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Course Number: TH6143/UM7033 / UM9034

Course Subject: Theology of Work

Student Name: John Snelgrove
Student Number: 14521181!

Chapter 1!

Book Review!

Leap over the Wall - Eugene Peterson!

Eugene Peterson is a magnificent storyteller, and uses the story of one of the Bible’s most famous
characters, David, to produce a most engaging manual for everyday Christian life. By tackling the
many facets of David ’s life and brilliantly connecting these to the ‘Son of David’, he succeeds in
actually making the reader the subject of the book. I found myself constantly entering into the
stories as David’s life unfolded, each time seriously questioning my own attitudes and perspective
and, indeed my own personal relationship with God.!
Lessons emerged at every stage and I valued the use of both the Message version and also the
New Testament passages at the beginning of each chapter to reinforce those lessons. But for me it
was right at the beginning -the selection of David as King, that spoke most to me.!
Identity is a key issue for me. It has been easy to have been trapped in the identity of my job title,
qualification and achievements. As a church pastor, so much of whom I am can be linked to my
church. The world saw David as a sheep-tender. Yet God chose him. His own father and brothers
seem to have regarded him as a nobody, his father didn’t even bother to include him in the ‘beauty
parade’ before Samuel.!
It hadn’t occurred to Jesse to introduce David - he was JUST a shepherd boy. Jesse didn’t even
see him as a son for this purpose, just a shepherd boy!
But what God saw was indeed a son, who would become a king. A look forward to His only
begotten son who would become a King and a Saviour!
David never tried to make a name for himself yet he is mentioned 600 times in OT, even 60 in NT!
(mainly Jesus referred to as a ‘son of David’)!
Peterson bases his story on David’s humanity. After using his selection to demonstrate God’s
election, we find David at work in Saul’s court, providing a model for us at work developing into
what Peterson describes as ‘kingwork’ (indeed, we draw back the veil to see David prepared as
both a King and a Priest in the workplace) - an encouragement to us. We then move to one of the
most famous stories in the Bible, David and Goliath to find a God-sized solution to giant problems,
something Peterson describes as ‘developing a God-dominated imagination’. He uses these
stories as a launching pad for the rest of the book.!
For me, the takeaway was to not lose sight of God’s option, particularly in the context of Saul and
Goliath, though this theme was repeated throughout the whole book. What would influence me the
most in a work situation is the way that I choose people. Am I basing it on my own criteria (I would
have no doubt chosen one of Jesse’s other sons) or am I seeking God’s choice. In particular, who
am I disqualifying from a job and on what grounds? An example may be excluding a divorcee from
a ministry role!
Reading (in addition to Work Matters- Dr R. Paul Stevens)!
Leap over the Wall - Eugene Peterson 229 pages!
Joy at Work Bakke 328 pages!
Entrepreneurial Leadership 180 pages!
The Call - Os Guinness 249 pages!
Questions of Business - Richard Higginson 338 pages!
Chapter 2!
Character Study!
I have decided to take Moses as my character study. !
I was privileged to look at Moses in the Story of God series at the Vine Church last year and have
developed some of my own ideas from my preparation together with additional research and
reading, and especially ‘The Call’ by Os Guinness!
Scott Kircher of Hickory Creek Community Church in his 2008 sermon ‘Moses - Fearful to
Faithful” , asks: “When we say the name Moses, what do we think of? - Man of Faith? Great divider
of the Red Sea? Great leader of Israel out of Egypt? Great lawgiver of the Old Testament?
Extraordinary man of God?” He concludes that Moses was indeed all of those things.!
Kircher adds that in Scripture, we see Moses described as : A faithful servant (Hebrews 3:5) The
servant of the Lord (Deuteronomy 34:5) Faithful in all God’s house (Numbers 12:7) Someone who
spoke with God “as a man speaks with his friend” (Exodus 33:11) He was definitely an
extraordinary man of faith, and Kircher concludes that Moses is not someone we think of in any
way as ordinary.!
The Israelites, due to reproduction, were starting to outnumber the Egyptians, who gave an order
that the midwives were to kill all new-born Israelite boys. Moses’ mother chose put him in a basket
and into the river. God’s providence allowed Pharaoh’s daughter to find him and raise him in
Pharaoh’s house.!
Moses’ story is interesting in that his life of 120 years can be neatly split into three 40 year
sections: When he was about 40 years old, he saw his people, the Hebrews, being abused and he
ended up killing an Egyptian. He fled to Midian, married and he was there for another 40 years.!
Exodus 3 then describes Moses as a 80 year old - out tending the sheep. The Lord God appeared
to him in what we call ‘the burning bush’, a bush on fire not burning up!
