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Determine the Porosity Cutoff

By Group (4 ) :

Sajad Mohammed Khalid

Zainab Haitham Zgher

Hussain Mohammed Lafta

Tabark Jamal Salman

Mena Qusai Adnan

Ahmed Waheed Ab

Supervised by

D. Jihad Hussain
4th Stage (2021-2022)

Table of content
Abstract ...................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ............................................................................................... 4

Theory ....................................................................................................... 5

Semi-logarithmic method ................................................................................ 5

Statistical method............................................................................................. 5

Procedure ................................................................................................... 6

Result ......................................................................................................... 7

Discussion ................................................................................................. 13

References.................................................................................................. 15

In this report we determine the porosity cutoff by using two method Porosity
Cutoff: Pores with porosity less than cutoff value, are non reservoir rock.
The porosity cut-off is used to discriminate between porous & permeable and
tight sand intervals in the gross sand interval, equivalent to the porosity
corresponding to the minimum permeability allows oil and gas flow. Cut-off
porosity estimated by semi-logarithmic and statistical methods. We determine
the value of porosity cutoff of each method
In semi logarithm method we determined it for each layer and it give (ma is
13% ,Mc1 is 11% ,Mc2 is 9%,Mb12 is 7%,Mb11 is 9%,Mb21 is 13%) and from
the statistical method the value of porosity cutoff for each well is 4%
We Take horizontal porosity and permeability due to give more description for
formation than vertical and also the well is horizontal

➢ Rock and fluid properties, along with reservoir characteristics, provide the
basis for analysis, development, and production of petroleum reservoirs
throughout their life cycle. In order to accomplish the above, reservoir
engineers collect and analyze relevant rock properties data from wide-ranging
sources on a regular basis, including geological, petrophysical, geophysical,
geochemical, well logging, drilling, well testing, and production data.
Reservoir simulation studies may also aid in estimating various rock
characteristics based on observed reservoir performance

➢ The overall objective is to gather a detailed description and build a conceptual

and comprehensive model of the reservoir, which leads to the formulation of
a strategy to produce the reservoir optimally and maximize recovery.

➢ The porosity cutoff is critical porosity for a required permeability which is

commonly obtained from a porosity-permeability plot. It also indicates the
sedimentary and diagenetic factors characters, such as reservoir rocks
structure(the content of matrix or mud, particle size and sorting), composition
of authigenic mineral (such as the content of authigenic minerals as the pore-
lining presence), dolomite content and reservoir pore structure (interparticle,
intercrystalline, intraparticle, moldic, macropores, mesopores and
micropores, etc.) and so on.

➢ The porosity cut-off is used to discriminate between porous & permeable and
tight sand intervals in the gross sand interval, equivalent to the porosity
corresponding to the minimum permeability allows oil and gas flow.

➢ Multi- well cross-plot of conventional core porosity-permeability data with

gamma-ray log plot was used to define the porosity cut-off. the porosity-

permeability crossplot and gamma ray log used for determination of porosity

➢ One of the cutoff calculations that must be performed in necessary to come at
the best economic reservoir is the porosity cutoff. You'll need the porosity and
permeability core data for the layers to calculate it. Parameter of porosity cut-
off is simply a mean to limit. The parameter is used in formation evaluation to
distinguish between formation rocks that are useful for hydrocarbon
production and formation rocks that are not. As a result, incorrect cut-off
values can lead to an inaccurate or unreal reservoir volume, which can affect
the reliability of hydrocarbon in-place and reserves estimations.
Cut-off porosity can be estimated by semi-logarithmic and by statistical
methods. in most cases, the results of the two methods should be similar.

