Maths 0580 Paper 4 MS

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Title:IGCSE logo bw.

Cambridge International Examinations
Creator:Adobe Illustrator(R) 14.0
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Paper 4 (Extended) February/March 2023


Maximum Mark : 130

[Turn over
0580/42 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2023

Cambridge Assessment International Education – Generic Marking Principles

These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers. They should be applied alongside the specific content of
the mark scheme or generic level descriptors for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these marking principles.


Marks must be awarded in line with:
 the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
 the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
 the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.


Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).


Marks must be awarded positively:
 marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond the scope of
the syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
 marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
 marks are not deducted for errors
 marks are not deducted for omissions
 answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these features are specifically assessed by the question as
indicated by the mark scheme. The meaning, however, should be unambiguous.


Rules must be applied consistently e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed instructions or in the application of generic level descriptors.


Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question (however; the use of the full mark range may be limited
according to the quality of the candidate responses seen).


Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should not be awarded with grade thresholds or grade descriptors
in mind.

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Maths-Specific Marking Principles

1. Unless a particular method has been specified in the question, full marks may be awarded for any correct method. However, if a calculation is required
then no marks will be awarded for a scale drawing.

2. Unless specified in the question, answers may be given as fractions, decimals or in standard form. Ignore superfluous zeros, provided that the degree of
accuracy is not affected.

3. Allow alternative conventions for notation if used consistently throughout the paper, e.g. commas being used as decimal points.

4. Unless otherwise indicated, marks once gained cannot subsequently be lost, e.g. wrong working following a correct form of answer is ignored (isw).

5. Where a candidate has misread a number in the question and used that value consistently throughout, provided that number does not alter the difficulty or
the method required, award all marks earned and deduct just 1 mark for the misread.

6. Recovery within working is allowed, e.g. a notation error in the working where the following line of working makes the candidate’s intent clear.

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0580/42 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2023

RMA3 Marking instructions Syllabus Paper
March 2023 IGCSE Examinations 0580 42


1. Please familiarise yourself with the Examiners’ Instructions (on-screen).

2. If this is the first time you have marked using RMA 3 you should access the training videos from the Assessment Specialist website. If you have marked
using RMA3 before you may wish to re-visit this training.

3. Read through the question paper and provisional mark scheme. There WILL be further amendments to this mark scheme.

4. Browse scripts in RMA3. Please look at as many as you can and refer any queries/issues to your Team Leader for consideration at their STM meeting.


1. A FINAL mark scheme will be issued after the STM meeting. You must use this version of the mark scheme for your marking.

2. Mark 10 practice scripts and check them, ensuring the Comments Box is open (the Principal Examiner will add comments justifying the marking of
questions when it is not obvious).

3. Mark 10 standardisation scripts and submit them to your Team Leader.

4. Your Team Leader will feed back to you and approve your marking or ask you to mark a further 10 scripts.


1. Mark strictly to the mark scheme and make no departure from it.

2. If you are in doubt about applying the mark scheme, or if you feel a candidate is being unfairly penalised by the application of the mark scheme, consult
your Team Leader, preferably using the RMA 3 messaging system.

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3. Any blank pages are included in the zone for the previous question. These must be checked for responses by scrolling down and then adding the
SEEN annotation.

4. If you receive a script with Additional Objects please add a SEEN annotation to each page to show that you have checked these pages.

5. Award NR (No Response)

 if there is nothing written at all in the answer space, or
 if there is only a comment which does not in any way relate to the question being asked (e.g. ‘can’t do’, ‘don’t know’)
 if there is only a mark which is not an attempt at the question (e.g. a dash, a question mark).
Award 0 marks
 if there is an attempt that earns no credit, including copying out the question.

6. Where a candidate has crossed out a complete part of a question, it should be marked provided that it has not been replaced.

7. If two or more methods are offered, mark the method that leads to the answer on the answer line. If two or more answers are offered, mark the worst.

8. Method marks are for a full correct method but may be lost if subsequent incorrect method is shown.

9. Unless a particular method has been specified in the question, full marks may be awarded for any correct method. However, if a calculation is required
then no marks will be awarded for a scale drawing.

10. Where the answer in the answer space is incorrect because of a clear transcription error, then marks may be awarded.

11. Occasionally a candidate will misread a number in a question and use that value consistently throughout. Provided that number does not alter the
difficulty or method required, award all marks earned and penalise 1 mark. M marks are still awarded in any case. Record this by using the MR

12. Unless specified in the question, answers may be given as fractions, decimals or in standard form. Ignore superfluous zeros provided that the degree of
accuracy is not affected.

