thought there was in-
At last she turned to me, and quiry in her glance, but it passed
relief of some kind gave light to me dumbly. She threw a thought
the serenity of her eyes. "She goes. to my companion, "You should
I stay with you. How long depends watch the floor,” and turned and
on yourself. But it is a condition went out, and the door closed be-
that I must not explain.” hind her, with the click which had
I was so gladdened by this de- sounded so ominously in the night
cision that I was disposed to be when I first heard it.

24 The Fight in the Arsenal

HEN the door closed
very glad to
back against it,


down with
we had done
was ways, but why was your Leader so
contemptuous of me?”
She answered, "She was not con-
before, and my companion was temptuous. She did not regard you
quick to perceive my exhaustion. at all. Why should she? She had

Again I felt the small life-giving more serious things of which to

hand in mine, and, for the time think. Besides, you think of our
at least, the effects of thirst and Leaders as one, because their de-
starvation, and the long night- cisions are always unanimous. But
hours, were overcome by the re- this is wrong. Each is different.
serves of her vitality. There is none like this one in all

She was very calm and quiet practical issues, and in control of
at first, and indisposed for con- material things. That is why it was

versing. she who came to seek the first one.

At length I asked her, 'T know when she did not return. I thnnk
how I must appear to you in many she regards the whole exped:::cn

as a mistake, and that she should ment. She showed me what her
have been left to her own ways. Leader had known at a glance,
But such things are not for me. that if we pressed the hinge the
They are for themselves only. door would open.
’She taught me much while we I said, "If there be a cavity be-
talked together. When I am with neath us, there is probably a trap-
you only, I think myself superior door from it to this hall. In that
in many ways. Your body breaks case, I wonder they haven’t used
so easily, and you are never sure it earlier.”
when it will fail you. Your mind We examined the floor from end
is confused, and inconsequent. It is to end. It was of the same hard
only when I think of yourself as smooth substance as the walb. It
of a Leader whose followers are was laid in squares, about a yard
mostly treacherous or disloyal, but each way, so finely mortised that
who still endeavors without loss the divisions were scarcely per-
of courage to fulfil his purpose, ceptible.But there was one in the
that I respect you at all. But when middle of the hall that attracted
my Leader showed me my stupidity our attention.
I felt that there is little difference It was set as close as the others,
between us. even more so, but there was no
"She showed me, among other appearance of mortar between it
things, that I accept your conclu- and those adjoining. I cleaned the
sions without thought, and that I dust from the floor with my ragged
do not even take notice of what is sleeve, and the difference became
beneath me. more evident.
"You are used to opening doors As we bent above it, there was

in certain ways, and so you assumed a slightsound overhead, and look-

that this could not be opened at ing up suddenly I saw a row of

all from the inside, and I believed yellow heads that were regarding
you without reason. The Killers our movements with interest. "I
must have been preparing an at- wish I could kill those creatures.
tack from beneath our feet, and They will harm us yet,” I thought,
were only interrupted when they and my companion answered,
ran out to waylay- my Leader, and "They wish us evil, but you will
I did not hear it. I know that your do us injury if you fear them. They
senses are rudimentary, but do you know every thought they cause you.
not hear ft now.^” But me what plans you have.

No 1 heard nothing. But she Our Leader is rescued if any res- —
Slid they were moving busily cue were needed. We can open ..

under our feet, so that we must be the door when we will, and there
prepared far an attack at any mo- is nothing to keep us here, if we



have courage to venture out. But "I have no wish to do this. It

perhaps it would be better to de- is very perilous, and not hopeful.

fend this sheltered place, till our Also, do not wish to part from

friends come in the evening?” you, and I know you cannot come
I answered, ‘"I think we can go there.

free together when we will, though "But if I should return with

I could not have done so singly, you, I suppose that there is no way

for I shall have no strength of my by which I could live in your own

own till I come on food of some element.
kind; but we shall need to know "If you will help me to get clear
where we are going, and why. of this danger, and back to where
"I suppose that at any moment food and water are possible, 1
this stone may move, and there think ought to leave you, and by

will be a rush of enemies upon doing this I shall also relieve your
us. Yet if we wait till that moment Leaders of a difficulty with the
we lose nothing, for they could Dwellers.”
not come up quickly through such She replied, "I think we shall
an opening, and the more of our not part so soon, if we escape
enemies that are congregated be- the vats of the I have
neath the building when the door something to tell you. When my
is opened, the better But it will be. Leader wished me to go with her,
you are right that we should have and leave you here, I objected.
a plan as to where we are going, Then I told her my reasons as our —
and why we do it, either together —
custom is ^knowing that she would
or separately. judge them fairly, and more ca-
"When I came here, it was witlv' pably than I could do myself. She
the object of finding two of my found that they were not good'. She
friends who had preceded me. Al- showed me that you are yourself
most at once I involved myself in of the kind of the Killers, that you
another obligation. It seemed to have little faculty of reason or self-
me that the one might help the control, that you are violent and
Other, and apart from that I had untrustworthy, and (she thought)
no guidance as to where to search, untaimable. If that should prove to
nor hope of aid. be so, we could not even make you
"So far, I have not found them, as one of the sea-dogs. Also, you
though I have seen evidence that could only live on the roof of our
one has been near here. I think it island, where you would probably
is most probable, if they live at all, die when storms swept over it.
which I greatly doubt, that they are "First or last, you would have
in the hands of the Dwellers, and to go to the Dwellers.
it is there that I should seek them. "She has seen that, every day,

as the sun sets, one or more of she had many thoughts which she
them will come over the moun- would not show me. At last she
tains, and disappear to seaward. decided, 'You may do this, if you
She supposes that it is a regular' can. But you must not ask this
patrol,and that they come out at animal to go down to the Dwellers
some inland spot during the earlier to aid you. If he offers to do so,
day, and retire down one of the you may take him with you. But he
passages which you have seen. must make his own plan before he
"When they pass, the Killers are learns of yours, and to that he
and hide in the wall.
afraid, must keep. You must be in hiding
"She proposed that we should before the sun goes down. If we
leave you here, where you could should return this way, and should
defend yourself till the evening, meet with the Dwellers, you may
and you could then go out and watch us meet, but you must hold
give yourself up to the Dwellers, your minds blank and closed, so
or escape entirely, while the Kill- that neither they nor we can per-
ers will be hiding. ceive you, unless we ourselves
"At could not answer
first 1 this; should signal to you. You must
but then had a new thought. I
I not release the Bat-winged men,
replied that now she was safe we nor allow their escape. They must
had still to rescue the body of our die, as the Dwellers have willed.’
Leader which was left in the That is all she told me, but there
tunnel, if that should be possible. isnone like her for foresight, even
I should be willing to go to seek of the Seven, or for plans that are
it, if you were with me, but not so made that they can change as
otherwise. It is plain that we can- the chances alter, and still reach
not take by force from the Dwell-
it to where they will. She saw me
ers, we should all go
even though foolish, but she decided to make
together. If we go secretly, we must a plan which used my folly. I am
be few. In many ways you might glad that we shall go together, and
help me there, for you are more see the homes of the Ehvellers.’’
nearly of their kind, and you do I answered, "I am glad also.
not fear them as you do smaller I cannot say that if I had no
things. Even if the body be de- search to make I should give my-
stroyed it is necessary that we self to the Dwellers, as your Leader
should know. advised so kindly. They might de-
"She did not like my plan. I cide my fate with great wisdom,
thought that she would refuse it, but I prefer to do that for myself.
and I held to it with all the force As she said, I am not easily tam-
I had, which was little. Then she able. Besides, if I once get clear
closed her mind from me. I knew of this place, I think I might find


