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Soto 1

Adolfo Soto

Keaton Powers

English 1302

March 6, 2023

Gun Control/Violence

Gun violence has been a problem in our society for a very long time. It has taken many

lives from us due to all these laws that protect gun owners and gives them unnecessary rights. as

they’re all connected due to the fact that they have been victims of this violence, they all have

their different point of views on this situation. some of these could be a part of police brutality,

school shootings, gang violence, and many more scenarios that all have the same outcome. Many

people see these situations in a different way, whether they were accidents or were specifically

targeted in these actions. their positions stand very different when it comes to these matters. they

all want different outcomes to this gun control thing. Many people want to ban guns completely

from the country so the violence could be at its weakest, but there are other groups out there that

believe that the second amendment should not be removed, but modified in a way that gun

control could be at its strongest.

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