This was Moses’ defining moment. It was the time and the place he received what Os Guinness
would describe as his ‘call’, his commission. In Exodus 3: 9-10 we hear God saying to Moses ‘And
now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are
oppressing them. So now go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of
We then witness a fascinating dialogue between God and Moses, with Moses protesting his lack of
qualification for the job. God shows him signs and wonders to inspire him but Moses complains he
has a stutter. Even then the Lord reassures him but saying that He will help in his speech and
But Moses replies in Ch 4:13 ‘But Moses said in Ch 4:13, "O Lord, please send someone else to
do it.”'!
Contextualisation - Facing Fears !
I got the inspiration for this contextualisation from a combination of the excellent book I read by Os
Guinness as part of this course “the Call’ and a reflection of my own fears when I have sensed the
call of God on my own life, and taken a hard look at my reaction. I have decided to take Moses’s
life and apply to my own and anyone facing fears. !
It is said that some people have leadership thrust upon them. History has yielded reluctant leaders.
Moses is a prime example of what we might call a ‘scaredy cat’ .!
In my 2014 sermon at the Vine, I observed that it was fear that led to Moses telling God why He
had chosen the wrong man. I identified five areas: Identity (‘I’m a nobody’, see Ex 3:11), Authority
(‘No one sent me’ ,see 3:13), Credibility (I’m not special’, see 4:1), Gifting (‘I don’t have what it
takes’, see 4:10) and Cowardice (‘I just don’t want to, God!’, see 4:13)!
I revealed that I could identify with every one of them in my life! !
But then I looked at how God gave Moses some practical helps that ultimately helped him face
these fears and obey the Lord and be used in such a way that He would be known as a great and
extraordinary man of faith. The lessons I learn from Moses and the remarkable theophany of the
burning bush, is to focus on God’s presence with me, His power through me and His provision for
When the Lord is leading us we can find comfort and take courage because He promises to be
present with us. With whatever we are facing that may be fearful, we need to focus on God’s power
to work through us for what He is calling us to do. And He promises to provide all we need.!
Moses went out and followed the Lord and did the things God told him to do and God used this
weak and fearful individual and built him into a great man of faith that was used to do the
extraordinary. He can do the same with me!
Postcript - courtesy DL Moody: !
Moses spent his first forty years thinking he was somebody.!
He spent his second forty years learning he was a nobody. !
He spent his third forty years discovering what God can do with a nobody.!
Chapter 3!
Theology of work course project!
(a) Training programme!
Course: Work - to be enjoyed, or endured?!
Background: This course will take an alternative look at work, inspired by the book ‘Joy At Work’ by
Dennis Bakke. I really enjoyed reading this book and was really inspired by the counter-cultural
nature of the book and, in particular, how Bakke’s philosophy paralleled my own. None the less,
the course would need to have a framework and I decided that Paul Steven’s ‘Work Matters’
provided much of that framework as well as what I learned on the course!
However, I did not want my course to be a carbon copy of the Bethel one (good as it was!), so
decided to draw on two leaders whom I respect and who have become personal friends and two
additional books that I decided to read as background reading. I decided to introduce those within
the modules on my course. I also looked for some key quotes that I would use as a feature on the
course , so that I could open the quotes up for open discussion. Those resources were ‘God At
Work’ by Ken Costa (208 pages) and ‘Anointed for Business’ by Ed Silvoso (224 pages)!
Resources: Work Matters, God at Work, Anointed for Business, Joy at Work!
Module 1: Sacred v Secular!
Developed around my own experience as firstly a businessman and secondly a pastor!
And the question I am always asked : “How long have you been in ‘full-time ministry’?”, and my
answer “I have ALWAYS been in full-time ministry.!
Start with a personal story!
Share quote: ‘God loves you. God loves the work He has called you to’ - Ken Costa ‘God At Work’!
Teaching and discussion on four ‘lethal misbeliefs’ as introduced by Ed Silvoso in ‘Anointed for
Lethal misbelief #1: There is a God ordained division between clergy and laity
Story of my conversion!
Instances of being used as a ‘market place minister’!
Describe my transition to my pastoral role!
Quote: ‘I reached more people for Christ as a businessman than as a pastor - now I spent too
much time meeting with Christians’! - John Snelgrove!
Discussion on Paul Steven’s quote ‘ The rejection of dualism (that church work is spiritual and
world work is secular) with resulting impacts in work ethic, motivation, witness and meaning!
Sharing prophecy given to me in April 2006 (see appendix - note, included in full due to its personal
application - (I’m not intending it should reckon towards word count for this project)) and discussion
and exercise based on participants’ own experience!
Finish with Quote: “We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work”
― Thomas A. Edison!
Lethal misbelief #2: The Church is called to operate primarily inside a building often
referred to as the temple!
Discuss some popular misconceptions about church:!
(a) Services!
(b) Clergy!
(c) Denomination!
(d) A Building!
Quote: As long as we believe that the church was born within four walls, we will always need four
walls to have a church -Ed Silvoso!
Teaching on the different scriptural words used for church!
Source: Nicky Gumbel: Questions of Life Ch14!