means both to hide and to live in threatened us, we sat closely round
this new world, and I should well it. I kept the bow beside me, think-
like to explore it. It is already ap- ing to send a shaft through any
parent to me that it is full of opening that might appear, but as
beauty and of strange wonders, of the time passed without movement
which I have yet seen very little I loosed my knapsack, and finding

and the tunnels of the Dwellers thread and a strong needle, I com-
seem the more perilous way. But menced to repair my rags as best
we both have good reasons for the I was able, my companion watch-

choice we have made, and I think ing, half in amusement and half
we may do better together than in sympathy, and' wondering why
either could do separately. But why the creatures of my race never tried
should we not attempt escape im- to train their skins to utility.
mediately? Why should we not Then some time she was
return to the lower way while there silent, her head rested on her
is still daylight to guide us, and updrawn knees, and when at last
before the Dwellers appear, to add she moved again she told me, "I
a new peril to the road w'e take?” suppose you think of us as all be-
"I am not certain which is best, ing alike, as we live the same lives,
and I think, as you do, that we just as I should think of your kind,
might escape any time with no
at if were among them, while to

great risk, if we were sudden and yqu they are widely different by
rapid in the attempt; but I think character and appearance and oc-
that she wished us to remain to see cupation. But we are not so. I have
whether my friends will still come a vice which I cannot break, which
by this way, and are allowed to is shared by one only among all

pass in safety. There is also this our thousands. Our Leaders have
to think, that if the Dwellers al- considered it, and showed us that
ways return to the interior when it comes only when our minds are

the night comes, and they travel tired by new things, and desire
more rapidly than we should do, rest when we do not will to take it.

they might overtake us if we enter "Then our thoughts change to

one of the tunnels earlier, while, sleep of themselves, and on a note
if we follow behind them, we may which is not of our own choosing.
do so in safety, with little fear that "There was a distant time when
they will know of our coming till I was very foolish, and I went into

we have passed the tunnel and a part of the ocean where there
arrive at what lies beneath it.” was much depth and great dark-
So we agreed to wait, and as we ness. There I found a pressure
thought that the loose stone in the which came upon rtie so that I
floor was now the point that could not release myself. I 's\-as


held there very long, with a horror stretched finger. When she had
you may imagine. turned it over, and looked at it
"When the time came at which carefully for some time, she threw
our nation assembles, and my ab- it against the wall, watching its
sence was noticed, the Leader flight very closely. It turned once
whose body we are now seeking, in the air, failed in its balance,
and who is like myself in the love and struck the wall feebly.
of strange and difficult ways, Unperturbed, she collected six
though of a much higher capacity others, and threw them one by one,
to traverse them successfully, un- so quickly that the next was in the
dertook to search for me, and air before the first had fallen. Of

knowing the direction which I had these the two last struck the wall
been seen to go, she at last dis- at the same spot, and with the full
covered and released me, by force of the throw.
methods which would be beyond "I think I can play that game if

your comprehension, if I should they should ask it,” she laughed in

attempt to tell them. In doing this her mind, and collected others.
she risked her own life, and lost "Could you hit the same spot
so much of her vitality that she twice in succession.^” I asked.
rested afterward for many years "Surely,” she "even answered,
till her strength returned, and did you could not forget so quickly.
not even take part in the Councils But I myself forget that your body
of the Seven. is not as mine. I understand that
"Now, when I wished to gain yours may do your will with exact-
my own way, I looked for every ness on one occasion, and on the
argument that would support me, next, thoBgh you have the same
and I recalled this to my Leader’s will, and it be equally capable, it

mind, as a reason why I should may fail entirely. All the games of
go, if someone must be risked to which you told me, in which your
seek her. Then, as we sat here, the body is used, are based on this
horror of that place came back to quality. But with us it is different.
me, and in a moment I was asleep I know now that I can hit any spot

and within it. But it has left me at which I can aim, and as often

now, and, I hope, for ever „ . . as I attempt it.”

"It is in my mind that there She picked up two of the jave-

will be fighting when that stone lins, and sent the first against the
moves, and that I am pledged to farther wall —
^but the second did

help you.” not follow it. At the moment her

She picked up one of the short hand was lifted, the stone beside
javelins from ffie floor, and bal- us disappeared from sight, leaving
anced it thoughtfully on an out- a yard-wide gap, and as swift as


thought itself her javelin was flung again where the stone had left it,

into the open pit beneath us. but at the lizard-forms, that were
An outburst of loud whistling twittering.
screams told us that it had car- It struck one of them fairly on
ried no welcome message, but the out-stretched head, and down
the next second we had our own itcame, a bright yellow snake-like
troubles to deal with. Back into its form, turning head-under-heels as
place the stone shot upward, and it —
came or under tail, to be literal
with such force that certain things —and falling in the open gap, at
which had been placed upon it were which there rose a chorus of such
thrown to the roof and fell scat- consternation from the unseen
tering upon us. Four of them there Killers beneath us, that it was evi-

were four eight-foot lengths of dent that to them a lizard must be
living, writhing rope^ but to me, — a dreaded or a sacred thing.
at least, they seemed forty. "Two each,” she laughed, as she
I suppose that my companion, caught the still restless portions of
of cooler mind, and of quicker the cords on an arrow’s
hands also, made no such error. point, and threw back into the gap
I know that while I was strug- beneath us. "Did you notice that
gling with one that had caught my they became almost harmless after
leg and was thrusting upward for I had struck one of the lizards,

a more deadly grip, her mind and the others 'bolted? I believe it
reached mine with the quiet quick- was their minds that guided them
ness of thought and buoyant gaiety to attack us. It was to reach them,
of spirit that physical danger al- if the need came, that I first tried

ways waked within her. I had a the javelins, but I dared not tell
feeling that the idea that she you, nor let the thought make
should be threatened by hostile growth in my own mind, lest they
violence always came to her as an should know it. I fear them, but I
absurdity, to be met with laughter. do not fear the Killers at all.” And
"We must watch the stone. Put just then the Killers came.
your foot on its end. Jump to the I think the falling of the liz-

left, or the other one will get you.” ard must have produced a con-
So she called to me, while she fusion that delayed their attack,

ripped one which had fallen round but that this was succeeded by such
her own waist with a javelin point a tide of fury as swept away the
till it loosed her and fell squirm- natural cowardice that underlay
ing, and did so she flimg the
as it their ferocity, and caused them to
javelin, not at the next of them, forget the caution with which they
though it was round her feet al- had approached us previously.
ready, nor at the gap which showed They came leaping upward, with


their hands on the edge of the gap, of the archers, and struck with all
and the first fell back with a javelin my strength a straightdown cleav-
in the throat, and a second I ing blow, and was conscious that
knocked back with a side-sweep of the attack had collapsed before me,
the axe, and from the third I sliced and the gap was empty.
off the sucker at its root, and With a sudden dizziness, I
stopped his whistling. But the looked on the shambles that
crowd pushed up, and flung him now surrounded the opening. I
sprawling outward. have told something of the out-
They no cords perhaps
had — ward repulsiveness of the Killers,
with their worm-pink skins that
they thought them useless after the
way we returned the four they sent were both tough and slimy, but of
us; perhaps they would have been the interiors of these foul bodies
too dangerous to themselves in that I cannot write. An axe-stroke has
crowded rush —and they had little no reticence.
time or space to use their javelins I thought was from that

before the axe was on them. I nauseous sight that a sudden faint-
struck, and struck, with steady ness threatened, and I struggled
sweeping strokes, at the pushing against it, stepping back, and lean-
crowd that rose against me, the ing on the axe, and turning to my
tough skins bursting. companion to share my triumph.
And always, if they rose too fast, She stood very still, her eyes
or one should dodge my stroke, a bright and watchful, Jier mind be-
javelinfound it, from where my ginning to question her for the
comrade had stepped back to the thing she had done —which was,
wall to reach them down as she no doubt, outside the experience
needed them. Once I thought I not only of herself, but of all her
had failed, as the pressure spewed —
kind 'but her will meeting it con-
up two or three at once, too quick- fidently. Then she looked at me,
ly for the axe to take them, but and her thought changed. I made
her mind reached me serenely. an effort to reassure her that I was
"Keep the others down —and leave uninjured, and was aware that I
these to me,” and I was vaguely was falling.
conscious that she was avoiding I don’t think I was unconscious
theirweapons with a cool celerity, for long, and I believe that she
while her own bore them her neither helped nor hindered, but
message tha* their hours were over. watched quietly beside a phenom-
And then amid an up-rush of enon beyond her experience.
damaged bodies which he was using When my senses returned, she
for his own protection I saw the was alert and near, and her mind
red-brown malignant head of one was quick to reach me.