13. Allow any sensible notation. Watch out for commas being used for decimal points and dots being used for products. Brackets may be seen to represent

14. Anything in the mark scheme which is in square brackets […] is not required for the mark to be earned, but if present it must be correct.

15. For a decimal answer between 0 and 1, ignore the omission of the first zero e.g. answer of 0.418, accept .418

16. FT – a correct answer will score or follow through after an error.

Strict FT – you must follow through from their error. These will be indicated in the mark scheme.
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Abbreviation Annotation in RMA3 Meaning

M Method marks - for a correct method applied to appropriate numbers.

A Accuracy marks – depend on M marks. Hence M0 A1 is not possible.

Independent of method marks – for a correct final answer, a partially correct
answer or a correct intermediate stage.
SC Marks given in special cases only when indicated in mark scheme.

FT Work can be followed through after an error.

isw Ignore subsequent working (after correct answer obtained)

cao Correct answer only

nfww Not from wrong working

oe Or equivalent

soi Seen or implied

eeo Each error or omission

dep Dependent on the previous mark(s)

Benefit of the doubt is given to the candidate

Omission sign


Transcription error

The M, A and B etc annotations must be used on your standardisation scripts for responses that are not awarded either 0 or full marks.
It is not mandatory to use annotations for any other marking (unless stated in the mark scheme) though you may wish to use them in some circumstances.

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0580/42 Qualification - Mark Scheme March 2023


1. If a question asks for a particular level of accuracy then the mark scheme will include specific details.

2. In other cases, the following apply:

 More than 3 sf in the answer but correct (either rounded or truncated to 4 or more figure accuracy) – allow full marks.
 Less than 3 sf in the answer but correct to 3 or more sf seen in the working – allow full marks even if rounded incorrectly.
 3 sf incorrect in the answer but 3 or more correct seen in the working – allow full marks.
 If the third sf is zero after the decimal point (eg 15.0) then allow marks for 2 sf answers providing no wrong working is seen.

3. General principles are:

 2 sf answers will not imply method in most cases.
 If the final answer on the answer line has clearly been spoiled from the 3sf or more answer seen in the working (more than just rounding errors)
don’t allow the marks.
 Mark at most accurate which is usually where the answer is first seen.
 If the most accurate answer is incorrect then it scores zero, even if it has been correctly rounded into a correct answer.
 If this answer is then used in another part of the question then any M marks are available.
 If an accuracy FT is also available in the new part, then give the FT mark for a correct follow through from a value which has lost the accuracy
mark in the first part.
 However a correct value from the first part may have been given the accuracy mark but has then been rounded incorrectly and this has been
condoned. If the wrongly rounded value is used in the new part and leads to an incorrect answer, even if correctly followed through, then this
should not receive the accuracy mark here and should not be treated as a FT case.

4. Some examples on accuracy to exemplify the above.

 Suppose a calculator display correctly gives 6.32455532 and the general rubric on the front cover of the paper applies and the mark scheme
applies the usual rules about 3 sf or more.
The following answers, usually where first seen, would achieve the given score out of A1.

6.3 A0, 6.32 A1, 6.33 A0, 6.323 A0, 6.324 A1, 6.325 A1, 6.3245 A1, 6.3246 A1 etc.

 Suppose the mark scheme to a question is (a) M1

179.5 to 179.62 or 180 A1

(b) “their (a)” × 5.6 M1

1005 to 1006 or 1008 or 1010 A1 FT

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Candidate A (a) 179.59 M1A1 (nfww 2)

(b) 179.59 × 5.6 = 1005.7 = 1000 M1A1 (marked at most accurate)
Candidate B (a) 179.59 M1A1
(b) 180 × 5.6 = 1008 M1A1
Candidate C (a) 179.59 = 179 M1A1 (ignore the 179)
(b) 179 × 5.6 = 1002.4 M1A0 (not treated as FT)

Candidate D (a) = 179.48 = 179.5 M1A0 (marked at most accurate)

(b) 179.5 × 5.6 = 1005 M1A1

Candidate E (a) = 179.48 = 179 M1A0

(b) 179 × 5.6 = 1002.4 M1A1 FT

5. Money
 Exact answer $123.45 Answers $123.5 and $123 score A0
 Exact answer $670.40 Answer $670.4 scores A1
 Inexact answer $387.25666… Answers $387.26 or $387.3 or $387 score A1
ie correctly rounded to 3 sf or better, in other words do not treat as a money answer

6. Exact answers involving π and

 Exact answer 2.345 π Unless question is set in context (where some appreciation of appropriate accuracy is required),
allow A1 for 2.345 π on the answer line,
allow A0 for 2.35 π
Mark scheme will indicate in final column if marks to be allowed.