1- Semi-logarithmic method
In this way we need data from SCAL (special core analysis lab test). These data
are permeability and porosity, the permeability(log) and porosity(linear) data
are drawn on a graph and the best straight line is taken To extract porosity cut
off we must take the permeability value of 1 and drops it onto the straight line
We drop this value from the straight line to the x-axis, which represents the
porosity, this value of the porosity represents the porosity cut off.
2-Statistical method
The use of the Y-on-X regression line is an example of methods which may
provide porosity cut-off values. These methods provide estimates of the “best”
cut-off value with associated statistical characteristics. The best value is the
value which, when used, gives the smallest likelihood error of prediction. This
study will investigate which of these several porosity cut-off methods gives cut-

off values which are optimal in term of bias, efficiency, and robustness when
applied to evaluate net pay .

1- write core data on excel program and take horizontal porosity and
permeability due to give more description for formation than vertical .
2- after compete step 1 we plot each unit and calculate cut-off porosity.
Note/ There are unit doesn’t have different in data due to Shortage in data we
will plot it on linear scale because the semi-log scale have error.
3- Semi-logarithmic method Porosity
a. We plot the porosity on the X-axis and the permeability on the Y-axis
for each layer
b. Draw a straight line that passes through the most points
c. From the value of the permeability of 0.1, we drop on the porosity axis
and extract the value of the cutoff
4- Statistical method:
a. We calculate the number of porosity for each range of permeability .
b. We get the value of n for each column and then sum n for each column
until we get the value of N.
c. We calculate n/N for each range of the permeability.
d. we plot n/N vs Porosity Then we determine the Porosity cuttoff by the
first point where all the lines intersect.

TaВle (1) : Data Well layers

Depth porosity permeability
12307 16.2 2.2
12310 21.1 6.1
12367 27 0.4
12371 65 0.3
12373 17 0.05


mB11 3832-3869
12595 2 0
12602 5.9 0.1
12609 10.8 0.4
12611 1.9 3.4
12618 9.8 0.2
12621 14.8 16.1
12627 5.4 1.4
12631 2.4 0.4
12633 9.7 1.6
12642 4.2 0.1
12648 7.2 0
12649 8.3 0
12650 6
12651 1.8 0
12652 10.3 0
12653 6.7
12654.5 7.6 0.2

12655 9.7 0
12656 11.8 0
12657 7.2 0
12658.3 5.4 0.1
12659 5 0
12660 3.5 0
12661 4.2 0
12662 6.6 0


mB12 3882-3891
12743 0.1 0
12746 5.7 1.1
12751 14.8 4.3
12752 14.4 11.4
12753 12.9 2.2
12754 9.4 1.8
12755 10.2 4.1
12756 13.8 9
12757 19.2 30.1
12758 10.4 0.8
12760 2.1 1.8
12764 4 1
12648 7.2 0
12649 8.3 0
12651 1.8 0
12652 10.3 0
12654 7.6 0.2
12655 9.7 0
12656 11.8 0
12657 7.2 0
12658 5.4 0.1

12659 0.6 0
12660 3.5 0
12661 4.2 0
12662 6.6 0
12664 6.1 0
12665 8 0
12666 5.2 0.1
12667 2.3 0
12668 4.1 0
12669 5.1 0
12670 7.9 0
12671 7.4 0
12672 2.2 0
12673 2.2 0
12674 3.9 0
12675 7.4 0
12676 7.7 0
12677 8.9 0
3814.2 10.9 19.35
3814.6 10.1 0.77
3814.9 15.5 40.16
3815.19 11.6 3.94
3815.5 14.3 17.73
3815.82 13.5 26.75
3816.17 9.7 1.91
3816.66 15.5 45.05
3817.2 15.8 11.22
3817.5 13.9 10.14
3817.87 10.5 22.03
3818.22 7.7 5.96
3818.46 12 3.08
12363 10.6 13.8
12378 17.2 1.9
12401 17.4 18.3
12404 20.8 10
12446 25.7 193


mC1 3983.8-4049
13177 7.9 1
13183 10.6 0.6
13188 5.7 1.1
13196 4.4 0
13198 17.9 57.5
13200 18.2 148.3
13201 20 85.1
13202 18.9 66.3
13204 13.6 465.8
13205 18.5 144.1
13207 21.4 327.5
13208 18.4 161.3
13210.9 16.4 51
13212 15.6 16.2
13214 16.5 28.5
13217 22.9 1229.5
13218 25.6 1040
13220 14.1 3.4
13222 16.9 7.4
13224 18.2 11.8
13226 19.1 27.1
13230 10.8 18.1
13232 19.6 147
13236 19.5 167.8
13237 10.5 0.4