"You can rest while you will. I force, in the pushing crowd that
think your last stroke was enough gave scanty space for free move-
to them. You made it work
still ment, it had struck me in the arm-
that time!” She always spoke of pit as the axe was lifted no depth —
my body thus, as something sep- of wound, but it bled freely.
arate from myself, as we might It was evident that I must rest
praise a friend Who carved well for a time at least, and so I lay
with a blunted chisel. "I am sorry there, while she sat beside me and
that I failed you. The Killer rose watched the empty gap before us,
on your farther side, and I could conquering once again the repug-
not reach it till it had made its nance she felt at touching my
throw. have much yet to learn of
I body, so that the smooth furred
the ways of fighting do you not — fingers should close the wound,
understand me? Did you not iknow and the soft palm should, give its
that your body was broken again? strength to heal me.
— does it tell you nothing? look — "I am ashamed,” I thought,
under your right arm.” "that I should be so incapable from
I looked, and understood. The so slight a wound. You regard me
excitement of the fight, in which as a creature of violence, yet I break
my life had literally depended upon down at every conflict, where you
the speed and force with which I come through with a clear victory.”
could strike, and recover, and She answered, "It was I who
strike again, and then the utter failed you. I should have stood
exhaustion that had followed, and nearer, and it need not have hap-
now the dizzy weakness that pos- pened. I held them too lightly, and
sessed me —
each in turn had left you, who took the harder part, have
me unaware that a javelin had been hurt through my folly.”
found its mark. Thrown straight My mind protested, but as the
upward, and probably with no great thought formed I was sleeping.

25 The Forbidden Thing

here have been those, from
the Egyptian civilization to our
times, who have believed a


and that
so few dreams are satisfactory.

waked I recollected
just where

dream to be in the nature of an vividly that I had dreamed of the

occult from which fu-

visitation, making of a fire a short distance
ture events be foretold or
can outside the door, which had stood
avoided. But even they would ad- open while I made it. I had built
mit that a dream must be remem- up a pile of wood, which I had
bered on waking if it is to be of cut from the javelin shafts, and set


the 'burning-glass in their midst, would be of little use for further
and I had sat and watched the axe-work if they should attempt to
smoke of the heated wood curl rush us again, a which could fire,

upward, till a blaze showed faintly be lighted safely on the stone floor
in the sunlight. beside the opening, would be our
So far I remembered clearly, and best protection, as it could be in-
I supposed that the incident when stantly swept down upon them, and
the arrow had struck the glass could scarcely be sufficiently
fail to

might have brought it into my disconcerting to give time for my

dreaming mind, but I knew that companion’s javelins to operate.
the dream went further, and was I was elated in mind that I

of a very exciting character. I had should be able to demonstrate

a feeling that it was very urgent my practical genius in this way, re-
that I should recall it, but I tried calling in some wonder that I had
in vain to do so. as yet seen no evidence of fire in
I was on the point of telling all my
wanderings, unless the heat-
my trouble to my companion, but ed water supplied it. But I would
the feeling that it might only in- say nothing until I had proved the
crease her contempt or pity for the success of my project, and the fire
which I existed
internal anarchy in was blazing.
deterred me. Had I done so she I wondered for one fotflish mo-

would have given me a convincing ment why I had dreamed that the
reason why no fire should be at- fire was lighted on the open
tempted, and our adventure must ground, till I noticed that the sun,
have had a widely different sequel. which was now past its noon, was
As it was, I rose, and with my no longer visible from the win-
left hand —for my other arm was dows, and that, within the hall, the
stiff at the shoulder, and likely to glass on which I relied would be
be of little use to me for some time useless.
to come —I
picked up one of the I told my companion that I

javelins, to ascertain whether it would demonstrate a new method

were suitable to the purpose for of fighting, as my arm was useless,
which my dream had used it. and I made a heap of javelins upon
For one-third of its length it was the very edge of the pit, while she
of metal, pointed and with double regarded my work with an observ-
knife-like edges, but the remainder ant curiosity. 'Then, using the clasp-
was of a dark and very resinous knife with the left hand as best I
wood, such as would take fire read- could, I shredded some of the
ily. Here, at least, my dream had wooden shafts into such splinters
made no error. as should take fire very easily, and
It seemed to me that, as my arm asking her to watch the h^e for a


moment, and giving an assurance weapon of safety.” "But I am; and
that I should not go far from the to my Leaders it would be unfor-
door, I opened it, and stepped out. givable.” "We can keep a watch
The space around me was bare, for the Dwellers, and put it out if

as far as sight could reach it, ex- they approach.” "The mere knowl-
cept that a group of Killers, prob- edge that it had been lit might de-
ably the infirm and young, showed stroy us all.” "The responsibility
at the far end of the enclosure, is mine, only.” "If I am with you
but I knewmight come
that there I it.” "It can be put out in
a rush of them from round the a moment, if it be scattered on the
side of the building at any mo- stones.” "I know nothing of that;
ment, and very watchfully there- but I know that for many centuries
fore arranged the splinters with
I it has not been seen on the surface
the glass in the midst of them. It of this continent —
not since it was
was a very short time before a ris- used in the great war, before the
ing smoke changed into the un- barrier had been planted.” "Do
colored flame of a noonday fire, they use it under the surface for
and picking up two or three of themselves ? How are the tanks
the longer splinters by their outer heated.^” do not know; but I
ends, I went back into the hall. think that theremay be other ways.
My companion did not turn as I Please put ityou can do so.
out, if
approached, but told me, "There It threatens war to my nation.” "I

is something that has frightened think you fly from a shadow, and
the lizards. They have thrown that it would save your life, not
themselves from the roof into the destroy; but, as you wish it, I
pit beneath us. If they have read will.”
your mind, your new way of fight- The swift exchange of thought
ing must be very terrible.” With was of a moment’s duration only,
the thought she looked round, and but already the dry wood was crack-
her mind waked to a swift insistent ling, as I kicked it apart, and com-
protest No! It is the Forbidden menced to stamp upon it. And

Thing ! but at the same moment then a fresh fact met me. 'The hard
I had thrust the splinters into the cold stony smoothness of the floor,

pile I had prepared to receive them. which looked less inflammable than
For a few seconds our minds asbestos, was more so than cellu-
fought strenuously. "Do not let it loid. As I tried to stamp them out,
burn. We know little of the ways the flames did not appear to bite
of the Dwellers, but all the world intoit, but played over its surface

knows that. It is the one thing they with a slight clear hissing noise.
will not endure.” "I am not bound It was only for a second that the
to the Dwellers. To us it may be a event was doubtful. 'Then I le.rpt


back from the flames that were all burns,” and even with the thought
around me. The next I was flying the increasing heat drove us farther
down the hall, with the flames lick- away, and the flames, which burned
ing their way as fast behind me. with a hissing sound, rose higher.
A second sooner than myself, "In any case,” I continued, "the
my comrade had judged the issue, fault is mine, and if we meet the
and was at the door before me, and Dwellers, I will tell them.”
held it open. But for that I do not "'The act was yours, but the
think it possible that I could have cause was ours,” she answered
escaped from that inferno. "and the Dwellers will soon be
As we turned to look back at the here, that is a very certain thing,
building we had left, a flame crept and it is our part to decide how
out of the right-hand window, and we shall meet them.”
spread swiftly in all directions. As By now the building rose a solid
we gazed, my companion’s mind oblong of bright flame in a wind-
turned to me with unruffled gravity. less air, and the heat was terrible.