1.The People of God!
2.The Family of God!
3.The Body of Christ!
4.A Holy Temple!
5.The Bride of Christ!
Discuss Greek words Ekklesia and Koinonia!
Finish with Quote: ‘We don’t go to church, we ARE the church’ - John Snelgrove!
Lethal misbelief #3: People involved in business cannot be as spiritual as those serving in
traditional church ministry!
Show video clip from “God Conversations” by Ken Costa!
http://www.godatwork.org.uk/conversations is a series of 12 conversations of around 20 mins!
Here I would use Episode 2: ‘Called to work’!
Discussion and teaching on Jesus (the carpenter’s son (Greek: tekton)) in the Marketplace!
Ref: ‘Anointed for Business’ Ch 2!
a. Jesus born in the marketplace!
b. Jesus in business (Incl. Discussion of quote: It was not difficult for Jesus’ neighbours to see
Him as a businessman as many may have purchased His products’ - Ed Silvoso!
c. Jesus the profitable entrepreneur!
d. Jesus the well-informed leader!
e. Jesus the marketplace connoisseur!
f. Jesus the performer of business miracles!
Teaching based on Paul Stevens: Paul, driven or called? and discussion on Paul’s slide on
Finish with Quote: ‘Faith in Jesus changes everything, not just our spiritual lives or our Sunday
activities’- Ken Costa!
Lethal misbelief #4: The primary role of marketplace Christians is to make money to support
the vision of those ‘in the ministry’!
Study based on ‘Work Matters’: Paul Stevens Ch 18 on the subject of ‘tent-making’!
Start with quote: ‘The priesthood of all believers did not make everybody into church workers;
rather it turned every kind of work into a sacred calling’ Gene E Veith!
Study of Paul, Priscilla and Aquila from Acts!
Case study on Hugo Chan, HK lawyer and FGBMFI president!
Module 2: Work in Scripture!
Note: This is a key module in the course. I have based it largely upon Paul Stevens’ excellent book
‘Work Matters’, which was our prescribed pre-course reading. There is clearly much about work in
Scripture and it important for those taking this course to understand this and grasp the fact that
work matters to God!
Part 1: I will show them key verses in Scripture from both testaments that relate to work. We
would go around the class with each person reading a verse ( I would write them a pieces of paper
and each person would pick a piece of paper)!
I would cover the following verses: Colossians 3:23, Psalm 90:17, Proverbs 12:11, Proverbs 13:4,
Philippians 4:13, Colossians 3:24, Proverbs 12:24 , Proverbs 13:23, Genesis 2:3, Luke 1:7, 1
Timothy 5:8, Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 6:10-12, 2 Timothy 2:6, Genesis 2:15, Titus 2: 7-8,
Proverbs 16:3!
Note: these are but a small selection, but should precipitate a brief discussion about work being
Part 2: Work before the fall!
Teaching on creation - God worked six days, rested on the seventh day (this is a great opportunity
to introduce subject of sabbath rest, which is relevant to my theme of ‘enjoy, not endure’)!
Develop Paul Stevens’ points from ‘Work Matters’!
1. Good work is a means of spiritual growth (this is opportunity to talk about ‘discipleship’)!
2. Good work is communal (this is opportunity to talk about ‘partnership’)!
3. Good work unfolds the potential of creation (this is opportunity to talk about ‘stewardship’)!
Part 3: Work in the Pentateuch!
Looking at various characters in first five books (Cain, Abel, Jacob, Joseph)!
Case study in Bezalel, the first person to be described as full of the Holy Spirit, but for work!
(Note, I would feature Bezalel. As someone perhaps known to be a Charismatic pastor, it is
important to make this point that the Spirit after Creation, was first linked to a metal-worker!)!
Use Paul Stevens’ summary to conclude this section!
1. Work is part of our God-imaging dignity (see Gen 1)!
2. Work has been corrupted and regarded by human sin (Gen 3)!
3. Work is to be undertaken with integrity and justice (Deut 15-25)!
4. Work is limited by Sabbath (Exodus 20: 3) - continue Sabbath discussion?!
5. Work is virtuous when undertaken with faith, hope and love and is an expression of God’s call
for ALL human beings. ( I would use this to pick up from Bezalel and reinforce the work of the Spirit
in work)!
Part 4: Work in the History Books!
Looking at various characters!
Discussion on Eugene Peterson’s message quote : ‘For the Hebrews there simply was no secular
history. None. Everything that happened , happened in a world penetrated by God. Since they did
not talk a lot about God in their storytelling, it is easy to forget that God is always the invisible and
mostly silent presence in everything that is taking place’!
I would take King David as a case study and focus on the book by Eugene Peterson ‘Leap Over
the Wall’ ( see my earlier book review- which I will not repeat here!)!
Discussion on leadership.!
Ask class the question. Who do you regard as a role model for 21st century leader?!
