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Industrial Relations

Program Credit : MBA : 3 Classof : 2010 Sessions : 33

CourseCode : SLHR605

Thiscourseexposesthestudentstotheissuesinvolvedinmaintaininggoodemployeerelations.The paradigmshiftfromindustrialrelations toemployeerelations&theimpact onunionized activityis discussed with its historical perspective. The Statutes will be covered with respect to the aim, its relevance,implications&implementationinthecorporateworld. REFERENCE BOOKS Dynamics of Industrial Relations in India AUTHOR / PUBLICATION Mamoria, C B / Mamoria, S. Himalaya Publishing House Industry & labor Ramaswamy, E A / Ramaswamy, Uma Oxford University Press. Industrial Relations
Industrial Relations Trade Unions & Labour Legis

Arora, Monal. Excel Books - 2002 Sinha, P R N. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt
Ltd - 2006

Industrial Relations in India & Workers Involvement in Management Labour Law Digest

Michael, V P. Himalayan publications


Industrial Relations: Concept, Perspective and Organization: Human Resource Development in Perspective Impact of Industrial Revolution Industrial Relations: Concept Importance of Industrial Relations Scope and Aspects of Industrial Relations The Management The Government Factors Affecting Industrial Relations Perspectives/Approaches to Industrial Relations Organization for Industrial Relations Dimensions of Industrial Relations Work Prerequisite Successful Industrial RelationsProgram EvolutionofIndustrialRelations:EvolutionofIndustrialSystem OccupationsinAncientIndia Labor inMedievalIndiaGuildsandUnionsIndustrialRelationsEarlyBritishRule FirstWorldWartoPre IndependencePeriod Trade Unionism Concept, Functions, Approaches, Structure and Security: Trade Union concept General Features Functions Function of Trade Unions in the USSR, China, USA, UK, and India Evolution of Trader Unions Types and Structure of Trade Union Crafts Versus Industrial Unions Views of the NCL on Pattern/Structure of Trade Unions Structure of Trade Unions in India Union Security ThreeCharacteristicsNeededMethodsofAchievingtheObjectives TradeUnionMovementinIndia: LaborMovement or TradeUnionMovementWhythe Tradeunion Movement? Growth and Development of the Trade Union Movement Social Welfare Period Early Trade union Period Leftwing Unionism Period Trade Unions Unity Period Second World War Period The PostIndependence Period Present Scenario of the Trade Union Movement The Central Trade Unions The Indian National Trade Union Congress All India Trade Union Congress United Trade Union Congress Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh National Front of Indian Trade Unions Centre of IndianTradeUnionComparativeStudyofFourOriginalCentralOrganizations. Problems of Trade Unions: IntroductionMain problems Inter Union Rivalry Recommendations of ILCStandingCommitteeCodeofConductRecommendationsofNCLUndertheMaharashtraAct NationalCommissiononLaborsViewsonRightsofRecognizedUnionsTradeUnionsundertheplans Recommendations of National Commission on Labor for Strengthening Trade Union Essentials for SuccessofaTradeUnionUnfairPracticebyRecognizedTradeUnionGeneralUnfairLaborPractice. WorkersEducationandTraining:WorkersEducationandConceptObjectiveofWorkersEducation Venue and Technique Workers Education in India The Scheme for Workers Education Three Levels of Workers Education Special Category Programs Evaluation of the Scheme Workers Training TrainingSchemeofDGET ImplementationofLaborLawsProcesses Discipline: Code of Discipline in industryCriteria for recognition of TURights of recognized unions under the Code of DisciplineFostering discipline in industryEmployee DisciplinePositive discipline Disciplinary action processStanding ordersJudicial InterventionDomestic Enquiry Framing the charge sheetSuspension of pending enquirynotice of enquiryEnquiry OfficerDomestic Enquiry Proceedings Representations of a legal practitionerPrinciples of Natural justiceCriminal proceedings on domestic enquiryfindingsandconclusionsofEnquiryOfficerAwardofPunishment. Collective Bargaining: Concept Main Features of Collective Bargaining Importance of Collective Bargaining Principles of Collective Bargaining Contents and Coverage of a Collective Bargaining Agreement Forms of Collective Bargaining Developing a Bargaining Relationship Process of NegotiationduringBargainingForunionandManagementforTradeUnionTheAttitudeoftheparties Collective Bargaining in India Recent Trends in Collective Bargaining the Issue Side Collective Bargaining Agreements at Different Levels Plant, Industry and National Level Prerequisites of CollectiveBargainingAgreementsatDifferentLevelsTheNationalCommissiononLabororCollective Bargaining.

SettlementMachinery:Conciliation Arbitration Adjudication. IndustrialRelationsandRelatedLegislation:TheTradeUnionAct,1926TheIndustrialEmployment (standingOrders)Act1946 TheIndustrialDisputesAct,1947 LegislationRelatingofFactories. IndustrialRelationsSystemsinUKUSA:UnitedKingdom TradeUnionMembershipCompulsory ArbitrationJointConsultationandworkersParticipationinManagementJointConsultationWorkers Participation. UnionizationofITITESSectorEmployees Issues

HRProblemsatJetAirways:CopingwithTurbulentTimesintheIndianAviationIndustry EliLilly:ManagingWorkplaceDiversityandCopingwiththeAccusationsofRacialDiscrimination TryingTimesfortheIndianITandBPOIndustries IGMetall ATradeUnioninCrisis? CollectiveBargaining:TheGeneralMotorsUnitedAutoWorkersDeal LaborUnrestatHondaMotorcycle&ScooterIndia(Private)Limited


Topic Industrial Relations: Concept, Perspective and Organization (Including case discussion) Evolution of Industrial Relations Trade Unionism Concept, Functions, Approaches, Structure and Security (Including case discussion) Trade Union Movement in India Problems of Trade Unions (Including case discussion) Workers Education and Training Discipline (Including case discussion) Collective Bargaining (Including case discussion) Settlement Machinery Industrial Relations and Related Legislation Industrial Relations Systems in UK USA Total 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 33 2 3 No. of Sessions 2

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