"For your part, I know that you On our right hand as we faced
meant well, and I think that you it, we saw six other buildings of a
did rightly. I see also that you have similar type, and on our left was
powers of which the limits are be- the steaming vat, with the killing-
yond my sight. But I think also pens built over it.
that my world is ended." "The next building is catching.”
I answered more hopefully, "Yes,” she answered, "they will
"The flames appear to move over all go.”
the surface only. The building is On the farther edge of the en-
of such material as will not burn closure we saw the Killers, a pink
at all world I come from.
in the crescent standing outside the doors
I think that it must be covered of the inner wall. They were quite
with some protecting varnish, which silent, and very still.

is inflammable. That will burn it- A

yellow blotch on the sand, the
self out very quickly.” wiser lizards made their way to the
"No,” she said, "the building open gate.

26 The Trial

A s heat increased
moved backward, and
there in a pause of indecision; at
we again
At last I

not better follow the example

asked her,

which the lizards set so promptly?

"Had we

least my own mind hesitated, and There is nothing here to do, and
hers had closed, as it would when the Killers seem too appalled for
she sought decision. movement. As the fires die, their


consternation may ^ive place to “Yes, the circumstances are cer-
fury. I have lost my axe, and my tainly different. I think, where you
knapsack, and all it held. The bow are concerned, they always are,”
is burnt, and were it not so, my she answered drily, "but it is in
right arm is useless. I think we my mind that the Killers will not
should make a rush for the gate.” be here much longer. I think, also,
She had a javelin in her hand, that my Leaders see very far, and
and she spun it in the air, and thatwhen we have gone a differ-
caught it lightly as it fell, before ent way we have not found it a
she answered. good one. It seems to me that it
"Should the Killers try again, is a thing that we cannot leave to
there is one that will sorrow. But the chance that the Killers will
I It is with the
think differently. remain, or of the flames failing.
Dwellers only that this game is We have this to think. We are in
played from now onward. Per- the land of the Dwellers, where
haps it may be well to go. It is we have no right to be. They had
hard to say. But you have not judged these Bat-wings, which
thought of the Bat-wings.” were theirs, and they had given
"I don’t see that they concern them to be used at a Feast which
us,” I answered, "unless you think will very surely not be held,
that we should release them before through our doing. 'They had not
we leave. They are not very attrac- judged them to burn. I think we
tive animals, but I don’t know that should see that their will is done.”
I want them to be burnt to death. I saw that she regarded the fate
Still, your Leader said they ought of the Bat-wings no more than that
to die.” of a shoal of cod that she might
"That is just the point,” she re- guide to the fish-tanks — or, indeed,
plied, was the order that they
"it she compared them, for the
less, if

should and I am of no mind

die, cod would be innocent of anything
to go, and leave them living.” worse than feeding when hunger
“I suppose your Leader meant —
urged them but that her feeling
that if we drove off the Killers, was as that of one who has un-
we should do wrong to release avoidably trampled his neighbor’s
them, and I have no wish to do so. garden, and would smooth it over,
But the Killers are still here to as best he may, before leaving.

boil them, if the fire should prove '

I said, "I see your view, and for

more merciful. Surely that is sulfi- you it may be right. But though
cient. I did not think you so blood- you regard me as a lower creature
thirsty. Besides, the circumstances than yourself, and addicted to vio-
are different from anything that lence, I am not willing to throw
your Leader could have foreseen.” wretches into the boiling tank


which seems your purpose — for and we ran together.
fire increases,”

faults which I have not judged, We went round to the entrance,

and the guilt of which I am unable where the sound of my axe-stroke
to estimate. Neither am I willing had roused the sleeping guard, the
to release them, lest they might do night —
it seemed so long! —
us mischief, or desire our company. and finding none there to stay us,
Nor do I think the lire will reach we climbed some stairs to a plat-
them, for the steam will quench it.” form-grating which extended jae-
She answered equably, "Of tween the pens. There were five to a
both steam and fire I know some- side. The floors of them were of

thing, though not on the earth’s loose bars only, and were some-
surface, and this is not the time what higher than the grating on
for the telling. But I think that the which we stood, so that the Killers
killing-pens will burn to the water’s could pull out the bars without
edge as the heat increases. As to stooping.The water steamed and
the Bat-wings, I have lived for bubbled beneath them, and we
many centuries, and I did not know looked down and saw it below the
that creatures of such baseness are, grating on which we stood. Be-
or had been. I care nothing for yond the pens we saw the open
them, except that they should cease tank extending on every side but
to be, and it seems best to me that that by which we entered.
it should be done quickly. I know Four of the pens On the left
that my Leader’s mind is more far- hand were occupied. In each was
seeing than mine, and that she one of the judges, "rhey crouched
bought so also. But I think that dismally on the bars, with wings
we have done so much harm that extended. The heavy dark bald
it might not be easy to increase it. heads, with their cruel horny
I can see that we cannot go on to- beaks, were drooping hopelessly
gether unless we find some recon- forward. 'Their eyes followed us
ciling way when our thoughts with an intelligence that seemed
differ. Let us do this. We will go afraid to hope, butbegged for pity.
to them, and they shall say for On the other side, there were
themselves what they can say, to three like them, and then two
which one of us shall answer, and others that could move their
the other shalljudge their fate. wings, and these two were not still,

Which is to question, and which but flopped unceasingly from side

to decide, shall be their own to side. Sometimes almost reaching
choice;and we will both agree to to the roof, and then coming down
take the judgment of the other, with clumsy flappings.
which will be fairly given.” My companion addressed the one
I said, "Come quickly, for the with the largest beak, and reached


her point very promptly. "My Then minds
the nine closed their
Leader told me of you. It appears from us, and disputed for a long
from your own tale that you are time (as thought is counted)
unfit for life. Do you agree.^’’ among themselves. "Then the one
He answered, "She was very towhom we had spoken told us,
treacherous, for she let us tell all "We are all agreed that we shall
before she gave any sign that she argue this thing, and accept your
had a Dweller’s mind.” verdict. The two wish to speak
"I also may have a Dweller’s separately. We are not agreed on
mind,” she answered very coldly, who shall speak for the seven, nor
"but listen, for your lives are bal- which judge us.”
anced on the choice I give you. My companion answered with
There isone with me who is not patience, "It is necessary that you
as I. You may think him more of should agree quickly, but we can-
your kind. 1 do not know. I think not make you do In two min-
that you should die quickly, but he utes from now, you should still

is less willing. be in this difficult}', we will drop

"Neither of us has heard your one of you into the tank, and per-
defense, and we will do so fairly. haps you will find that six agree
Your choice is this. One of us will more easily. If not, we will make
question you to show that you further reductions as long as this
should be in the tank below, and assistance is needed.”
you shall reply as best you may. It was but a few- seconds later
The other shall judge, and all shall that he answered, "I am to speak
accept the issue. It is yours to for the seven. You will argue
choose the one that shall judge you. against me, and the Prehistoric
You can also choose the one that will judge us. So we have decided
shall speak for the rest, but it must by a majority, for fools are many.”
be one only, except that the two "You may be right in that,” my
who were the accusers can speak companion answered, "but I think
separately, if they will.” that it will make no difference.”

27 The Verdict

y companion
the examination immediately.
have thought since that it might
commenced accused unfit to

already. Yet,
and that they
tried and
now that
be a mo(teI in many ways for the the decision had been placed with
conduct of a prosecuting counsel me, and it was her part t© accuse
in our own courts. them, her questions were direct
I knew that she considered the and fair.