Give them my answers : Sir Richard Branson of Virgin (business), Brian Houston of Hillsong
Church (pastoral)!
Offer some quotes: "You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling
over, and it’s because you fall over that you learn to save yourself from falling over.” - Branson!
“Leaders goal: Avoid building around only ONE person's ministry gifting. Longevity is in a team, not
an individual!.” - Houston!
Recommend Houston’s new book ‘Live, Love, Lead’ and share some of it!
Use Paul Stevens’ summary to conclude this section!
1. Leadership is work.Hard work, but good work, ( share my own experience on this)!
2. Leadership is critical for a group of people to grow to maturity and to thrive!
3. Leaders are stewards, not masters of the people or their resources!
4. Integrity and maturity are critical for leadership work!
5. Leaders are providentially placed by God to make a difference!
Finish with Dennis Bakke’s quote from ‘Joy At Work’: ‘The most important character traits of a
leader are humility; the willingness to give-up power; courage; integrity; and the love and passion
for the people, values, and mission of the organisation’!
Part 5: Work in the Wisdom Books!
Start with quotes from Buddha and Confucius (might prompt an interesting discussion on whether
we can gain wisdom from other faiths!)!
“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it” ― Gautama
Buddha !
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” - Confucius!
Take another look at some key verses in the Wisdom Books (especially Proverbs)!
Case study in Job, (one of my favourite books in the Bible)!
Ask class to put themselves in Job’s position. How would they feel, react? How would it test their
Look at quote from William Hulme - ‘After his encounter (with God) Job still does not know the why.
Yet he seems to accept the how. The reason - he knows the Who. He who knows the Who,
therefore can bear with any how even though he know not the why. Knowing the Who without
knowing the why leaves room for faith. It brings security without having answers.’!
Use my own life and moving to Hong Kong as an insurance executive in 1987 ( for 3 years!!!!- yeah
right!) and the ensuing stock market crash as real life example of a ‘wild ‘ journey!
Use Paul Stevens’ comments around Job!
1. Human work is a pale imitation of God’s work!
2. Human work is limited!
3. Everything is not about us. It is not only about our development, improvement or self-
‘Homework’ Read Job in a new version of the Bible (i.e. Message, Living Bible or NLT)!
Use Paul Stevens’ summary to conclude this section!
1. Work is intrinsically good (Proverbs)!
2. Work is an opportunity from immense creativity and entrepreneurship (Proverbs)!
3. Work is this life is however enigmatic ( see Ecclesiastes)!
4. Work can be playful in itself ( this will provide a neat bridge to my last module)!
5. We should direct our work to God in prayer (Psalms)!
6. Our work can never be as wild, exciting and untameable as God;s work (Job)!
Part 6: Work in the Prophetic Books!
Begin with a discussion of work and justice. Take some real life examples (i.e. Nike and sweat
shops, production of weapons, cheap labour of fast food outlets etc)!
Introduce some key verses from the prophets (Isaiah, Amos, Hosea etc) Show them and pass
around my Justice Bible with key verses highlighted!
Study life of Daniel and have a discussion ”How do we deal with compromise at work?”!
Use Paul Stevens’ summary to conclude this section!
1. God is passionately concerned about how we work and the effect of human work on other
people, societies and the environment!
2. Good work is characterised by justice, giving what is due to the worker and the neighbour!
3. Good work comes from a good inner life and should not be measure by outward results only!
4. Christians need to integrate faith and their work in a non- compromising manner ( use the
Daniel discussion to demonstrate)!
5. All believers are missionaries and their prime ‘mission field’ is their workplace . Ask one or
more of the group to share their personal experience!
Part 7: Work in the New Testament!
Start off with looking again at Jesus as a carpenter (30 years), as a pastor/teacher (3 years)!
Quote to be discussed: “Jesus took 10 times as long sharpening his axe, as He did cutting down
trees’ - John Snelgrove. Compare that the modern-day ‘fast-food’, ‘I want it now’ living!
Read the story of Mary and Martha and hold a debate in class. ‘Who was right, Mary or Martha?’!
Reminder on the Apostle Paul’s life and lead to a discussion on what ‘work that lasts’ look like!
Use Paul Stevens’ summary to conclude this section!
1. Work is good!
2. Jesus demonstrated the incarnational nature of work!
3. Work should be contemplative ( Mary and Martha)!
4. Our work is not in vain (The Resurrection)!
5. The Genesis environment is fully restored in Revelation, which leads to…..!
Part 8: A New Heaven and Earth!

Begin with a quote: ‘Scripture indicates that the deeds of Christian follow them and there will be
work in the new heaven and new earth. Since work is not merely a transitory and temporary part of
our humanity we need to understand work and our own work to be fully human.’- Paul Stevens!
Discussion on ‘Will there be work in Heaven’!
A look at the theological and textual arguments raised by Paul Stevens!
