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Isn’t it fun to talk with your friends and communicate about something you both love and know? Sharing
the same interest and exchanging ideas. These days we always tend to focus more on social media and
gadgets every gathering. I remember back then during face-to-face classes every time we would have
activities by group we would finish it late because we all have different worlds with our phones. Some
are playing mobile legends, some are taking selfies, some are watching youtube and a few are talking.
Can you realize it now that our generation are more focused on these types of entertainment than
engaging into communicating with others. Talking about funny things and remembering the
embarrassing stories during childhood and elementary years is even more fun.

Now that the pandemic came isn’t it more lonely and boring that we are facing our gadgets all day but
we have no one to talk to? That’s why we should always take the chance to communicate with all our
friends and family. We actually have a lot of ways to reconnect with them, through video calls, texting,
talking through phone and a lot more. Communicating with people is sometimes hard but it’s also a way
of reminding yourself that you are not alone and you can always reach out to someone.

Since we still have a lot of ways to talk to someone we love let’s always grab the chance and remember
that communicating is important not just for fun but also for our mental health and emotional support.

Let’s always treasure communication with everyone and try not to lose it. Every person needs someone
they can talk to. It may be hard to open up to someone but talking to someone you trust for even the
small details can also lessen the burden in your heart. This generation is prone to depression and anxiety
because of the standards and pressure we see in social media. We should also take a rest and stay away
from it for some time and surround ourselves with the people we love and connect with them.

Let’s embrace the beauty of communication and how it helps us grow, In the future, it can also help us
build our confidence. As much as possible let’s not be the breakers of communication but let’s be a
maker and initiate to practice ourselves and have great confidence.

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