The spokesman of
fact that the "Then two of the judges are
the accused was
accustomed to not responsible for the larger part
legal (which she cer-
argument, of the sentence?”
tainly was not), and was of an "We are all responsible. It is

acute and vigorous mentality, gave our law that if a sentence be in-
additional interest to the quick ex- creased, or an additional one given,
change of thoughts by which their by an appeal court, it must be ap-
lives were decided. proved by the court below. The
"We have been told that you power of the appeal court being
are judges among your own kind.” to confirm, reduce, or cancel.”
"Yes.” "Tell us, in your own way, of
"Is it necessary that you should what this female was charged, on
be unanimous, or do you decide by what evidence she was condemned,
a majority?” why you considered her action
"By a majority.” worthy of punishment, and defend
"A female was brought before the sentences.”
you for stealing food, and was con- "She was charged with the theft
demned to be beaten?” of a neighbor’s food. She confessed
"Yes.” her guilt. We consider theft de-
"Were you unanimous?” serves punishment, and that the
"Yes. I should explain. She was safety of the community requires it.
first brought before two only. She But we do not make the laws. It

was condemned, and appealed. The is our duty to administer them. 'The
appeal was heard by five, who con- responsibility rests with the whole
firmed the verdict.” community. We considered the sen-
"Did the appeal relate to her tence to be fair and moderate, and
guilt only, or to her sentence such as is necessary to prevent the
also?” spread of dishonesty among the
"To both.” class of population to which the
"Was the sentence altered at the accused belonged. We have our-
appeal?” selves been condemned with greater
"It was increased. But that was severity, for a fault which we do
because the accused attempted not recognize or understand, by a
escape, while the appeal was pend- tribunal of which we were pre-
ing.” viously ignorant, and under a code
"What were two sentences?”
the of conduct of which we had not
"Eight strokes were to be given even heard, and under which our
under the wings with a five- civilizationcould not be main-
thonged scourge for the theft, and tained for a week.”
sixteen similar strokes for attempt "You have not defended the sec-
to break her prison.” ond sentence.”


"I did not suppose that any de- force in her own defense as against
fense were needed. She had been the first accusation than by you in
condemned as guilty, and was in this connection, and additionally so
custody, pending appeal against because the rights of the commu-
the sentence she had received. To nity, if it be justly organized, must
attempt to escape under such cir- always be subordinate to those of
cumstances was a defiance of the the individuals who compose it.

laws under which we live, and it For the rest, I propose to explain
would be impossible to maintain exactly why I think the decision of
order or discipline if such inci- the Dwellers is right, and that your
dents should pass unpunished.” lives should not be continued. You
understand your arguments,
"I will then be better able to reply in
though they may not convince me. such a way as may be convincing
The injustice of inflicting further to the one you have chosen to judge
penalties for an attempt to escape you. But there are a few points of
those already threatened is too ob- fact on which I am ignorant, which
vious for serious argument, and I may possibly help you, and these I

notice that you do not attempt to will ask you first. You complain
assert it, but prefer to rely upon that you yourselves have been con-
the argument of expediency only. demned under a law of which you
It is not reasonable to suppose that had not known, and to which you
the victim of such a sentence as had not consented. You said also
you had imposed should be a con- that she had confessed her guilt,
senting party thereto, and in this and you said later that she appealed
instance you knew that she was both against the verdict and the
not, for she had appealed against sentence. This requires explanation.
it. You could not suppose that she I think you should answer here
would submit to the sentence, if very carefully, for I think we are
she could avoid it successfully. By confronted with that which threat-
keeping her in custody while the ens die foundation of the strongest
appeal was pending, you admitted defense you have set up.”
this to be so. This duty (if such For the first time there was a
it were) was performed inefficient- pause of some seconds before
ly, or the opportunity to escape his mind took up the challenge. I
could not have arisen. For this think he was quick to recognize
fault of your own servants you her meaning, and the danger of
condemned her to a penalty even which she warned him. I think he
heavier than that which had been also appreciated for the first time
inflicted originally. the keenness of the intellect which
argument of necessity confronted him.
could have been used with greater "The explanation is simple. We
were dealing with a female of ex- before we argue upon them. She
ceptional obstinacy. She was had not consented?”
charged with theft. She admitted “To obtain individual consent
the theft. That is a plea of guilty to every law is impossible.”
according custom of our
to the "She had not consented?”
courts. She appealed on the ground "Not in that way; but she knew
that the theft was justified. There that she must obey the laws of the
is no such thing as a justified theft country in which she lived.”
in the code of any civilized state. "That cannot be so, because in
Her appeal had no possibility of fact she refused to do so.”
succeeding. She was in the position "She knew that she must sub-
of having pleaded guilty, yet of mit to the laws of her people, or
declining to admit it that she had render herself liable to the penal-
done so.” ties provided.”
"Then, when you said that she "But such knowledge if she had —
admitted her guilt, you meant only it —didnot imply consent?”
that she admitted the accuracy of "Not necessarily, but, as I have
the statements made by those who said, the individual must be
complained against her. You also subordinate to the state, or no
admit the facts on which your own civilized community could con-
condemnation is founded. To that tinue.”
extent you have pleaded guilty also. "It is not self-evident that every
How can you assert the authority civilized community should con-
of your own tribunal over this fe- tinue. But your contention is clear-
male, and deny that of the Dwell- ly not that she consented, but that
ers who condemned you?” such consent is not necessary. By
"Very easily. She was a female whom were you appointed a judge,
of our nation, and was under the and under what compulsion?”
authority of our laws.” "I belong to the class from
"Do you contend that she was which judges are chosen, after cer-
under the authority of your laws tain tests have been passed.”
simply because she was a female "Would there have been any
of your species, or had she herself penalty, had you declined to act in
consented to them?” that capacity?”
"It is necessary in any civilized "No; but I had no reason to do

state to assume the assent, or, in so. It is regarded as a position of

any case, the liability, of individuals honor among us.”
to the laws of those among whom "Do you regard all the laws of
they live, and to impose penalties your country as just and good?”
should they fail to <i)ey diem.” "They are not perfect, but they
"Let us be clear upon our facts are well adapted for the needs of


those for whom they are made, and that you have heard their explana-
they are being improved.” tions, to which the horny-beaked
"They cannot be very good, or orator will make reply, and then I
continual improvement would be am to judge the issue. Will it not
impossible. What course do you, save time if we interrogate the
or your fellow- judges, take when other two first?”
confronted with a bad law?” She agreed at once, but added,
"It is not our duty to consider "I think you should question them.
whether a law be good or bad, but I am conscious that their world is

to administer it. The responsibility less strange to you than to myself,

of the law is not on us, but on the and you might discover circum-
whole nation. Ours is to administer stances in their favor which I
it accurately and impartially.” should fail to do.”
"The responsibility for a law assented, and we walked down

cannot be upon a whole nation, to where the two whose complaint

unless it be agreed unanimously. had originated the trouble were
It is upon those who make or sup- flapping with impatience to pour
port it. This responsibility must out their wrongs.
rest in the largest degree upon I think it was well that I had

those who directly enforce it.” taken on the interrogation. Here

TTie rapid interchange paused was no keen argument, cool when
for a brief moment, and thinking at its deadliest, but a confused
that my companion was about to clamor from tw'o vulgarities that
formulate her accusation, I inter- exposed themselves without shame.
posed a suggestion. The swift duel I cannot translate the mental in-

