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Project HS Risk Assessment

Project Name:
Date: 20/08/2022
Completed By:

Task/Activity: ACP Sheet Removing & Fixing


Death, permanent disability or Almost Very
Almost Certain Could happen any time. Catastrophic CONSEQUENCE (C) Likely Unlikely
permanent illness. Certain Unlikely

Long term injury or serious illness Catastrophic E E H M

Likely Could happen sometime. Major
lasting more than 7 days.
Major E H M L
Medical attention and less than 7 days
Unlikely Could happen, but very rarely. Moderate
off work. Moderate H M L L
Could happen, but probably never
Very Unlikely Minor First Aid needed.
will. Minor M L L L

RISK RESPONSE GUIDE Date Revision No. Details of the Revision Section Page(s)

Risk Score Risk Response

Work not to proceed until further mitigation is

E Extreme
Requires national review and approval to
H High
perform this activity.
Requires location/sector review and approval to
M Medium
perform this activity.

Can be performed using existing standard

L Low
controls and plans.
Project HS Risk Assessment

Major Work Activity Potential Hazards Risk Score Possible Controls
Risk Score
1. Unfit worker Personal injury H 1. Ensure age above 18yrs by checking govt. E
Under aged worker 2. ID proofs.

2. Unloading & 1. Material vehicle H 1. Ensure availability of all legal documents E

Stacking of Positioning. of the vehicle and driver before entering in to
Materials - 2.Material Unloading the site premises.
Manually 3.Material shifting to the 2.Ensure vehicle not mobilized or positioned
store/stacking location on unstable ground.
3. Ensure material shifting access free from
4. Use job specific PPE's like hard hat,
reflective vest, safety shoes, and gloves.
3. Housekeeping 1. Slip,trip and falls. H 1. Use job specific PPEs such as mask, hand H
2.Dust Hazard gloves, safety goggles etc..
3. Contact with sharp edges 2.Keep work areas and walkways clear

4. ACP Sheet 1. falling from height E 1. Include work at height in toolbox talk E
Removing & 2. slips & trips before beginning work on day one.
Fixing 2. Use job specific PPE's like hard hat,
reflective vest, Safety Belt, safety shoes, and
3. Prior to start the work inspect the work
area and remove the obstructions and trip
hazards if any.
4. Avoid using defective hand tools.
5. Installation & 1. falling from height 1. Include work at height in toolbox talk E
Dismantling of 2. slips & trips before beginning work on day one.
Scaffold 2. Use job specific PPE's like hard hat,
reflective vest, Safety Belt, safety shoes, and
3. Prior to start the work inspect the work
area and remove the obstructions and trip
hazards if any
4. Scaffold and Ladder should be as per
6. Using Power 1.Contact with electrical live E 1. Ensure authorized persons using the E
tools parts power tools to execute work.
2. Chances of contact with 2. Ensure the power tool is operated on an 30
hot surfaces. ma RCCB protected circuit and the power
3. Chances of unauthorized cables are routed through overhead.
person operating the 3. Don't leave the machine on unattended
machine. condition during temporary halt. unplug the
4. Injury due to contact with supply.
sharp edges/objects 4.Avoid using power tools outdoor during
Project HS Risk Assessment
Major Work Activity Potential Hazards Risk Score Possible Controls
Risk Score

This HS Risk Assessment takes into account only those potential hazards that exist at the time it was conducted. A revised Risk Assessment will be required if there is a significant change in working conditions, at critical
stages during construction, or when High Risk Construction Work is performed.

Signed: Date:

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