This module will be concluded by an open discussion of ‘How should we work in the light of
Module 3: Ed Silvoso’s Five Paradigms!
Note: This might seem an ‘overkill’ to include as a module but, over the last decade or so, I have
recognised the importance of the work and the teaching of Ed Silvoso and Harvest
Evangelism. I have attended many of their meetings, seminars and have been greatly
affected by them. When in business during the 90’s, I formed a fellowship for insurance
staff in Hong Kong and we studied ‘Anointed for Business” (I would share my experience of
this group, also the HSBC Breakfast Fellowship, which I have hosted for over 12 years) ,
Silvoso has since penned an important follow-up book called ‘Transformation’. It is for that
reason that I would include a teaching on Silvoso’s five pivotal paradigms (Note: scriptures
suggested by Silvoso)!
! 1! The Great Commission is about discipling nations, not just people.!
“Go therefore and disciple all the nations…”( Matt. 28:18-20)!
This is a great opportunity to stretch the horizons of the participants beyond their own market place
and their own sphere of influence!
Some teaching on Acts 1:8 ‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you
will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth‘, by
John Snelgrove based on an idea from Ps Rick Warren, Saddleback Church!
Firstly….Jerusalem = Personal - those closest to us!
Judea & Samaria = Local - those near but unlike me!
Judea represents our community, (work, neighbours, alumni, FB friends)!
Samaria represents our cross-cultural relationships!
And lastly….!
Ends of the earth = Global - everybody else!!
the ends of the earth refers to our global calling!
I would show one of Ed Silvoso’s transformational films such at the Elk River Story (based on a
book by Rick Heeren) and discuss whether a society itself can be transformed.!
2! The marketplace (the heart of the nation) has already been redeemed by Jesus and now needs
to be reclaimed by His followers.!
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10)!
Study on what ‘redemption’ means using illustrations from the courtroom (freedom from penalty),
the marketplace (freedom for slaves),the temple (sacrifice) and the home (reconciliation) - courtesy
Nicky Gumbel ‘Questions of Life’ , getting input from course members.!
3! Labour is the premier expression of worship on earth; and every believer is a minister.!
“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.”(Col. 3:23). !
I love this quote from ‘God At Work’ by Ken Costa: ‘My work station is my worship station’!
I would ‘prime the pump’ with my own personal experience and others that I know, then welcome
comments. If there is healthy discussion we might even take a vote on the subject: ”Is work
Consider the quote from John Stott: ‘work should bring glory to God and edify one’s neighbour!
4! Our primary call is not to build the Church but to take the Kingdom of God where the kingdom of
darkness is still entrenched in order for Jesus to build His Church.!
”Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it. I will give you
the keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 16:18-19)
!I would here willingly share my calling to the pastoral ministry and God’s specific word not to build
a church, but ‘do family’ - and that God would build His church
5! The premier social indicator that transformation has taken place is the elimination of systemic
“The Son of God appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
(1 John 3:8b)
As suggested by Silvoso, I would look at the following verses and hold a discussion around them

Luke 4:18 - “Good news to the poor”, Acts 4:34 - “No needy one among them” ,
Acts 20:35 - “We must take care of the needy”, Gal. 2:10 - “Take care of the poor”!
Module 4: Enjoy or Endure?!
Start off with some quotes from the ‘secular’ world: Source: www.brainyquotes.com!
“This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and
now. And instead of calling it work, realise it is play.” !
― Alan W. Watts!
It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man.!
Benjamin Franklin!
Let us realize that: the privilege to work is a gift, the power to work is a blessing, the love of work is
David O. McKay!
And concluding with a quote from ‘Joy At Work’!
“A joy-filled workplace gives people the freedom to use their talents and skills for the benefit of
society, without being crushed or controlled by autocratic supervisors.”- Dennis Bakke!
MAJOR CASE STUDY: AES (content selected from ‘Joy At Work’ by Bakke )!
Present the four major shared values, and give personal examples of each:!
1. To act with integrity!
Share the Jack Groves/Glory Top case study in Chapter 3(b) of this assignment!
Discussion on ‘normal business practice’ in Hong Kong, and whether it is at odds with biblical
Quote Bakke: ‘We should attempt to live according to a set of unchanging shared ethical principles,
because it is the right way to live’!
2. To be fair!
Share about Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic Sustainable Procurement Policy, and his
commitment to fairness (I have some comments from some of his staff)!
3. To have fun!
Share the ‘Live, Laugh, Love Ad’ campaign I ran for AXA in 2000 and show the TV ads, sharing the
market research and the fact that all insurance ads were ‘the same’. Add that I was ‘moved away’
from the marketing dept. as a result!!! !
4. To be socially responsible!
Share about the Goldman Sachs Foundation or AXA Atout Couer. The group may have other
Pick two sides and hold a debate:!