of thought, which I have translat- vectives, vituperations, recrimina-

ed into written words as best I can, tions, and contradictions they
had taken a few minutes only, but poured upon us, but the facts came
the heat already seemed greater out with unmistakable clearness.
than when we entered the build- Their tale was this. Through the
ing. Through the open bars of the vague impression of a complex and
pens we could see the towering highly organized civilization, there
pinnacle of lire, where the seven stood out clearly a group of dwell-
buildings were now burning to- ings, inhabited by members of a
gether. A wind moved occasionally trading class, of one of which these
in our and the
direction, high two were occupants and owners.
flames swayed toward us. As was customary, they did not
I said, "If we are not speedy, use the ground floor, on account of
we shall all burn together. I un- a plague of white slugs which rose
derstand that you wish to set out from the ground at certain seasons
their guilt as it appears to you, now and crawled into the houses. The


higher floors were gained through ings from the main roads, by the
circular openings in the ceilings, to sale of which life could be main-
which they flew from perches in tained. She had, however, com-
the rooms below. This left much plained of a growing blindness,
of their domestic economy unex- which prevented her from snatch-
plained, but I did not pursue a ing her due share of this bounty,
subject that was only indirectly and when the time of the spring
material to the inquiry. I gained meal approached had caused annoy-
an impression that the higher floors ance by waylaying her employers
were in some way immune from as they went in and out of the
these slugs, which were a serious house, and petitioning that they
danger or annoyance, and of which would provide food for her. They
no method had been discovered by declined a request so unreasonable,
which to keep the ground floor and had advised her kindly of the
entirely free. For this reason it was methods of suicide best adapted
usual to allow an industrial worker to her condition, and v/hen they
of the poorer kind to occupy it in saw that their advice was not
return for certain menial services. taken, they even went the length
These sub-tenants were not allowed of recommending her to a medical
to fly into the upper stories. practitioner who would destroy her
Until a few weeks earlier, the without a fee, in return for an op-
present couple had lived pros- portunity of investigating the dis-
perously. Trade was good, and they eases from which she suffered.
had only been detected in cheating Unfortunately, they did not kill
once in every moon, as the law her themselves, which they could
permitted. They had been fortu- have done for a slight penalty, for
nate enough to breed a daughter their laws are, in this instance,
with a bright yellow blotch on more just than ours, the penalty
either shoulder, which they had of murder being in proportion to
been able to sell for a large sum. the expectation of the victim’s life,

The ground floor had been occu- and its estimated value to him.
pied by a female who had been Then they might have committed
employed in some industrial proc- the murder jointly, and halved the
ess by which ^e wings were liable penalty between them, for in this
to bKome damaged, and had lost also law is more equitable
the use of hers, so that the ring than ours, and if two or three peo-
on which she perched at night had ple unite to commit a crime they
to be hanged within a few feet of can each be punished for one-half
the ground. A beneficent law pro- or one-third of the crime only.
vided that those who suffered in But the time had passed without
this way could take certain pick- any decisive action being taken,


till the week of the summer meal ordered that the sentence should
approached, and the wretch, being not be executed for three days, dur-
blinder than before, and weak from ing which she should be placed in
six months' fasting, had failed to a cell designed for such cases,

gain the right to a meal for her- where she could release herself
self, and had again resorted to from her troubles without further
begging them to supply her need. difficulty.

On the eve of the feast, they The cell had a deep well, in
had collected their food in an upper which she could have drowned
room, and had gone out to barter herself very easily had she had

a ring-eared monkey, very quaintly sufficient sense to do so. A kindly

tattooed, for the wing-powder regulation had provided that the
which they would need after the sides of the well, above water,
second day's eating, and on com- should be deep and smooth, as
ing back they had found her sit- there had been distressing instances
ting on the edge of the aperture of prisoners who had changed
above the room she occupied, afraid their minds when half-drowned
to flutterdown, owing to the con- and had clambered out, so that all
dition of her wings. They found a their misery was repeated- There

savory mess of pomegranates and were also weights which she could
pigs' liver (such as is eaten on the have tied to her feet, had she
firstday before sustaining food is wished to do so.
taken) had been entirely consumed, Instead, however, of following

and two of the food-bails also. She these suggestions, she had contu-
would give no explanation of how maciously appealed against the sen-
she climbed into the room, and it tence she had receiv^, which had
was supposed that she must have delayed its execution, and entailed

had an accomplice, who should a two-days' journey into the Upper

have helped her down also, but City for her accusers. The food she
who had become alarmed, and fled. had taken appeared to have re-
She admitted that she had eaten newed her youth, or rather her
the food, but claimed that she was energy (for she was not old), so
obliged to do so, and that there that she had attempted to escape

was an abundance remaining. her confinement, and had almost

The two judges before whom succeeded; and when rebuked by
she was taken had treated her with the Superior Judges for not avail-
great consideration. They had sen- ing herself of the provision for her
tenced her to eight stre^es, which comfort which the cell provided,
she would almost certainly have she had actually uncrossed her legs,
survived, in view of the food that and shaken the damaged wings
she had swallowed, and they had derisively, asking if she were likely

tb commit suicide with three in these dark and dreadful worlds
months’ food in her body. there may be ways to tread for

I endeavored to put such ques- such spirits as are sufficient in

tions as might have elicited any ex- themselves to find them. It seemed
tenuating circumstances which had to me for a moment that our spirits
bearing on the main incident, such are the only reality, and all the
as a past kindness, or a past in- rest illusion. Yet, if that be so,

gratitude, but I obtained nothing round spirits of what kind can so

that was helpful. dark a dream have gathered as that
Their replies were inconsequent, which has brought you here? It is
and their minds worked round con- a thought which I cannot grasp in
tinually to self-reproaches that they a moment, but to which I may
had not killed her themselves, and give much time when occasion
to a choking indignation at the allows it. Meanwhile, my inclina-
thought that it was the stolen food tion is changed. I still think that
in her body which had supplied you should die, and my Leader,
her with strength to light back. who is wiser than I, was of the

went back to where the Chief same mind, as were the Dwellers
Justice crouched unmoving, but who condemned you. But I am less
with eyes that watched the scene sure than I was, and I will say
with sombre keenness. nothing more to urge it. You have
Mycompanion commenced im- chosen another judge, and I am

“I have thought of all content for him to decide it.”
that yousaid, and of much that When she ceased he looked at
your thoughts implied, though it her in silence for a few seconds. I
was not stated. The conditions of think he was regretting again the
life which you showed me ate be- choice of judge which the majority
neath anything I had imagined had forced upon him. Then he ac-
previously, though I have heard cepted the position, and seeing
strange and dark things from the that I was waiting to consider the
friend beside me. It may be that defense which he would set up, he
your own state is no worse than opened his mind toward me.
that to which he is native, but that "You are of a world different
it appears different to him because from ours,” he began, "but suffi-
he is of a different kind. For when ciently like it to understand how
I heard how that half -blinded crea- necessary are the laws which regu-
ture, whom
you had condemned to late the possessionof property, and
wretchedness, and would have per- that any law without penalty would
suaded to destruction, shook de- be no deterrent. You know also
risive wings at your inability to that the function of a judge is dif-
subdue her, it came to me that even ferent from that of a legislator.


and that it would be grotesque to us, so that we can go back to our
punish a judge for a defect in the duties, knojving their wishes, and
law which he dispenses. have We introducing their methods into our
fallen into strange hands, of whom country, with consequences whidi
we knew nothing previously, and they will no doubt themselves di-
it by the mercy of circumstance
is rect to a satisfactory issue."
that we ar6 able to lay our case I replied, "I will not torture
before you. I can do this confident- your minds with a long judg-
ly because I know that you will ment, though the issues which you
understand our position, and I am have raised invite it. I will tell you
assured that you are not in your- at once that the first two pleas fail.

