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Science Skills

What is a skill?

A skill is _______________________________________________________________________________________

Match the correct word to the image.

• • measure

• • draw

• • read

• • record

Fill in the blanks below.

graph (5) size (4) data (4) information (11)

numbers (7) drawing (7) length (6) ruler (5)

1. Scientists measure. You measure to find the ________________ (4) of something by using
equipment. You can use a _____________ (5) to measure a line.

When you measure the ________________(6) of something, you measure it from one end to another end.

2. Scientists draw different things.

This is a scientific __________________ (7). This is called a __________________ (5).

3. Scientists need to read. They read to find ______________________ (11).

4. Scientists record what they find. This is called ______________ (4).

Data can be ________________________ (7), words, measurements, or descriptions.

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