Team 1: The share price of AES Com today (6 Oct) is $10.27, on 29 Dec 2014 it was $14.37, a fall
of almost 30%. Okay the market’s been bad! But on 29 Sept 2000 it reached $68.50. Present the
case for shareholder return taking precedence over other ‘soft’ results!
Team 2: Given our earlier look at Transformation and Ed Silvoso, AES looks to be a role model.
Awarded Panama’s first natural gas-fired generation plant, it seems to be tangibly transforming that
nation, employing 18,500 globally, delivering safe, reliable and sustainable energy to over 10
million people - AES were named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the second successive
year. Present the case that surely this is of a higher value than ‘profits’ alone (Figures from AES
After debate, present Bakke’s findings in Ch 3 of ‘Joy at Work’ when asking the question “What is
most important factor that makes a workplace rewarding etc?” (Good friends, good environment,
it’s challenging, I get to do what I’m good at, fair play, I learn a lot, doing something worthwhile, I’m
needed, I’m thought of as a person, winning, part of a team, significant responsibility) and begin a
discussion of whether these things are more important to our group than salary and other tangible
Conclusion of course!
1. Work is sacred!
2. Work is biblical!
3. Work is transformational!
4. Work is to be enjoyed!

Concluding quote: “You can work in a not-for-profit organisation, but you cannot work in a not-for-
purpose organisation” - Ken Costa - ‘God At Work’!
New York, 19-22 April 2006, ATN Summit!
I awoke early on 21st April (still jet lagged!) and sensed God say!
this to me for the church and the marketplace.!
I say to you, church in the 21st century, ARISE – for you are a new!
breed. Have I not said that 'Behold I am doing a new thing'? Have I!
not said 'Do not dwell on the past?'  (ref: Isaiah 43:18)!
Now is the time to take me for my word. It will be manifested in you!
and will be a light for the whole world for the whole world to see.!
Business people – you are a new breed; I will teach you things that!
you did not learn at business school. Your anointing, your new!
anointing has nothing to do with your ability (Indeed, I will use the!
foolish things of this world to shame the wise), but it has everything!
to do with your availability. Remember, I am the potter and you are!
the clay. You have nothing to fear from the potter's kiln, I am the!
expert craftsman and will mould you into the unique design I have for!
I will give you a new heart and a new love for my church. I will give!
you a supernatural love for your pastors and church leaders,!
Do not try to mould your church leaders into the things you are!
expecting them to be, allow me to do that.!
They will not be persuaded by words, by formula or by clever!
persuasion – but by the love that you show them.!
As you show them my love they will gradually link arms with you and!
you will be able to approach the commission I have given you in the!
way I have intended – Hand in Hand!
People will be attracted to this by the love that you have for one!
another. I will use this the change the world – this new breed will!
become world changers, but only to the extent they have received and!
given, manifested my love.!
I am also seeking a new breed of pastors and am about to release in!
this group a supernatural wisdom, one that you would not be taught in!
a bible school or seminary. I am giving you a new language; it is the!
language of those in the marketplace. You will be able to speak with!
them in their own language.!
I am looking for 'pastorpreneurs' in my Kingdom. You will see those in!
the marketplace as I intended them to be – members of the same team as!
I want you to join sides with them, you have been playing on the!
opposite side of the pitch for too long. There can be no winner in!
this game –it only ever results in stalemate.!
But when we are on the same side of the pitch, our only opposition is!
the enemy (i.e. not each other) and he already knows that he is!
I will give you a new heart for your flock and I will give you new!
eyes to see them as I see them. I will give you spiritual eyes to see!
the anointing that is upon them.!
Do not be threatened by their anointing, but I want you to fully!
embrace everything I am doing. Let love reign in your hearts as you!
submit yourself to the new things I am doing.!
The New Breed does not construct walls – it tears them down!
The New Breed does not fight for territory – it opens its borders!
The New Breed has no agenda – except for that of the one who has!
ordained this new season.!
Arise, mighty men and women of God, your time has come!!
(b) Case Study !
Jack Groves was the Marketing Director of a leading Hong Kong financial services company. He
was an expatriate, having been in Hong Kong for 7 years . As a practising Christian he had found
the office to be an excellent place to share his faith. A change in Chief Executive from an
international agnostic to a local Chinese, widely-known to be a committed Christian, only served to
heighten that excitement and fill him with possibilities of reaching out to over 3000 staff and field
agents, who were almost exclusively locals. He felt that his work was his mission field and loved
his job.!
But about a year later, he began to hear about increasing tension between the new chief executive
and head office in the US, and it became obvious that all was not well.!
Rumours of the possibility of the chief executive joining a new competitor and maybe ‘poaching’
the majority of the sales force were starting to widely circulate.!
Jack was responsible for both press relations and investor relations as the company was listed on
the Hong Hong Stock Exchange. Of course, the Chief Executive Andy Ng would deny these
rumours every time it was discussed at management level. But it led to a strange feeling around
the company.!