self either unjust or merciless. I The sentence was not fair, and on
will not you with many
weary hearing the evidence you should
thoughts, for know that you are
I rather have addressed your minds
in haste, and we would ourselves to the inequity of the social condi-
very gladly be free from the in- tions which it revealed, and to ex-
creasing heat and danger. Our de- hort the prosecutors to observe a
fense is three-fold, and I submit higher standard of social morality
that each point is in itself suffi- in future. Having heard them,
cient: (1) We think that the sen- however, I think your arguments
tence was fair; (2) if it were harsh, would have been wasted. They, at
which we deny, it was in accord- least, are unfit to exist, and as I do
ance with the laws of our country, not wish to prolong their agony,
which we were sworn to admin- after they have heard this decision,
ister; (3) if these two pleas should I propose to deal with them before
fail —which is beyond my imag- I complete my judgment.”
ination —
it would still remain that I then went with my companion

for any possible fault we have to the two pens which contained
been tortured and punished already them, and drew out the bars on
beyond our deserving. Consider that which they rested.
it is in the name of mercy that this As the last bar withdrew, the
fate has been threatened! We are male leapt to the uprights at the
accused of brutality, but we have side,but found that they were made
never sentenced any of our people of a material too smoodi for his
to be boiled alive, even for the grasp to hold, and he fell back-
foulest crimes. It may be that the ward into the bubbling water.
Dwellers did not intend that such Having disposed of the female
a horror should happen. I think it in the same way, I resumed my
more likely that they proposed to verdict. "The second point, as I
alarm us only, and foresaw your have said, is of no more avail than

coming, and that you would release the first, because it appears to me

to be a very evil thing that legisla- have condemned you. I am not sure
tors or judges should attempt to that this is so, but it istat least a
exalt the laws they dispense as be- plausible and confusing argument.
ing higher than the essential jus- I have endeavored to consider it

tice which they are intended to from their standpoint, and I think
demonstrate. It should be the that their reply would be that there
greatest difficulty in putting an un- is no point in the comparison, be-
justlaw into operation that no cause they have acted from differ-
judges of good character should ent and with different
be found who would consent to Your laws are designed to
enforce it. A
judge who solemnly produce certain courses of conduct
administers a law w'hich he knows in your individual citizens, to re-
in his heart to be unjust is baser press tendencies which might be
than one who takes bribes from a subversive of the State as it is or-
litigant. In the one case he is ganized, and as you were content
bribed by an individual to do in- to continue it; you endeavored (we
justice at some risk to his own po- may hope) to use no more harshness
sition; in the other he is bribed by than you considered that these ob-
the State to do injustice, with an jects required. They have no such
assurance that it can be perpetrated objects in view. They do not make
with impunity. you examples to others, nor design
"But your third point is of a Jo coerce you into observing any
different quality. To consider it rules of future conduct. They re-
fully would take more time than is gard you as having a mentality sa
now and we might all be
available, base that it should be destroyed
involved in a common fate the But you say that they may
while I should do so. It appears to not have intended that this fate
me that there is force in your con- should fall upon you. I think
tention that the fate to which you that this is less than possible, for,
have been condemned has an even having heard your arguments, I

greater severity than the harshness accept their decision very heart-
of your own laws, for which they ily.”

28 The Fate of the Killers

T he my
homy beak must have been
softening in the boiling tank
mind could free itself
would have been a
to his allotted end.
opinion that there
different choice
from the fierce despairing cry, of judge if his advice had been
"The f»*Is, the fools!" wiA taken.
which the chief of the culprits had But we had no time for thought.


where action was urgent. With a I had not escaped entirely, and to
sense of good work done, we a stiff right arm I now added the

passed out from a building on infirmity of a blistered left foot.

which the fire was already falling. I scarcely grudged him his re-
The wind had risen, and as the venge —he was a good fighter, and
buildings burned, not down but perhaps fate had used him hardly
inward — I mean that the outside — but I felt an increased doubt of
of the walls was burnt off evenly how we could hope to escape from
to a core of somewhat different the surrounding Killers that group-
quality —burning flakes, almost as ed beneath the crescent wall that
light as air, began to float on the enclosed us.
wind, and sometimes would have My
companion was not troubled
driven against us, so that we avoid- in that direction."There is water
ed them with difficulty. near,” she toldme jubilantly, and
It was to withdraw from these the next moment we were standing
that we moved away from the beside a large pool that sparkled
boiling tank, which my companion clear and cool in the sunlight. A
leftwith reluctance, so much did stream came in at one end from
the sight of any water allure her, the cliff-side, and was drained away
and but for the fact that it was in through a sluice at the other, so
the condition of a thin soup from that it was fresh continually.
the many bodies which had been Weeds grew in a clear depth, but
boiled within it, and indescribably did not reach the surface.
repulsive, I doubt whether the heat She dropped the javelin, and
would have been sufficient to deter dived.
her from the swim she needed. For I had seen swim, and many
myself, my thirst was such that graceful forms to which the water
only this new danger was suflicient is native, but I had seen nothing

to force me from it. But my cup like I saw then.

was gone, with all my other pos- The legs did not move separate-
sessions, excepting only what my ly, but the appendages of which I

pockets held. So I had no means have told held them together as

of cooling the water, if I could one limb. The double tail. Which
have persuaded myself to drink it; was carried on land in such a way
and of boiling water I had just that it was barely visible, now came
had a sufficient experience. For the out, and with the tiny monkey
Chief Justice, as he plunged, had hands at each extremity, may have
contrived a kick which sent a swirl done much, both in steering and
of water over the grating on which propulsion. But the whole body
I stood as I pulled at the last bar, seemed to move without effort. A
and though I jumped very quickly curve, a twist, and it shot the pool’s


length and back, without evidence "I think there is only one place,
of any further directing motion. and that I have seen it already.”
have always loved the water
I She led me toward the southern
and (having drunk all I would) I corner, where the cliff was met
was already taking off my dafnaged by the blazing wall. The Killers
rags to join her, when I noticed had left it at this point, for they
that shewas motionless above the were all thronging wildly to the
weeds and looking intently at or gateway, and pouring out through
through them. I marvelled how she the narrow neck between the burn-
could maintain her position, and ing of the open gates.
paused a moment to watch her. When we were about fifty yards
The next, she had looked up, and from the wall, we turned to the
must have recognized what I was cliff-side, and looking up saw a

doing, for her thought was urgent fault in the rock, it could scarcely
against it. I was not instantly will- be called a cave, but there was a
ing to give up my intention, and shallow horizontal gap, about two
while she still pressed me to desist, feet high at one end, and about
there came a movement under the ten feet wide, narrowing to a point
weeds that caused the whole surface at the farther side, and about eight
to tremble. The next second she feet from the ground, I don’t think
had leapt out beside me. I could easily have climbed even
"Water-snakes,” she explained. that height in the condition in
"They do not know us here, as do which I was, but she led the way,
those of the ocean. Under the and wriggled easily, feet first, into
weeds, it is deep beyond seeing. I the gap, and helped me till I was
do not think I could have saved lying ffiere beside her.
you, if you had come in. But I In the shadow, with the sun al-

have taught those snakes that such ready descending toward the hills
as I am not for a meal.” behind us, they would be good
I did not reply, for I had looked eyes indeed which would have de-
up, and seen that the living-wall tected us from any distance, while
was ablaze for all its length from we had a wide view of the whole
cliff to cliff. plateau,of the cliff on the left
She saw it also, but more coolly. hand where it curved slightly for-
"Did you not foresee that it must ward, and of the whole stretch of
be.^ I only thought that the Dwell- the lower country beneath us.
ers would be here sooner. It
is a "It is to our left,” she told me,
place of hiding that we need; but as we watched and waited, "that
the water drew me.” our people will descend the cliff
"I do not see where we can hide if they continue in that purpose. It

on this plateau.” is only there that it is dimbable.”