 Exact answer 23 Scores A1 if the question is not set in context and the √(prime number) is given on the answer line.
Scores A0 if the question is set in context (where some appreciation of appropriate accuracy is

Surd answers which simplify need not be simplified e.g. 12 or 2 3 are acceptable but not irrational
denominators – if simplified, mark the simplified answer i.e. not isw
Mark scheme will indicate in final column if marks to be allowed.


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Please send a brief report on the work of your candidates to your Team Leader by e-mail. Your report should cover candidate responses to questions and any
other matters that you wish to draw to the attention of Centres.
Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance
1(a)(i) M1 Allow 15 for 8 + 7

1(a)(ii)(a) 37.5 1
1(a)(ii)(b) 275 3
M2 for 250 + oe

or M1 for oe
1(a)(iii) 407 cao 3 B2 for 406.5 to 406.7

or M1 for oe
If 0 scored SC1 for their decimal value rounded to More accurate value must be seen
the nearest dollar or answer 354.
1(b) 24 2 M1 for [C : D =] 6 : 10 and [C : E =] 6 : 9 oe M1 implied by 1 part = 4
Allow any pair of correct ratios with a
common value for Carl’s oranges
or for oe
1(c) 56 000 3

M2 for oe

or M1 for

58800 or 57680 seen imply M1

or for oe or

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Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

1(d) 2.5[0] or 2.499... 3 1.02499....

M2 for

or M1 for oe

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

2(a)(i) 7 1
2(a)(ii) 8 1
2(a)(iii) 8.31 3 M1 for 3×6 + 32×7 + 19×8 + 29×9 + 11×10 + 6×11 Allow one error or omission
M1 dep for

2(a)(iv) 2 or 0.2090 to 0.2091

oe M1 for oe Accept fraction, percentage and
decimal equivalents (3sf or better)
Ignore incorrect cancelling or
conversion following a correct
Allow M1 for e.g. 23 in 110
But not ratio e.g. 23 : 110

2(b)(i) 53 1
2(b)(ii) 20 1
2(c)(i) 151.975 4 Allow 151.9 to 152 full marks
M1 for 80, 155, 250 soi allow one slip
M1 for 60×80 + 99×155 + 41×250 allow one further slip
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Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

M1 dep for dep on second M1

2(c)(ii) Correct histogram completed with 2 B1 for one correct column

widths 110 to 200 and 200 to 300 and If 0 scored, SC1 for 1.1 and 0.41 seen May be near table
heights 1.1 and 0.41

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

3(a) M2
M1 for oe Allow for in M2 and M1
or and allow values for M1 (452 or 452.3
π×122×3 = π×122×h + ⅔×π×33 oe to 452.4..., 56.5 or 56.54 to 56.56)

If cancelling done in M2 statement, a division still

A1 must be seen.
[h=] oe


3(b) 4.8[0] or 4.795 to 4.796 3 Implied by 23

M2 for oe
or B1 for 3 – 0.125

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Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

3(c) 10.5 or 10.47 to 10.49 3

M2 for or

or M1 for or

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

4(a)(i) Triangle at (3, –1), (9, –1), (9, 2) 2 B1 for correct shape, size and orientation

4(a)(ii)(a) Triangle at (3, 3), (4, 3), (3, 5) 2 B1 for correct shape size and orientation or rotation
about (4, 2) 90˚ anticlockwise

4(a)(ii)(b) Triangle at (4, 3), (5, 3), (5, 5) 3 B2 for correct shape size and orientation
or M1 for x + y = 6 drawn

4(a)(ii)(c) Reflection 2 B1 for each More than one transformation scores 0

x=4 and extra properties treat as choice

4(b) 3 B2 for correct unsimplified answer

or M1 for a correct route or
a+ b final answer
= –a + b or = –b + a
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Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

5(a) 2 –13p2 is two terms
final answer B1 for three of

5(b)(i) 175 2
M1 for

5(b)(ii) 3 M1 for correct multiplication by 2 Ms in any order.