On 4 Jan 1994, a bizarre but significant event occurred. The most successful Sales Director
Johnny Wong , controlling over 600 sales agents, decided to confront Andy publicly - leading to
Johnny leaving the company in the most public of dismissals. It shocked those at the meeting and,
indeed, the whole company. CEO Andy Ng went to see the Company Chairman, Sir Donald
Ackerman and convinced the former colonial government servant that it was Wong who was
actually the conspirator. Ng was very convincing at all times, often using his Christian faith as part
of his credibility - and within hours Sir Donald and the rest of the board and management team had
thrown their weight firmly in support of Ng!
The rumours however did not go away.!
On the 20 Jan, Jack was summoned to a meeting to be told that Andy Ng had resigned and that
the company had received 1000 identical resignations from sales agents, who were apparently
joining a new venture called Glory Top, funded by a major telecommunications giant. One of the
other senior team Hans Ip joined a third company, later discovered to be a front for recruiting
agents to Glory Top.!
Jack had to make some instant decisions. On a personal level, how would he take being betrayed
by a friend and Christian brother? How would he deal with the press? The company’s share price
fell 30% on 20 Jan, how would he reassure investors? And how would he show Christian
leadership within the company? And how did this turn of events fit with his ‘call to ministry’?!
Identify issues!
Confidence of investors!
Share Price!
Those agents who have left the company!
Those agents who remain with the company but might leave!
Staff morale!
The media and PR!
Andy Ng!
Johnny Wong!
Identify three core issues!
Those agents who have left the company!
Those agents who remain with the company but might leave!
The media and PR!
Note: addressing these issues will go a long way towards addressing the others!
Specific Scriptural Teaching!
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free John 8:32!
Vengeance is mine says the Lord Romans 12:19!
Do not show partiality James 2: 9, Romans 2:11!
Biblical Theology!
1 Creation!
All involved are God’s creation created in God’s image!
The amount of good work that had gone into building the company and sales force. It was
important to remember that Jack’s war ‘was not against flesh and blood’. Those involved probably
felt they had good reason for their behaviour. Those involved were not necessarily ‘evil’. Jack had
to realise that perhaps he did not know all of the facts. For instance, he had not realised that the
change in Chief Executive from an experienced international to Andy Ng a local Chinese, was
accompanied by a distinct lack of trust from the US parent - making his job very difficult and
challenging his authority. The company had grown from a handful of agents to around 3000 in
around a decade. Much of the credit for this had to go to Andy. Becoming the first insurance
company to be listed on the HKSE had enhanced the Company’s reputation internationally.!
2 Sin!
Violation of covenant and greed!
It was no doubt that self was elevated above the common good in this instance. Notwithstanding
the background, Andy Ng was the Chief Executive of a public-listed company and, once it became
obvious that the conspiracy had been birthed even before his appointment and continued
throughout his entire tenure, it was obvious that not only was a covenant but a legal responsibility
breached. In addition, there were vast sums of money involved in this transaction and, not
surprisingly, heads were turned and greed overtook loyalty.!
3 Redemption!
Jesus said ‘I am the truth’, ‘You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’!
Coming after months of rumour and innuendo, it was important to piece together a communications
programme to counter this by telling the truth to all stakeholders and restoring confidence in the
company, both internal and external’. “he said she said’ needed to be replaced by facts. Jack’s role
in this was crucial as he had responsibilities for communications, both internally and externally. It
was important that the truth be presented in a way to restore confidence!
4 Consummation!
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future!
The important thing here was not just to deal with the ‘crisis’ (NB The Chinese for crisis means
both danger and opportunity!), but to restore confidence for the future and to stabilise the company,
setting it up for long term success. Jack was very aware his actions could influence this process

There was not an option for Jack and the company to do nothing and allow the situation to pass
over. The share price had crashed, confidence was low and rumours abounding. There was
potential for irreparable damage. There was possibly to opt for some sort of counterattack or
revenge attack on the ‘opposition’. The management would have to decide, however, the options
around damage control, clear communication with all stakeholders and the restoration of
The company was a public-listed subsidiary of a leading international institution. It was very well
resourced financially and had access to various international talent from around the world,
especially at their US head office. The local management team had seen only one defection with
the possibility of one more. It’s team of executives represented an excellent mix of experienced
locals and expats and was widely respected!
Addressing the three key issues:!
Those agents who have left the company!
Those agents who remain with the company but might leave!
The media and PR!
-The boardroom became a ‘war room’ with 7am meetings (and bacon rolls!) for the whole team!
-Engagement of private investigators to dig out the true story and follow events as they unfolded!
-Legal proceedings taken against those deemed to have broken their contract. This was a key
communication tool.!
Investment analysts!
Note: Key messages were developed!
- External PR firm hired to help Jack and his team!
- Preparation for a large meeting to which ALL agents were invite to hear the truth!
- Incentive programmes introduced to retain key personnel!