It looked impossible to me, even and then proceeded systematically
there, but I did not question it. to investigate the smouldering
"The Dwellers come,” she said, ruins of the settlement. The kill-

"we are none too soon. If you ing-pens, which had caught fire
make your mind blank and observ'e last, still blazing, and he ap-
’only, I do not think they will de- proached them with caution, but I
tect us. Everything may depend on think that ivory-yellow skin, on
that. Avoid thought. Do not com- whkh I had seen the teeth of the
municate with my kind either, if Frog-mouths bite in vain, must have
they should appear.” been insensitive to fire also, so
Then she closed her mind, and closely was he standing, as he
I was alone beside her. looked down to observe the victims
When the Killers ran out from that boiled beneath it.

the blazing gateway, they had scat- Hestood there for a long while,
tered aimlessly about the plateau as as though he found difficulty as —
ants do when their nest is broken, —
well he might in understanding
and for some time they remained in all that had happened. I tried to

restless tumult, moving continually avoid thought, as I had been di-

without direction or purpose, but rected, but the idea crossed me that
thiswas changed in a moment to the had the Bat-wings lived, they
frantic desperate rushes of rats would not have failed to disclose
when the dogs are among them. the whole tale of the imprisoned
The Dwellers came up the hill- Leader, and of my companion’s
side inno appearance of haste, and presence, if they had thought that
what they thought or knew of the they could have gained anything
events we had occasioned they gave by so doing. Had it been in that
no sign to indicate. Leader’s mind when she had di-
There were three of them side rected us to destroy them ? I

by side, taking cliffs in their stride thought it likely; but at least the
round which our path had wound, minds of my companion and my-
and approaching from the only self had been free from any such
point at which the sides were not consideration, and the deed itself
too precipitous and deep, even for had been a good one.
their attempting. With a heavy thoughtfulness he
Arriving on the level ground, went back to his companions.
they consulted for a moment, and Meanwhile, they had not been
then one of them came forward idle.

alone. The wall was still blazing It is probable that it had not
in places, or I think be would have been the mere coming of the
stepped over it without change of Dwellers, so much as the sight of
pace, but, as it was, he leapt easily. the things they carried, which had


produced so sudden a panic among for destruction, at a feast which
the Killers who saw them. For they would never be held, and if they
had now shaken out a net, with had now come prepared to take
which they were sweeping the that course, it implied a foresight
ground from end to end till the or knowledge of what was passing,
whole of the Killers were a kick- which was disconcerting.
ing, whistling confusion within its I could not resolve that prob-
ample meshes. One of them then lem, but became evident
it soon
sat on the ground, and taking the that the occasion
v/as of some
basket from his back, he abstracted further importance, for one by one
from it a lidded vessel or cup, they were joined by others, until
which he set open before them. I had counted fourteen of these

One by one he pulled the fran- giants assembled on the plateau.

tic victims loose from the net that More than once their words
held them, and after a glance of came over- to us as the wind
inspection, squeezed them in his helped them, but to me they bore
hand over the cup, so that their no meaning. Whether they con-
blood drained into it. versed among themselves by other
When he had squeezed sufficient- means, as they were able to do
ly, he threw the empty carcass with with the Amphibians, I could not
a careless aim, high into the air, tell,but they spoke little outward-
to fall far off in the boiling tank, ly, and mainly in monosyllables.
from which its own meals had been Tliey seemed to be waiting.
so often taken. Thus they waited, till the tss'i-

This went on for about an hour, light was nearing. As I saw them
during which he dealt with some on the plateau, their huge bulks
hundreds in this way, and also dwarfed by the proportions of the
selected about two dozen which he scenery around them, I thought of
inspected more carefully, and then them again as Titans of an earlier,
passed to his companions, who also world, and of a size the most nat-
looked over them, and either hand- ural to the background against
ed them back to take their turn at which they moved.
the squeezing, or dropped them I was conscious not only of my

into his basket. own insignificance, but of a vul-

supposed that they had decided
I garity also, which was not personal
to destroy this colony, and to found to myself, but belonging to the race
a new one with the few which from which I came.
they had saved for that purpose, I clothed them in imagination
but I reflected that this could not with the garments to which I was
have been their intention when accustomed, and their significance
they handed over the Bat-wings and their dignity at once departed.


But for what were they delay- My companion’s mind spoke once
ing? As the time passed I was in- only, but very urgently. "It may be
creasingly convinced that they were the end of you cannot isolate
all, if

aware of the Amphibians, and were yourself from that which is near
awaiting their arrival; and as this us.”
conviction grew, there came with I closed my thoughts as best I

it an increasing fear that I was could from everything but a passive

watching the prelude of a tragedy, photography of that which was de-
for which the great sweep of the veloping before me.
wooded valleys beneath us, and the The Dwellers had risen, and
amphitheatre of mighty hills, were were standing in a group of no
a setting of appropriate grandeur. regular order, upon the side of the
The drought imptessed me with plateau from which descent was
an awe which left no space for possible. They were looking silent-
consideration of my own relation ly toward the cliffs above us.
to the shadow which I believed to Next, on my left hand, I saw
be falling,nor do I think the fear the Amphibians descending. The
I had was influenced by the expec- six Leaders came first. They
tation of any personal consequence. climbed down as easily as a fly
But when Ais depression was at walks on a wall. I think the long
its worst, and the strain of uncer- center toe gripped the rock more
tainty was becoming unendurable, firmly and easily than a human
I was suddenly aware of the influ- foot could do, and the appendages
ence of a bolder and more confi- of the legs helped also, the little
dent spirit, and into my mind there hands grasping and steadying, but
came a music, such as I had felt there was an- ease of balance, and
when I first watched the Amphib- a certainty in every movement for
ians cross the seaward bridge: which these differences were less
than explanation. After them came
From the force that withstands the whole regiment of the Amphib-
shall we falter or flee, ians. They formed up below, with
Who have bent in our hands the the six Leaders in the front. I think
untamable sea? their song was still continued, but
From the cloud that is close . . .
I would not hear it. They took no
notice of the smoking ruins, or of
Surely the Amphibians were ap- ,

the steaming tank, which was now

proaching over the cliffs behind us.
covered with the floating husks of
From the nights that have been, the bodies which had designed it.
from the midnights to be. Straight forward went the Am-
There shall dawns intervene, there phibians to the spot where the
shall , . . Dwellers blocked their passage.


.They did not hesitate, nor did the of bright yellow malignity. When
Dwellers give way before them. he lifted it the color was gone,
What would have happened I and there was nothing left that
can only guess, had there not come showed at that distance.
an unexpected incident. He stepped back, and the pro-
From I know not where, there tagonists remained facing one an-
appeared the group of yellow liz- other in a continued silence.
ards that had fled from the burning Then, at last, the Dwellers
arsenal. stepped wide of the path on either
A small bright yellow patch they hand, and the Amphibians moved
showed on the sandy soil, and the quietly forward between them, fil-

Amphibians stopped, and the ing through till the last had passed.
Dwellers grouped to look down I noticed that three of the Leaders
upon them. had remained aside, and supposed
I have thought since that they that they might be retained as hos-
must have timed their appearance, tages or culprits, by surrendering
intending tP give such information whom the rest had won to safety,
to the Dwellers as would win favor but as the last file passed I saw
to themselves, and bring destruction them fall in behind it, and the
on others. Dwellers made no motion till diey
Whether they knew of our hid- had disappeared into the narrow
ing-place I could not tell, nor trench which we had traversed on
whether they were aware of the the night before.
confinement of the Leader who had Then they also turned, and de-

escaped but of what use is con- parted.
jecture? —
all I know is what I saw The dusk was already falling
from my hiding-place. over the valley, as my companion’s
There were long seconds of si- mind laughed its relief, and the
lence, which seemed minutes as I tension ended.
watched, and then one of the "I think,” she said, "that this is

Dwellers stepped forward and put the beginning of the next adven-
his foot firmly down upon the spot ture.”


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