13239 20.1 76.2
13242 16.9 9.1
13243 21.1 491.2
13245 11.7 12.1
13247 18.8 26.7


mB21 3904-3983.8
12813 15.6 67.6
12816.3 16.6 118.8
12817 17.4 31.7
12818 21.8 1173.2
12819 18.4 22.6
12820 17.4 783.1
12821 17.6 14.7
12822 20.3 29.3
12823 17.6 10.2
12824 17.8 7.3
12825 18 7.1
12826 17.6 6.9
12828 18.2 11.5
12833 17.4 4
12835 17 4
12837 19 5.1
12838 16.8 1.2
12840 18.3 3.7
12845 16.9 1.3
12850 20.3 3.1
12854 17.9 1.3
12860 17.3 2.7
12865 22.6 7.2



10 mB21
1 mC2


0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure (1): semi logartmic method

layer cutoff porosity

Ma 13%
Mc1 11%
Mc2 9%
MВ12 7%
MВ11 9%
MВ21 13%

Table (2) Data for Statical method
k=0 k=0.01-5 k=5-30 k more than 30
Porosity n n/N n n/N n n/N n n/N
0_3 26 0.361111 10 0.031546 0 0 2 0.013245
3_6 11 0.152778 26 0.082019 1 0.003953 2 0.013245
6_9 27 0.375 36 0.113565 1 0.003953 4 0.02649
9_10 2 0.027778 11 0.0347 0 0 2 0.013245
10_15 6 0.083333 81 0.255521 45 0.177866 11 0.072848
15_20 0 0 134 0.422713 167 0.660079 74 0.490066
20_25 0 0 17 0.053628 39 0.15415 52 0.344371
25_100 0 0 2 0.006309 0 0 4 0.02649

Sum (N) 72 317 253 151


statistical method







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

K=0 K=0.01-5 K=5-25 K>25

Figure (2): Statical method

The Value of porosity cutoff is 3.8%

• The discretization of Mishrif formation into units leads to increase the accuracy
of the correlations of the petrophysical properties, therefore, the estimated
cutoff values become more realistic

• The results indicated that the Semi-log method gives unrealistic results of
cutoffs values with the commonly used assumption of Kc = 0.1md .

• In general, the first method (Semi-log method )is the most accurate among the
methods mentioned by adopting direct results.

• We take the value of permeability is 1%

• We take horizontal porosity and permeability due to give more description for
formation than vertical

• The another method that can be used to determine the porosity cutoff is
Determination of cutoffs by petro physical log data:
This technology has many advantages because it is less dependent on individual
experience and also applies to all types of tanks with different liquids
This method can be the leading technique and in other cases where basic and
throughput data can be accessed, this process can be used as a primary method.
In this technique, the water saturation cutoff known as Swc is first assumed
based on the water saturation graph. The porosity is separated into two groups
after which the saturation is plotted with the porosity


1- A Reservoir Simulation Study of Tertiary Reservoir / Jambour Field Jihad

Husain Al-Joumaa (B.Sc. 2008)

2- Bouffin, N., 2007, Net Pay Evaluation: A Comparison of Methods to Estimate

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Texas A&M University.

3- Davis, 2002, Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology. John Wiley & Sons,
New York.

4- Cosentino, L., 1997, Exploration, Production and Transport, Oil Field

Characteristics and Relevant Studies.

5- George, C.J., Stiles, L.H., 1978, Improved techniques for evaluating

carbonate waterfloods in West Texas, Journal of Petroleum Technology, vol.
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