- Longer term company ‘feel good’ events planned (i.e. 125th anniversary celebration with lucky
draw etc)!
- Clear and regular communication with all stakeholders!
- Visits from HO officials to boost morale!
- Immediate appointment of a new CEO (first interim, then permanent)!
In addition, Jack was able to engage prayer support and circulate encouraging Scriptures such as
Psalm 55: 20-23 ‘My companion attacks his friends; he violates his covenant. His talk is smooth as
butter, yet war is in his heart; his words are more soothing than oil, yet they are drawn swords.Cast
your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.’!
The highlight was the massive agent meeting at a famous seafood restaurant. Over 500 of the
original resignations were overturned, although subsequently 150 of those did leave. Johnny Wong
and his team rejoined the company, achieving even greater success. The existing staff and agency
heads were given incentives to stay and confidence was gradually restored. The potential legal
action provided a useful deterrent, although the cases never came to court. The share price
gradually improved until the company’s delisting in 1999 at a huge premium to the 1994 price. The
company was acquired by the world’s largest insurance company and remains one of HK’s leading
financial institutions. Jack was handed responsibility for some other departments after the incident
( He believed the words of Psalm 18:20: ‘The LORD has dealt with me according to my
righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me’), which he held until
his retirement in 2003. Jack has since met with Andy Ng and the other ‘defectors’ and enjoys at
least some sort of reasonable relationship with them.!
Note: this is based on true events, with names and details changed!
Chapter 4!
As I come to the end of my assignment for the “Theology of Work’ course, I genuinely feel that my
life is undoubtedly richer from my participation and I have thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience
and ‘being a student’ again in my 60’s!!
This course came at a significant crossroads in my life. A businessman for over 33 years and a full-
time pastor for over a decade, I have for long championed the cause of removing the division
between sacred and secular (inspired almost 20 years ago by Ed Silvoso’s ground-breaking book
‘Anointed for Business’) and , since handing over the pastor’s role at my church, have been looking
for direction to take this forward. The Theology of Work course did exactly that.!
It has given more a greater insight into the connection between pulpit and marketplace, and a
desire to reach out to pastors and bankers alike even more, particularly now I have some spare
capacity to do just that!
Before I even attended that week, I was already enticed, having spoken to the ever-enthusiastic Dr
Natalie Chan and read the preparatory ‘Work Matters’ book (I have since recommended this to
dozens of contemporaries)!
I didn’t know what to expect as I approached the first day…..!
To be honest, there was not a whole lot of new ‘information’ for me - but I was greatly inspired by
Dr Paul Stevens’ enthusiasm at an age 15 years older than mine, giving me a glimpse of
something I may be able to devote my time to in future, and give back. I was also impressed by his
depth of knowledge and felt at all times as though he was ‘talking my language’ .This gave me a
different way of looking at what the world calls ‘retirement’, and offers me hope for a productive
future - having ‘retired’ from both the business world and the pastoral ministry. Having said that, I
came away from the whole experience feeling that I had indeed learned quite a lot!
Being the only Westerner in a group of both local and mainland Chinese was also quite special ,
and I found that I was able to be a sort of ‘additional resource’ for them , as well as learning for
myself - from them as well as our teachers. After a couple of days, I found that most of my breaks
were filled with keen colleagues asking me questions. I liked that!!
Parts of the course were difficult, particular when guest speakers used the Chinese language (e.g.
Dr Ricky Szeto’s almost 2 hour talk). But I have to weigh that against setting aside a whole week to
learn, study and become part of community. This was the first time I’d done anything like this for
many years and stretched my comfort zone.!
The subjects I found were indeed relevant and I got a great deal from almost all of them. Some of
that was just being able to put a framework on to things I had already known, experienced and
used. My highlights of the course were probably the case studies and I really enjoyed being able to
invest my experience and expertise into these sessions. This also gave excellent time to interact
with more Chinese brothers and sisters (and a chance to practice my limited Chinese!) I also found
both the case studies and discussions to be an excellent accompaniment to the teaching!
The recommended book list was diverse and I have, generally, really enjoyed the books I have the
privilege to read since the course. I deliberately chose a balance of titles. They have supplemented
what I received that week very well, and given me a desire to read further.!
I lead a busy life and have had to work at building both the course and its pre and post work into
my schedule. Having a longer holiday shortly after the course didn’t help - and I had to overcome a
three-week break whilst getting to grips with this assignment. However, a personal visit to Bethel
recently renewed my enthusiasm to complete this project and hopefully, progress with my D.Min
I would humbly assign myself an ‘A’ grade for the course. I believe I have invested as well as
received and my presence was a help to the organisers, rather than a hindrance. I refrained from a
‘A+’, as I speak too much and was very concerned I might have dominated too much of the
discussions. This can be excused by my enthusiasm , but is not always helpful to everyone on the
Thanks for the privilege!!

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