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Research Title:

The Importance of Learning Sex Education to

Curb Teenage Pregnancy for Highschool
Students in Goodwill Academy

Laniog, Pheony Vaileika C.
Arce, Antonio B.
Bueno, Louise Jillian B.
Nesperos, Kenobi Lance M.
Respecia, Justine G.

(March 2023)

Background of the study

Purpose of the study is to analyze the importance of learning sex education for highschool students in Goodwill
Academy. Teenage pregnancy is a health issue that has an effect on all of us. In this generation, sex education in
schools has never been an easy topic to discuss. It is probably one of the sensitive topics as far as the Philippines is
concerned. Sex education doesn't encourage teenagers to have sex. In fact the earliest attempt to address sex
education policy in the Philippines in 1972 was precisely under the Population Education Program (PEP), created
by the Department of Education Culture and Sports (DECS) Department Order No. 19. Recently, on Thursday,
Feb. 3, 2023. Leila Joudane told a House committee, that the United Nations' sexual and reproductive health
agency on Thursday urged comprehensive sexuality education for learners aged five to 19 in the Philippines as
soon as possible, to stem pregnancies among girls as young as 10. The lack of sex education in the Philippines is a
large issue. The Philippines is very overpopulated with many unwanted pregnancies. Without sex education, people
are not educated enough to make practical decisions. Many teenagers are engaging in prematital sex without
knowing its consequences and effects, in view of the fact that lack of understanding from the prevalent issue and
lack of guidance from parents or families. Studies have demonstrated that comprehensive sexuality education
programs reduce the rates of sexual activity, sexual risk behaviors (number of partners and unprotected
Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to describe and explore The Importance of Learning Sex Education to Curb
Teenage Pregnancy for Highschool Students in Goodwill Academy.
Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. Why do highschool students in Goodwill Academy need to have knowledge about learning
sex education to decrease teenage pregnancies?
2. What are the pros and cons of sex education to Goodwill Academy highschool students?
3. How sex education can change teenage sexual behavior?
4. How does sex education impacts highschool students in Goodwill Academy?

1. Students should know the risky behaviors concerning sexual activity.

2. Students will know that sex education should be treated seriously and not take it as a joke.
3. Teens need comprehensive sex education.
4. It aims to equip child, and young people with knowledge about sex education.
5. It is to help the students avoid unprotected sex.

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