M1 for correctly rearranging terms to isolate term Mark on completion of each move
or final answer in v Mark final M1 on answer line
M1 for correct division by t
Max 2 marks if final answer incorrect

5(c)(i) 2 Condone omission of final bracket

final answer B1 for or

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Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

5(c)(ii) 3 Condone omission of final bracket

final answer
B2 for or
or B1 for [....] or

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

6(a) y=4 1
6(b) 2
oe B1 for or Allow
6(c)(i) M1

Gradient =
Substituting (2, 3) in their equation. M1

Correct evaluation of c leading to A1 No errors or omissions

y = 2x – 1

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Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

6(c)(ii) 3.35 or 3.354... 5

B2 for or x-coord of D =
or M1 for 2x - 1 = 0 Allow or full marks

M2 for oe
or M1 for
FT their D for M2 and M1

See AG for other methods

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

7(a) Completed Venn diagram.
2 B1 for two correct values
8 [9]

7(b)(i) 8 1 FT their (a)

7(b)(ii) 19 1 FT their (a)
In parts (c) and (d), only accept fraction,
percentage and decimal equivalents (3sf
or better)

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Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

Ignore incorrect cancelling or conversion
following a correct answer.
Penalty –1 once for 2sf or words
e.g. 1 in 2 or 1 out of 2
But not ratio, not 1 to 2
7(c) 3 0.163[0]...
oe M2 for oe
or M1 for

If 0 scored SC1 for answer oe

7(d) 2 0.265 or 0.2647...

B1 for seen

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

8(a) 54 2
M1 for

8(b) 4.03 cao 6 4.034... implies 5 marks

B3 for

M1 for oe implies M1 B1
B1 for Condone e.g. x2 + 6.5x + 7.5 for B1
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Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

For M2 and M1, FT their three term

M2 for oe quadratic = 0

or M1 for oe Allow

or for oe

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

9(a) –3 3 B2 for 3x2 – 6x
or B1 for 3x2 – kx or for kx2 – 6x or for 3x2 – 6x + c

9(b) (0, –4) and (2, –8) 4 B3 for x = 0 and 2 or for (2, –8)
For both Ms their 3x2 – 6x must be from
M1 for their 3x2 – 6x = 0 or stating = 0 oe
e.g. correct factors or correct use of
M1 for correct method to solve their 3x2 – 6x = 0

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Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance


9(c) Correct sketch

2 Max on y-axis and min in correct quadrant Max approx on y-axis

B1 for cubic graph with positive x3 term and two
turning points
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6


-1 0

-1 5

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

10(a) M1
cos31 = oe A1
10(b) M1
cos = A1
41.801 to 41.802
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Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

10(c) 16.7 or 16.74 to 16.75 3 Allow use of 10.543...
M2 for and 41.801 to 41.802
M1 for oe
A1 for 280 or 280.4 to 280.5

10(d) 19.3 to 19.8 or 19.29 to 19.78 4 Allow use of 41.801 to 41.802

(70.70 to 70.71)
M2 for sin [ABD] =
Allow use of 41.801 to 41.802
or M1 for oe
Dep on trig used
M1 dep for angle DBC = 90 – their angle ABD
Alt method for STM finds BC and
DC then uses cos rule

10(e) 2.09 to 2.15 4

6.33 or 6.334 to 6.335
M1 for oe or better
Dep on trig or Pythagoras used for
M2 dep for BC – I think need full follow through
or M1 for recognition of shortest distance from part d
may be on diagram

Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

11(a) 1 1
11(b) 2 M1 for 2x – 1 + 3x + 2 = 0 oe
or –0.2
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Question Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance

11(c) 9x + 8 final answer 2 M1 for 3(3x + 2) +2

11(d) 4 Allow 2x2 – x for x(2x – 1)

final answer M1 for Ignore subsequent cancelling for B

B1 for or better marks
B1 for common denominator x(2x – 1)

11(e) h(x) indicated 1

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Question 6
Answer Marks Partial Marks Guidance
Correct sketch
Condone touching asymptotes but not crossing
2 B1 for one branch correct

-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400



12(b) 30, 210

2 B1 for each
If 0 scored SC1 for two answers (one acute and one reflex)
with a difference of 180

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m LDE = 85.02

m DLI = 108.08

m ELI = 55.04

m JED = 53.04 
m LID = 41.94 
m DEL = 41.94
m LIE = 94.98 


m GEH = 55.04

Question 17

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